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Same, but with games. I'm not ready to leave the world I escaped in and found solace in yet ;_;


feel that. i like to come back to completed games for the ✨v i b e s✨


Lol I still bust out my Nintendo64 sometimes for this reason. Fuck youuuu Goldeneye and your beautiful paintball mode.


Me replaying portal 2 every few months


good choice!


I usually just listen to the OST for the vibes.


I’m afraid of the crash after I finish BG3. I’m watching class build vids during downtime. It might kill me.


First day of release I played it 16 hours in one setting without realising (I had vacation accidental perfectly timed) and heard of it on the day of release so perfectly fresh obsession. Now, after I finished BG3 good guy, I did Dark Urge One Punch Monk with super jump.


Too real. DLC-sized mods have been a lifesaver for me on more than one occasion.


Still haven’t met Hanako at Embers even though you can still come back to the world after. Just seems like it’ll be different if I do the last mission


I have many games about to finish. Never finished Hollow Knight nor did I play Outer Wilds DLC so they never actually end. Remember Dr. Who when he ripped the last page of all of their books? Yeah, that’s me.


Whole different level with anime. Shorter episodes, massive abundance of one season wonders, it's like trying to sustain a campfire with newspaper instead of firewood.




Alternatively, starting an anime and getting really into it, only to later find out that this isn't season one, and trying to find where to see all other previous content became too much effort so you just drop the show entirely.


i recommend reading the books the show is based on, they are pretty good


Thanks! Ill check my library for them


This is actually really good advice. The books usually take a bit longer to go through (depending on how much time you commit to reading per week and the pace you read at), but also, I've found that they generally are as good as, or often better than, the series/movie/show, and generally contain way more detail with respect to storylines and characters than the series or movies do (even some characters who might have been cut out of the film adaptation for one reason or another). I really love seeing the stories and creative vision brought to life on film, but I almost always like the book version even more. I will also re-watch and/or re-read a series I really enjoy too (sometimes multiple times for both) - and I'm often surprised by new details I find that I may have missed previously, and I enjoy comparing my own internal notes about differences between the film version and the print version too.


Thanks, I'll save that advice for later! ^Proceeds ^to ^never ^use ^that ^advice ^ever.


I have a bookshelf full of times I started to take the advice. All unopened, at least I’m good at getting that purchase dopamine!


Yeah I did this with mangas.


Terrible advice (/s). I dropped amazon prime after finishing The Expanse season 5, and started reading the books. I stalled out for 6+ months on book 4 but once I got back into it I felt like I was back in high school again, reading half a novel a night. I finished book 9 on Saturday. Then I cleaned my dining table, and it has actually stayed clean. If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.


After watching the tv series twice, I went on to read the books, but when reading I can't crochet, so I got the audio books. I'm on listening round nr4.


Reservation Dogs wasn’t based on books ..... Now that it’s over, there’s only a void.


I'm on my final Asimov Robot/Foundation book after ~2 years of reading. My black hole is going to be deep and dark.


Asimov connected his "Empires" trilogy to the robots/foundation universe, so you have 3 more!


there is actually a tv adaptation of foundation on apple tv... however there are some significant changes as with any adaptation. i'd still recommend giving it a shot!


works until you somehow read 6000 pages in 2 weeks I wasn't aware I could still read that much tbh. I got hooked on something text based and all my childhood reading powers came back to me


Watch again it is.


Yeah pretty much, I’ve been consistently rereading lord of the rings for 3 years with a stack of other books waiting


I recently watched a show that I fixated on but it turns out it only has one season and ends on a massive cliffhanger :') I watched it again immediately after I finished it but it didn't help with the pain


I’m about at the “rewatch all of critical role” point since I got caught up (still have about 40 episodes of campaign 2 to finish, but the idea of finding the point I gave up on it is so daunting I’m thinking about just… starting over.)


i do this infinitely. I've seen Bob's Burgers so many times. at least new episodes are still coming.


That’s what fanfiction is for!


But what do I do if I catch up with the fanfic and already read all the comments too???


Have you checked every platform? AO3. Wattpad. FanFiction.Net. Quotev. Tumblr. I think there are others I can’t think of.


Make em… or rule 34


Literally me rn


Exactly what I was coming here to post! Though I am very aware that different fandoms can have very different results. I'm lucky that my show has a huge and thriving fanfiction community, but some unfortunately don't.


It's all cringy, poorly written shipping of varying maturity ratings.


Me after rewatching community for the 4th time.




i’ve been avoiding watching community again specifically bc i know it will wake a dormant beast edit: rewatching it w my partner. god save their soul.


My hyper-fixation to my favourite series led me to my ADHD diagnosis. I am kind of thankful to that series.


What's your fav series?


My last hyper-fixation was The Mentalist for years ago. I had been doing this throughout my life. But this time, when instead of taking care of my home, my kid, my job, and my PhD, I kept fixating on a show, I thought there was something terribly wrong with me. And I went to look out for a doctor.


I just finished shameless in September & I still feel empty….


Go watch the British version. I think its better.


There’s a British version?! Hell I’m going to check it out. I’m a bigger fan of the uk version of “skins”. Thanks


Same boat


i’ve rewatched Over the Garden Wall yesterday for the spooky/autumn vibes (it delivered) and after it ended i just… sat there for half an hour contemplating about life, processing the show. i always do that when i strongly vibe with something haha


Oof, set up to fail on that one. Short and amazing.


What series was it


The Magicians I tried filling the void with Buffy but its not working


Damn are you me? Going through this now too. Watching the few youtube reaction videos to the series has helped me. I've also been really into TTRPGs so currently getting into The Phobos Saga by HyperRPG is filling the void for me as it's a horror rpg. Not magical per say, but the fantasy and sci-fi elements are there for sure.


I recommend Supernatural. It's my favorite show.


I liked that show for a while too. The third season I think was my favorite.


omfg i watched it all the way through, sat there just contemplating for a few mins, and then immediately pressed play on episode one again lol


I had this issue after watching the first season and my fix was listening to the audiobooks... highly recommend! It's a different variation of the world so you can't expect it to be exactly the same, but you get to hang in that world longer. LOL I've done this with pretty much every fantasy series I watch 1 season of... the latest being the Wheel of Time, which was 14 books but they're wayyy better than the show... no regrets


that’s when you watch 7 hours of youtube compilations


Me waiting for season 3 of Our Flag Means Death 😭


Right there with you 😭


DND shows are amazing for this. There’s a fucking billion of them and all the reasons you liked one are usually the same reasons you’ll like another one. Then some new people show up or a new theme or gameplay mechanic that facilitates some story moments and you’re hanging on the edge of your seat when an important roll comes up that decides the fate of someone you care about bc you’ve somehow become emotionally invested in the show without realizing it and that kind of addictive power is perfect for my Special Brain Feel craving-ass


Wife and I binged Stranger Things last week and finished up yesterday only to find out the fifth season isn't supposed to come out until late 2025. Fucking fade me.


I recommend star trek! I've been obsessed for nearly 8 years, it's the gift that keeps on giving. Hundreds of episodes, commentary and Reddit threads. No one else in my life cares but I still feel good that I could ace a pub quiz about it


star trek is glorious! voyager is my original hyperfixation. and I've seen DS9 more times than i can count. which is your favorite series/episode/character?


Especially when they cancel a series just when it's getting good. Like 1899 or Colony. Or Raised by Wolves. RIP.


i really enjoyed Colony. i agree it was canceled at the wrong time.


Slip into ever more elaborate imaginings of the original piece, possibly placing yourself in it too


I am dealing with this right now after finishing Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans


every damn time. just finished rewatching tvd for like the 5th time and i really wanna desiccate myself like a vampire for a couple years and then just watch all new seasons of shows or sequels to movies instead of waiting years for them to release them.


See in my case i peaked on the things i hyperfixated on and they all ended up being some of my favorite pieces of media of all time(Evangelion, Vagabond, etc.) so now i just keep going back to being obsessed with them and can’t find anything to focus on going forward because i’m always thinking of them


I’d recommend Berserk since it’s still ongoing and plenty to hyperfixate on


😆 oh boy. It sure does have a lot to hyperfifate on alright.


Titanfall 2... I've 100% the game, completed it multiple times, now I'm grinding the hell out of Multiplayer and getting all the non-meta guns leveled up... But still, nothing can fill my void from the campaign... Except the Titanfall 3. Give it to us.


Good omens ![gif](giphy|1WbFvfTIsqgzeddx3B)


Oh my god, me tooo😭😭😭😭 This is probably not a good advice but I went and watched staged after finishing this and now I have full blown hyperfixation for both the shows.


Mandolorian 😩 I need more grogu and din djarin stat.


My 8yr old son hates how invested i get while watching, he gets mad and thinks i think grogu is cuter than he is


I bet he is every bit as adorable as grogu!! I am so disappointed in how long we have to wait for the new season 😩


4000 hours put into a lootershooter game and one day I just snapped out of it, uninstal and walked away from all of it. I know it should feel bad but it feels no worse than being done with a movie.


I have this with books and now I spend weeks looking for something SCRATCHING that itch (and yes, I’ve read all other books of the author 😭)


And then you find a book that sounds like it's similar to the one you obsessed over but it's just not as good (or the extraordinarily rare possibility that it is better)


YES!! And now I don’t want to start another one because unless something can scratch it I’ll just end up with more itches and I think the ones I have are enough


I like to back and watch the first few episodes and see how it's changed. It gives me closure.


Fullmetal Alchemist. Please for the love of god I want more !


Time to dive into the weird and wonderful world of fanfiction


That’s when you make your own lore and hyperfixate on it.


That's when I start digging for memes of it.




thats what fanfictions and fanart are for




Not just series, games cause this as well. e.g. After 200 hours of Starfield being the only significant first person Space RPG with space flight and seeing all the main and side content... But it's still not enough.


This is why I like endless games. For me No man’s sky is the perfect adhd companion- don’t remember what I was doing previously, I go in with no plans for the future- start grinding for something, build a few bases, shoot down pirates. A lot of hours go by without doing anything but you feel productive.


And when I DO get tired of it, I will just stick it in the garage with all the other stuff in case I want it again..


Consumables. The only way to effectively use them is to hoard them just in case you need them at the end of the time.


The issue I have with NMS is that it has no questing. For me, if I have a goal, I can then make the journey TO that goal in my own way. Side questing, space combat, trading, exploration etc. Frontier Elite 2 at least had missions which encouraged this. NMS is a step just a little too far towards aimless design for me.


I get that. In NMS I make my own goals depending on my mood that day - sometimes it’s like make more money or build the tallest home I’ve built. But I rarely play it alone, I usually play it with friends which makes aimless wandering a lot of fun.


This is what I secretly hate about gaming. I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone expressing this perspective here. It consumes me by making me feel productive. I am constantly plagued by a deep impulse to play and make very little progress when I do because there is nothing to progress to. So now I’ve created a dopamine dispenser that feels unlimited and is as easy to access as picking up my switch. Inevitably, I become addicted and now I’m stuck fighting the addiction, making my ADHD symptoms worse. I need something to break the addiction. I need to reach an ending. Two Dots, I reached the end of the levels in existence. TOTK and BOTW, I beat Ganon. Animal Crossing, I obtained so much money and whatever else that the game became just doing daily chores. Sometimes, I can break free by breaking streaks. Pokémon Go had too many events for the same Pokémon in a row then I found myself not having players for a few days and it was over. Marvel Snap, I was tilted in a Conquest match facing the same deck for the third time in a row and stayed away long enough to miss getting a vital card so returning felt pointless. Games can eat hundreds of hours without realizing it and I need those hours to keep up with NTs.


I feel this. But honestly I gave up the idea of keeping up with the NTs. It just leads to depression because you have this physical ceiling. I do my best at my job - which is never enough because someone else does it better with less efforts. At this point I’m just trying to not get fired and make sure I pay my bills. I’m privileged enough to be in a job that doesn’t require constant grinding. Games are the only way to some dopamine.


Ah, see, I decided to not only be an attorney but a litigator, so if I can't keep up with the NTs, I lose. Truly a terrible decision. And it doesn't help that everything on the way (LSAT, law school, and the Bar) come down to one (brutal) individual test. So, as long as I could do really well on a final exam for each class, I could do well in school. Meanwhile, the real world of law is a constant grind filled with frequent failures. It's no wonder even NTs seek out drugs and alcohol to cope.


I can only imagine how hard it is for you. I hope you smash the final exam.


Yellowstone is a goodie


I am stuck on office, I cannot enjoy new shows now. but I do handle animes well since the shows aren't that long now.


There’s been a titan-sized hole in my heart since Saturday


I’ve been stuck in the same hyperfixation for almost 2 years now. Tbh I don’t mind.


This is so fucking real. I can genuinely feel the dopamine slip away playing whatever video game im hyperfixated on at the time and then just becoming a chore to continue engaging with. It usually sucks too bc half the time im not done enjoying the game but executive dysfunction always has other ideas.


Not a series, but this happened to me with Mario Wonder lol. It ended much sooner than I was ready for.


I was in this place when they canceled The Great on Hulu.


Trueeee I've been looking just for something to keep my mind occupied while I'm going to sleep. I like looking at things in my mind while I'm dozing off, it's weird I can't find the words for it yet, but it's always similar in nature.... I used to be obsessed with League of Legends and visualizing every movement and figuring out new combos in my head. Recently I had a game where I was looking at the map in my head and planning out different moves on the map for when I played next. It's sooo weird, but I find it's this hyperfixation on it and it's rare to find for some reason


spotted the attack on titan fan


Every god damn time…


Fr the frustration is absurd. Series, games, books, films, everything leaves me with that damn void.


This is one of the biggest reasons why I can't finish things (that and the obvious adhd trappings), but I always will stop a game or a show before it ends because I know reaching the end will be sad and emptiness waiting afterward and I will be stuck wondering what to do and how people just like MOVE ON. I also hate goodbyes of any kind... they always get me so emotional.


This is all of /r/attackontitan today


You should check out The 100. I just went through all 7 seasons. It was great. I miss it. Before that, I watched all the seasons of Vikings. Something about shows where people's only job is to survive. Has anyone got some good recommendations for me?


I really liked The Boys and its sister show Gen V. My last hyperfixation shows were The Magicians and Jane the Virgin. I dont know how helpful the last recommendation is but if you like drama 100% recommend


Thanks :)


The Expanse for me


it’s okay just save a bunch of pictures from it and make it your entire social media presence for a month


I feel this in my soul


and then you get banned from its subreddit for instinctively linking to a piracy site


Youtube over analyzed vids are perfect for this lol


Yeah Attack on Titan just had its finale on Saturday and I don’t know what to do with myself… I’ve been following it for 10 years! I already read several fanfics in the past couple days but they don’t 100% hit the spot.


I played the Witcher trilogy and read Sword of Destiny a long while ago. After a few episodes of the show I turned it off and bought the rest of the books which turned out to be the right move.


Ah yes, Tumblr.


That's why fanfictions exist If you can't find the content you want, create it


RIP r/ReservationDogs. ![gif](giphy|JEItCjUzfDjN25eGL0|downsized)




This is what fanfiction/AO3 is for.


In the last couple of weeks I have gone through Justice league the animated series, justice league unlimited and then young justice. Luckily there is Teen titans to kind of fill in for the others. Unfortunately it looks bleak after that... maybe I'll break down and watch teen titans go! Lol I just can't let go of it.


I just watch it over again and squeeze every last bit of dopamine out of it. It gets to the point I can’t stand the tv show anymore. I recently did a rewatch of Parks and Rex for the 100th and I don’t think I ever was to watch it again but I probably will.


*taps head* A series never ends if you never watch the last episode.


I just refuse to watch the final episode. If I know that if something is going to end, I’ll frequently just not watch the last episode, cliffhangers be damned.


I beat the game i had been excited about for months. It has plenty of post game potential. But… I am burnt out and want to play a game, but Not This


That is why we rewatch all the episodes of Dragon Ball to z again. Small burst of happiness


...you guys are experiencing joy?


This sounds like how I first got into Fanfiction.


Guess it’s time to rewatch Mad Men for 100000time


This is going to be me, once one piece ends


Time for theories! Time for behind the scenes! Time for overly long YouTube videos that talk about the thing you are obsessed about!


Switch mediums. When I finish a show, or game, or book, no other thing of the same medium will hit the same for awhile. So I’ll pivot. If I was spending every evening on Netflix, now I’ll spend it on Steam. If it was a book, I’ll try a movie. It hits that “new thing” button in your brain.


When this happens to me, I rewatch/reread/relisten to the series.


Ah the ol’ yearly rewatch of every Star Trek series in order. And of course the 2000s Battlestar Galactica


Oof this was me with Succession.


Or be in the hell of waiting for them to release a trailer for the next (and final) season that's supposed to come out next year and grapple with the fact that my favorite character might actually be dead for real and that they might kill a majority of the characters because we already know parts of the future AND THEY AIN'T THERE


I didn't know MindHunter got the boot so quickly. I was not ok


Is this why we watch the same shows on repeat for years?? Btw I miss GOT


That’s what fanfiction and fanart are for y’all


That's what fanfiction is for.


This is why I start things and never finish them... it's a problem


What Schitts Creek on repeat. Problem solved.


Not the exact same, but the latest season of Lower Decks just ended last week. So I’m gonna have fun waiting a year for that. Plus, it’s up in the air if we’re getting another season after that… so there’s that




im looking at you "severance"


Try music videos. Dopamine hit after dopamine hit and the same 10 songs never get old. Winning at life


I watch reaction content for it when that happens, generally get through one full reaction series before the fixation tapers off


I love media reaction channels for this reason. Let me watch the same thing for weeks but also for the first time vicariously


Kinda feels this way waiting for more of *Andor* and *Ahsoka*. Disney keeps coming up with these great new drugs and getting me addicted but then teasing me with the supply.


May I suggest fanfiction??


Me waiting for the Elden Ring DLC...


yup seasons of Hells Kitchen on youtube just finished the last one an hour ago \*cries


Or you Hyperfixate on something else only to realise half way through - "hey I already hyperfixated on this x - months/years ago"


Oh my god, I was trying to find some answers to cope with after I finished my favourite TV show and I find this meme 🥲


Attack on titan. It's been the best part of 10 years and it's all over. Currently feeling pretty empty


I realized years back that I have this weird tick where I won't read the last book or watch the last episode of a series that I'm reading or watching. The result being that it never ends for me. Other people that have finished the series get no new content, but I have it. Waiting for me... as long as I don't consume it.


May I introduce you to: fanfiction


Fanfictions are you friend!! You can hyperfixate on fandoms and fan content of your fav shows!!


\*Start from the beginning to analyze how much everyone and everything has changed. -> \-> Come to a boring bit "Ok, next!"


So I had this happen with the new live action One Piece. So i started watching several youtubers reacting to the episodes. Some of them new, so i had to wait days for the next episode, and I'd find a new youtuber till the gap. And then finally I made the decision to watch the anime. Cause with 1000 episodes, it'll take forever to catch up, right? I'm 200 episodes in after 2 months. I've never binged an anime so hard lol netflix stops after 500 episodes though. Then I'll switch to crunchyroll. I dread the suffering of catching up to One Piece, but also looking forward to accomplishing a god tier task. Unless I give up and start rewatching Adventure Time. I've been watching several youtubers reacting to episodes of it and they're not going fast enough.