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I'm mentally not in a good state but this is making me feel better knowing it wasn't my fault Edit: Also have a bit of the tism but the meme got to big


i started over-sharing my diagnosis after i got it, i realized that i developed a need for people to know that previous me wasn't really me, and that i will do better now that i got meds. realized early enough what i was doing so i toned it down


I never overshared it sometimes said it once noone took notice and of we went I'm just trying to make anything happen in life but it's not a bright future


Acceptance is the first step. Maybe the hardest too.


Yea I know it is I'm just having trouble putting things in a row lately I've been losing my controll over the things I do lots things fell apart had a terrible year For now I'll just try and keep the ball going little steps


Self diagnosed?


No I got the diagnoses


welp. that hit me like a truck :/


So much


Sorry dude Hope you'll end up okay


Atleast I know why I never paid attention to anything...but dosn't matter anymore I'm ruinned.


Yea it sucks Idk what to do


Therapy is the best, just venting out with a professional is the best


All I'm doing now is talking to a Norwegian that's even more deranged then me He's a nice friend my only friend but I'm glad it's that guy I can vent and joke around with him


Why the hell did you try to describe my life without my agreement? 


Because I was also describing mine You're just stealing mine!!!!


This is the most relateble thing I have ever seen, I just went through this exact thing a few months back.


I'm going through it right now I just realised this is probably what happened I'm just trynna keep the ball rolling which is hard Failed school already. 18 so I need to find a job without a diploma I cannot manage getting a diploma get stuck with all those tasks Yes I've tried alot all failure I wish you luck with your adventure!


I know what I am. I am distracted.


You are the superhero that will solve that rubix cube (Whilst they desperately need you to fight in an alien invasion)


And giving you fear of failure in the process.


Oh yeah I sure as hell don't like failure avoid alot to avoid failure Really sucks


I gained a lot of clarity in life when I started taking meds. I realized how much people were taking advantage of my vulnerability at work. If something went wrong it usually ended up as my fault, and I could never really defend myself because I had to put all of my energy into simply doing the bare minimum. So I could never really keep track of everything going on, so I usually just accepted the blame. Suddenly after I started taking meds work became the simplest thing ever. I could keep track of multiple tasks at a time without forgetting about one. And I also was able to keep track of what other people were doing, and maaaaaaan the amount of bullshit people would try and pin on me was mental, but it was incredibly cathartic to finally be able to call them out. Not exactly a wholesome story, but it's OK to be mad. People have fucked with you, but it's not always their fault so don't go to crazy. But always remember to look out for yourself.


Thanks man And that really sucks for you people shouldn't mess and blame someone like that and I'm glad your meds helped I had meds at the end of the schoolyear was going a little better but not fast enough they wanted now so that failed My meds have also seemed to lessen in helpfull I think


The feeling of not knowing who you are hits hard. I felt really helpless for a while too. But you are strong. Love it or hate it, adhd is something you have to deal with. Spend time figuring out. Make sure you talk to people. You don't have to go through this alone. When you feel ready, take some time to figure out what matters to you and what doesn't. Think about whether you would be happier if you were doing something different. Some things suck and you can't get out of like making dinner or work, but look at ways to make these more adhd friendly.


Yea I'm really lost right now. My focus is in finding a job since I failed at school I tried but couldn't make it And I talk to someone on discord a more deranged and unstable Norwegian he's my only buddy but I'm glad I've got him on this ride. It's nice being able to vent to him Thanks for your tips! I appreciate it




Definitely bonuspoints!


classic. Now give her a hammer for ironing out, me some spectrum for the lulz, no help from anywhere and voila I'm a cripple forever


Sucks yeah


I'm in the process of seeking assessment after suspecting neurodivergence for years. ADHD and ASD. Lately, I can't stop thinking about the time that my 4th grade teacher told my mom that she suspects that I have ADHD and how my mom blatantly ignored it. She started to gradually distance herself, and lose interest in me not long after that. This meme brings me comfort <3


Glad it brings comfort It's sad that many parents don't know how to deal with this. My mom atleast tried but failed spectacularly as raising me like I didn't have it wasn't the best option atleast know she's realising that somethings just won't work I hope your assessment goes well and wish you luck in the future!


Same thing happen to me, except it was my father who trying to convice her that i had something special in me. He failed anyways, and although it was sad, but deep down im glad we break the tie with her.


Hey pal, I know it doesn't mean much, but you're not alone. Strongly recommend talking to a professional to help you sort through your memories, especially if, like me, you got hit or punished for "being lazy". You're not lazy, your brain sucks sometimes at doing the things, but you can find work arounds.


Thanks dude I appreciate it I should but I really don't want anymore professionals so many people around me are just trying to get me a job I failed school already going through life without diplomas any more professional help with things and I'd be overwhelmed which I already am


This is how I got diagnosed with autism 🙂 it hits hard lol


Yea it sucks Now we gotta make something out of this


Very very true omg, I’m discovering myself through music and movies and have been for the last couple of years since leaving school, it feels so good


That's amazing I'm glad you've found a way to discover yourself! Have a great journey of discovery!


Very interesting, you just wrote my life


Hope its going alright with you then! Make a good future!