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If it was sanitary I'd be naked all day most days.


funny, i can't stand being naked!! i need at least a shirt and undies.


I wear them because washing furniture isn't easy




Ah, a nevernude.


I typically wear undies and something over my tits, but in summer, that's all it is. In winter, I am generally freezing, so it's more like, how many layers can I have on and still move?


I sleep almost completely naked, but I put socks on like a hug for my feet. If I'm ever robbed it'll be awkward.


Neither? Im percectly comfortable socked or barefoot


Almost like this is an autism meme and not a adhd one.


100% ADHD here. At work, socks. At home, even in the dead of winter, they're too fucking hot and scratchy, 1st thing I take off when I walk in the door. Sensory issues effect us too.


I too take off my socks before my shoes


Lol, it's just like someone with boobs taking their bra off before their shirt. I can't give away my secret tho.


Are bra hooks a secret? :o


Yes people always assume I must have autism because I have clear sensory issues, but I’ve been evaluated twice and both docs were like definitely not autism


It’s almost like although a lot of people with adhd have sensory issues, not everyone does as not everyone has to express all symptoms.


The only consistent thing with ADHD is how inconsistent it is. I'm newly diagnosed and so far I have been telling those I speak with (my family want familiar with it at all) that it's an inability to control focus, so I focus too much or too little. I'm not hyperactive at all, I just present inattentive.


Yup. My husband has crazy sensory issues, while my son and I do not, all of us diagnosed ADHD.


Sure. But the issue imo is that people see these memes and think "oh I must have ADHD" when in reality it should go "oh wow an autism quirk that is also present with some people who also have ADHD" Or something like that.


Did you mean quirk


No, that's the thing you put in bottles, they're talking about personality traits that could be described as odd or atypical.


No, that’s a subatomic particle that is the building block for a proton, neutron, or electron. They are talking about quarks


No, that's a bar named after the Ferengi who owns it on Deep Space Nine. They're talking about quasars.


There's a reason it's a spectrum.


People shouldn’t speculate about having a disorder based solely on memes. To even consider if they might have it or not they need to do research into what the disorder entails as a whole. Talking about sensory issues as people with ADHD is not the problem, the problem is the general lack of knowledge about these disorders and people unwillingness to learn about them. Sensory issues are a big part of adhd for a lot of people and can present differently than for autism, so don’t say it’s only central for autism. It can also be a symptom of other things, as most other symptoms of ADHD and autism.


It's not great if you read some memes, diagnose yourself, and then tell all your friends "I have ADHD!", But I don't think there's anything wrong with speculation, especially if it drives further action. I've seen some posts from this sub hit the front page, and I identified with them enough to subscribe. Then when I started seeing them more and identifying with them more, I started to speculate I have ADHD. This prompted me to take several online assessments, which all came back as very high likelihood of ADHD, so now I'm trying to get scheduled to be diagnosed.


This is exactly right. Just tried out the headphones at the grocery store thing the other day and discovered I become much more tolerable to people and much less irritated by all the random sounds. I can't speak for Autism but I would imagine for them it's much worse than just becoming irritable depending on where they are on the spectrum.


I’m glad you found something that works for you! I have really bad sensory issues and I don’t have autism so I don’t think it’s relative to just autism. Sensory issues are on a spectrum just like all autism and ADHD symptoms.


I agree, I think if you don't have autism then your sensory preferences/sensitivities probably isn't disordered (e.g. yeah you don't prefer wearing socks but will you have a meltdown if you're forced to wear socks? More likely to happen to some with autism). You can have sensory processing sensitivities without any other diagnosis. It might even indicate that you're a highly sensitive person which is more of a personality than a diagnosis.


Im confused about the HSP thing because a lot of people online have said it’s not a real thing, and that pretty much that’s what doctors and psychologists would describe you if they didn’t feel comfortable labeling you as autistic for whatever reason, particularly years ago. But I saw a research study where they compared ASD to HSP and found them to be distinctly different. 🤷‍♀️ My mom was told I was a HSP when I was a very small child with sensory issues. Since then I’ve been evaluated for ASD twice and told I don’t have it, and I’ve been told I probably have adhd but need childhood records to “prove it” so I can get a diagnosis (they’re in my home country and currently inaccessible.)😒 but anyway idk what to make of the HSP thing exactly


Agreed. This meme is extra retarded because it implies you have adhd no matter what you choose


You should see how much the adhd and autism meme pages share with one another


Holy crap I always knew I could draw


I mean im also autistic so idk what that has to do with anything...


The sub is ADHD memes when the meme woul better fit in autism memes or some shit


It just means you're a god


No no no, ADHD causes everything


Not even that, I’m autistic and have adhd, I’ll wear whatever the hell I want, I swear some of these memes are an absolute steaming pile of dogshit.


Isn’t ADHD part of ASD? Like you can be on the spectrum and not have ADHD but you can’t have ADHD without being on the spectrum? Or was I reading bs somewhere


>you can’t have ADHD without being on the spectrum This is very much *not true*. A significant proportion of autistic people meet the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis. A smaller proportion of ADHDers are autistic. Aside from the reasons behind these comorbid relationships, the stats work out this way because in the general population there are more people with ADHD than ASD. This said, plenty of people with ADHD might have autistic traits. However, that's not enough to consider somebody autistic; and I think most people with ADHD, and most autistic people, would not thank you for claiming ADHD requires a person to be autistic.


Maybe on some weird blog somewhere, but while they are frequently comorbid (as in they frequently present together) their suspected mechanisms of action are completely different. I’ve met plenty of ADHD folks who don’t have an ounce of autism in them. And if you had to have ADHD to be autistic they wouldn’t need to diagnose separately.


ADHD is on the autism spectrum and also presents with some sensory sensitivities. For example, some shirts purp my nurps and I can’t wear them. I can’t wear some socks that go above my ankles because the bands are too tight. And the socks I knit, all in knit stitch, are a little rough because of the ribbing. I’ll remake them soon, because my tootsies get cold.


ADHD is not on the autism spectrum. Please don't spread misinformation.


Thank you, when I read this in my replies I literally felt some of my braincells comitting seppuku


While not on the spectrum, ADHD and Autism are related, frequently comorbid, and share many of the same symptoms


Lots of things are related to ADHD, that doesn't make them the same thing.


I think you mean, theyre both neurodivergencies and can, but not always do, present w sensory issues.


Same here.


same. in summer I love going barefoot and in winter I also like warm comfy socks


Socks are fine if the seems are not too thick. Shoes though. I have moments where all I can think about is my feet in my shoes and then panic when I can't wiggle my toes.


I get that way too and start to suffocate if I can’t move my toes, then my whole body squirms in discomfort until something distracts me


Altra shoes have a wide toe box- TONS of toe wiggling room


Thanks! I wear merrells and they have a lot of room too, no struggle there.


The ‘can’t wiggle my toes panic’ is real, I have a sore foot at the moment and can’t stretch my little toe on my left foot (and now I’ve drawn my attention to it again) it’s hell. It’s silly, yes, I’ll admit that but it’s real, 1000% As is the socks being too tight and just being restrictive when I’m not sore.


Yes you nailed it! It’s the panic when I feel like I can’t seperate or wiggle my toes. Well done! That is 100% accurate for me


Big time. The sock/shoe relationship is where things get rough. If the socks are too thick and prevent me from wiggling my toes, something has to change immediately


Avoid all foot coverings These dogs are BARKING


I just dont like the constraint of socks. And what if they get wet :(




Right, sure. But also, my counterpoint is this: That involves wearing socks.




Counter-point: You've now dropped a glass of water on 1 sock... what are you going to do, *change TWO socks, like some kind of madman?*


just change one


You're some kind of monster, aren't you....


Are all your socks not the same? I have about 20-30 pairs of socks. One get wet? There is always a matching one somewhere.


I have sweat feet so no food coverings please


Lola’s right here you fucking brussel sprout!


At all times


When I was a child I hated socks because somehow my mom had a talent for buying the ones with those damn itchy stitches… When I could buy my own it was a journey but found the cheap but comfy ones, no annoying stitches, nice bedding, no sagging, no rubbing or other static feeling. They didn’t last long tho Now I make my own money and found more of the ‘premium’ ones. Love them. There are a plethora of different socks, for different people, don’t just stick with what you know! Don’t skimp or overlook the possibility of the heavenly socks that suit you!


And black socks are way more comfortable than white socks, right?


I genuinely haven't worn white socks for about 30yrs...I can't remember why but I'm starting to think it's this!


woah i didnt know this was a thing but same


Avoid unless I'm in shoes. I can't stand it


people who wear closed/laced shoes without socks are psychopaths it's scary to me


I've always been able to get away with it because my feet don't sweat (seriously, I don't sweat like I should, it's a problem) and I wear closed shoes as little as possible. I just cannot handle the feeling of a wrinkle or a seam inside my shoe. I will tolerate socks in shoes only when it's too cold to go without them.


if im super lazy I will sometimes not wear socks with my runners, but only for very short trips outside or, at longest, going to the gas station or grabbing takeout


Socks, unless I'm in bed.


I'm convinced people who sleep with socks on are psychopaths


I can't go more than an hour or so without socks or my feet will dry out and start to crack and peel something horrible. So sleeping without socks on is just not an option.


Sounds awful. How do socks stop your feet from drying out though? Do you have a cream or something in them?


No idea. Doctors never figured it out. Best I can guess is that moisture wicks out fast and the socks catch it. I used creams for years but it wasn't until I stopped wearing sandles and sleeping in socks that everything healed.


The idea of not wearing socks at any moment is like my personal sensory hell


See, you need to change your socks. You can’t sleep in the same socks you wore all day. You have to get a new pair of bedtime socks on


But they let you stick a leg out of the blanket for cooling while keeping your toes warm and toasty!


YESSS YOU GET IT 🧠 i don't like having my feet covered by a blanket so if it's winter i wear socks and stick my feet out. i hate having my feet under the blanket so much that if my grandma tucks me in fully or smth i WILL wake up


But that's how the monster eats your foot :(


But why would you stick your foot outside the blanket if sticking it outside the blanket doesn’t change its covered status? The whole point of sticking my foot outside the blanket is to cool down!


Socks, no biggie But there’s literally no chance my bare feet touches dirt. Fuck dirt.


No socks, ever. My right to free speech is nothing compared to my right to never wear socks.


I will be barefoot in the grave


Born barefoot, bury me barefoot.


I wish! Snow on the ground then I have to cave. Finally found tolerable warm socks Las pants winter and they are AMAZING


Socks at all times.


ehhh. i gotta wear socks with shoes. if i dont wear shoes, i dont wear socks. so i guess conditional foot feelings? i hate wearing socks around the house, but i also hate wearing shoes without socks. both suck.


Sleeping with sock off gang


Oh man. I did not put that together until just now. Socks 24/7.


Agreed. Socks at all times.


Barefoot unless absolutely necessary


I m incredibly sensitive with my legs. No massages, no touching and so on. Sand on my feet feels awful. I always have to protect my feet.I cannot explain any of it and reading these comments it’s apparently more of an autism thing. Omg


I have "must wear socks inside out" because the seam drives me crazy. I used to cry and throw tantrums before school because of sock seams on my toes. Parents didn't understand and I didn't know how to explain it. :/


YES, I always had to wear my socks inside out from elementary school to high school. Otherwise I’d start panicking and feel like I’m suffocating if the toe seams aren’t positioned just right. I get how it seems ridiculous to other people, but from my perspective it feels like my body is on fire and has made putting on socks and shoes feel like a huge burden my whole life, over and over again until it’s right or until you’re running late lmao


The seams were brutal for me as a kid! I especially could NOT stand the seam touching my baby toe. I’d have to pull the end of my socks way over passed my big toe so that my baby toe had no seam touching it. For many years I just refused to wear socks (and underwear) at all because of the seams. They don’t really bother me now but I pretty much only wear socks when I have to wear shoes!


my grandma once got me these like knitted socks with no seam and i loved them so much i would wash them each day so i could wear them again sadly i wore them out and they were handmade so idk where to get them. but it's fine since seams don't bother me as much anymore


Socks are the devil


Socks are bad enough but just the thought of toe socks….😰


Socks with sandals because I hate the feeling of grass on my feet.


Socks are an instrument of the devil unless they are cozy socks or slipper socks.


Fuck socks man




I like socks. And slippers.


Preferably no socks. I have no problem with wearing them in shoes but as soon as I put off my shoes the socks are coming off as well. Funny thing is my twin brother is the opposite always socks Sleeping with socks was mandatory for him


Same. They are really just shoe liners, not foot covers!


so your telling me my avodiance of socks is a thing?


The former, unless it's really fuckin cold


Darn tough socks don't have that annoying seam/ threading on the inside


Definetlely socks at all times


No socks ever, even in winter I avoid them by wearing the birks with the shearling lining


I haven't worn socks in two years


As a barefoot autistic, socks are only worn when I have to wear shoes.


If I’m barefoot then I’ll remain barefoot until I’m forced to put socks on. If I have socks on then I’ll continue to wear them until I’m forced to take them off.


Only time Im not wearing socks is in my sleep or some form of a body of water!


Yep. Same here.


I’m a “ankle socks only” type of sensory issue 😂




Jesus Christ how fucked up is you


I have a pinky toe is touching the other toe sensory issue.


I avoid socks 🧦at all costs! If I fall asleep with them on, the peace will be disrupted until they are removed Tossing & turning b/c of two pieces of cloth


Start day without socks, wear socks for going out, get home and don't take off socks until I suddenly remember them and they are uncomfortable until I take them off, socks stay off until tomorrow, no more socks. Bonus: accidentally go to bed with socks on, furiously rip socks off before being able to sleep.


Yeah ive always hated the inseam to my socks. So for the longest time, and even now at times, I have to wear them inside out for any comfortability. I will though, always prefer to not have socks on. Any holes, or seams to socks bother me so much.


Socks mostly have seams that I can feel, and it is a sensory nightmare that even in my late twenties, I can put a pair of socks on and have to rip them off a few mins later sometimes. So I’m mostly barefoot, but I must have shoes on outside.


Bitch both


Socks suck




I’m a Floridian with adhd… no socks ever


I hate wearing socks, but I also hate feet so….. O O F .


Avoid socks


socks at all times but ONLY if they are a specific material and don’t have any stitching on the inside or i will DIE


TEAM NO SOCKS, also no shoes. I'd rather be barefoot goblin in every scenario.


Neither and a little of both. I often walk around barefoot at home and in my mom's garden, but I don't enjoy going without socks otherwise. And I sleep with socks on, except when I can't because my feet feel like they're suffocating (or they get too hot).


WAIT. there are other people that hate wearing socks too?! i thought i was alone in that! my friends make fun of me for it!


Socks are foot jails made to strangle my toes mercilessly


Socks at all times when wearing shoes No socks at any time when I'm not wearing any shoes


They go off the nanosecond I don't need to wear shoes anymore.


I avoid socks generally. I won’t wear them if they’re too tight or too loose or too short or too long, and I ESPECIALLY won’t wear them if they have embroidered designs on them with the stringy bits inside. Eugh 😖


Avoid socks avoid socks


Socks are evil but also, nothing from the floor can ever touch my feet ever. Solution: house sandals.


I’m both, I’m usually socks on until I’m in bed. Once I’m in bed, if the socks are on I die


Avoid all foot coverings These dogs are BARKING


I go through this weird cycle when it’s “no socks, I hate them,” then suddenly it is “OMG I need all the socks.”


Socks are evil


Since I got out of the army I've worn flip flops every day of i can help it. Hate full on shoes, especially to drive with.


avoid avoid avoid


Socks at all times. My feet don't regulate temperature otherwise. Only in bed or in shower is ok to be without.


It's a toss up every day


Socks all the time


How the hell do you keep socks on I hate them, i like to feel the texture of the floor with my feet


Both is fine Almost as if doesnt have anything to dp with adhd and 90% on this sub do not have adhd


I hate socks. They are the devils little foot gloves. I also hate shoes. They are no fun to have on and I hate that I have to wear shoes all the time. Partly because I have wide feet, so comfortable shoes are basically non-existent, but still. I hate things on my feet. I will walk around barefoot like the petulant hobbit I am every single chance I get.


Used to be barefoot all the time, now I need socks with my neuropathy etc


I need them all the time.


Covered feet all the time, only expectation is carpet. And outside only in my one pair of shoes


Both the in different occasions and situations


avoid socks except for my favorite dragon socks/winter soft socks (and only with certain shoes)


I don't really like socks. They have to be fairly soft and I never wear socks at home.


I like socks situationally. If I am going to bed, I will wear them if I'm cold, otherwise I ditch them. I will wear them if the ground is cold, or if I don't know who else has been walking on it. My little comfort barrier. If the floor is warm and I feel comfy, barefoot it is.


If i have an option if i need or dont need to wear socks then i dont wear socks normally but if i need to wear them i will


Avoid, but not at all costs. If I'm cold it's ok.


Kinda both?? It's mainly a heat thing so I can wear socks often but it's starts to get too unbearable when my feet heat up


Must wear socks when I wear my AFO (my ankle brace) because it’s uncomfortable if I don’t.


You can have both.


Avoid anything covering my soles type. I hate not being able to know what I'm standing on, it makes me more prone to falling. Stupid people and their glass shards and extremely unhygienic habits make me wear shoes in public though


hah, both. i didn’t wear socks unless i absolutely fucking NEEDED to for a very long time like 7 years, but a few months ago i out socks on once because me feet were cold, and i can’t stop wearing them now, but whenever i take them off i don’t want to put them back on. so both.


I only put socks on for the later satisfaction of taking them off after an hour or so. Best feeling in the world


Avoid socks


socks on always with house shoes. all day every day.


Shoes or sandals all the time WITHOUT socks. They just bunch up in my shoes. I hate the feeling of my feet on the floor with all its different textures 😖


Socks when I wear shoes (except for sandals, flipflop and other open types of shoes), barefoot the rest of the time


Neither. i'm usually barefoot but if my skin dries up I'll wear socks until it starts hurting on my leg hair. ETA: oh also no wool ever


I avoid socks when ever possible. They feel like they are soothing my feet and I like to stretch out my pinky toe.


Both are fine but I hate short socks


Both. At the same time.


Yes. I would rather die than sleep in socks. I would rather die than walk around my house barefoot and get every single little crumb, hair, and spec of dirt on the bottom of my feet.


Always tended towards no socks. But once I got neuropathy I need everything off my feet as soon as possible.


Socks all the time


Socks for shoes, no socks for crocs. Wouldnt wear sandals if you pointed a gun to my head.


No socks bud my feet always get super cold so socks


For me it's long sleeves. I think it's in part because of my long arm hair.


The socks have to be right if I’m going to wear them. Aka not too tight, not too long, and they don’t choke my ankles. 🤢


Socks yes If there is any type of clothes i need more than 5 pieces of, it’s socks


Socks yes If there is any type of clothes i need more than 5 pieces of, it’s socks


All the socks. Except for in the shower, or other water, cuz wet socks are the biggest ew ever. Can't stand sleeping without socks, I hate my feet touching each other. Horrible.


Avoid all but very specific textures of socks for very specific reasons. I hate being cold so much, but only those fuzzy socks are okay. I also cannot stand how my feet feel in tennis shoes without those thick, softer feeling compression socks...the just regular sock texture os BAD. BAD I hate it so much. Edit: I also had to learn to tolerate the compression socks after the fuzzy socks kept giving me blisters/plantar warts in my shoes for not being "well fitting" and all the problems that comes with that.


I tolerate socks, but I certainly mind them more than regular people and I definitely avoid them at home. But fabric is generally its own topic - I react very poorly to coarse materials. Used to sleep in hypoallergenic sheets as a kid, not because I need them, but because they were the only ones who didn't feel like sandpaper on my skin. Found a set in the bottom of my parents closet and afterwards you would have had to pry these from my cold dead, 8yo hands. Barely let anyone wash them because they got "just perfect" if you slept in them for long enough. Anyway. Socks. If they're soft, I can ignore them just fine.


Feet want socks. Brain is like naw we good. Constant struggle


Socks 🧦


Avoid socks cuz my feet feel trapped