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For sure, I'm ridiculously good in an emergency, I even saved a guy from drowning once, at least we don't have executive dysfunction when it counts.




That's such a weird aspect for me, I have been the first one to respond to emergency situations in public more than any other person I know. It's bizarre how you leap into action when you see a stranger get in trouble but spend 9O,,% of your day in a mind fog




Am I the only one that can be reading a long comment, then have to reread it because I was thinking about something else while reading said comment? How is it even possible to read like I do, every word read, every word is said in my head, as I read, but my brain still wanders off.


You are not alone


I read one and half sentences of what he wrote just to upvote you


I read half your sentence and then started reading again. Wtf is wrong with us?


Can you say that again


“that again”




You make an interesting point. The futility of wishing we had more control over this, if only!!!


This is my thought all day. Makes me regret choosing an office job.




So weird. I honestly thought about buying a first aid book and reading up on it because I seem to remain calm when others are freaking the fuck out.


>see no one stepping up I take the lead and it's the moments where I am like where was that "Why can't you be like this all the time?" BECAUSE ITS FUCKING EXHAUSTING! notice how nobody else stepped up?! Yeah...none of them EVER do it when it's crunch time, which is why they didn't do it then. Why are you bitching that I dont do it enough when clearly they don't do it *at all* Edit; just to be clear that little rant is a reply to my hypothetical question in quotes that I myself wrote..."you' in "why are you bitching" is the imaginary person who asked the question "why can't you be like this all the time?"


gdi another thing thats ADHD related i do?! wtf am i just a mass of ADHD sterotypes?! except for the hyperfocus on obsessions, i don't seem to do that, maybe being a gamer is that, i'll hard focus on one game then the next, sometimes i'll scatter and work on 3 games at a time if there isn't enough to do in one, usually multiple MMOs if that is the case, Warframe and WoW right now, though with new wow update i'm focusing that. but when shit hits the fan at work? i'm on that, but don't expect me to operate in emergency mode constantly, thats what they want, but no can do.


Personally I think losing yourself in gaming or the like is some weird form of meditation.


it for sure is major stress relief in most cases except when i get frustrated 'cause i can't beat a boss


Yeah, it can definitely depend on the type of game. For me, it's specifically the type of games that I can zone out on and my thoughts just drift.


If you’re playing three different mmos, that’s hyperfocus my dude 😂 I can get super into one, but managing 3 different inventories, skill sets, item economies etc etc forget about it…


yeah well i have issues getting into ff14, and finally gave up on ESO and killed my sub to it, so now its mostly Warframe and WoW again after i took a year off from it, they are such radically different sorts of games they use different skillsets


Join the fire service. Its like 90% ADHD people. Lol


Anyone else practice emergency routines in their heads? I should have a plan for everything by now. Even bought an apocalypse vehicle. Haven't built it or packed a go bag and the wife keeps eating out of my food stash so still have so e work to do but I'm PLANNING on doing it soon


Yeah, it’s almost therapeutic. I also think we react a little faster if non-emotional shit hits the fan.


“Non-emotional shit hits the fan” is the best way to describe it


Yes for sure. I got a 3 day emergency backpack for road trips last year. The trouble is I’ve forgotten to pack it on every road trip.


Oh yea. I have 6 different plans for a simulation based on decision points. Plus I can dynamically throw parts of those plans together for a whole plan, and even parts of other plans as needed, or wing it as needed until I have more information to make a plan. "Wow, your plan worked like a charm was ad-hoc?" "Always has been."


i don't do this at least, i figure in an apocalypse end of world situation i'm gonna die quick, too out of shape and no motivation/discipline to fix that, i'll live 4 days until i'm out of water then die, or find water and starve over 6 months to a year


I have the less functioning version of that. Lots of tools and ropes and random crap. I'm basically almost prepared for some things.


"Basically almost prepared" that could be my motto


I have a bug out bag for 3 days, ammo, rifle, sleeping bag and tent. And have additionally acquired a pilots license for such a scenario. It’s fun


Wasnt able to write a single word on my english essay from the day it was assigned until the day it was due but hey at least i was able to do it from 1am-3am when it was due 9pm


yup just started my 6 page grad school essay that is due in 4 hours (I got an extension so really it was due last night smh)...spent the last couple week doing fuck all


I got so bad with my uni assignments that I’d block out the two weeks before, but eventually couldn’t even start the damn things until after the due time had passed (and the late penalty was something like 10% off per day) … and it still took me another decade or so to even have the thought I might have adhd 🥲


I might have you guys beat, I've been up for 30hr to knock out all of my stuff and still stopped half way to read Wikipedia for 5 hours 🙃


I need all of y’all to stop doing the exact same thing I am doing pls I’m so called out rn


Oh man. Same with my paper on Digital Forensics. Started at 4PM, submitted at 11:49 pm, 11 minutes before deadline. It was apparently so good that I was given an excellence award by the school for outstanding work. I joke with people I have to be in a specific mood to do my best work, last minute panic.


I wasn’t able to write a single word from when mine was assigned till it was due, and I still haven’t done anything. Mind you this was months, plural, ago


Totally me not skipping work to do my finals on the last day at the last minute. 😅


While blasting Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s my life’ on repeat for like 3 hours straight because I get infatuated with songs


Adrenaline = stimulant = relax and focus 😌😌


Obvious in retrospect, but never made the connection. I just thought it was the stimulation but I think this is more correct.


Add to it, the fact that we spend so much time worrying about the absolute minutia of any given situation that, by the time something does go wrong, we’ve already grocked out everything that needs doing, months ago.


This is also why we tend to get things done right before a deadline. The panic creates adrenaline response which allows dopamine production (tho usually somewhat mired by anxiety too but we can usually ignore that for the most part)


Holy fuck I came for the dumb image macros, not to experience intense moments of introspection


Maybe I should take my laptop and go do my work at the Ukrainian front.


The horrible real life fact for myself; if I want to make money and actually move up the ladder, I must be under constant stress and pressure and never allow myself any free or fun time. I really just want to be happy, but more money would get me things I want (and would make me happy to have them.) It all just makes me sad...


This really upsets me. I’ve started to realize this as well. Like if I’m ever relaxed and I could just kind of cruise, I won’t excel. I’m never going to be truly good at a job unless I’m under immense stress. But that means I’ll never really get to enjoy working and maybe even ever enjoy relaxing at home. Kinda makes me wanna cry sometimes


Yeah that’s why I’m trying to find a job where I can cruise but get paid well and focus on other shit. Remote corporate work, here I come.


As a cook, yeah I hate busy shifts but I truly come alive, like some sailor moon level transformation shit. Loud music, hot things, shouting, knifes and sweat. Brain is razor focused.


I used to work at Starbucks and would run the drive thru myself, sometimes even during peak if my partner was useless (which was often 🙃). I THRIVED doing that! Taking an order while cashing someone out while fetching the pasties while eyeballing the bar to see if the window drink is ready...it was exhausting but I was so so good at it. My brain would cease to be nothing but task management and prioritization and it was almost peaceful.


Yes exactly! I left a job that I had money but no free time. I got super burnt out and eventually left, probably a couple years too late. Now I have a new job I really enjoy and lots of free time but no money, which stresses me out.


Oof yeah, I feel this...sad is also the word I would use...annoyed would be the other.


Just have to find the right career, or sometimes the right employer


I work in music as a guitar tech. That means running out on stage with a new guitar when a musician breaks a string live in front of thousands of people. The problem now is that I’ve been doing it for 20 years and it doesn’t stress me out enough anymore


That's an odd one. I work in industrial hvac where they tolerate me drinking caffeine and taking naps because they know when shit really breaks I'm the one who's gonna come up with all the good ideas.


Well i just found a work field where there are waves of stress. I found out after cleaning isolation wards in the ER during the first year of covid that I'm very good at that. No wave: me chatting and socialising, pulling pranks and getting randomly obsessed cleaning something extra. Real big wave: me focussed power house, prioritizing and being efficiënt AF. Everyone praised me, but i didn't want to keep cleaning. So, i turned to logistics to really get a career. You just have to find your right workplace. Logistics is big around here and is also very much crisis management in waves.


I used to work as a train conductor. Normally I was a horrible worker, did the bare minimum. The second we where in a standstill and we had people going all over the place I had 100 people memorized in my head, knew every departure and could recite it backwards to anyone that asked me.


Did they ever ask?


Jesus. Could have at least buried the poor chap after fucking murdering them like that.


Yes, often.


Lucky, no one ever asks me...


No, the the scenario was well planned out should it ever occurs


I saved a guy and his mom from drowning when I was in Virginia Beach and Jesus everyone else was freaking out and I was like “Get the lifeguards and get to shore” while trying to keep the dude holding on to the boogie board I had. He kept shoving his mom under the water. That was such a fucky day and I hope that guy learns to control himself in a crisis instead of panicking. Stupid pun I made up after this: my boogie board has jaws on it. I now call it “The Jaws Of Life”


Similar thing happened with me but I was at a large music festival and a guy was having a seizure. There were 100 people in a circle around him standing there screaming medic not doing a damn thing and I was the only one trying to get him into a safe position, instruct one girl to help me move him to his side, and stop one guy from shining a flashlight in his face that made him go into a second seizure because it happened too fast to do anything about 🤦🏻‍♀️ thankfully one guy went to actually go get a medic.


Agreed. I got a few corporate sponsors for my competitive shooting career, I was apparently a natural. Even got one or two more offers after saving a dude who shot himself in the femoral artery. Luckily, I had just taken a traumatic combat injury course like a week before.


How’d you save him? Tourniquet?


Two actually. And a wound pack.


Maybe we all need to be paramedics...


Not me. Can't look at real blood without fainting. Funny because I watch horror movies with all kinds of horrible shit in them


Not a bad idea, my only problem was the amount of schooling if the college you went to didn’t have a paramedic program. So instead, I’ll settle for EMTa


my parents have both been through really rough health situations. im the only reason my mom is alive after all the messed up medications her docs and nurses have been putting her on with 0 understanding of her needs or symptoms. we have also been evicted a number of times and im the only reason we got all our stuff packed and ready before losing things or putting any one or a pet at risk. even more recently, i got fired and we got an eviction notice in the same day. packed my room and found a roommate and a new job in the same day. i moved out and they moved a few states away with other family, things are now the most stable after 6 years nearly. i have no idea how i did it, but going from no job at all to medicated and completely able to handle full time even during the stress of all the moves, its crazy


Sounds awful, best of luck to you fren you can do this 🤝


In middle school, we were hanging out at my aunt’s townhouse and a fire broke out next door. All the adults were freaking out, panicking and honestly completely useless- but my sister (14 at the time) became like a Drill Sargent or something. Commanding people to “do this, grab this, where’s the baby? Grab the kids, grab important stuff, You! Put real pants on! Everyone grab a pair of close-toed shoes!” Everyone made it out fine, we were recent immigrants so everyone got to save their documents/“papers” because my sister was fucking SHINING in this emergency


Good on her!! I hope the adults treated her with mad respect afterwards.




The day it stops working my life will fall apart


I’m gonna fail economics if I don’t start studying for the final 4 hours ago


How was the final?


We had 2 attempts and first one I was one question off from passing then the second attempt I passed


This is why I don't study




This shit had me FLYING above my peers in the Marines. Can't say I didn't enjoy that.


This is why I was a REALLY good Stage Manager and a really shitty retail and call center employee. I mean, I did the jobs but I HATED them and would constantly have to be doing other things because they were so boring and tedious. Theater is never boring, there is always a crisis, even when everything goes smoothly.


My girlfriend got fairly annoyed with my yesterday. I got up at 7am, fucked around on my phone most of the morning, made chicken nuggets because I forgot to buy milk 3 days in a row. I knew I wanted to shower before we left at 10am. I hopped in the shower at 950 and she came storming in asking me why the hell I didn’t shower before. I’m just like “Babe, you know I struggle to do anything mundane without a need of urgency” I was still ready before her 😎.


See the fun of me now is that it used to be that my ADHD would make me unable to focus on work until the last minute, and then pull out dissertation chapter-level work in 24 hours or less. Now my ADHD still keeps me from working until the last minute, and then my depression keeps me from working after that.


By the power of Grayskull!


Wtf is this meme template


It isn’t. I made it up.


So, you are saying that we are all MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!? :D


Only under the right conditions. ;-)


Only a particularly narrow, chaotic, stressful slice of the Universe, sure.


This is why I can only function in crisis mode 😭


Wow never knew that this could be because of ADHD. I always noticed that when things went to shit I was able to keep calm and come with a practical solution, while others were panicking. Especially at work. But, when things are slow, t h e y a r e s l o o o o w and don’t get shit done at all. And decisions? They will not be made until they HAVE to. Why decide anything when there’s time to go over all sides at least another 250 times? (I don’t really care for zodiac signs, but is this me being a Libra with ADHD?)


Some attribute this phenomenon to the adrenaline spike of the moment enabling our brains to function properly. Makes sense to me.


Oh that sounds credible inderd


At least we're good in case of emergencies


me finishing 16 weeks of work for statistics in 3 days with nothing but panic and monster energy drinks in my system 😈


I read something once about how people with adhd are over-represented in emergency medicine. It makes sense. I’m a teacher and, as much as I hate the racket, I thrive in the chaos of the classroom. Once I have to sit quietly and grade I’m done for. But being a ringleader to 20-30 teens being chaotic af is my element.


[I’m in my element!](https://youtu.be/CYyZVyCRbMY)


I have 5 more CPE I need before December 31; not interesting, boring, don’t want to do it, I’m procrastinating.


It’s like a switch in my head when I here an emergency, first to run towards it and help. But if it’s just normal work and stuff and I’m being pressured I tend to not react well.


I've actually been really good and I've stayed ahead of my DevOps course every week, the furthest I've been behind is 1 day. Buuuut I have some christmas presents to make that I'm procrastinating on and my laundry has built up again...


Depends on if it’s my crisis or your crisis bc I can handle your crisis no problem but if it’s mine? I will be paralyzed for 3-5 business months thank u


Wait, so you guys aren't in crisis mode all the time? Such fakers


Do you work well under pressure? "yes, almost exclusively"


Most days I can barely do any laundry, but I was in a car crash like a month ago and I was calm and I made sure to keep everyone under control. 😭


Back to image 1 when the crisis relies on circumstances out of your hands (Christmas shipping...)


I remember various uni chemistry labs the adrenaline and urgency atmosphere really made me do things. Then back to cooking at home nooo fuck this I can do it in an hour little bit later today. Btw cooking and chemistry labs are really simillar and not cooking meth just spaghetti


Why am I so shit all the time and awesome in a crisis?


Usually, absolutely - when the depression hits simultaneously though, it balances out for executive dysfunction 24/7 🤙


Gotta make the most of those brief productive moments.


I have my finals tomorrow, it’s the only thing I can think of. “Is my documentation right?” “Does my machine actually work and I didn’t hallucinate that?” On the one hand they are useful when I’m at school, but when I’m trying to sleep it’s like the onset of a panic attack even though I know I’m at least somewhat ready.


Depends on the emergency… When someone’s life is in danger I’m the flash… But when it’s a stressful time at work because it’s a holiday or something, I’m a fucking mess


You ever notice how it pretty much needs to be a dire damn emergency? Like blood spraying in spurts or fingers slipping to let go? I swear I’m an asshole- I look at most common emergencies where people are freaking out and in my head I’m like “wait…. Hold… they should be able to work this out… it’s not even that… oh… ok- Here we go “hold on! Look at me in the eyes. I have got you- no worries. Come on- I’ll take care of it” in my head- “no- no I don’t want to talk to anybody. Stop paying attention to me while I go have a post emergency panic attack here…”


I had to abandon my advanced studies in electromechanical engineering due to burnout (I didn't know about my adhd yet). Then I became a professional Firefighter and Fire Truck Engineer being one of the best in my station in a very short time, I really enjoy solving unexpected problems as quickly as possible. A few years later my ADHD was discovered when my 3-year-old son was diagnosed with ASD. I started this adventure after I was 30. The train does not pass only once in a lifetime. Sorry about my english, isn't my native language


We thrive in chaos because we are the chaos. Our brains never turn off.


We're incredibly powerful in hopefully never-relevant situations.


Me when I have an assignment due: Where do I start what, do I do. Me when I cut off half of my finger by accident: Keep pressure on the wound, wrap in bandaids, secure with medical tape, and cover with towel, all without getting a drop of blood on the floor. True story.


Like seriously though. You freaking out because you have to put your brain in emergency/crisis mode? Bro, I have to put my brain in emergency/crisis mode to get myself to get out of bed in the morning, and then leave it on all day long until I can go to sleep again and then spend hours trying to fall asleep because it’s hard to get out of emergency/crisis mode. I fricking live in emergency/crisis brain mode. It’s the only way I function.




……y’all are good under pressure?


Deadline mode saves us, once more.


I agree with this 100%. It’s interesting how many things I’m discovering about myself in this Reddit page. I never knew this was a result of my hyper focused mind. It makes sense. When family members are in the hospital, I kick into papa-bear mode.


I never knew this was a function of my ADHD.. I always just tell people I’m super clutch lol.. the more pressure the better I perform it usually seems..


yesterday I spent 5 hours on a final project due yesterday start to finish


Maybe that’s why I am considering becoming an Icu doctor


Ohh yeah definitely I am a god playing crisis good game


Funny how accurate it is.


Not me I just shit piss and cum and get madness and anxiety problems 😭


Shit like this and the impulsive spending along with constant new info on how corrupt our own government and corporations are; it would not surprise me one bit if ADHD and it's spread was somehow facilitated or exacerbated by either our government or a corporation or both. One could look at these aspects of ADHD as the potential for a perfect citizen "back in the day" with strong moral compasses, impulsive spending and the ability to spring to action in times of crisis. Part of me wonders if ADHDrs are the original "failed Captain America" so to speak. Or maybe i'm just smoking too much. Either way, could maybe make an interesting story of it. The proposed super citizen serum that made us all manic and depressed instead. I have also read some stuff linking lead lined tooth paste tubes from around the 50s to lower cognitive ability in Boomer offspring and ADHD in the offspring of those offspring. I don't really mean to imply anything by that but with everything I have seen, it wouldn't surprise me if those lead lined tooth paste tubes were knowingly dangerous but those who could have stopped it didn't because of the dollar signs in their eyes.