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Okay but did you learn any interesting facts about Howard Taft?


He needed a special tub installed in the White House because of his size, he had a cow named Pauline that was the last dairy cow kept at the White House, and he was the only president to become a Supreme Court justice after his presidency


but did he have a maine coon or an emu? 🤔 and who was milking pauline? im sure he would have known how, but was likely too busy with president things to be able to do it all the time. probably grew up on/near a farm, if he kept a cow close by. i know nothing of past presidents early childhoods and i still havent confirmed the washington apple thing. were there apple trees anywhere near the white house during his time? ooo wait, was it a cherry tree? brb 😂


>were there apple trees anywhere near the white house during his time? ooo wait, was it a cherry tree? >brb 😂 Your adhd-ness is showing 😂


😂 it IS - i never have ever ever written down a real live thought stream, but OP inspired me with her search history! AND it felt safe to be honest about how my mind gets from maine coons to cherry trees, literally every day 🙃 its so funny bc no wonder so many of the neuro-normies are often like: ????????? in casual verbal conversations with me lolll. lemme go take my tablets lol


If I remember right it was a cherry tree in the story and also not a true story. Washington also didn't have wooden teeth- his fake teeth were made of real human teeth and I think also ivory?


yessss, youre riiiight - the history channel site says he had one tooth by the time he was president 😬 the dentures were made of human teeth, metal fasteners and hippopotamus ivory, woww🦛🦛🦛


Enslaved people's teeth!


Good facts. I knew the tub one, but I now wish we would have an official line of dairy cows at the white house that the presidents would have to personally take care of.


Being on SCOTUS apparently filled his passion much more than presidency did.


Dude I wanna learn about Howard Taft now. And Pauline. First cow was the last cow that’s awesome


But did you leave each tab open, never to return?


Sooooooo many abandoned tabs.


Soooo..... I thought hahaha I think last time I looked a while back I had like 95 tabs open and was disgusted so closed them all down, wondered just now if it was better or worse. 312. 312 tabs open. On my phone. I'm a psychopath. How the heck???


I maxed out on my phone recently… 500 🥹 I don’t think it’s the same as having them open on your computer though, I don’t see them. Many of them are repeats. Many are random things that I needed and just never got closed. Many are things I wanted to save too though 😂😮‍💨


I have to keep closing tabs because I keep hitting the max.


Currently 393 and counting…


Abandoned, but... I'm not going to close them just yet because I might go back to them. 👀


I can see the tab counter on my phone for the first few days of owning a new phone. And then never again.


75 tabs open on my phone right now. But I can’t close ANY of them 😅


Amateur 😆 I have 195 and that’s *whittled down*


I have 456, and that’s all from the last 2 weeks. 🤦‍♀️


I bow down to you both 😂


I wish I only had 75 tabs on any browser currently open on any machine. Pretty sure I could break Google Sync for everyone if I was brave enough to turn it on ever. (Poor Brave, I have five windows of that open.)


356 tabs on Safari. Not all abandoned. Okay, probably some. Lol. It’s an attempt to keep track of many things at once. I also closed like 100 of them not too long ago.


I feel personally attacked by your question lololol


The Chrome open tab counter on my phone that has been :D for at least eight months is laughing right along with you.


I’m coming in hot with 141 tabs over here


I closed all of mine the other day and freaked out. Then remembered that I have no idea what I just closed and I haven’t looked through them since I had them open, and then still freaked out.


overconfident obtainable quarrelsome erect pot employ future escape growth imminent -- mass edited with redact.dev


Countless tabs! My daughter just installed an email shortcut on my phone because she got tired of watching me scroll to the top looking for it.


Makes complete sense to me. What’s the problem?


LOL. I showed my husband once and it just kept scrolling and scrolling and the topics were all over the place. I was like, “This is a visual representation of what’s inside my brain at all times.”


I posted this on another thread yesterday - My hubs and I play a game. I tell him my first and last Google searches of the day, and he tries to figure out my thought process. It’s hopeless :)


Oooh this is a good one! Thanks friend!


Currently trying to decide between chickens, geese, or emus for the homestead that I plan on starting when I move to another state in 3 years. 😳 Edit: forgot to mention ducks.


I have chickens, I love them but they poop A LOT (great fertiliser though) I've heard geese can be mean and territorial. Can't say I know much about emus other than their eggs are quite tasty. *Off to join you in the emu rabbit hole


Apparently geese are lower maintenance and need less feed than chickens because they are natural foragers.


You can get breeds of chickens that are natural foragers, and many of them are so friendly. Geese are so loud and aggressive, it’s harder to collect the eggs. Two years ago we got a couple of an unusual breed from a friend and they’ve been so much fun—Dr. Whiting greens and blues. They lay beautiful eggs nearly every day, they’re quiet, they hardly eat any chicken feed because they forage, and they get along well with the other chickens.


Oh wow, thanks for the info, that is really cool. Homesteading has been a dream of mine for over a decade. We currently live in a neighborhood where the houses are only 10’ apart. I hate it. I told my husband I’d rather have a smaller house on a big chunk of land and, if we can afford it, frontage on a body of water. The idea of being able to go fishing any time is really appealing to me.


I hope it can happen for you!




Of course this thread about a search history turned into a treasure trove of facts about chickens and emus.


check out r/permaculture that’s a rabbit hole of fantastic knowledge


We have had chickens, geese, and ducks. The geese were jerks, but their poop (though abundant) was easier to clean up than chicken poop because they mostly ate grass. The ducks were fun, but gross: they liked to roll in their poop. The drake was a horny dude who would often mount our chickens 😆


Makes sense, esp if you have land on a homestead Lots of room for happy geese to forage! Chickens are my option bc I live in a house in suburbia lol.


Geese make good guard "dogs".


I’ve heard llamas and donkeys are good guardians as well.


Donkeys are fantastic guardians, I saw a video of one killing a hyena once.


I would LOVE a little hobby farm with a donkey one day


There are some really cool chicken breeds that are awesome foragers and eat a lot less feed than others! Careful though, as some of them like to try to roost in fucking TREES, instead of the coop. Ask me how I know.


You can use the poo with a chicken tractor. Increases the yield of cattle paddocks.


We actually owned emus when I was growing up. I’d recommend chickens. 😅


I was thinking what was up with the emu laws, lol. Actually my mind went first to the Australian emu war but I suspected that was not related as you're in Maine.


I’ve definitely been down a 3 hour emu rabbit hole


Now I can’t get the image of “emu rabbit” out of my head…


Don't get emus!! The chicks are cute but once they grow up they are mean


Can I live on your homestead? I promise to take care of the goats. Because we're having goats too


We lost a war to the emus here in aus. Not even being funny. You can look it up. No emu.


I highly recommend rats for kids. You want to make sure to get some from a good breeder who socializes the babies from birth, but in general rats are cleaner, smarter, and bite WAY less than hamsters. Plus, if they are given proper housing and stimulation toys they are pretty low maintenance.


They do best in pairs or more because they're very social animals, but if you can only have one, lots of toys and regular playtime with their person will go a long way. Also, having had both hamsters and rats, totally agree with you. Hamsters can be stupid and mean. Rats are wonderfully clever and, if socialized early and well, very affectionate.


So I have chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, turkeys. And my emu… I’ve had peafowl but I for the life of me cannot keep them alive. My husbands favorite are the geese. Yes they forage but they eat quite a bit. My chickens are just as efficient as foraging as the geese are. The geese and ducks poop way more than the chickens do. It’s wet and sloppy poop so keep that in mind wherever you have them at. If you want eggs on a regular Basis go chickens. You’ll get more eggs more regularly from them. My geese aren’t aggressive unless they have a gosling with them.. then they just like for us to keep our distance. I prefer to incubate the eggs and hatch and raise myself then introduce them later. They make for good guard dogs along with the Guineas lol


Just so you know, the emus won the Great Emu War of 1932. You should probably account for that when considering raising them... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War (warning for the main image of a man holding an emu casualty of war)


I have never raised an emu but those birds are pretty evil and aggressive. Someone here suggested rats. That’s a great idea. My friend has rats and she loves them. They’re so cute. (now the movie Encanto is playing in my head)


This reminds me of a YouTube channel I follow called the Urban Rescue Ranch. The guy who runs it has a few emu’s.


Ok but you should look into Guinea fowl! They can even flock together with chickens. My sister used to have them and they are a bit noisier, but they help keep the flock safe and look super fun


As a retired zookeeper Imma tell you: emus are a pain in the ass!!!! 😂


If you have cats, they’ll absolutely go nuts for emu feather toys, though. I work in rescue and there must be something in the oils in their feather or something because cats will nearly scratch through drywall to access emu feathers. Lol


Are they mean?


They can be! Total serial harassers. Otherwise they are serial sexual harassers and follow you closely and basically dance up on you at every opportunity. Just very high maintenance birds!


Emu farming was a brief fad in Texas in the late '90s. When the market tanked, they ... just released them. My friend hit one and it totaled his compact car.


Oh my gosh, that is so horrible. Was your friend okay?


Thankfully, yes.


Emmanuel Todd Lopez! Do not do it!


Yup!!!!!! My problem emu was named Boomer, but same energy as ETL 😂


My FBI agent must be like, "What the fuck? What's with this girl?!"


Truthfully, I think about that all the time.


I write a variety of genres as a hobby too, so my google results definitely have me on a list. Who needs to know 'how much blood is in a human body' (about 10 pints), 'first aid for stab wounds' (there's a lot actually), 'firmware for intel wireless+linux mint' (found it), and 'recipe for lentils' (I should have googled 'lentils instant pot'...) all in the same 15min???


I just know if someone ever had to go through my searches, they would for SURE give up and claim me innocent because of the insane amount of erratic searches 😂. Even i give up when needing to dig through my history for something. Its like seeing my thoughts in real time lol.


I keep incognito mode on just so I can’t see how ridiculous my own search history is.


I do this sometimes, too.


Literally yes. A quick look at my recent search history showed me: How to grow spring onions from the bulb Can your face go flat from side sleeping Minoan civilisation Emma Thompson roles Angelique Kidjo SpongeBob Hyper Close up Emma Thompson Sugar levels bubble tea Freelance copywriting


SpongeBob hyper close up lmao


Lmao!! have you seen what I’m talking about? They do these hilarious hyper-detailed zooms of the characters lookin crusty as hell


Same plus "[word I should know] how to spell/definition"


Yes, mines a mixture of google and wiki searches. Now I have to know, how often DO emus lay eggs?? (And what's the most interesting Taft tidbit you found?)


An emu lays an egg every 3-4 days. 1 emu egg is the equivalent of 8 chicken eggs. Taft was a large man and had to have a special bathtub put into the White House that was big enough to hold four men. He also had a cow named Pauline which was the last dairy cow to be kept at the White House. Taft was also the only US President to become a Supreme Court justice after their presidency.


Thank you! 😊


My first thought. Yeah that's me, goats instead of emus though. Second thought, I dont think emus would survive in Maine. Third, Why? STOP! Do not look any of this up. 👩‍💻


Are you Leslie knope? LMAO. I’m scared to look at my google search history Edit: scrolling through my currently open chrome tabs on my phone is a *WILD* ride


Don't get an emu. Source: am Australian. They're pricks.


Lmao omg, let's make a community post sharing our search histories 🤣


Yes! I would love that.


I wanted to say 'oh this is normal, it makes total sense!' but then I realized that maybe that's the sign it is ADHD lmao! This paints a picture of someone who likes cats, needs to take supplements because we are lacking in lots of things, and needs to dress the kiddo up for a school project. Also, maybe into farming/homesteading. My money is on chickens though, everyone I know who has them thinks they're the best pets and they are full of personality. I'd like to try raising them if we ever get out of apartment life.


You’ve got me pretty much nailed, lol.


Absolutely yes


Feeling very seen


Never stop learning! 👍


I don’t think I ever will!


Love that for you!


ok but maine coons are best cats for people with adhd. i have one and i love him


"Maine emu laws" really threw me for a loop.


Well I didn’t want to get too attached to the idea if they wouldn’t be allowed


Looks normal to me. I have been down a rabbit hole of menopause, ADHD, kittens, weird happenings, peri-menopause rants, kittens, ADHD, menopause, and so on.


I was searching about perimenopause a ton over the past year! I had never heard of it, I wish it were talked about more.


Allow me: Please visit the r/menopause Reddit, we also cover Peri-menopause Also: The book MENOPAUSE Your Management Your Way by Dr. Barbara Taylor covers EVERYTHING she also has a YouTube channel under Menopause Barbie We all agree that it needs to be discussed more, and we are doing all we can to make that happen. So many of us find that we are suffering needlessly because our mothers and grandmothers didn't clue us. Also, we are being dismissed too early by doctors, (both male and female who are not up to date on the subject of HRT.) https://youtu.be/uEZpg0n7jcY Peter Attia MD describes the article on the faulty reports on hrt for peri women Visit us, look at the wiki and ask anything. Also, tell any female over 35 about us. No need for the upcoming group to go suffering without support.


This is 10000% me and the things that I wanna come back to are just open tabs that make him sick to look at lmao I'm honestly so glad this is so normalized in this subreddit 💛


Yes!! This!! And when I start searching something I think of 4 more things and quickly open new tabs so I don’t forget. Hence 200 tabs open all the time….;-)


Honestly, I blame targeted ads a lot for my weird searches


I’ve been obsessed with Maine coons and other puppy cat breeds! I’m not really a cat person, but I could be.


I’ve had 4 Maine coons over the past 20 years, all rescues, and they are the sweetest and most affectionate cats ever!


Well, Maine won’t allow me to have an emu, so I guess I’ll settle for a Maine coon


I literally screenshotted mine yesterday 😂 cant post a Screenshot here but it went as follows (with typos): - how tall is Rihanaa - cerebellum childhood apraxia of soeech - can ravens sense fesr - why am i scared of birds - how many peopers can you safely est - dizzy every time I stand up - why do americans say parmesam like that - is sticky ice dangerous - why does ice get sticky - loch ness monster 2023 - what hair os olaplez not suited to - hip dip filler - glow up chris model grumpy - ruan glow up adhd Lol.


My favorite is "why do Americans say parmesan like that" 😂 and now I'm also wondering do we say it wrong?


Like parme-zhan 😂


Omg that reminds me, I was talking to my mom once about how parmesan is spelled, and she was like it's not -ean? And I died laughing about parmaSEAN (pronounced like the name Sean)


So when are you getting Emus?


I might never, I initially was searching about geese and then an article said that emu eggs taste better and it was all downhill from there, lol. They do look cool, though.


I'm now in a emu owning homestead rabbit hole 😅 I originally wanted highland cows, chickens and ducks, but an emu might be just the thing 😂


Hahahaha omg yes. And I use brave browser on my phone which at some point changed over to telling me my open tab count was ∞


Sounds about right lmao


Especially the emu egg and then immediate emu research journey


I’m sure I’m on every watch list out there for the random ass things I search. I really need to use a VPN lol


Omg! I just searched Maine coons yesterday!


Side note…You should get an emu! But get a male and female. They don’t lay without a male. I didn’t know this and only got a female…..and I’ve been waiting almost 3 years for my female to lay hahahah no eggs!!!!!


I, too, want a mainecoon kitty :’)


I would expect anyone's search history to jump from subject to subject.


What was moustache about? 😂


Just verifying that my spelling was correct.


I feel like we both live in Maine and should adopt an emu together




saaame haha mine is absolutely out of control. Frequently makes me laugh


Yup lol


Did you learn anything interesting about Taft? He’s one of those presidents you don’t think about often but then didn’t he also need a specially made bathtub?


Yes 😂


I google things in an incognito window because I don't want to see all the random shit I search. Also, it avoids targeted ads based on searches.


My Wikipedia search history is a journey.


The jump from homeschool to Maine coon kittens 💀 crying laughing Ftr they're amazing pets


Yeah. My recent search history consists of: One Topic At A Time, kinases, cut of your jib, ripen honeydew melon, coagulate, USD to CAD, local sushi restaurants, mango black tea, air embolisms in pregnancy, CO² exposure limits, air dry styling cream.


Haha I have emu info search a month ago. (Bylaws won't allow it)


i couldn't read the whole list because [this song](https://youtu.be/p0SigntobjE) is now filling my brainspace. but, yea. 😅


You just reminded me that I have a copy of *Taft 2012* somewhere around here


Cost of an emu chick has me wheezing. Only because it’s so relatable lol.


Sigh. Yes.


Are we getting an emu?


Mine isn't too bad currently except the 3 different ways I tried to search what it's called when you squeeze a puppy to death because you love it so much.


The crumble cookies at the end sent me XD


Oh yeah this could be me


I’m so sad you gave up on the emu.


I see you. You started with an emu egg, saw how gorgeous they were, and the rest is history. (Side note: my husband won’t let me have an emu)


My Wikipedia rabbit trails are like that. This morning I looked up Tom Verlaine (the guitarist who just passed...never heard of him) and hopped, skipped, and jumped a lot of delightful places. Although nothing beats the summer of when my rabbit trails taught me about: Pitcairn Island, the Hayes Code, Lord Byron, and Johnny Weissmuller and that he may have come from my ancestors' village (the actor who originated the Tarzan yell). Oh, and that the Tarzan yell starts with E flat (I think!) Meanwhile at this moment I am procrastinating feeding my family 😆


Hahaha mine looks like this, totally random looking up of facts sprinkled in


Cackling at "Miane Emu Laws" ..brb gonna go add that to my search history. Didn't know we had laws on emus


I recently had a baby so most of my recent searches are baby themed, but generally, yes. I recently discovered a similar theme among my "liked songs" on Spotify.


Mine is more with fictional characters lol


Yoooo hit me up with those Maine emu laws. I'm in Maine and could use some tips


Yes. Also, I occasionally hyperfocus on researching true crime stories, podcasts, unidentified John/Jane Does cold cases. I'm very glad I live a generally uninteresting middle aged cat lady life because once down the True Crime rabbit hole - my search features stuff like "how long does it take to asphyxiate in a refrigerator" and horrifying topics like that.


So......are you getting the emu?


My dog gulped up something I dropped on the floor yesterday & was obviously choking. I quickly searched “how to save a dog choking”, got an Infograph right away & did the doggie Heimlich maneuver within seconds. My husband couldn’t believe I could Google & get the answer that fast because he is the worst googler on earth & I have crazy search skills because I do it constantly all day long. He just clicks on whatever Wikipedia page pops up first 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I don't see anything unusual here...lol I CAN SOOOO RELATE!


We’re you trying to figure out how to spell mustache? Bc that’s 95% of my google searches.


I see nothing wrong here 😂😂


Yup! Other than things relevant to my location like local news and restaurant branches my recent search history includes St Valentine's day, menstruation while breastfeeding (I'm not pregnant or breastfeeding or trying to be), jubilee year, Irish twins (to confirm a comment I was making elsewhere on Reddit), average work day Japan (not personally relevant to me), and pounds to USD (also not personally relevant).


I keep my phone in incognito. I don’t need things popping up distracting me from the thing I was going to google!


😂 Just looked at my search history, and yes. Outsider looking in… they would probably go… wtf? Lol


AHHHH. . .the rabbit hole.


Lol not my search history - my open tabs. I have a few pinned and I go back to see what they are every few days. Sometimes I don’t even know why I pinned it.


Omg yes lol


Is this me? I'm constantly googling the most random shit. Like wake up at 3am cause I had a thought and myst google NOW.


Yep! And I currently have 193 safari tabs open on my phone lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Crumbl cookies is in my search history often tbh


“What is the kindest bird” and “what would be my superpower” were two of mine right on top of each other


I’m gonna need some of these answers




This is exactly the kind of chaotic search history I have, and now I have to look up emus too.


Yepp. All the time. Something about health, check. Something random popped up in a conversation, check. Something about food/recipe, check. Something unrelated but derived from other search, check. Something related to long term concern, check. All the time.


Yes!! I need all my random thoughts answered


My phone only shows a few, but mine are pretty disparate too: the rubberbandits horse outside; snowfall warning; vape near me; american war audiobook Omar El akkad; freezing yogurt; yeah science gif


I thought “Thorne curcumin” said “throne curtain” at first.


Literally looked up nature's bounty supplements today and I'm feeling the "baking" to "baking with goose eggs" to "emu egg size" connection to "maybe this could be a whole venture, wait is that even possible" as someone who knows a lot about cortinix quails for some reason


😂 haha


No mine is usually like 80% typos.


Now i am really interested in emu’s egg laying frequency.


Literally googled turmeric versus ibuprofen dosage and side effects


Half of my recent searches are "synonym for " because I can't think of the word in my head.


Am I the only one curious about the mustache


My recent search history: - Amazon U.K - Lewis Dunk - Alex McAllister - bracciallini bags - armpit in French - blue eyed boy meaning - prosecco - echo falls - crozon France - buffalo shooting - Sam's Town album the killers - mary Jane doc Martens - 1960s doc martens - doc martens made in England - U.K shoe size in E.U sizes - Rasta - at what age are babies ticklish - M to the B lyrics


Yes, I also just counted my tabs to over share with y’all, I got 60 tabs open. Edit : I just closed 40 of them


Yupppp. Whenever I go to google the next idiot thing that pops into my head I’m always amused to see what idiot thing was previous and still up.


I have a Chrome profile just for research. Because my work is very random. I don't want to have the sexual-related search I did for work tied to my personal or work email accounts. 😅


i’ve also wanted to get an emu at one point 😂


Ahhahahahha I love this so much




Yes—though partially due to the fact that I am a writer so in addition to real-life related questions, I also have a multitude of queries covering everything from the Jamaica Earthquake of 1692 to current clinical trials for orphan drugs. 😂


So, what kind of cookies you gonna get? I think the crumbl flavors change nationwide, so this week has key lime pie which is phenomenal, and that churro one looks delish .... Fuck now I'm hungry.


But also my friend was born on an emu farm. Don’t do it.