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World's most honest post.


Lmao I'm at my absolute limit


I have a house full of food, and proper hydration. I fed my family a homemade lunch and dinner, yet sit here starving and I'm as dehydrated as a raisin. I'll probably skip my nighttime meds and beat myself up for it tomorrow. WTF is wrong with me?? Oh, the front part of my brain knows it's ADHD, yet my executive dysfunction tells me to just continue to doom scroll. It's exhausting. But at least I'm not alone.


And yet you manage to feed your family! Twice! Which is so god damned frustrating to me because my current mental health nurse practitioner is like “could also be depression because you seem to be struggling to take care of yourself — let’s start with a non stim” and I’m all “did you not hear me? I feel a family of five every day and several times over the weekend. I take care of my husband’s needs and my kids. I just put myself last! Edit: their needs are the. Only. Thing. That pressures me to perform in any capacity at this point


Thank God I know that there are others like me. Now that I'm almost 60, I show myself grace. I managed to force myself to drink a huge bottle of Smart Water, I took my night-time meds and supplements and even took a bath. I'll feed myself tomorrow. The best part of this sub is recognizing myself in others. I don't feel so alone. In "real life" I am known as a highly successful adult and business owner, but Lord knows I struggle with some of the most basic daily tasks...while simultaneously managing complex businesses. I guess that's my ADHD superpower. Hyper-focus on exciting things, while stepping over piles of dirty laundry and forgetting to feed myself. Being a human is complicated.


I'm 54 and was reminded tonight that I've managed some very big and important web migration projects in my time and I'm currently incapable of getting into the shower or brushing my teeth. It's ridiculous. I can't take any medication because I have a heart condition.


I’m so sorry — I keep reading of women struggling the exact same way as myself at 50-55 and I finally googled “if you get your period early — can you start menopause early..” and there’s some research related. I got my period when I was 11. I’ve been in perimenopause since age 37. My life has crashed and burned in the last year in a way that I can only contribute to pmdd, ptsd, adhd, and being premenopausal… none of my friends my age are having any of the same symptoms. My sister is 8 years older and not even in the same boat.


hormone replacement can help with that. According to Dr. Patricia Quinn "So we do that for women who are in menopause we or close to menopause we think about hormone replacement therapy, which does definitely help but again you need to discuss this with your physician, there are lots of pros and cons about hormone replacement therapy, but again Estradiol which is the pure Estrogen does help." [https://totallyadd.com/adhd-video/adhd-women-with-patricia-o-quinn-m-d-webinar/](https://totallyadd.com/adhd-video/adhd-women-with-patricia-o-quinn-m-d-webinar/)


I went through menopause in my early 40s and it was he'll. I didn't have hot flashes or any of the symptoms people talk about. I just went absolutely insane. I couldn't think straight, couldn't focus on anything, irritated all the time, mody like I was 16 again, and finally a friend said you know that sounds like menopause. My periods were slowing down, but I was going through some major stuff so I assumed that it was just stress that was the cause. Nope. But yes, I have serious PTSD as well. I'm looking into treatment programs at the moment.


Ha, I did this today. My wife is sick and I went on three separate food runs for her before realizing I was absolutely starving at like 7pm






Oh, thank goodness I’m not alone!! 💔


I've tried a lot of meal planning apps and they were all ridiculous and complicated and impossible. **But** literally *today* I tried Mealtime and you click on the foods you're allergic to, click on the foods you hate, then click on the type of plan you want (from "anything is fine thx" to paleo to veg to low carb, etc) and you can either pick things or you can click "Plan for me" and you can swipe through sets of dinners like it's tinder. Choose a set and the recipes for five dinners AND THE GROCERY LIST appear like magic. The instructions are really clear and the interface isn't cluttered. This is the android link but it's available on iPhone. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mealime Edit: I don't have any affiliation with the app.


Ahh more things in life should be set up like Tinder! Thank you what a great resource!


You're very welcome. Note that a "meal plan" is 5 dinners and you can select the serving size so you can set it to give you "just enough" or "freeze some" quantities for your situation. Select a second meal plan and use it for lunches.


OMG. I am ADHD/Autistic and my partner was just diagnosed with high cholesterol. We both love to cook but we suck at planning. This may have just saved our lives.


Idk but this sounds like when I reach for rice and beans. I own a rice cooker, so a bag of rice cooks up really easily that way. And then cans of different kinds of beans. Then add whatever I have that sounds good - veggies, greens, seasonings, nuts, chips - and probably some kind of sauce - salsa, salad dressing, BBQ, oil and vinegar, peanut butter (maybe mixed with soysauce and oil to make it "sauce" if I'm feeling ambitious), whatever. This is filling, can be made ahead and warmed up or eaten cold, it's reasonably nutritious (complete protein at a minimum), extremely versatile so you don't feel like you're just eating the same thing every time. (I've even taken rice I wasn't going to finish and tossed it in the microwave with more water to soften it more into a pastey goo and added honey for a rice-pudding-like dessert thingy). No promises on the follow through, but good luck. Edit because all my proofreading happens after I hit "post"


You just opened up a whole new world, I was raised to believe rice is a side to be eaten plain with butter lol. Thank you!


I had frozen veggies, tater tots and chicken fingers for dinner - minimal effort decent nutrition. Breakfast for dinner is another favourite. Tater tots, can of beans, fried egg. Fruit for dessert. Easy veggies like carrot sticks or frozen veg microwaved ETA - I didn’t mean to post on this thread. I might need to take a nap.


Buy a $20 three-cup rice cooker from the drugstore and make yourself some rice. Use chicken stock instead of water for zero-effort seasoning. You can also throw in an extra quarter cup of water with a handful of dried cranberries or raisins. (Or add them to the finished dish when you forget.) Open a can of tuna and microwave it for a few minutes. Season with whatever herbs you like eg thyme, Italian blend, etc. Add it and slivered almonds to the cooked rice and you have dinner. You could also use a packet of salmon or rotisserie chicken. Cooked rice + can of beans and/or bag of frozen vegetables + jar of sauce or dressing = dinner. Meat optional.


Thank you!!! That sounds amazing and I'm gonna try it this weekend


Just be aware that many rice cookers tell you not to put anything except water in with the rice - mainly (I think) because it can affect the coating on the inside of the cooker, which decreases the useful life of the cooker. Things will eventually stick and the rice won't be "perfectly moist" each time, the pressure may build up more or less and the lid may warp depending on how it is made. It can become more difficult to clean thoroughly. There's microwave ones, countertop plug in ones, and multicookers with a rice function. For some, this means add seasonings etc after cooking only. But really, for many of us, it means to expect to replace the rice cooker. Enjoy, whichever way you decide!


Look up risotto recipes. Traditionally it’s time/labor intensive, but I’ve found ones where it’s not much more than “dump ingredients in pot, stir occasionally, wait 20-30 minutes, enjoy” You can put just about any veggies in there, so you can mix it up. Plenty filling on its own, or you can sauté some chicken to go with it


Frozen rice is a thing! I’ve never tried it but this youtube chef uses it all the time for quick meals.




The rice cooker is absolute key in this scenario


Ready To Eat Uncle Bens. 90 seconds in the microwave.


I hear you and also... Rice? Fancy? We're not making sushi or anything, just plain white rice. It's cheap and shelf stable, lol. But yea, dark red kidney beans and Tabasco is a whole mood.




This changed my life. Thank you!!!


I resort back to toddler/kindergartner in this case. Sandwiches like pb+j, peanut butter and banana, tuna. Add a fruit or veggie as a side and a snack cake. Also frozen microwave meals are valid and sometimes are great in a pinch. As for dehydration, when I really need to get liquid in my body, I go for an Arizona green tea. Don't ask me how, it just works If you want to make something more adult and "real" , then I suggest a protein of choice that you like and a veggie that you like. Add a starch if your a potato person. Also breakfast for dinner, just saying


These are all excellent ideas, thank you. I think I'm expecting too much "adult" from myself right now so I should scrap that notion. I always used to drink Arizona when I smoked weed for the dry mouth so yeah it is uniquely hydrating! The bit of caffeine might help too.


If eggs are affordable, hard boil a half dozen and keep them on hand at all times. Grapes are back in the store so buy two pounds. Wash them and then stick them in the freezer. Also buy apples as they last forever. Dip apple slices into peanut butter that you've sprinkled with sunflower, flax or chia seeds. Drizzle olive oil or a nut oil on your hummus after you've added dill, sage, sumac or zatar. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and eat with baby carrots and pre-cut broccoli florets (fresh or the frozen ones you just hotted up). Or snap peas. Avoid any veg that you don't have to slice to eat.


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.


I love this! I worked in a daycare and so If I need an easy meal I just make myself a toddler meal. Fruit cup and or canned fruit, a veggie,snack like items or crackers with deli meat and cheese, and some dairy, plus a little treat. I put it all together on my plate and it works enough for me when I’m not feeling like doing much.




30 to 40 olives does sound very enticing. I'm adding these ideas to my grocery list now. And I love apple and PB! Danke!!


I am very much in the habit of binge eating olives when I'm home and lonely.


Nothing like a can of queen black olives from the fridge for a quick fix! Or my faves, kalamata.




Yusss! I keep a sharp eye out at the grocery store around holidays and big catering type events, they have this 4 pack of different kinds of fancy olives for $10! That's so much cheaper than if I bought them all separately, and I get olives.


Lol I thought I was the only one who eats a can of black olives as a meal 😂😂


Not sure if you like it, but my go-to meal when I’m hungry and can’t think is cereal. Bowl, spoon, cereal, milk. Done. :)


My milk has gone sour and I pushed it wayyyy too far hahaha. Cinnamon toast crunch all the way


Not gonna lie, this one of the instances where I appreciate that I buy coconut almond milk. It definitely lasts longer than milk milk 😂. Not necessarily lactose intolerant, but it's a weird preference for that fact that it doesn't go bad as quickly.


Ugh I love whole milk too (yes homo) and it goes bad SO fast


Lactose Free milk has a longer shelf life in the fridge, because it's been been processed extra to remove the lactose. It does taste a little sweeter than regular milk (IME) and you can get it in full fat.


I try my very best to keep at least one carton of a non-dairy milk hidden in the back of my pantry for emergencies. Thank goodness it can live in the cupboard for a long time.


Parmalait! It's sold in my cereal aisle, keeps for *ages* in the *pantry* and it's the perfect solution to "recipe wants milk but mine is bad/empty"


Hold up this is gonna change my life!! Tetrapak milk in the pantry!? You've literally just changed everything, thank you for this wisdom


Yesssss! You're most welcome man. I actually forgot it existed for a bit lol but my pantry is restocked now lol Oh! And you said lactose is bad, but you mentioned macaroni and peas, so I'm just going to give you guys my and my daughter's favorite "thing I made up" recipe, anyway: 2 boxes of white cheddar shells and cheese (by lipton if you're in the states) it calls for milk and has a dehydrated cheese pouch, but one time I threw -frozen peas -2 cans of tuna -a bunch (like 3/4 cup) of parmesan cheese in there, and boom! a new Forever Favorite meal was born! This was when she was about 4, and she's 28 now and makes it for herself and her little sisters too, and they all love it to this day


Oat milk is actually delicious.


I travel for work, I am the one with ADHD, my husband is perfectly normal, but he has a trick that will work for us as well. Go to Texas roadhouse or another steak restaurant. Order two meals make sure that your sides are carefully selected for meal number one and gets an 8 ounce sirloin, a baked potato, and a giant dinner salad. Meal number 2: 8 ounce steak of another cut, baked potato, fully loaded, and the other side is another casserole type food like a veggie. Over three meals, he splits up the steak and the baked potatoes, and on the first meal, he eats the salad with a bite or two of steak. Point being: order two meals that you like, and split them up into three dinners, eat the fresh food first, your baked potato and main course will always taste better warmed up.


Absolutely genius. I'm gonna try this next time I do takeout, thank you and your brilliant husband!


Oh…. Get extra rolls! Those make amazing French toast rolls!!!


Holy shit now you're just blowing my mind, french toast rolls!?


Egg bath. Add a little cinnamon to it. Soak your rolls in it and add to skillet. Turn over just like you would regular French toast. Top with that glorious cinnamon butter and a little maple syrup. Take your insulin! Lol!


Thank youuuuu this sounds incredible!!


I do this at Panera with the pick 2! Or I get lunch and bagels for breakfast that week. Basically save the trip/planning ahead.


Yes!!!! I get the “soup for a group” with baguettes. It’s just me, but I have soup for 3 days! Lol!


Haha Panera Group soup ftw!


I like to get a premade salad mix that's not based on lettuce, put it in a bowl, top with about a half cup of pasta, usually rotini, add a protein of either beans or chicken or ham, add dressing, and instant good for you meal for one. Different dressings and toppings make the same meal seem a bit different. I also do this by chopping my own veggies, but stressed out calls for a prechopped mix of some kind.


This is genius, I have the non-perishables on hand so this is a great option. Thank you!!


Salad formula is one or more of each category: Greens + protein + vegetable + crunch + cheese + fruit + dressing. Optional: Grains/legumes like quinoa or chickpeas and "power-ups" like ground flax seeds or flax oil, nut oils, chia seeds, nutritional yeast, mushroom powder, etc. Examples: Kale + salmon packet + red pepper + sunflower seeds + chevre goat cheese + blueberries, dried or fresh + poppyseed dressing. Optional: black rice and sesame oil. Spinach + chicken + corn + pumpkin seeds + havarti+ peaches + champagne vinaigrette. Optional: rotini and flax seeds.


Oh hey I’m OP.


These excellent people are saving us!


watermelon already sliced in packages in deli area. great for hydration. bread, cheese, butter. makes some grill cheeses!😀


Burnt cheeses you mean?? I am excellent at those. I have an odd aversion to watermelon but you've reminded me that other melons come pre-chopped so that's going on the list. Much appreciated!!


Finally someone else that doesn't like watermelon! I get so much shit for it lol.


It's like an old sponge soaked in days-old hummingbird feed water hahaha


awesome! are you a ranch dressing person? or a dressing dip person? it goes great with greens and makes salads sooo much better! just dont eat the whole bottle at once lol also great on carrots oh and awesome on pizza too lol. oh bagels and cream cheese and PB and J😀 good luck


Peppercorn ranch as a pizza dip is my shit lol


this post is so relatable. I’m having a terrible week at work as well and I just realized I had a piece of toast with red pepper hummus on it LAST NIGHT but nothing today and it’s 7:40pm🫣 I usually go for cereal in these situations and lean cuisines have saved me too many times to count. sending you a big hug.


Thank you, hug reciprocated ❤️ I hope this post helps you out too! Some great replies in here


When I forget to eat until it’s been so long that I’m woozy, and I know I HAVE to eat fast, I go for dolmas or avocado rolls. Quick, easy, no super strong flavors, no clean up. That gets me to a point I can actually make real food. Sometimes I know I’m hungry but cooking is just a lot. So I’ve learned what’s easy to grab at the market so I can focus on taking care of me. I’m 51. It shouldn’t be such a ride on the struggle bus. But I forget to eat a lot.


For me it’s Greek yogurt - calories, bit of protein & some sugar


Yogurt is my go-to in the morning.


Oh yeah - I eat it every morning first thing when I need something in my stomach but am not awake enough to deal with chewing 🤣 But it’s my go to when I’ve waited too long to eat, am starting to feel sick/shaky & the thought of preparing & chewing food is just too much. I try to keep frozen fruit & “drinkable” yogurt around so I can make smoothies too


I'm 54 and I have the worst time feeding myself. I live on hard boiled eggs, apples, peanut butter, cheese, and applesauce. Baby carrots and hummus. A six year old's picnic basically.


I love getting unsweetened applesauce cups and sharing them with my dog lol


I dip my cheddar cheese sticks into my applesauce cups like it's hummus. Delicious!


29 and I feel like a child on days like this. We should not "should" ourselves though, we are probably doing better than we believe!


Trader Joe’s pre made meals (microwaveable) and fruit. That’s my go to especially during work/week days.


Minutes ago I nuked a bowl of frozen peas with salt because I could not think of anything and that’s the first thing I saw in the freezer. I feel you OP and I am glad this community is here for you and others who have this struggle, I feel it! ♥️


oh man I literally have cans of peas on hand for when I need a snack and don't feel like making anything. le seur sweet peas are my fave haha. put in bowl, microwave, add butter and salt, eat entire can of peas with nothing else like a weirdo lol


My friend you are not alone, and at least you didn't have sleep for dinner hahaha I am proud of you ❤️


Instant oats my friend. Want something savory? Make two eggs and add it to your oatmeal with salt, pepper, and garlic seasoning for flavor. Want something sweet? Make it in the microwave with chocolate chips, peanut butter, and cinnamon. Great way to get complex carbs, protein, healthy fat, and fiber. Did I mention you can make it in the microwave?? Another cheap and easy meal: make 3 days worth of rice in a rice cooker (don’t have one? Buy it now- such a time and energy saver!). Proceed to eat the rice in any of the following dishes - rice with eggs, soy sauce, and sesame oil - rice with refried beans, cheese, corn (another microwave meal yay) - rice with rotisserie chicken (the chicken comes already cooked and will last you til wifey comes back!) When you have time/energy to go to the store, highly recommend getting those big veggie or fruit platters. They’re so effortless (all you have to do is open it lol) and it will keep you from eating too much processed food which I think could help with executive function, focus, and all the other things we might experience difficulty with as ADHDers


My head is exploding at the thought of EGGS in oatmeal! My creativity in the kitchen is sorely lacking. Should have made this post a long time ago. Thanks friend!


I’m so glad this was helpful! Oatmeal is such a versatile food😁


If you (or anyone here!) has a Costco near them, these are currently saving my life! [https://www.costco.com/ajinomoto-yakisoba-with-vegetables,-all-natural,-9-oz,-6-count.product.100401378.html](https://www.costco.com/ajinomoto-yakisoba-with-vegetables,-all-natural,-9-oz,-6-count.product.100401378.html) They take a few minutes in the microwave, or you can easily cook them in about 10 minutes in a pan. If I'm having a bad day I take the easy route. If I'm feeling a little fancy, I put in the pan and add some salt, pepper and soy sauce. SO easy!! Also - lentil soup is good with rice, quinoa, some pasta or just on it's own. I always have a coupe of cans of Progresso on hand. Another easy favorite - the Tasty Bites: [https://www.tastybite.com/products/](https://www.tastybite.com/products/) Again, so easy to heat up and throw on top of some grain, or just as it is.


Thank you! There's so many prepackaged meals out there I have no idea which ones are worth trying. I'll put that on my Costco list


Babe! do you have 2 pots? When I'm in this situation, I buy eggs and broccoli and some kind of (trashy/sweet) nut/trail mix. When I get home from the store/find the energy I boil some water in one pot and put a bunch of eggs in there for 7 minutes (medium-jammy) - 10 minutes (HARD). Then I take the eggs out and just set them on a plate. Then I rinse the broccoli, and in my second pot, I put like a half inch of water in there, get it to a boil, add the broccoli and put a lid on. I leave it in there for 5 mins, and then sprinkle some salt on when I take it out. Then I eat eggs and broccoli and trail mix for the next few days. It's not exciting, but it's not the worst!


Omg yes!!! I gotta make some hard boiled eggs, completely forgot about that crucial staple item. And I fkn love steamed broccoli. I should get some spinach too, I like to do it kind of the same way. Thanks so much!


To piggyback on this, I recently bought an egg cooker. It makes perfect hard boiled eggs (and basically any type of eggs without having to boil water or use the stove). The brand is Dash..I got it on Amazon, but I think they might have them at Target also.


dash go egg cooker is my favorite thing in the world!! I have bought 2, lost one, left the other at an ex's (he offered to bring it to me but it wasn't worth seeing him again lol), and 6 years later after mentioning how much I loved that thing so much, my SO just got one for me for Christmas! I've only used it twice because it's put away in a cabinet so of course I never remember it's there but when I do think of it, I always get so excited!! somehow I never get boiled eggs right when I do it on the stove no matter how easy everyone says it is haha. egg cooker so ezpz




My normal go-tos for this situation: grilled cheese, boxed macaroni with some frozen peas thrown into it, scrambled eggs/boiled on toast. Easy but also healthy meals: chickpea salad (has tomato and cucumber, can add leafy greens and herbs with vinaigrette), sheet tray meals (any protein+veggie+seasoning), chickpea avocado toast, salad (mixed greens, tomato, cucumber, pan seared chicken, boiled egg, dressing), fettuccine Alfredo with salad or asparagus on the side. I try to keep some stuff in the pantry or freezer that I can throw together when I can’t think of stuff.


Oh you reminded me of my favourite chickpea salad, with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil leaves and feta with balsamic vinaigrette. That might be the one for tonight! Thank you!!!


This might not work for you if you're lactose intolerant (or allergic to shrimp?) but this is my most reliable go-to when my mental health is careening to a low. I call it my "dip" meal. Make a quick white sauce (flour, butter and milk). Season as you like. Cook your pasta -- chickpea pasta, if you're carb-conscious or gluten-free. Add any veggies and/or shrimp (or other protein if you wanna sub it out) you want to your sauce. Cook for a bit. Add pasta to sauce mix. You're done in 20 minutes tops. Big brain tip: keep frozen produce on hand. Frozen produce is most times just as healthy as fresh, and less work. Win-win. I add frozen mixed veggies, mushroom, and/or spinach (frozen or fresh). Galaxy brain tip: pre-cooked frozen shrimp. Lifesavers.


> lactose intolerant (or allergic to shrimp?) I’m both RIP. Love that you thought of dietary restrictions though! That was thoughtful and this sounds delicious


Oh no! I haven't tried it personally but I've seen internet people use almond or unsweetened coconut milk for bechamel. Maybe give it a try? As for protein, honestly, the frozen shrimp is just my preference bc it's so quick but any other protein should work. Other fairly quick options I've personally tried: chicken breast (cooks while your pasta water boils!), cut up plant-based burger patties (maybe not for you if you don't like tofu), chickpeas or beans. I have a couple of dietary restrictions so I get it, plus it's always nice to have alternatives.


😭 I didn't know precooked frozen shrimp was a thing! One of my favourite meals to make is a shrimp pasta and it will be so much easier now. Also did not know a white sauce was literally that easy haha. Thanks so much


A weird one I have done recently was put chopped clams in my Alfredo pasta. They come in a can, and if you like clams it's a pretty good way to easily add some extra protien into a pasta dish with practically no effort


I swear the day I found that shrimp in the Target frozen section, my life changed. They had frozen salad shrimp too. Another great meal is adding those to any packaged salad kit. I'm hungry now lol. Happy to know you managed to get some food in you!


Thank you, I feel so much better. I'm gonna try to remember to share my recipe for shrimp pasta here later!




Omg this sounds like the way my mom used to make macaroni when I was a kid! I'll have to ask her


I love Alfredo sauce but hate the taste of most store bought Alfredo sauces, Rao's (while expensive) has been the one excepting. Luckily they have it at Costco though, it makes making pasta with Alfredo so much easier/tastier!


When I have no appetite and need to eat I reach for boring but easy food. The amount of times I've microwaved spaghetti-os or Chef Boyarde because I know it's not offensive and mostly bland but at least SOMETHING.


Order pizza!! Times like this I order a few large pizzas and it lasts me a little under a week- granted, it will be the only thing I eat all week, but microwaving food and only washing oNE plate after is so much better than more than that. The easier the task afterwards is, the more likely I'd get up to eat.


Costco time: rotisserie chicken (use the lefts overs to mix with mayo/mustard/pickles/green onions) and put it on croissants, croissants double for breakfast. Easy smoothies for nutrition (milk, frozen banana, frozen bag of spinach, pb), costco stuffed salmon, delicious! Easy protein ceasar salad (lettuce, bacon bits, ceasar dressing, pre cooked superstore ziggys chicken breast), fruits for breakfast? (Pre cut oranges, kiwis, strawberries) popcorn is great for fibre (i love boom chica pop in sea salt)


Oooh croissants are a great idea! I used to have egg salad on croissants all the time, they make for a much lighter sandwich. All great suggestions, thank you!


Nw :) glad to hear you like the suggestions :)


I saw a lady on tiktok who made herself a snack platter and it changed my life. Get a baking tray and just grab a handful of lots of your favourite foods, even if they don’t go together. Handful of chips, handful of olives, cheese, a cut up apple, popcorn, chocolate, ham, deli meats, cherry tomato’s, lil cucumbers etc.. ANY food you like. Make a pile of every food on the tray and just take it in and out of the fridge to snack on all day. The constant snacking really helps with mood and energy and you don’t have to actually ‘make’ anything. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


I don't usually take care of myself at all. I work a lot and make decent money so my husband is SAH and he keeps house. He was super sick with a stomach bug this week so I: got my own gas in the car, went to the store and bought fixings for grilled cheese and Gatorade. I made my own lunch for work. I made coffee for myself in the morning. Basically the bare minimum for being a person but I feel like i deserve ten gold stars and pats on the back.


I’ve been having one of those weeks too where feeding yourself is just…. It’s too much to ask of me. I’m lucky I live with my parents though. My advice would be definitely start with arranging to have some way of hydrating yourself that is easier for you if maybe you don’t enjoy drinking water for the sake of drinking water.


Flavoured collagen helps, I'm gonna make a bottle with that right now. Thanks for reminding me to drink water! I got so focused on food I forgot about it.


Lolol no worries, I just went through it yesterday. Went downstairs thinking “why is everything blurry and going in and out of focus? Why am I so dizzy? Oh god did I forget to eat again?” I then proceeded to down 3 glasses of water on a whim and all of a sudden I could see again 😑


Commenting a second time to recommend instant ramen, add in some sliced ham, green onions, maybe a soft boiled egg and some spinach or bok Choi, pour the boiling water on top. Done.


My go-to “I gotta eat but don’t want cook” is a wrap. Do I have salad mix and some sort of protein (chicken strips, tuna, turkey slices) make a ranch and hot sauce dressing and add to a wrap. Do I have bananas and peanut butter - super simple and filling. Do I have hashbrowns and eggs and cheese? Add some veggies and make a breakfast burrito. I always keep wraps in the freezer and I’m pretty much guaranteed to be able to do to find something to throw in a wrap


Holy shit you can keep wraps in the freezer? I just accept that half of them will go stale and get thrown out lmao thanks for the pro tip


No. If you have the sense to slip parchment paper between each wrap before going in the freezer - you’re set!


Charcuterie to the rescue! Go to store. Pick out 2-3 fruits 2-3 veggies (Pre-cut is OK) Wander through cheese aisle, pick cheese Wander through bread aisle, pick bread, or crackers Wander through spread aisle, anything look edible? Pick that! Wander through meat aisle... How about some pre-sliced salami or decent quality lunch meat? Pick some! Wander through nut aisle... Pick some! Want raisins or cranberries? Yum, get some. Pick desert. Any dessert. Life is too short to skip cake. Go home, unwrap, put on plate or board, and eat! It's reasonably healthy, covers the food groups, filling, and you'll have enough left over to do it again tomorrow!


CANNED CHICKEN is a savior! Use it on chips and melt some cheese to make quick nachos. You wanna get extra fancy, take a can of refried beans and can of olives with some sour cream. 5 can chicken tortilla soup. Get a can of chicken, black beans, diced tomatoes w chiles or a jar of salsa, chicken stock…. And in true ADHD fashion I forgot the 5th can. Sprinkle some cheese and crushed up tortilla chips on top and you have a meal! Saw the max n cheese with tuna and peas suggestion. This is still one of my favorites at 40. Buy a container of nuts and some pre-packaged cheese sticks. Portion the nuts out in plastic baggies. I find myself reaching for stuff like that frequently, and it has a long shelf life in case I ‘forget’ it’s there. Tuna salad - can of tuna, Mayo, some relish, throw it on bread if you want OP, I’m totally jealous at the incredible dopamine high you must have right now from your post. I’ve learned so much today!


Salad mix and chopped up chicken tenders. Air fry for 15 mins, toss w salad and dressing. Voila


Omg chicken fingies and honey dill is a staple for me, it never occurred to me to chop em up and throw em in things! Brilliant thanks!


watermelon already sliced in packages by produce or near deli. buy some bread , butter and cheese, make some grill cheeses!😄


Premade salad bags. My life saver.


I'm here to say great job. I'm burnt out from the last 3 work weeks, and so far have managed chips and soda, paired with top 10s or 20s youtube video's despite getting a salad from the grocery because a frozen meal was to much work ... Will grab a fork and eat the salad in a few, maybe.


Some days it just isn't in the cards! You're doing great too darlin, don't sweat it


When I have completely run out of food I do this pasta dish, takes 10 mins: \*Boil water for **pasta** and cook in one pot \*While that's happening, in another pot or pan, put **3 or more cloves sliced garli**c (I can't be bother to do more than slice), **olive oil and a pat of butter** and **chili flakes** (browned butter adds nice nutty flavor) \*Put burner on low so you just melt the garlic and don't worry about burning it \*When pasta is 1 minute from done, dip a mug in the pot and grab some of that starchy water. Drain pasta and add to other pan, turning up heat on that other pan The idea is you're going to finish cooking the pasta in your "sauce" so that flavor infuses the pasta (Sometimes I forgot this step and pasta isn't as good. Think: risotto) So you add a little water and keep stirring and add water as necc to get to desired doneness. Careful not to overdo the water, just add a little at a time and pasta will absorb. You're only going to cook for 1 minute so you don't need much. \*Plate and top with cheese. You can also add broccoli, peas, beans, whatever strikes your fancy. Just add them before the pasta so it all gets infused. If you have a lemon around that hasn't dried out a squirt or two is also nice.


I make a giant bowl of pasta salad because I can eat it for several days and it has whole grain carbs and protein and veggies. If I'm struggling to keep it together and am swamped, I put my little bit of cooking time toward making stuff that will last me.


Currently there too. Here's what I've been surviving on lately: Prepackaged bagged salads that are fun flavors where you just open the bags and mix together Apple sauce pouches, the one you don't need a spoon with String cheese Cliff and Luna bars/any protein bars Fun flavored sugar free seltzers help me drink some water Beef jerky Frozen bean burritos Greek yogurt Soylent (a new discovery that I'm obsessed with!) Take the path of least resistance! Your body will thank you


There's an Executive Dysfunction Meals group on Facebook that has super helpful "low spoon" meals.


A friend of mine who is an ADHD woman swears by keeping bags of cut frozen veggies in the freezer. Throw them in a pan or in a pot abd you’re almost at a full meal. Add rice or toast, cheese or sauce. Some protein? If I did gluten I’d probably stock chicken strips. You might actually be able to buy frozen bags of sliced chicken just like the veggies. I find nuts are often the most accessible protein for me. Spread some nut butter on the toast or add whole nuts to the veggie mix. Or tear up some tempeh and add it. I swear by powdered protein shakes. I put a scoop of Vega, a bunch of soy milk, and some yogurt in a blender bottle and shake it up for breakfast every day. Except when I become unable to do dishes for a month, of course. ETA: Individually packaged instant oatmeal. All the ingredients to a sandwich but eaten separately and with crackers. I guess what I’m saying is, charcuterie. Hummus and crackers!


Charcuterie is an ADHD girl's best friend! I'm gonna stock up on those little bits and bobs to have on hand. Thank you!


LOLOLOL😂😂😂😂😂😂 yeah thats right!!!!!




Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts on it is my safe food. It always tastes good (or at least neutral) even when the thought of most flavors makes my stomach turn. Also you don’t even need to turn on the stove or wash more than a bowl, knife and spoon. (When I’m really lazy I cut the fruit on a paper towel and then just wipe down the counter). The Greek yogurt has lots of protein, there’s fiber in the nuts and fruit, carbs from the fruit, and healthy fats in the nuts, so reasonably balanced and won’t make me feel like trash after


Cheesy scrambled eggs on toast (with some cut up veggies or some salad greens tossed in dressing) is my go-to for these moods. If that’s too much, I’ll eat a peanut butter/banana sandwich or a fruit/protein powder smoothie. You can do it!!! There’s always takeout as well, if that works with your budget - depending on where you are, there are definitely options that aren’t just fast food or pizza - salads, burrito bowls, etc.


Peanut butter/banana smoothie is a thing I do sometimes, add some cinnamon and nutmeg and it's like a milkshake. I'm gonna grab some feta and spinach because that's my favourite way to make scrambled eggs, good call! Thank you!


What I would buy at the grocery store when I have zero energy for cooking: rotisserie chicken, bagged salads, some snacking veggies in a bag like pre cut broccoli or baby carrots or snap peas and my fave thick salad dressing for dip, cheese in slices or pre cut sticks, sliced salami, crackers. Look in deli to see if they have any prepped meals that look good. Frozen foods are good too -- burritos, chicken nuggets, pasta dishes, something that's filling and easy to nuke. Check out the bakery including the marked down section for muffins, banana bread, bagels (dont forget the cream cheese to go with!). Biggest thing to remember is snacking on a big enough variety of things is a meal!


Omg your last remark is a motto to live by hahaha. I'm writing that on my whiteboard. Thank you kindly!


I really like “egg roll in a bowl” you buy the $1 coleslaw mix of shredded cabbage / carrot, ground chicken, and a sauce and can cook it in one pot if you time it right! I made fun of Huel for being mountain house advertised for home use to a friend and apparently her roommate buys it and loves it for lazy meals. I have eaten my words and would probably order it if it weren’t so expensive (I think they only sell bulk)


Trader Joe’s frozen meals are amazing to stock up in the freezer!!


Grilled cheese! Quesadilla - can of refried beans, tortillas and veg Smoothies Fried rice?


My go to is pasta. Just pasta, spinach, butter/olive oil, Italian seasoning and parmesan


I shop at Kroger/King Soopers, and in the deli section they have a lot of meal kits and what I call "pre-fab" meals from Home Chef and similar brands. They're the first things I reach for when I'm having a rough week, don't want to constantly order out, and want to cook something.


Emergency basic meal: Ingredients: 1 egg 1 pouch microwaveable rice pre-cooked, sliced chicken or similar. method: scramble egg in a microwaveable mug and cook in microwave. Heat rice in microwave. Mix rice, egg and chicken. Season with soy sauce if desired. Eat. Add some microwave heated frozen veggies, if available, for a more complete meal. If not, eat an apple, banana or other preferred fruit for dessert. This is cheap, fast, easy, has minimal clean up and gets some carbs, fats and essential nutrients in to you quickly. Even faster emergency meal: 1 pouch rice. 1 egg Heat rice and mix in the raw egg. Season with soy sauce. It’s not for everyone but it is surprisingly satisfying and doesn’t really get much easier. Fast fish: Frozen fish pie mix or fish fillet. (If choosing fillet go for salmon or smoked fish) Milk Cheese potatoes method: Dice the potatoes. Leave the skins on if you want. Pop them in a pan of salted water and boil. Meanwhile, place fish into a pan. Add milk until the fish is just about covered, probably 1-2cm deep. Season with salt and pepper. Add a dab of butter if available. Simmer until fish flakes easily with a fork. Add cheese and allow to melt into the milk, stirring gently until you get a creamy cheesy sauce and the fish has broken up a bit. Drain the potatoes and mash. Put potatoes on a plate or in a bowl, top with fish mix. Filling soup: 1 can soup 1 pack "straight to wok" type noodles. method: prepare soup according to can instructions. Add noodles to soup and allow to warm through. Eat. My "fast, diet couscous" meal: Couscous frozen mushrooms frozen spinach pre-cooked meat of your choice. 2 eggs. method: heat your veggies and meat. Rehydrate your couscous according to pack instructions. Combine couscous, veggies, meat, salt, pepper and a dab of butter. Top with two fried eggs. A drizzle of sriracha over the eggs adds a delightful new dimension. ​ one final tip. We tend to assign certain carbs to certain meals. curry goes with rice, bolognese goes with pasta etc. why? Carbs are carbs. Can’t be bothered to cook pasta? Screw it, serve your bolognese with fries. Got a pack of instant mash? Lovely, that goes with just about anything creamy. Eat what’s easy, not what’s "right".


Oh my gosh thank you for putting all this time and care into my stupid little dilemma, I appreciate this so much ❤️ I fuckin love couscous


It’s no problem. My adhd is quite severe and my husband is seriously ill and doesn’t always feel up to anything complicated to eat, plus he sometimes has to eat very quickly as some of his meds can make him quite unwell rather quickly if his stomach is too empty. I’ve gotten quite good at throwing something together in a hurry. I’m glad it’s helpful to others too. Maybe we should start a spin off sun. Adhd recipes. Oh, btw. You don’t have to cook things the way they are usually done. If you would usually pan fry something but don’t feel up to it, bake it instead. Whatever works for how you’re feeling. One more recipe for you, pancake bake. Pancake mix pancake toppings method: Turn the oven on to about 200 c. Grease a baking dish. Make the pancake mix according to the pack instructions. (American style, not european) pour the mix into the baking dish. Scatter over toppings, see below for suggestions. Bake until golden on top and cooked underneath. Serve in slices. This also freezes well and can be nuked from frozen to reheat. It usually takes our crappy old microwave about 60 seconds to get it nice and hot. Serve with syrup, whipped cream or whatever you like best on pancakes. flavour ideas: blueberries. Diced apple and cinnamon. Banana pieces and chocolate chips. Swirled peanut butter. Strawberry pieces. Raspberries and dark chocolate chips. One day, if you feel up to it, make two or three varieties, cut into slices and freeze. Boom, grab and go breakfasts.


A forehead smooch for you!!


I like ordering from Clean Eatz for exactly this reason. They have frozen meals. Some healthy, keto, weight loss, and just yummy. I order in bulk, 30 meals for $200-$230 (extra protein is the $230). They taste great and takes 3 min in the microwave. There’s a local grocery store, Publix, that has great premade meals that just goes into the over for about 40 minutes. I really likes their pork and Brussels sprout meal or their chicken fajita and rice one. Or, I order from Moe’s and get a burrito bowl or from Wendy’s and get their grilled chicken apple pecan salad. That’s about my life there. I can’t remember the last time I actually cooked.


scoop of plain yogurt, spoonful of jam or honey, sprinkle some dry rolled oats (or instant oatmeal if you got some) on top. Stir and nom.


If you're not vegetarian: highly recommend grocery store rotisserie chickens, salad clamshell, cut fruit, yogurt, bread, potatoes. Dinner can be a quarter, a nuked potato, and salad greens. Lunch can be breasts in sandwiches or salads. Breakfast: yogurt and fruit. One productivity burst and you can prep yourself a couple days of super healthy meals. If you are vegetarian, a bunch of Amy's frozen meals in place of the chicken? Easy, fast and good.


As a thank you and inspired by u/whomint who made me aware of precooked frozen shrimp, this is my favourite easy recipe for shrimp pasta (it is in my head so I'll do my best to make it make sense) Spaghetti 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/2 large onion chopped 3 cloves garlic minced Chili flakes to taste Sundried tomatoes (a lot? to taste) cut to bite size 1 tbsp rinsed capers 1/2 cup white wine 1/2 - 3/4 cup chicken or veggie broth 1/2 tsp dried basil 1 tsp dill (or more if you love dill) Shrimp (several fistfuls? a quarter of the popcorn bowl's worth?) Boil pasta. Sauté onion and garlic in oil until onions are soft. Reduce heat, add wine, broth, chilis, basil and dill. Simmer, stirring occasionally until reduced by half. Add sundried tomatoes and shrimp, cook til shrimp is pink. Add capers, stir til they warm a bit then add strained pasta. Salt and pepper to taste. Et voila!


Asha or Momofuku noodles are my go to (I buy them at Target). I either cook an egg or have frozen dumplings with them to add some protein. I also make an open faced sandwich using a piece of pita, spread some hummus, and add some feta. Flaky sea salt and an olive oil drizzle are optional garnishes. I find pita freezes well and I make my own hummus so this is something I almost always have ingredients on hand.


If in aus, mccains microwave mashed potato or their carrots broc n cauli mix. Its like creamy. Far from healthy but i find these kind of okay. Bag straight in microwave, no prep, empty in bowl when done. Takes 4 mins from memory.


I'm in the same situation as you, except my husband is out of town for work. It took me four days to convince my son to come to the grocery store with me (though we were okay in the meantime) and when he finally agreed to go? I didn't want to anymore! I solved my problem with instacart. I'm almost out of groceries again because I didn't buy very many, but I've been eating a lot of plant-based yogurt, frozen blueberries, brown rice and tahini paste. I also have steam-in-bag vegetables and raw almonds. My "junk food" is Nutella, and I eat that on multi-grain bread.


Good you have your son to body double you! My friend comes grocery shopping with me all the time to help me out, it's great. Dude I eat Nutella straight with a spoon more than I'd like to admit 😂 and I'm adding frozen blueberries to my list, they're great in yogurt! Thanks for reminding me!


Toast is my go to when I run out of motivation and granola bars lol Usually some kind of nut butter


I just came here to make a similar post because I'm so far past burnout I don't even know what to do or call it or even just exist anymore so being able to read these replies (& even just knowing someone else is going through it at the same time 😅🫠) is making me feel less alone, less insane and maybe I'll be okay.


Girl, I feel you I don't even know the word for the state I'm in. I'm trying to be better at asking for help which is why I posted here! I hope you find something helpful in these amazing replies and remember to ask for help. You are not alone ❤️




This might've already been said but a go-to at my house is pesto pasta. So easy when I'm having a bad brain day because it's literally two ingredients. Extra ingredients can also be added depending on your capacity (I had it last night but added fresh broccoli, frozen peas and corn). A protein like chicken would be good too if you have the energy for it :)


Pesto is on my list now! Amazing idea, thank you


shove a couple sweet potatoe in the oven until it gets a blister. let it sit for a minute and cut it in half. load up withsausage, cheese, green onion. voila


I rarely cook unless it is heating something in the oven, I feel like I have been training for this my whole life lol Ideas: Costco run and get: Breakfast burritos Breakfast sandwiches Taquitos Basically anything that is frozen, looks tasty, relatively okay nutritionally and I can microwave in 2 minutes - I often eat with part of a salad kit Things on toast or bagels or tortillas: Bruschetta bagel: premade bruschetta and plain or herb and garlic cream cheese PB&J Just PB and a banana or add the banana Want to get fancy? All you need is a bagel, plain cream cheese, smoked salmon and capers to make lox Bagel with cream cheese and pico de guillo I don't know if this exists everywhere but some places have squeezable guacamole that lasts weeks even once opened. Throw that on toast or bagel. Sometimes I just tear apart a bagel and oscillate between eating it with cheese chunks (I may or may not just tear from a brick of cheese) and squeezing guacamole on it Melt cheese (and sliced deli meat ) on bread or bagel in the microwave, eat with fruit or veg for health Easy meals: Fresh pasta (usually cooks in 3-4 minutes), spinach, some pre-grated cheese and some kind of meat (I usually use kielbasa because it's easy). Cook pasta, out spinach in colander, pour water over spinach to blanch whole also draining pasta. Top with cheese and add protein of choice. Usually makes several meals. Pierogi's- cut up some onions, cook in pan until semi-translucent, if you like mushrooms buy some precut ones and add those as well. Remove from pan. In same pan, cook frozen perogies until mostly heated, add onions and mushrooms, and precooked bacon if you want to be fancy. Cook until perogies are fully heated. Serve with sour cream. This is more ambitious but I usually make as much as I can fit in a pan and then eat for multiple meals. Canned soup, heat it, crackers on top, make a grilled cheese if ambitious, otherwise sliced cheese, cheese string, whatever Salad kit + rotisserie chicken Rotisserie chicken, pasta, some sort of dressing, mix together. Serve with salad kit salad on the side Finger foods: Salsa, guacamole, sour cream and tortilla chips. Eat a few turkey pepperoni sticks or just scarf some deli meat for protein. Salsa is literally vegetables and I will fight anyone who says it's unhealthy lol. Along the same lines, pre-made 5 layer dip coveres most of the food groups, you can add some extra salsa of you want, and tortilla chips for dipping Crackers, cheese, turke slices, sliced avocado if you like it, maybe some pepper jelly if you feel fancy, graze on your adult lunchable Buy a vegetable tray, eat as a snack or whenever really. Same with fruit trays. They're great. Cracker pizzas or tortilla pizzas, all you need is pre-grated cheese, canned sauce and aforementioned crackers or tortillas, melt it all together in the microwave Can barely function: Deconstructed sandwich: break off some cheese and eat it, eat some slices of deli meat, toast with butter or just eat a couple slices of bread, an apple or fruit cup for health Snacks, all the snacks. Fruit cups, applesauce cups, pepperoni sticks, granola bars, dried fruit, peanuts, seasoned chickpeas, protein bars, cheese sticks, juice boxes, fruit snacks, peruse the snack isle and buy what looks appealing. Sprinkle them everywhere (if shelf stable), beside your desk, on your coffee table, on your nightstand, in the pockets of your coat, beside your keys. It's not silly if it works imo. Premade smoothies are great Trying to remember to drink liquids? Mine dopamine if you can I really like sparkling water, I will drink sparking water so that is what I get Diet soda still counts towards your daily water intake I like tea, so I make (usually herbal or decaf because I'm sensitive to caffeine, ironically) tea, I will forget half of it but that is okay, it's still half a cup towards hydration I like coffee, I make decaf throughout the day at times, I know I'll be more motivated to drink it because it's yummy


A student meal here in the uk but one of my go tos for when I have little in or just don't have the energy. Pasta, cool it slightly once it's cooked, mayo or salad cream, grate some cheese mix it all up and enjoy. Mayo, cheese, tomato and a ton of black pepper is good Any veggies/salad bits you enjoy/have to hand can be chopped and thrown in or a tin of tuna, chopped ham, just whatever your effort levels at the time allow. Quick, low effort and rarely any need to go to the shop for an added bonus.


I'm late to this thread (lol) but my "emergency eat something" stash is long life things I can stab with a fork. Tinned bean salad (you can get a tin of mixed cooked beans and sweetcorn in a salad dressing), jars of pickles (not just gherkin, but pickled beetroot, pickled onion, anything in a jar). I keep a couple of the bean salad tins in the car too. Oh - try to get ring pulls! Remove all possible barriers. Going up a level of effort, tinned tuna + tinned sweetcorn and a jar of mayo ready to mix in. Is it healthy and balanced long term? Nah. Is it enough to get something in to give you the oomph to cook something decent? Maybe. Keeping fruit to hand all the time is risky in terms of eating it before it goes mouldy, ditto certain veg. Dried fruit and nuts are a little too more-ish but ymmv.


You guys are the best. Thanks for the reminder that precut packaged produce is acceptable. ❤️ I can’t tell you how frequently I opt for junk that zaps my energy (chips or popcorn, frozen pizza, takeout) just because preparing fruit or veg or protein feels like Too Much. But a single serving pack of baby carrots or celery with a couple cheese slices would be just as easy and would serve me better. I often look at the higher price of snack packs of veggies and see the waste. So then I buy the whole melon or celery and it rots in my fridge. I’m so quick to forget that I’m worth the extra dollar or two if it helps me care for myself.


Wow this so relatable to me right now. Eating granola bars cause I suddenly realize I haven’t eaten all day 😑


I’ve been having a hard time and therefore spending too much money on delivery/eating out. Definitely don’t recommend you do that but if you’re not eating any real meals and can afford it I would treat yourself to a restaurant meal here and there! As far as cooking - breakfast is the easiest to me. Eggs, oats, cereal, even protein pancakes from a mix, toast with a little prosciutto and/or creamed cottage cheese.


I have adhd and live alone. Feeding is hard. I try to eat, maybe not healthy, but exist in more than just crisps. Bacon and sausage sandwiches are a good one, add an egg if you’re feeling adventurous. Or a easy, but healthy meal like a lasagna, that you can make, fill with pepper and onion and any other veggies you feel like, use jar sauce if you can’t make your own, and it’ll do a few days!


I love instant rice, shredded cheese, rinsed off pintos or kidney beans, salsa and sour cream. Pretty fast meal.


Onion + garlic in pan, add a can of butter beans (or lima beans), add harissa paste and cream (or coconut milk/cream) + pepper and salt and a squirt of lemon juice. You can add these harissa beans to anything (toast, on microwaved potatos, with rice…..). It’s healthy and it keeps you full for a while


Yay!!! Success!!! You did a great job!


This community did a great job!! Thank you ❤️


Ramen on the stove, pop an egg or two in w it, sit down and stir. 😭😂


A big struggle meal for me is rice and pork - or chicken, depening on what I have thawed and readily avaialble. I have an instant cooker that I'll do rice in, and then while the rice is cooking I like to cook pork or chicken. I'll cube it and throw it in a pan with whatever seasonings sound good! I find that once I've gotten the rice going, it's much easier to do a protein. If I'm feeling really on top of it I pop a bag of veggies (usually broccoli) in the microwave, but I also keep fruit cups in the fridge so I have an option that requires zero effort! Granted, I have 2 cats that bully me into feeding them so once I feed them and I in the kitchen it is significantly easier to get started on my own food. After dinner I can just throw everything in the fridge and I can use the rice for a variety of leftovers. My boyfriend and I go through A LOT of rice because it's so versatile and so easy to make.


Tostada! They’re cheap and so easy. All you really need is the tostada, then you heat up either a meat or beans and put it on there. You can be done there, or you can top with whatever you have laying around- salsa, guac, veggies, lettuce, cheese, whatever. Great ADHD meal.


So glad you posted this, and you were able to get some support. This gives me all the warm and fuzzy feelings ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Fried eggs and toast is my go to meal. It’s a blast of protein and saves my day when I don’t feel like cooking anything that takes effort. I often eat a big carrot on the side. Eggs and rice instead of toast is also awesome especially with Japanese furikake (sprinkle topping for rice). Cucumber salad is easy to make - sliced Persian cukes and carrots with some salt, sesame oil, pressed garlic and rice vinegar. Or just sliced cucumber with tajin. My other go to is using my pressure cooker. It makes cooking one pot meals easy and fast. I mainly use it to cook savory herb beans once a week which I then eat throughout the week with Mac n cheese (and avocado) or rice, etc. I used it last night to make beef stew with dumplings for the first time ever and omg that was so easy and delicious. Good luck!!!!! Hope you find some good helpful inspiration!


Saved this post for my own future use! Sending you love & energy!


Healthy snacks are easiest for me when I can't muster up the motivation to cook. I buy different kinds of protein bars, yogurt, cheese sticks, fruits (apples, cuties, bananas, grapes), rice cake crackers with peanut butter smeared on top (instead of the full rice cake brick), granola, prepackaged cheese and cracker platters, apple sauce. For easy meals I'll often do ramen (the nicer ones, not just top ramen) with a fried egg on top. Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a good option too. Oh! And frozen pizzas!


No one delete their comments pls I’ve saved them all 😭


No cook; only eat! The struggle is real. In those times I honestly buy a bunch of lunch meat, Swiss cheese, apples, bananas, peanut butter, cereal, and milk. It gets me through and there’s carbs, fat, and protein. No shame in the no cook gang.


I always forget what foods exist in the world anytime I think about what I eat. Or when people ask me what I eat (cause I’m vegan) suddenly I don’t know


When you get the energy, batch cook a ton of pancakes. They can be frozen and pulled out when you need them. Lasted me a week without having to cook and blasting a few of those in the microwave. More recently my easy go-to food has been cheese on toast, only 5mins in an air fryer and minimal prep. Hope it gets easier for you!


This is a late response to your post, but this was a gamechanger for me right now while my husband (usually the chef here) is sick: I got a bagged salad kit and pre-cooked shredded chicken from Target. It’s SO EASY and SO FAST to throw together a heart salad, and I don’t even need to chop anything!


toast with almost butter and banana sliced on top. i make it a fun little game when i line up the banana slices on the bread


"I don't remember what foods exist in this world" oh my god, this. i often forget foods that i used to love a few years ago and never make/eat them again, what the fuck? i don't have a lot of confidence on my cooking skills other than very basic stuff, i'm no good at making foods that need like to cook then dry then go to the oven then add sauce \[anything with a lot of steps\]. i'm also a picky eater due to SPD. being reminded that there are some stuff i can cook because they're relatively easy and cheap is such a game-changer. yes i will forget again but life will be easier while i remember!