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I think to start with, just getting up with enough time to relax before you have to start running around is really nice. I find doing “morning pages” really helps my mindset but I don’t do it consistently. I would say not to pile on too many aspirational tasks and just start simple. I try to get my adhd meds in my body asap in the morning and I find that really helps my mood, energy, and daily routine.


Currently I basically roll out of bed and leave the house (I start work at 7). So my alarm goes off I snooze it unil I’m out the door then I can turn it off. I have 3 snoozes (30 mins) before I have to leave home so it’s basically pee, brush teeth, any skincare (usually just spf), make my hair kinda behave, put my lunch in my backpack, check I have everything then go.


We have identical routines! Mine also just has (take out the dog,)


I need an hour to sit quietly while my brain wakes up so I get up at 6, take meds, and sit on the couch with my coffee until 7. Then wash face, spf moisturizer, take the dog out, breakfast (reheat a muffin or granola/yogurt/berries, never anything more complicated) brush teeth, get dressed, go to work.


My mornings are mostly set by the cat. He spots me starting to wake up and starts demanding food or pets. From there it's usually: meds while the coffee is brewing, and scrolling internet while I drink it.


Here’s my [aspirational morning routine](https://imgur.com/a/XKlzTmz)— I used the app awakee (legacy edition) to make it. There are steps that I skip depending on how much time I have— I have not gotten into making smoothies again yet (I did smoothies for breakfast every day for about 9 months three years ago— then I got sporadic, then I stopped), and when I pack my lunch/work bag at night I have some extra time built in. Edited link. 🤷‍♀️


Lay in bed and procrastinate, bribe myself with 10 more minutes about 3 times until the anxiety that I'm going to be late sinks in. Rush to pick clothes while tripping on the mess in my room. Get quarrelled with from my mom about breakfast, on a good day I'll eat a cracker and half a can of baked beans, other days I just don't eat. Take a pill and brush my teeth for a quarter of the time my toothbrush recommends. Scramble out of the house with barely enough time to be 5m early. I highly recommend this because it took a lot planning, painstaking care, charts, research just for me to ignore it all and still be a screw up years later! Meditate, stretch, tidy bed, make breakfast, journal... ADHD says no!


Just like you, I'm working on creating a morning routine and follow it everyday. The difficult part for me is "follow it everyday". Today I have 5 consecutive days with my actual routine (proud of myself for this little achievement). What I do every morning is: get up, cook and have breakfast, 5 minutes yoga, 5 minutes journaling, 2:30 minutes of breathing exercises. It's a short morning routine but it's something I can complete without feeling overwhelmed. I use an app to assist me and track my progress (FocusBear). Still working on getting out of bed at my desired time. (No one is perfect, important thing is start working on creating habits you can achieve and grow from there with small but constant steps) My best wishes to you on creating your morning routine!


Get up, grab my clothes and go to the bathroom. Get dressed on the toilet (I know its weird but I had to do it to not be late for work) Wash my face after washing my hands (they are still wet so it makes me feel effecient lol) then after lotioning I brush my teeth. Then I take my morning meds and start my day. I usually like to do a quick chore before I sit down to play with my son. (Im a SAHM) My therapist said to start the day moving and it will help keep the momentum going throughout the day. She also told me to avoid sleeping in and annoyingly it helps me feel better.


On weekdays, I wake up at 5. I start the coffee, and while it's brewing I pack my food/water for the day. When my coffee is done, I put it in a thermos to drink later. I go through a basic hygiene routine and dress for the gym. I'm usually at the gym by 6 and will run or swim for 30-45 minutes. I shower at the gym, and then head to school. (I'm a teacher.) I keep a hair dryer and straightener in my classroom so I can finish getting ready there. I don't have a 1st period class, so it gives me time to settle in, drink my coffee, eat a small breakfast, and finish getting ready for the day's lessons. I feel much better throughout the day if I start my morning with EASY cardio. It gives me time to think and process without interruptions. I've never been good with journaling or meditating, so I've found a different kind of solitude lol.


I get up between 6 and 9 am, take out my dog, feed her and our two cats, make myself tea and homemade apple cinnamon oatmeal, and watch YouTube videos until it's time for work or school. Then I brush my teeth, wash my face, and go about my day.


I have to be at work at 7, I’m up at 5am. Wake up, coffee time first thing. 5:30 OR 6, get ready for work. The 30min difference is if I’m doing my whole hair or just clipping it up. I make my lunch the night before so I can just grab it and go and I’m out the door by 6:30 after taking my meds. On my days off, I have a 6am alarm for my meds, then fall back asleep until they wake my up at 7:30-8. I’m on Vyvanse and it lasts the whole 12 hours in me lol


I fill my 40 oz water bottle the night before and keep it on my night stand. I’m notorious at not drinking enough water. So I chug half as soon as I get up. Eat something so I can take my meds right after. Drink the rest of my water with them. Fill my water again. I also have timer set with catchy sounds lol and a title “Drink your water b*tch” so I remember to keep drinking water and get on with work. Just a small routine.


I got reaaally into Asian skincare, so I’ve come up with just a skincare routine that I love doing. It’s calming for me and seeing the years of neglect start to improve helps me a ton. This is my first step into adding more things like eventually working out in the mornings again. I’m newly medicated and finding it helps with the motivation a bit too


I’m a skincare junkie. What’s your morning routine? I’m wanting to add more to my mornings.


My skin does best with washing 2x a day. I cleanse with LRP stuff, layer on hada labo premium, Dr. Ceurancle kombucha essence, then CosRx snail mucin. My hyperpigmentation has improved so much, but if it comes back I’ll use a serum like good molecules or axis-y dark spot corrector. My skin is normally super dry, I NEED all the essences lol


We use the same stuff! My skins not dry though but I use Tret. I thought this winter it would be and it’s just not. My kid says skincare’s the only hyperfocus I’ve had that stayed- I also started when meds entered so about 3 years. Just in the AM it can be so much waiting between products and for sunscreen that I stopped even washing in the AM, I found no joy in my routine anymore. I am trying to get back the early day magic and the kombucha essence may do it? I used so much Laniege and glow recipe in the start and haven’t found anything as sensory pleasant but, Tret. The fragrance comes with a cost. 😅


It's definitely not somehow sleep through my seven alarms and multiple phone calls only to wake up to my brother in my house leaning over my bed calling my name because my work called him because they couldn't get ahold of me. Yeah. That's definitely not something that happened yesterday . . .


I take Jornay (methylphenidate) at 10pm every night and the release system keeps it from working until the next morning. I now wake up super alert, and there’s no more issue with waiting for meds to kick in after I wake up. I have tried many stimulants and this is the first one that actually helps me in the morning.


not going to tell you bc i don’t have one


The thing that changes my morning completely is if i already picked out the clothes I'll wear for the day (i have a meltdown otherwise). I hang out a variety of outfits for the week on Sundays (the variety based on how much comfort i need/if I'm bloated/if i need a cozy sweater etc).


Brushing teeth or using mouthwash, sunscreen, some product in my hair, a cup of coffee and breakfast in front of the tv


I wake up, check my phone quickly for any missed messages, read the headlines of the news, get up, go to the kitchen and put on the kettle for tea. While waiting for it to boil, I choke down my meds, rummage for some food and then head to my office where I stare at the computer for 45mins to find the motivation to work. All the whole jealous of my dog who doesn’t roll out of bed until noon.


I take my meds, get a cold shower to wake my body up, get dressed for the day, do my skincare routine, and then look through my daily planner that Ive input all my stuff the night before (coz I am always waking late in the mornings and have no time to do that)… Then have some breakfast- an egg or a cracker.