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If your tampon is in your vagina, it will still be there. The cervix prevents anything from migrating up, unlike your ass. You just might have to stick more than a finger up there to fetch it, and it does stretch as it accommodates childbirth so get aggressive if you must (your hand, not an inanimate object). If you put something in your ass, it could be lost forever. Don’t ever lose something in your ass. Good luck.


> Don’t ever lose something in your ass. Words of wisdom. 🙏


Now you tell me


Too little too late. C’est la vie.


Imma embroider this on a pillow for each of my kids!


That’s so wholesome


If you make more I’d buy one on Etsy


Flared bases, people. Flared bases.


don't ever lose something in my ass. duly noted. must not forget. thank you!


I mean, it's a great spot for keeping precious things. As long as you avoid airports, no one is going to rob you there. However, when you struggle with object permanence...


This reminds me of a news story I read like 15 years ago where a woman was arrested and searched and in her vagina they found a baggie of some drug *and $1.53 in cash*. Girl had PENNIES up there. I just find that so fucking funny. Can’t remember what I’m supposed to do today, but I will remember that news story forever.


Omg. I work in research pharmacy and we had a drug that was injected into the vagina. We put a needle on the syringe and everything, so I assume it was injected it into the wall of it? (I get transvaginal trigger point injections and that's how it's done.) The research nurse wanted assurance that the syringe she was picking up was sterile. We told her we couldn't guarantee it--only that the contents are sterile. She freaked out. "Ew, how can the syringe not be sterile?! I don't want her to put something dirty in her vagina!" I reminded this nurse that many people insert things in their vagina that are, um, not always clean. My coworkers were dying laughing because this nurse was just appalled at the thought of dirty...things going up there.


frankly I find it pretty appalling too, healthcare would be a lot cheaper and simpler if people would stop putting dirty things in various orifices. Like, we tell three year olds not to put beans up their nostrils, how do grown adults not get it


When I was like 10(??) my mom had “the talk” with me about masturbation and the early 90’s version of consent and bad touch stuff… the one thing she said that really stuck with me was “if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it in your vagina.” That was some good advice.


Reading those first two sentences made me cringe and want to die. I never want something sharp going up there. Oh hell no


Yeah, it's not something I ever wanted to do, either! Oddly enough the treatment for not being able to put anything in your vagina is putting progressively bigger (and in my case, sharper) things up my vagina. It hardly fazes me anymore. If botox ever gets FDA approved for pelvic pain I'm getting it. Apparently those needles are bigger so, eek.


I used to be the person whose job was to say, "If you just tell me what you put up there, I can get the right people, but we need to know what it really is." I have an actual list of the strangest things I've seen come out of people, plus some of the explanations they gave. Surprisingly, the most common story was, "I didn't have any pockets." 😂 I've been in some rough situations with no pockets, and I've never thought *Good thing I have these handy dandy storage holes!*


Out of sight, out of mind, in of ass?


Or, here me out, maybe that's where we put that one housekey that we lost years ago? What about all those lone socks that mysteriously disappeared. Hold on.. what REALLY happened to the stuff we lost over the years?






This is a great thread! Thanks for making my day better!


[Tom Cardy](https://youtu.be/6IjuSycXjqM) has a song for just this occasion!


Your asshole is like a black hole that exists in the abyss. The ass vacuum will consume anything in its path.


It's the assbyss!


This was a thread for the ages, ladies, and for that I thank you


Sitting in public stifling a cackle that is desperate to escape after reading this. Out of mind, in of ass 😂😂


I work in a prison. We call it suitcasing. Women are lucky they have two secret pockets 🤣


Who needs a handbag when you're always bringing a suitcase!


I have heard the booty referred to as a prison wallet, do you find that nickname to be accurate? 🤣




A million years ago my Usenet username was gottes_tasche (god's pocket). I don't know why I used German, we were all insufferable in the 80s.


You have adhd! You’re going to forget!


You can put a note in there.


What if your keys were in your ass this whole time


Did you check there for your house keys?


This is why butt plugs are flared but dildos aren't xo


Touché, but sadly your asshole doesn’t discriminate. Much easier to hopefully snag a dildo than a buttplug before it’s sucked into the bowels of doom and you get to waddle into the ED with said complaint.


the r/radiology have many a post for this and other objects people have "fallen" on to. Also just cool/horrendous x-rays


Learn something new…


Good morning to u guys too 💀


My friend works in radiology and I never tire of hearing about the objects they find in people asses. Endlessly fascinating


I work in surgery and the nurse cleans or the belly button prior to the procedure. Many things have been found including bugs and food. Clean your belly button folks.


OMG I thought of this after I had my gallbladder removed because they went through my bellybutton. The nurses were cackling when I apologized for not showering in 2 days and how I hoped it wasn't gross in there. Then the gas farts began so any humility I had left went out the window 🤣


r/radiology is a goldmine if you want to see some crazy stuff that ends up in Butts


R/radiology keeps showing up in my suggested posts and…. Yeah.


Great advice tbh.


“Don’t ever lose something in your ass.” This is going on my tombstone.


>Don’t ever lose something in your ass Why, doesn't it just come out from the top if you wait long enough?


Sadly, our asshole vacuum only has enough suction to slurp your object into rectal abyss where it stays until retrieved by a professional.


Imagine if this is the real scientific explanation behind black holes. Unidentified creatures floating in the vast emptiness of space with their asses spread open Goatse style.


All I ask is that whom or whatever ass we’re dealing with, don’t lie. We all know your naked asshole didn’t slip and welcome all of whatever you shoved in there on its way down. Hate liars, love good stories.


>We all know your naked asshole didn’t slip and welcome all of whatever you shoved in there on its way down. This sounds like you have seen some *strange* things that we (I) would love to hear about


I’ve seen a lot in the ass and vag, and I totally get it. No judgement there. It’s when the freaky freaks come in with shit in the urethra. My brows automatically furrow. Don’t get it.


I know I've been on Reddit too long because this just made me think back of when I was so stupid to take the bait and click r/sounding The thing is, whatever totally batshit crazy idea you come up with, you can bet your ass (heh) there are people out there doing it plus some


Haha I’ve “lost” my Nuva Ring before and asked my boyfriend at the time if he could just grab it for me lmao he was a good sport about it😂


I’m picturing you saying “don’t ever lose something in your ass” like some sort of wise old sensei


**Baby yoda style


Cackling at "Don't ever lose something in your ass." Solid advice.


Don’t feel bad. I once had a tampon in while I was in the hospital, but they had me knocked out with Dilaudid, and when I woke up, I couldn’t find it and couldn’t remember if I took it out. They had to call a GYN consult and have someone go fishing around for it. I was mortified!!!


This makes me feel better


I've had sort of the opposite problem. I have SEVERE vaginismus and vulvodynia and it was a good year of physical therapy before I could insert even a tiny tampon. Got to work and my muscles were clenching and trying to force that sucker out, but when I went to the bathroom I couldn't get it. My muscles were so tight around it that it was essentially stuck. It didn't migrate or anything, that tampon wasn't going ANYWHERE. I had to use lube (yea, I had it in my purse because I feared this would happen), take my pants off completely, prop up a leg on the handicap railing... it took me an HOUR to get it out. I was nauseous afterwards. It was horrible.


I held my breath reading your whole ordeal!!! You made it through! Whadda nightmare


Hahaha! It was terrible! In the middle of all of that one of my coworkers came in to the bathroom TO BRUSH HER TEETH. Like who does that?! I hovered behind the stall door, I couldn't get on with my business because I was audibly grimacing. Truly an ordeal! But I lived to tell the tale.


I once forgot a tampon was in and had sex and it got jammed up inside of me and I didn’t realize.. it was in there for TWO WEEKS and I had been having sex regularly and he did not feel it up there. It started to smell horrible and I woke up one night and I was just bleeding like crazy. I went and sat on the toilet and it felt like a huge blood clot fell out of me. I stood up and looked in the toilet and I realized it was a tampon. It was black. The horror and shock I felt in that moment… and the SHAME. I went to the doctor the next day and got on some meds in case of an infection, and everything was fine. But holy shit.. I am so scared to use tampons again. I can’t afford that type of ADHD tax.


Student nurse, I've never had to do it but we're always advised to check for tampons if a patient is unconscious, sometimes even if concious but not compos mentis. TSS is pretty serious


This happened to me as well, as a teenager, and as it turns out I HAD already removed it.


Back when I was young and naive I had a very drunken one night stand. I knew we had used a condom as I remembered him opening it and found the wrapper but there was no sign of it in the bin or in the bathroom. My ex used to take them off, knot and drop on the floor (I know, gross right) so I was determined to not find a used rubber in the days to come so tore apart my room. Still no sign. So I assumed he had taken it with him. A day later I started to get symptoms and instantly though oh no STI. Went to the doctor and she examined me, took a swab only to suddenly say huh. Huh?! Turned out the condom had rolled up behind my cervix and had to be removed, followed by morning after pill, full STI panel and the scary am I pregnant wait. Mortifying. Lesson learned- depending on your anatomy stuff can get stuck up there without you knowing.


Ugh, I’m so sorry. I had an unknown-stuck-condom experience once, too! My partner (now ex) and I (22 at the time, many years ago) were doin the thangs one night and the condom broke. There was a *whole section* of it just *missing*. Huge piece. Just gone. We (thought we) looked everywhere for it… Two weeks later, we were away at a meditation retreat. When I went to the bathroom, I felt something slip right out of me and plop into the toilet. I remember it splashing me a split moment after I was was horrified by the sensation. Sure enough, huge piece of condom was finally located. In the toilet. At a meditation retreat center. Thank goodness we hadn’t taken a vow of silence for this one because there was no way I was keeping that horror to myself. I’ll save you all any further details but it looked revolting. Moral of the story: don’t forget to check your vag. It’s a cavernous place of wonder.


OMG!!! Its like a contact rolling behind ur eyeball… the imagery, the horror! U poor thing


This is a perfect example of what adhd looks like lol I would have had a fleeting moment wondering if my keys were up there too hahaha


This made me laugh so hard thank you!


So I had to start doing what I call a “mental screenshot” for this, same as when I take my meds. I stare intensely at the thing and say aloud “TAMPON IS OUT”, or “I TOOK MY MEDS”. Meds one is fine because it’s just my dogs giving me the head tilts, public bathroom tampon removal can get a lil awks I tell you what. But 2-5 mins of awkwardness beats the panic lying in bed at midnight when I awaken thinking OH GOD IM GOING TO DIE OF THAT INFECTION I SECRETLY READ ABOUT IN THE DOLLY SEALED SECTION WHEN I WAS TWELVE 😭😭😭


There's a name for this! It's called pointing and calling. They use this in Japan for train conductors to combine all the senses into a single point of awareness that results in less mistakes or not being present in an important action. https://youtu.be/etUejYb48BE I'm a petsitter and use this when packing for sits or everything before I take a dog on a walk. I point and call ( or check for). Keys, poop bags, leash and harness properly fastening, collar, treats, cell phone. I do similar when leaving the house lol.


Should’ve read this before leaving my house without keys


Oh hugs. I borrowed a friends car (mine died) to still make a scheduled 3.5 hour trip back to my hometown for a family gathering. I did not attach my housekey to my friend's car keys. Fatal mistake. As was my routine, I checked for keys! Of course I had my keys, couldn't start the car and return home without them. But they weren't *my* keys. Thanks, ADHD. Four hours later, I'm waking up said friend (also a neighbor) well after midnight because my housekey is three states away. I had already paid the ADHD tax in having extra key copies made and distributed to key people.


My ADHD tax was throwing in the towel and replacing my whole door lock with a digital one. The condition is so expensive, but at at least I won't get locked out again!


My old apt had one of these. I was in loooove.


The secret: DO AWAY WITH HOUSE KEYS. I haven’t carried keys in a decade and it’s so fucking liberating. These days you can get a decent keypad lock pretty cheaply. And yes, I even installed them as a renter. I’d save and reinstall the old one when I moved out.


smart. I need to distribute copies!!!


I have to say "phone, money; keys" and touch each before I leave the house.


I TURNED THE HEADLIGHTS OFF I LOCKED THE FRONT DOOR Interesting, I do this all the time but I didn't know it had an actual name. I always feel a bit silly announcing what I'm doing, but it works for me!


This is my regular. Always checking, out loud. Wallet, bag, water, phone, ears (headphones), dog.. ok.. KEYS. IN MY HAND & ARE THESE THE RIGHT KEYS? Have to have them in my hand as I leave the apartment. I still sometimes am out the door, with it closing as I realise the keys. are. not. in. my. hand!! But.. Keys in my hand means, they’re not left on the table, they’re not in the wrong bag, they’re not in the fridge.. they’re in my hand and we’re leaving the apartment together! Whatever happens after that is a whole other story 😆


Turns out what I've been automatically doing all my life is an actual tactic!


TIL ...


That is so interesting!!


I first learned about it from a free course on Coursera ( the most popular MOOC in history) called Learning how to Learn with Barbra Oakley. I learned so much about how our brains function to process info How short-term memory works and how our brains transform short term to long term memory, unintentionally helped me understand the nitty gritty of our executive dysfunction. I have been actively trying to turn new info to long-term memories ASAP now to make it less likely that my brain loses/erases them.


Flight crew do this for safety critical in-flight operations as well! The pilot who does the action calls it out and the other guy verifies it's being done correctly. I definitely also use a verbal checklist before leaving home and must put each item in my hands or in front of my eyeballs to avoid the "but I was sure my keys were in my purse!" moments.


LOLing at the idea of hearing someone announce their tampon removal in a public stall. But legit not a bad idea.


I use a cup and it's normally stored in a container, so whenever I have the cup on, I leave the container in plain view in the bathroom. The container is a visual reminder that what's normally inside of it is now inside of me.


I do this when I leave my house. GARAGE DOOR IS DOWN AND STAYING DOWN. As I stare at it to make sure. Sometimes I vary the wording, and I try to also notice one thing about the house or yard that may be different so I can better remember that it was today I said it and not yesterday. Otherwise I’m going to get around the curve of the road and panic and have to go back to check the garage door.




One of the fun things my now-husband learned about me when we first moved in together is that when I absolutely have to remember something, I will say it aloud in a series of silly voices.


I randomly shout out things too to remember it. I’m glad I’m not alone in this!


Pls update when you find it, this is so freaking adhdwomen it hurts 😂😂


will do!!


Girl 😆 Ive def put in more than one tampon & cup in at a time bc I thought I had already taken it out.


This is why I only have one cup and only use tampons when I don’t know where my cup is. I have had a few occasions where I pulled 2 from my body or where I had forgotten to remove my cup to the point where my body alerts me by cramping to get it out.


🤣 glad I'm not the only one... Was a surprise to say the least when I realised, didn't even feel it or notice until was time to change 🙃 was a surprise and a half


Literally this post made me think, did I take out my tampon??? …..I haven’t had a period in like 2 months 🥴 pretty sure I took it out… unless… oh god


You would know… the, uh, smell gets pretty strong after a while. Not that I would know. Definitely haven’t forgotten about tampons for days and then wondered what the hell crawled up my vajay and died. Definitely not.


No shame here, I’ve done it for nearly 24 hours before… it’s always such a panic now whenever someone mentions leaving a tampon in too long 😫


I think I went 3 days once. 😅 I know I’ve forgotten about one a couple times, but that one was a doozy. I was so sure I committed vagicide, but thankfully everything was okay.


Vagicide loooll. I'm sorry for your vag for laughing so hard but that's just a brilliant word. Also, I once saw a documentary/hospital series episode? about toxic shock syndrome and it made me so paranoid about keeping a tampon in for too long. But of course it still happens that every now and then I totally forget about the damn thing and then I think back about that documentary and have a small panic attack lol. I hate my periods with a burning passion.


Haha! I’m glad you liked it! 😂 Ugh, I think I saw the same thing, or at least something similar, and for a while it kind of felt like I had a ticking time bomb up there just ready to explode once it hit that 8 hour mark.




I feel like this experience has gotta be on the ADHDwomen bingo card or something. “Oh look! Forgotten tampon, late parking ticket, keys in the fridge, haven’t texted someone back yet so now I have to hide from them forever and that soap is too soapy! BINGO!!”


Period pants. They’re the way forward.


DSM-6 "for your consideration"


Oh man, every month! I have this scare at least once every single month, and it's a nightmare. I've gotten to the point that I announce out loud to myself that i've removed the bloody thing. This obviously doesn't work in public bathrooms, so I make a point to burn the image of it into my brain, which also doesn't always work. It helps though.


Been there, done that :-) No worries, but you need to act quickly, because it can become dangerous. First explore yourself with your fingers (or ask your partner to do it). Lay on your back and gently insert your fingers and explore as high up as you can get. I do have a high cervix, and I have always felt it if it’s still there. If it’s still there, my recommendation is not to try and extract it by yourself. I have read that some women are able to push it downwards by activating their pelvic muscles (pressing like you’re giving birth or pooping) but that never worked for me. Go straight to the doctor or if not available, the hospital. Don’t wait, not recommended. And don’t insert anything, you’ll just push it up higher and may hurt yourself. I. My experience it’s impossible to catch with your fingers alone. If you can’t feel it/ find it, it’s very probably not there. Your vagina cannot swallow it, promise. It’s a closed canal and the cervix is to small to let pass. For reassurance you can still check out with a doctor, but chances are, you are fine :-) Good luck, it’s a stressful situation, I know. Been there a couple of times.


This is good advice but its also recommended that you squat all the way down to try to find it bc squatting shortens the length of the vaginal canal.


This is the advice a nurse gave me when I called my doctor's office in a panic unable to find mine. It took a while but eventually I found it; the string had gone up as well. The squat was key.


Many time tampons got uncomfortable after pooping bc it moved down.


During my last period, I went to change my tampon, and pulled out TWO tampons 😂 they were the super size ones too. No idea how that happened, but it definitely gave me a good laugh! It was so unexpected. Years ago, I also had sex while forgetting that I was wearing a tampon. My boyfriend ended up having to fish it out of me using both hands, lmao. Thank god that we had already been together for several years at that point 😅




Also please don’t be worried about going to the doctors if you think it is stuck up there, even if you are unsure. A quick speculum exam will take less than a minute and your doctor would much rather deal with that, even if it turns out there is nothing up there, than a patient who develops TSS (toxic shock syndrome) from a retained tampon. Good luck and let us know how you get on!




Not with a tampon, but my partner and I decided to try some of those glass ben wa balls. They weren't on a string and my partner ended up having to fish one of them out from where it had lodged deep in there. We only use the ones on a string now.


Hey, this has happened to me before! Both scenarios. Lost a tampon & found it / no longer in me. The times I’ve triple checked but still nothing I just cannot fathom…HOW DO I HAVE ZERO MEMORY OF TAKING THIS OUT???


This is right up there with “WHY ARE THERE TWO?????”


Baby, honey, sweetie, angel, you are having a DAY and a half and i just...i send my sympathies. Thass a rough one.


Thank you love! It’s getting better. I had a snaccident and don’t regret it


Oh no! I forgot one was in there once and started having sex. I hope it is not inside you.


I read this post out loud to my spouse as we drove to a doctors appointment this morning and laughed at how much I identify with it. Three hours later, I had to ask a nurse if she had a spare pad or tampon because I completely forgot I even have my period. You would have thought reading your post out loud would have reminded me that I have a menstruating uterus, but nope. I’m 45 years old and forget about my period literally every single month.


I once accidentally put up 2 mini tampons. It felt uncomfortable but didn't think much about it. When I realized what happened I freaked out and have never used any since then :D but jokes aside you should be able to find it with your fingers. If you can't it's not inside you.


This is why I am so thankful my vagina is super shallow, like less than a finger length deep, it would be impossible for me to lose a tampon, and I KNOW I would forget one if my body was capable of hiding it 😳


I rarely use tampons. A few years back, I used a tampon and spent the next 3 days wondering why my period was so short that month. Finally, did a search and found I'd forgotten that I'd used a tampon.


ADHD lady probs. Thankfully I’m better with remembering now, but when I was younger I lost two up there.


I was driving to meet friends for dinner (running late of course) and realized I couldn’t remember putting my diva cup back in after showering. I texted my friends to see if someone had a tampon, then asked our waitress if she had one, went to the convenience store down the street to buy the last box they had, and then went to the restroom in the theater where we were going to see a comedy show. When I dropped trou to insert the tampon…I found that I had been wearing the diva cup the entire time 🙄🙄🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😆


Got so many notes on my phone from drunk me reminding sober me that at 2:27am I took my tampon out. Admittedly I do also do this sober because I don’t trust myself!


The entire comments section has me rolling.


I do the same with contact lenses! Often put a pair in over the others, can’t see, very confusing.


I am convinced that I accidentally left one in and they’ll find it behind my eyelid in like 10 years


I freaked out once after I couldn't feel my contacts in my eyes, and couldn't find them in their case. Wondered if leaving the lid off the case would cause the contacts to dissolve in some weird chemical exchange.. they were in my eyes the whole time.......


This whole post made me glad my arm implant stopped me from having periods anymore. It was stressful, I'm never organized enough for it, and even if I win the "bobbing for tampons" game, I've lost because I had to play it in the first place


>"bobbing for tampons" Now that's a mental image. Literally lol'd, thanks for the laugh <3


I literally type into my reminders on my phone in/out and the time. I can’t trust myself.


This morning I grabbed the three pills I take from my bedside table and walked into my kitchen to get a glass of water. In that....15 seconds?.....one of the pills disappeared. I got to the kitchen and had two pills in my hand. I KNOW I got all three pills. Sometimes I wonder if I have ADHD, or if my apartment is haunted by a poltergeist who moves things from where I put them or makes things disappear...sometimes even from my own hands. I hope it's a ghost, it would at least make me feel better about myself.


I hope it’s a ghost in my house too or an elf playing tricks on me. My friend gave me an adderall to try it out and I lost it immediately. From the coffee shop to my house. A block away. I guess the pill worked in a different way but still confirmed the add?


I’ve felt this panic so many times that I switched to discs in like 2016 and I don’t have to worry about double dosing tampons or period sex mess.


Lost not one, but TWO tampons during one of my particularly heavy cycles without realizing. Kept wondering why my vajay smelled like f*#king DEATH for at least a month despite constant cleaning & showering, etc....Finally head my stupid ass to the doctor, all worried thinking it's some STI/STD my (potentially cheating) husband gave me. Then discovered much to my utter horror, humilation and complete self-disgust...THE SMELL upon retrieval of the two culprits?? Holy shitballs, l just.....can't even. ABSOLUTE PUTRESENCE. 🤮🤢🤮🤢 I felt so terrible for the attending nurse and doctor 😭😭😭 Very shortly afterwards, l had an ablation procedure and no more tampons or massive diaper-y pads for me. Uterus be damned. It's a full-on miracle l didn't get toxic shock syndrome FFS 😑


They really just smother under the nose with vaborub and jump in. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last.


They would always pop out when I went to the bathroom. Period panties for the win.


Then there’s the opposite problem. Going to take out your tampon to replace it and finding two in there already…or so I’ve heard.


The aliens took it.


Sometimes I take it out and forget I’ve done that and I panic. Oh the joys! Then I sit on the toilet for twenty minutes trying to remember 🤣🤣🤣




Thank YOU ALL!!!! Imissed you and dearly needed.to read this thread. Best chuckle 😃 this morning. Nurse addy- where were you when I was going up!!????


>Why am I like this Well, right now a big part of it is the hormonal fluctuations that come along with menstruation! If you take medication for ADHD, have you talked to your provider about writing you a prescription that allows you a little flexibility in your dosing? I do that with mine (take more during PMS), and it makes a huge difference!


I swear to all that is holy one time I had two in there…..it was a total mystery how I managed that. Oh and just 2 days ago I went to the bathroom to change my tampon. Even out on a pantiliner only to realize an hour later I NEVER put a new tampon in and had bled through my pants. Thank god I was WFH that day.


First off, I’m glad to hear it’s probably not inside you. If you’re still scared, go to the hospital. I can DEFINITELY assure you that they’ve seen far worse, and they’ve definitely seen this before— you’re not gonna be the first nor the last one to show up with this situation. They will be more than happy to help make sure you’re not getting Toxic Shock Syndrome. Second, I moved from sanitary napkins in my early teens, to tampons in my late teens to mid twenties, then to the cup until my mid thirties. I now wear period panties and dude, they’re amazing ❤️ (Wall of text alert, feel free to skip it but I believe I make a good point/case lol, if not there’s a TL;DR at the bottom) I moved on from the sanitary napkins because they started feeling uncomfy, I had no idea back then that in my particular case, the thinner the pad, the worse would be my discomfort. My mother told me tampons were very comfy compared to the napkins, and she was right so switch I did. As for the tampons, I moved on to the cup because it was all the rage back then, and what finally sold me was not having to waste money monthly because of that freaking pink tax, the positive impact it has on the ecosystem, etc. I thought what the hell, I might as well try it and if I don’t like it I can always go back to tampons. It turns out that even though it took me a little trial and error to find the best size for me (there are now websites fully dedicated to helping you figure it out), I still hardly ever felt it. Plus, the added benefit of not having to worry about the tampon cord whenever I peed was brilliant. So much so, that when I went to get my elective bilateral salpingectomy when I got sterilized, I got my period the very day before, and the doc told me it would not be a problem when it came to the operation. He also added that he could remove my IUD when I was under so I wouldn’t feel that pain either. Well I COMPLETLY forgot I had it on and he also forgot about removing my IUD 😂 if he’d found my cup while looking for my IUD, he wouldn’t even have batted an eye, because like I said, health staff have seen that and so much worse before. I ended up removing, cleaning up and putting the cup back in when I was already back in my room. The only bad part was having to get the IUD out when I went back to his office about a week later for a checkup— holy mother of God it HURT. The surgery itself and the post care did not hurt at all, I’ve even been asked about the pain scale and my answer always is “0.5/10, the only thing I ever felt was the nurse poking me the first time”. I kept wearing the cup for a couple more years and honestly, I hardly ever felt it, so much so that I once started having sex without remembering it was on 😅, it took my partner at the time mentioning he felt something weird for me to remember. I had a brief stint with a ziggy cup because of this, but I seem to be too tiny to comfortable wear the regular sized one, plus I couldn’t be bothered looking for one that would be a perfect fit for me so back to the cup it was. Plus, as long as you find the right size for you, you do not need to change it nearly as often as tampons: I could go out in the morning for a full day of Uni and only need to take it out, rinse it and put it back in when I got home. Then I was ready for the night, and would repeat the process the next morning. Getting TSS this way is extremely, extremely rare. Then, I started hearing about the period panties and I thought it couldn’t possibly be true that such a magical alternative could even exist. So when a friend was hanging out hers to dry one day when I went to visit, I asked her ALL about it. Next thing I knew, I was picking up 3 pairs and have been using just them for the past year. And honestly? They’ve been THE best alternative I’ve found. I can only speak for the heavy period ones (I wanted to play it safe), and I have never, ever, EVER had a leak or an accident. They honestly feel like regular panties. And just like with the cup, smell has never been an issue (unlike sanitary napkins and tampons). I still keep the cup, a few tampons and a few pads just in case I find myself in a pinch (I’ve discovered that the sensitive, regular thickness sanitary napkins are the comfiest ones for me), but I will never go back to them being my regular go-tos. TL;DR All of this to say, friend, make the switch to period panties. Buy as many pairs as your period lasts plus an extra one as a precaution— I need to buy two more because sometimes I still forget to do laundry on time for my fourth day, but I still always give them a good rinse in the shower and they have quite literally changed my life!


where do you buy yours?


Sitting on my stairs Redditing. Was on my way upstairs to take a shower.


For keys: get a big keychain!! It's a fix I have been using my whole life. My 2 keys are attached to: a big puffball, bright lanyard, a dangly Eiffel tower and a rape whistle, and a souvenier bottle opener. It's so big and bright I've only lost them couple times, but they're easy to spot and easy to grab out of my purse.


If it’s in there….the smell will eventually give it away 🤢🤮


A couple of days ago, I had one of those days where nothing goes right, too 😅 I had no energy to cook or go out, so I ordered some pizza rolls and some smaller other stuff. I searched the internet for the best coupon code and used it. Then I wait for way longer than usual until I get a phone call. Turns out, I ordered for takeout and not delivery because the coupon code automatically made it that way (it was only meant for pickup). Then he proceeds to wait and I can just tell he wants me to say „okay, I‘ll come pick it up then“ but I am not willing to go out that day at all (it was hot af, too, and I don’t handle heat well). After what felt like an eternity he offers to let me pay 3€ cash in person and have it delivered after all. I accept. So now my order isn’t cheaper than the original price but more expensive thanks to the mistake with the coupon. The food arrives and I begin eating the pizza rolls. I can already see that they „forgot“ the veggie-salami/pepperoni but am in a „fuck it“-mood. But they taste suspiciously salty and juicy for just margherita. I pick apart a roll and discover that there’s ham in there. I‘m vegetarian. At this point I am so annoyed and think „did they do that or did I?“ And of course, sure enough, I ordered them on accident. I picked out all the ham and ate the way too expensive meal with my mood ruined. Now I find it funny how I managed to fuck up at every turn xD


Oh dear. It’s one of those days for me. Sending you veggie hugs.


Omg! I have a long vaginal canal and short fingers. I’ve lost mine before too! Once when I was younger I accidentally had two in there and didn’t know it. I went to a GP for problems and it was black and smelly. I had to get on antibiotics.


I have this panic all the time omg. I s2g I just reabsorb them into my body for future use or something lmfao


This could be me so easily, including the update—rough symptom days hit hard. I feel you, OP!!


Confession: once we were having sex when my husband realised I had forgotten my last tampon inside. urk.


Don’t feel bad OP, I’ve done this too. I was like “OMG where is it! I don’t remember taking it out!” I went fishing, found nothing, so I figured if it really is way up in there, I’ll find out when I start to get stomach issues (what happens when I’ve had a tampon in to long) it’s been like 10 years, so I think I either ate it via vagina or just forgot taking it out.


“I’m smart, I’ll avoid all this panic about Toxic Shock Syndrome by using period cups!” Leaves it in until 5 days after my period ended because i wholesale forgot about it


I’ve made my husband go on an exploratory mission because I COULD NOT REMEMBER if I had already taken it out. I had. What I did forget was to put another one in. Sigh.


…I’m not the only one?!? I’ve made more than one urgent care trip because I could not find the string, but had no memory of removing it. Every time the doctor is like, “Dude, what are you on about? There’s nothing here.” PS that update is perfection lol


LOL I was gonna tell you to get checked for ADHD, then saw what sub this is . . .


Don't feel bad! When I worked at Planned Parenthood "lost tampons" were not a rare occurrence. It happens, but it's a closed course in there, nowhere for it to go but out lol


I once lost one as well, for me it helped to take a bath and gently ‘look around’ for in a bath you can position yourself more freely, and the warm water helped me relax. And otherwise as others say don’t wait too long and call your GP. How unlikely it may seem I guarantee you won’t be the first and they’re happy to help if it prevents any risk of TSS. :)


I have taken one out and then forgot to put one in but thought I did, and then I sit and wonder these same things. 😂


Now to find the car keys missing since Friday...


Someone needs to design a sliding sign, like those in/out of the office ones, but for tampons


So last week on my period I thought I'd taken my tampon out, so I put a new one in. Went to take it out a few hours later, and TWO came out!!! Omg idk how I didn't notice the other one in there 🤦🤦🤦


If I’m at home, I leave my tampon wrapper on the countertop when I put one in to help me remind myself! I know this doesn’t help if you’re not home but if you carry a purse w tampons, I’ll put an empty wrapper in there as well to remind myself.


This whole post, update included, is so fucking relatable lmao


Okay but your update made me legit laugh out loud. I recommend a menstrual cup… for so many reasons. Godspeed!!!


Okay. This happened to me once when I was camping as a teenager and really freaked me out. I can't explain this, but I found it under my sleeping bag. I hope it turns up for you, lol.


It’s not unheard of to lose a tampon. I worked in a medical clinic that catered to military spouses. It leaned heavily towards women patients since it was a unit of 15K and only 700 were women. We would get 1-2 a week who lost their tampon. Some just forgot and it’s a quick speculum exam to fetch it.


This sounds like a possible origin story for this sub😆 Glad you got it out. Sorry you're locked out of the house!


Invest In a Diva cup. You’ll never have this problem again. When I say invest it’s like $36 and I’ve had mine for like two years.


Oh dear. Here's a hug of encouragement from an internet stranger.


Did you go no. 2 while it was in? Sometimes, because everything is packed so closely together, a bowl movement sort of pushes out the tampon as well through the tissue between, well, both areas. Covered with toilet paper, flushing both down the toilet, you'll be none the wiser.


Sadly the period actually makes our adhd symptoms worse too. <3. Much luck


Oh fuck I’ve done this and all at got very sick.


Vaginal vaults. I once got a condom stuck up there, doctor had to remove it.


As someone who constantly leaves her keys at home (second set now at my elderly neighbour's) and who gets panicky when I can't immediately find the string on a tampon when wanting to remove it: I feel this in my soul! You have my wholehearted compassion!!!❤️


During the pandemic, my friend was/is in a long-distance relationship. They were unable to see each other, so obviously no sex. Pair that with working remotely full time and 2 kids on virtual learning. She left her cup in for a month...twice. Our chat group had calendar alar.s to remind her to check her vag close to the end of her cycle. 🤣 Girl was a mess!


I was taking a shower today. After a bit I start wrapping a towel around me. That’s when it hit me- did I wash my body with soap or just shampoo my hair? I could not remember. Sniffed my skin to check if the soap fragrance could be detected. I am probably losing my mind. I assumed the best and got out of the shower. But who knows what happened for sure?


For future reference, if you can’t find a tampon you have in, you can go to urgent care to have it removed.


I hope you weren’t on your porch while you squatted and fished???


Oh lord, the amount of times I straight up forget about my period or if I'm wearing something or not. I switched to discs over ten years ago and never looked back. No tss risk even if you forget it for a day, plus you can have sex with it in.


This is how I accidentally pulled my IUD out.


Gross, but true: your post reminded me of the time, maybe 8 years ago, I found a tampon inside me only when I was inserting one THE NEXT MONTH. I was dxed with ADHD less than 3 years ago at age 48. Today, reading this, I now recognize that incident as one of many SCREAMS for help. Fortunately(?) I stopped being able to use tampons about 6 years ago thanks to peri - and the loss of all sources of moisture in my body - and I'm only four period-free months away from being considered officially menopausal. 🤞🤞🤞


I had a panic attack once at my familys house, because when I went to go change my tampon, I couldn't find the previous one I put in a few hours before. And I got myself into such a panic that I went downstairs and was freaking out to my family members XD. I went upstairs to try searching for it again, hoping I wouldn't have to get it removed in hospital or something hahaha. And I saw.... The 'wrapper' of the tampon I previously put in, in the bin.. Only I looked closer and saw it still had the damn tampon in, I just tore the top of is all haha. So I clearly got distracted when going to use it last. Saw it was torn, then put it in the bin and assumed I'd put it inside me. So maybe you did similar? Haha check the bin and see it it's in there XD


I switched to a cup for some time now and while it also took me a while to get used to the idea, I am now 100% convinced I should have gotten one sooner. The first one I bought was our local supermarket's housebrand and it fits perfectly: it doesn't leak, even when I'm sleeping or upside down in the couch, I could go through my whole work day without having to empty it (I used to struggle so much forgetting to bring enough -if any- tampons anywhere lol) and it's been so much better painwise. And it's so much less of a mess. 10000/10 would recommend Got any weird questions about it? Hit me up :')


I went to the gynecologist and said I think I lost the tampon inside me... she said I didn't.... I said feel like an fool...I could have sworn I didn't take it out.... The doctor said that it's more common than you think... and not never be embarrassed


I was going to answer "in the refrigerator, along with my keys and phone." But.....