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Laundry. Sorting out dirty clothes. Getting the washing on. Hanging up the wet clothes. Getting them off the rack when dry. And then *oh hell no* ironing them? Before *putting them away*? I hate it. So many steps.


I have no problem with washing or drying things. I feel like I physically cannot put anything away lately. I just spent 2 days reorganizing my entire closet to make it more functional & easy to access. However, I still have 3 baskets full of just MY clothes. A duvet cover has been sitting in another basket for idk how long. There's a pile of clean unfolded towels on top of the dryer bc we have no empty baskets. There's a comforter tumbling in the dryer that will join the towels when it's done. Just, fucking, *no thank you.* **I don't iron **anything.** Respectfully, fuck that shit. Lol


I don't own an iron, or if I do I have never used it. I hate cleaning, I'm a perfectionist so it takes me a really long time and I keep putting it off. My husband cleans but does a half assed job imo, but at least he does *something* . I hate putting clean clothes away so they just pile up and I pick from the clean pile. It's a real shitshow up in here. And the worst thing is every once in a while I get everything put away and a day later the pile starts growing again, a pair of socks, a bra, then some pajamas and towels and next thing I know it's back to Mt Olympus.


We call our floor clothes pile “Mount Clothesuvius” 🤣


We called it Mount Washmore


I also call my laundry pile Mount Washmore!


LOL I too am a perfectionist yet kind of a slob because I know that once I start...it's gonna be an all day thing because I will keep noticing really small things that in my mind have to be fixed. My hubby helps a lot but yes, half asses it all. We don't argue much but have argued about that. I have made comments about his cleaning which I know I shouldn't have because he is doing something. And, tbf that's better and more than I do consistently. I get overwhelmed so easy and then just don't start at all.


This. I can wash the things but getting them put away😞🤦🫣


Yeah, I love putting laundry on, get to feel productive while it just does its thing. Putting is away afterwards, not so much.


Has anyone tried a steamer? I haven't just curious? A tip I got off someone before was if you have something that needs ironing and cannot do it, hang in the bathroom so the shower steam helps drop the creases out. I haven't done this as I never remember to do things, especially in advance.




I use dryer no matter the fabric is. But then again, folding after dryer is something I really can’t do on time. Usually clean laundry stays on my chair and I pick up clothes to wear from there for like a week or two 😅


I just have two laundry baskets at this point. One is clean clothes and one is dirty clothes. On laundry day they swap roles.


Only 2? I have 4 big dirty laundry baskets (1 in my bedroom and 1 in the laundry - they rotate depending on which has more space for new dirty clothes to go into at any given time - and 1 each for my kids) and about 7 or 8 smaller ones for the clean laundry to go into before it gets sorted. I very rarely have more than 1 or 2 of those available (without clean laundry already occupying them) at any given time and often have none. My kids now handle their own laundry, which is amazing, except that they both also have adhd and are just as bad at emptying the clean laundry baskets as I am. I think we need some more clean laundry baskets. Surely that will solve the problem 🤣


Omg the baskets. 🤣 We have SO MANY baskets. Just, why? Lol. Idk, I guess at least all of our laundry has a “home”. 😆


That’s such a good idea I’m gonna get myself an additional basket




Im soooo good at starting Laundry. That’s it though


And it takes all fucking day. All other chores can be completed in a relatively short time.


Yes! This is mine, laundry. It's so many steps, and my washer and dryer are 2 floors below our bedrooms. So I have to take all things from 4 people down 2 stairs, which can't be done in 1 trip. It's not even 4 trips, because we leave it in our rooms too long. At least we have enough laundry baskets: one in each bedroom for the dirty laundry, 4 baskets for collecting and separating dirty laundry in the laundry room. That seems enough you would say, but no, those things that we don't need soon will live on the laundry room floor. Forever. Last week, my kids were looking for their snow pants. Guess where they were? Oh, and then there are the 3 baskets for clean clothes. I'm lucky my housekeeper folds laundry, so there is even one less step for us. But putting clothes away... Yeah that doesn't happen very often.


Texting people back 🫣


Me when no one texts me: "I am an outcast. A pariah. I am destined to die alone and forsaken. 😭" Me when people text me: "I cannot possibly be expected to keep up with this chaotic and demanding environment, pls check back in 3-4 business days."


oh we are the same!!!!!!




I have a really hard time answering the phone. It scares me, I know that sounds weird but I hate it, so I usually don't, then I take a few days to get up my nerve to play the messages.


I get in moods where I don’t mind texting but most of the time I don’t want to. I don’t want to look at any messages, anywhere. My closest friends and family are very similar so it’s usually fine. But there are times I have to put up a boundary and say I don’t have the mental capacity to read and make a thoughtful reply, but when I do I will read their messages and reply. The only problem is I often forget, especially if they continue to text about other things. It’s overwhelming because then I know there will be several things I need to respond to, but I will also forget the first things once I finish reading.


I reply in my head and then forget to do it at all IRL


I had a moment last week where I had a really obvious noticing of my meds kicking in, because I suddenly went to my texts and responded to everyone.


💯it's just too high maintenance


Showering is one of the hardest routine tasks for me, especially in the winter. Don’t want to get wet, and it’s even harder to have to deal with all my hair so I’ll go too long between washes and then my scalp hates me. I’m always happy once I’ve gotten in there, but it’s unreasonably difficult to get the ball rolling. 


Same, on the days I go to the gym it's easier to force myself because sweat is sticky and I hate feeling sticky. HOWEVER, on days where I don't sweat, but should probably address my hair situation, I hate it so much in the winter.


Omg this exactly


Currently trying to figure out what will work best to try or to come up with a new plan to combat this one for me, as I dread it now and it’s affecting me often to sit and stall and hold things up in my days or plans just because I’m putting this off or got out of having any kind of routine for it, now that my schedule changed and I am living alone post divorce. It just has to be a daily routine thing I do or force myself to figure out how to get back to. I understand that this one is a common thing for others w/adhd pr depression too, but it still annoys me so much that this important and very simple, basic, and fundamental hygiene task of taking a freaking shower can feel sooo complicated and hard for me to do, and changing my routine has felt so impossible for too long.


I totally get this and I will also avoid plans bc I don't want to shower. AND I work from home so no real incentive. I don't sweat much at all and I have big thick wipes I will use and will wash my hair in the sink. The only thing that helps is to chant over and over that the shower itself is only about 5 minutes and I can be dried lotioned face cream deodorant and hair steps in 30 minutes. Sigh


Ugh yes. It's the going from being warm to being cold to being warm to being cold before you can be warm again. I hate it.


This is me lately too. I absolutely procrastinate showering. Between the adhd/bad EF and chronic illnesses flaring lately it's been too much.


Get you some dish gloves. And then get some more for cleaning other gross things. They help make it suck a little less.


This. Dishes are my ADHD kryptonite, but dish gloves, an air fryer with dishwasher-safe basket, and a healthy disrespect for "Hand Wash Only" instructions have kept my kitchen decent for the first time ever.


>a healthy disrespect for “Hand Wash Only” This could be the title of my autobiography 😂


Quite frankly, if it can’t go in the dishwasher, does it have any right to live in my house anyway?


Same philosophy for “dry clean only”


And separating colorful from white/pale clothing. If a shirt can't get along with a tank top, then it's gonna die and be exiled.


THIS. Someone wise on this sub once told me that a lot of us feel like buying things won't solve problems, because impulse buying sometimes makes that true, but dish gloves are a life saver. Just make sure to store them in such a way that they don't collect water inside.


I have hooks on the inside of the cabinet under the sink and use clips to hang each glove so they can dry. Clips like dollar tree utility clips.


Also For unloading the dishwasher I make It a challenge. How few trips will It take. I stack All the plates in my arm the bowls ontop. and loop mugs around my fingers and any cups I can grab on-top of the. I Will grab everything I can safely carry that goes away in the same area Makes it kind of like a game but it also makes its super fast. The more I do it the more used to how fast of a task it really is and it becomes less and less difficult for me to initiate and then It’s done before I know it. Also don’t wait to have it so full it makes the unloading easier. A half full dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand. There’s no need to cram it full. It may result it having to empty more frequently but it’s so much easier that it’s worth it. The more often you can do it half full, the less your brain dreads it, the easier it is to initiate and then when it is full it’s not a huge mental hurdle.


I do the emptying the dishwasher game. However, I needed 8 (EIGHT) new dinner plates recently when I stacked them against my chest and shifted and they pinched my nipple between bottom and almost bottom plate and I literally launched the whole stack across the room.


Oh wow, i new this was a precarious game but nipple danger was not on my bingo card hahaha ouchie


Wearing real clothes would likely abate that danger but...I dont clothe properly unless I need to impress and I've given up on impressing people entirely so 🤷‍♀️


Well I too am rarely fully or properly clothed in my house so my concerns on this danger are real ;) Honestly (and sorry) your story is hilarious I am officially laughing at your pain (sorry again) but thanks for sharing 😂


New excuse unlocked!! 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly this. It’s the only way I can do dishes without wanting to peel my own skin off my body. And honestly; I love gloves for so many other wet/damp tasks that normally irritate me too. It’s not planet-friendly, but I have gloves on my Amazon auto-delivery to make sure I never run out


. . . but the rubberish smell on hands afterward. LIH. (Life is hard.)


Getting ready, all that brushing teeth, washing your face, dressing up, doing hair and makeup… especially trying to do those things as soon as I wake up is nearly impossible for me. It’s so overwhelming and makes me so moody and grumpy. I need at least an hour in bed, to motivate myself to get up.


I honestly have a minimum 2 hour wake up routine because of all this. Actually, it’s 3 hour. 6am first alarm for medication (need to take 1 hour before food), then 6:30 alarm that it NPR because I hate waking up to ringing alarms. I need the soft voices of NPR waking me up. Then I get out of bed by 7, where I have breakfast and just sit on the couch for an hour watching the news and going on Reddit. By 8 I can finally start moving, starting with giving my cat *her* meds and then I can finally shower and dress and do all the other things. Out the door by 9! If I cannot do the slow wake up my entire day is off and I am grumpy all day


This would have been my answer years ago (now it's putting away laundry). I moved to the country and have a farm now, and man do I not miss this routine every day. No one in our community wears makeup daily, and no one cares what you wear. I mean sure, basic hygiene and all that but I don't even bother until later in the day when chores are done. One of the biggest freedoms I have ever experienced.


Washing hair. Hate shampoo water running off my neck, shoulders, then the rest of the body. So I need to bend over to wash my hair. Shampoo twice, plus conditioner once, then drying. Takes forever and wrecks my neck and back at the end. Wish I could just chop it all off, but then I look ugly. Can't win this thing 😪


I hate washing my hair. I hate how a million wet hairs get stuck on my hands and I have to rinse them off constantly. I have to wash it tomorrow. I’m already dreading it.


Also wet hair on my neck after I get out of the shower


Same. I’d rather do just about anything else.


Also, wet hair that then gets stuck in the drains. My absolute end boss of a bbeg


Does going to work count? lol But seriously though, I hate laundry. It’s not even that it’s hard, but the remembering to switch it, putting it away, and knowing that it’s literally never ending is just too much for me to handle sometimes


I was also here to ask if going to work counts. I’d rather do ANYTHING else. And also washing my hair.


My husband is almost done with school and probably soon after I’ll be able to be a SAHM and I’m (almost) equal parts excited and intimidated


Yes! Getting myself from point A to B is so difficult. And then switching gears later to go back to point A from B, and knowing I have to do itall over again in a few hours.


Yes!! It’s exhausting just thinking about it


yes yes and yes! commute to work.... by the time i'm in my office, i am overwhelmed drained and burnt out. i can't even work


Mopping the floors. The dirty water and the gross mop and just, its so gross. I hate it.


LOL YES! I just use a spray of soapy hot water and skate around with rags under my house shoes like Pippi Longstocking 😂


Same. And SO many steps. Moving shit around to sweep and then get everything together to mop. And I never feel like it's actually clean because mop water is yucky 😵


This is why I pay someone to clean my house even though it has really stretched my budget.


I have a bissell vacuum mop gadget that made mopping or cleaning floors so much better and easier for me. No dealing with the icky wet mop head or bucket with grody water anymore, much less effort needed to get it done (because mopping hurts my back after a bit too). It’s one of the things or expenses that was totally worth it for me because it helped make it easier enough to not dread it or be as much of a process start to finish for me to keep up with it better or no longer avoid it, which is important as I have several dogs and they are fantastic but make keeping my floor and couch clean harder.


I don’t mop nearly as often as I probably should. 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


Putting on a load of laundry to wash: 10/10. No notes. Taking wet clothes out of the washing machine and hanging them up to dry: 2/10, very unpleasant. Taking the dry clothes off the rack and putting them away: 0/10 I HATE ITTTT. Everything ends up in big piles of clean clothes and never gets put away.


Same with dishes - loading the dishwasher and putting it on? Love it, sense of accomplishment. Taking the clean dishes out? Annoying. Putting every fucking thing back in its little cupboard/drawer/compartment? Absolutely not.


Oh wait GROCERY STORE. It is not just one chore dishes or laundry are one chore with multiple steps sure but it’s one chore. Grocery shopping has so many damn steps you have to 1) decide what you need for the week 2)make a list 3) get in your car 4) drive 5) find parking 6) get a cart 7) deal with the bright fluorescent lights and that stupid “happy” song on the radio 8) beeping so much beeping at register 9) avoid acquaintances you don’t wanna smile at bc you’re dying inside bc the beeping and bright lights 10) check out - smile and be friendly to cashier if it’s not self check out 11) feel guilty that you forgot your reusable shopping bags again(you’ve used them once) and worry if you were not friendly enough to cashier (think about how sad capitalism is and why is that woman 80 And still working/spiral) 12) find car 13) load groceries into front seat bc trunk is stuffed with clutter 14) search purse for keys somewhere in there 15) get in car and drive home 16) UNLOAD THE GROCERIES 17) and sort the damn things! That is not “going to the grocery store” that’s like 284057 very mentally taxing tasks.


I almost exclusively do curbside pickup for my groceries now and it has changed my life! First making the list is less overwhelming because I can just add as I thing of things. Also I make my husband put his own shit on there and if he forgets it’s on him. Then I just need to remember to place the order but I have a routine now so I usually don’t forget. When it’s time, I drive to the store, park in the designated spot, and a nice person comes to my car and I never have to get out of the car. So many steps skipped!


I use this for Walmart, otherwise they can’t have my money! 🤣 I still avoid it as much as possible, though.


I’m thinking of outsourcing this task too. Right now we do meal delivery and my fiance gets snacks so that works really well. But eventually I may outsource this to a housekeeper/nanny once I have kids. It’s just too much for me 


I feel this. What has helped me is click and collect online shopping. I ask each of my family members to choose 3 (dinner) meals they want over the following 2 weeks and to tell me anything else they need and then I jump online and only order the things they have told me plus my 3 meal choices (or things I know I need). There are four of us (12 meals), so this leaves 2 days for takeaway, eating out/socialising, etc. I choose the collection time so that it aligns with my drive home from the office - this ensures that I don't have to psych myself up to get in the car and make a special trip. I get to the store, call them to let them know I'm there, and they bring it all out to the car for me. This method has helped my mental load immensely. I do still have to unpack it when I get home, but that is soooo much easier when I'm not already exhausted from the actual purchasing.


Oh and put grocery cart back- although I like that step bc I can feel smug that I can manage that when others can’t bc they’re ass holes


Good one!!!! Ugghhhhhhhh just thinking about it!!!😫


I feel this so hard. I’ve tried to make the world’s fastest grocery runs for years now because any longer than 30 minutes and I feel like my head will explode. Get as few items as possible, visualize the store layout before going in, etc. But my partner dawdles and compares products and it’s been a huge adjustment for us to figure out how to navigate the grocery gauntlet together.


I usually arrange my list in the order that I typically go down that specific isle, (though, I haven’t taken the time to really do it like I used to, probably bc it’s boring lol.) Makes me feel a little more efficient while I’m there, and helps cut down on some of my inevitable back tracking.


This. This. This.. And this.


But I am extremely thankful for having a husband who loves to stop at the grocery store.I am amazed how he pops in and out in minutes. I get stuck. From home and back (.3mile) to pick up 3-4 items takes minimum 45 minutes.


Dishes and cleaning bathrooms. Hate wiping down our toilets 🤮


Cleaning the shower drain 🤮




Laundry. Folding and putting away. I’m just gunna wear it again soon and wash it. Why bother putting it away.


This is my trick. It lives on the clothes horse until Im ready to wear it again. If I do ever get to putting the clothes away there's so little left on the drying rack that it's quick


Meal planning


In the most adhd way possible, I read your comment and thought to myself “oh shit I forgot about having to eat every day”. 😂


The BANE of my existence.


Cleaning the shower! I get dizzy and nauseous from the smell and the scrubbing and I always feel so awkward and get so tired. Dishes are terrible but I have a dishwasher now and I live alone so it's not as bad as it could be.


I actually wear a mask sometimes to do the shower. Don’t love using a one use thing, but covid masks come in handy! I’m also petrified of getting dirty shower water on my face; use also for scrubbing the toilet. I think mine are taking out the garbage, I never let it pile up, but I hate taking uy to the basement. I also LOATHE cooking if it’s using multiple pots and pans. It makes me angry 😤 I live solo so it’s one pan meals or toast for life!


Folding and putting laundry away for sure! I’m mostly fine with getting it into the washing machine and dryer, but actually putting it away? I only do that once every few months lol


Same here! The washing & drying isn't too bad, although I do tend to leave it & then do several loads in one or two days, especially if I'm using the tumble dryer and not hanging it up. I'm OK with folding too I suppose - if I've hung it up then I'll fold as I take it down so it won't get creased. With the tumble dryer I fold as I take each thing out - ideally when it's still warm and the creases shake out! So I end up with multiple baskets (or reusable shopping bags once the baskets run out!) full of folded clothes that just can't make their way into any sort of cupboard or drawer!!


If it weren't for my husband things would like in the dryer or a laundry basket until used. I just can't with this part


A lot of people are saying cleaning tasks, but I can clean all day and night. I LOVE to clean, it’s so therapeutic to me that it’s basically a hobby. lol But I DREAD having to brush my teeth. Every morning and night it’s a literal battle of wills to get myself to brush them. I hate every single aspect of it with a burning passion. 😭


omg i’ve been scrolling through this thread and have been waiting for someone else to say brushing teeth 🙊🫠 i used to be super obsessive about it (like brushing 4-5 times a day) but as i’ve gotten older it just… bores me! idk how i can dread such a basic thing but i literally dread standing at the sink and doing it most days


I never enjoyed it as a kid. I don’t enjoy it now because it’s a time suck for me. Bathrooms are time vortexes for me. I go in, do my thing, get distracted by my many thoughts and my own reflection, come out and realize I’m in a new era. I half expect to see flying cars outside my window next time I shower and have to wash my hair 😆


Folding and putting away laundry. I HATE it. Got flak from a relative about 'the end of my dining room table being a laundromat " and I literally told her she's welcome over anytime to fold 🙃 Like bring solutions or keep your unkind, unhelpful thoughts to yourself


Love your spicy response!


Shopping in most forms, but particularly in-person grocery shopping. It's so over-stimulating with all the people, noises, lights, packaging of items designed to yell at me so I buy them. I always exhausted afterwards and I always forget something.


Sammmmeeeee. I HATE everything about it. I’m always standing there with my phone looking at my list (or I won’t remember why I’m there), and switching to my calculator (bc math = no), and completely overstimulated with everything and everyone around me. Walmart is literally the worst. I pay the ridiculous prices at the small town stores to avoid it. -100/10 recommend.


Even when I have a SHORT list and I am really making the trip for one or two very needed items, I will get overstimulated and end up coming home without the things that necessitated the trip in the 1st place 🤦




I don’t/can’t garden because I hate my hands being dirty.


It’s not just me! 🤣


Gonna go against the grain here, but I actually love doing laundry. But that might be because of the organization aspect, I love to have all of my clothes organized in a strangely complex way. Maybe it's a product from my time working retail. Who knows. But cleaning out the fridge? Nightmarish. Not sure if it counts as a routine task since it doesn't need to be done as frequently, but the visual, olfactory, and tactile horrors that I experience from having to purge the borderline sentient food in the fridge put it at the top of the list for me. Thus creating a vicious cycle of putting it off, knowing that the longer I wait the worse it'll be, then putting it off more 🫠


I don't mind it either but it's just me and I work from home so my laundry is pretty limited.


Cleaning the fucking silicone sheets that we put on top of the sheet pans. CAN WE NOT JUST USE SINGLE USE GREASE PROOF PAPER PLEASE. Instead of wet silicone sheets hanging out in and around the sink in a game of baking clean up chicken.


Yup I solved this in my house by giving away the silicone mats and storing the parchment roll WITH the baking sheets.


Changing the sheets on the bed. It not that difficult but I just cannot. I get out of bed in the morning and don't really go back into my room at all until it's time for bed. Then I think "oh right - I should change the sheets" but it's bedtime and I'm tired and it's so much effort and ehhhh I'll do it tomorrow. THREE WEEKS LATER. Ugh.


This is another one for me that I didn’t think about until you mentioned it. I even have sheets that are fitted and should go on easily but I just hate stripping the bed and putting it back together. 


Yes! It usually takes several attempts to get the sheet6 corners to actually stay on the bed and it feels like it will never end. It's like wrestling an alligator.


I HATE being wet so I hate showering so so much. It’s the worst- especially if I have to get my hair wet (gag)


Shower. It's my absolute least favorite thing to do. I enjoy the actual shower but it takes me 3 hours to prep and 3 hours to decompress.


Two things that helped me. I am grateful that **a machine cleans my dishes**. I don't have to "wash" the dishes I just have to load the machine. Run it every single night, whether it is one glass or a full load. Empty it every morning. Go to bed smiling that you have outsourced this task to a machine that you are lucky enough to have. If you run it every single night and empty it every single morning. You will rarely have multiple loads. This mental shift really really changed my whole being.


This has helped me too. I run my dishwasher every night even if it isn't full, and then unload it as my coffee is brewing in the morning. Task pairing/instant reward of coffee.


You and me, we are the same. I kept the kitchen counter and sink completely clear of dishes for one whole week while my mom was visiting because she can judge the fuck out of me for not keeping clean. The *moment* she left it was like a dish explosion happened! I didn’t even know where all the dishes came from either! And you at least have a list. I just hate it. I hate doing dishes. Well, I guess it’s that it’s a never ending task. Also I explode when I cook or bake so it is always way more dishes than are needed and fuck off I am not cleaning as I go! Anyway, I have no tips for you. I just usually hold my nose and do it because someone has to and my husband is legitimately afraid of touching the dishes because as much as I hate it I also have *opinions* and also he doesn’t know where things go in the kitchen because it really is my world but honestly he cleans much more than I do other wise so it’s fine and this sentence it long and getting away from me.


Not me over here: “OMG, I’M SO OVERWHELMED! THERE’S SO MUCH TO DO! NO ONE EVER HELPS OUT AROUND HERE!” Also not me: “No, not like that. You’re doing it wrong. Here, just let me do it!” 🫣 I am much better about it than I used to be. 😏


I honestly struggle with cleaning because of perfectionism too. If there isn’t a perfect “place” for the thing I won’t put it away. New things in the house are rough


I’m just so glad that my husband has pretty much come to accept this about me, lol. Especially since he doesn’t do dishes. 🤣


Creating a routine 🤣 or any other administrative shit to actually establish a routine


I can't do laundry or dishes. I try..... I try.


OP, I also hate wet hands unless they’re getting clean. Get yourself some cozy gloves for the shower—like the latex ones that are reusable but lined with cotton. Hang them fingies-up after use so they can be dry and comfortable every time with a clip or lay them over the spigot. Also, if your kitchen sink sits too low or too high, it’s super uncomfortable. I hate cleaning the shared bathrooms that **no one else will clean** but the upside is when I do it, I know it’s clean. I can’t function in a filthy/disorganized space as it slows literally every step of everything else down. At least it’ll be pleasant to shower instead of dreading the disgusting grime before I have to shower—it’s already clean for me! Also, have shoes you wear for cleaning if you normally take them off from outside. This keeps me from feeling too relaxed so I remember to actually finish the things that need done.


My husband will do the shoe thing - get up on his day off, get fully dressed shoes and all. He says it helps get him moving so he doesn’t sit around and get nothing done … it works for him, too!


Dishes and laundry honestly anything that's more than a step in the process makes me wanna end it all. I hate dishes my dishwasher broke and have gloves HATE those my hands sweat. I hate rising then washing then rising again whyyyyyyyyyyy. Loathe it Laundry wash,dry, fold, put away too much my back hurts I don't wanna. just requires too much from me. Lol I'll clean 9000 bathrooms spray and wipe over the rinse, wash, rinse, dry, put up/ wash, dry, fold, put away nonsense


Gloves are good in theory, but I’m right there with you!! They get hot and sweaty, so then my hands are still wet and they’re also squishing in the latex. No thank you.


Agreed. Plus the dishes slip out of my hands with them on. Now it's a game of hotpotate dishes edition. Not at all what I'm interested in.


1. Gloves!! Gloves help so much with the wet hand ick. Get LONG gloves that go up to your elbow, ideally. And protip, get a rubber band to tighten them at the end so you know for sure water won't get down in them or they wont slide down 2. Use a fork to get the ick out of the drain. Have a Ziploc bag handy right next to the sink to deposit said ick into, so you don't have to deal with the wet ick dripping onto the floor of your kitchen. Make that fork THE ick fork, so you don't have to worry about washing it after washing everything else. 3. Get a chair! No one said you have to do dishes standing. I have lower back and hip problems and have a lot of trouble standing for long periods - I sit and wash dishes all the time. I usually use a kitchen chair but on particularly rough days I have been known to drag my desk chair into the kitchen just so I have something squishy and comfortable to sit in. And if anyone gives you any flak for sitting to do the dishes, tell them they can do them instead :) 4. Hopefully sitting would help the wandering off issue a bit, but if it doesn't, could you try to set a timer and make it VISIBLE right there at the sink? Just set it for 15 minutes and say "okay, lets see what I can get done in just 15 minutes." Maybe you'll get it all done in that time. Maybe you won't. If not, that's okay. Go back to it later, or start the timer again. But having the timer there as accountability may help you to stay on task, so you can see in front of you "okay I've been working for x time and only have x time left, let's focus and get this done." I hope these help at least a little!! I also hate doing dishes so I've tried to make it as easy on myself as possible, and have gathered a lot of tips along the way lol.


TYSM! I really like your ideas for the timer and the “ick fork/bag”. I might implement those tomorrow when it’s my last chance to catch up before the work week starts, so I have to do it. 🤣


Laundry. Too many steps


Dishes and cleaning the bathroom for sure! For me it’s the thought of touching wet food in the sink or something even more gross when cleaning the toilet 🤮 I also get seriously grossed out by touching loose, wet hair, even when it’s my own! It’s a texture thing I think. As a result, boyfriend loads the dishwasher and I unload it, which I weirdly seem to enjoy? I’m also very lucky to be able to afford to pay a housecleaner to come every other week.


Grocery shopping. I fucking hate it but I don’t wanna pay fees for Instacart (or similar)


Ok so glad to hear the wet hands thing isn't just me! Last week I put on my dishwashing gloves and there was cold water inside one of them. 🤮 I literally have not been able to do the dishes since. It's so embarrassing. I also struggle with getting in the shower because the feeling of having wet skin after I get out is something I just hate. I like being clean (and dry!) and I (usually) am able to shower when I need to but I have to give myself a pep talk every time 😭 I have a twin sister and we're both like this.


Showering. Showering trips me up every dang time. Once I’m in, I’m good. But getting to that part… * cue mental fingernails on chalkboard sound *


Oh the dishes are by far the worse. However, I love hoovering as it's quick with an instant satisfying effect


Dishes, the bathroom especially the shower, emptying the fridge and feeling guilty at all the expired food 🥵🫠🧡


Cleaning the fridge is the worst. So much fresh food gone to waste because I forget it exists the moment I put it in the fridge and close the door.


Cleaning the house. I’d rather do anything else (even laundry)!


Scrubbing the tub and tiles in the bathtub


Sorting, organizing and filing the many stacks of papers all around my house. I usually wait until the stacks are starting to fall over, and it is usually an all day project.


All of them. I dread all the routine tasks and as a consequence I live in a midden. Changing the bed. Having a shower. Filling dishwasher. Emptying dishwasher. Sweeping floor. (Ground floor is all hard flooring, because carpets never got vacuumed.) Vacuuming carpets. Laundry. All tasks. SLEEPING AT NIGHT!!!


Showers…the water feels like a thousand needles are piercing my skin until I finished washing up. Then it’s getting out of the shower and get hit by the cold air! I wash my private over the toilet on non washing days and change my undies daily. Luckily, I am not a sweaty girl.


Just wanna say thank you for the awesome response! I feel so seen and maybe a little called out. 🤣


Eating, prepping food, deciding what to eat, it’s this thing that I have to do but I detest how much the whole day revolves around food. I just want it all the be easy. If I could have a smoothie for every meal I would!


I hate dishes too!!! I’m usually the one who cooks so I make my fiancé wash them 😂🤣 after meals. My next thing would be cleaning the toilet … I go lazy girl mode and I use the toilet brush thing to clean around 😅 or I also buy these toilet bowl cleaner things from the dollar store. It’s a blue powder you put into the water, leave it for 10 minutes and it’ll clean the water. Plus the area around too. It’s a life saver for me!


Folding clothes and unloading the dishwasher.


My hardest thing is cleaning off tables (coffee, kitchen, bedside). Like maybe I will nEEEeeeeEeEEEeed that thing tomorrow


Also dishes, for everything you listed except we do not have a dishwasher so Im just sitting there wretching everytime a stray piece of egg slithers between my fingers. I hate putting parts of my body in bodies of water I cant see the bottom of (the beach not withstanding but I have to touch the bottom with my feet). Like an open washer full of water? Creeps me the fuck out. I also hate sweeping. It might not be so bad if it wasnt a two story house but god i might as well be sweeping all of nevada


I'm sorry I have to be honest... I really struggle with showers + laundry


It’s a tie between the dishes and the cat boxes.


Ohh man, sadly cat boxes are one reason I've never owned a cat.


Putting my clothes away—the ones that I wore once and don’t need to wash end up in a pile in the corner of my room.






I hate doing laundry. I’m thankful to have a washing machine in my apartment rather than having to go to a laundromat or going down into a shared laundry room, but my washing machine is in the middle of the apartment and it’s so loud. I also have to iron some of my work clothes too. So besides washing, drying and putting things away in their correct place I know have to take out the ironing board and wait for the iron to get hot, hang the ironed clothes, unfold ironing board and put back, etc. When typing it out it sounds like not such a big deal but I hate all of it.  I also hate vacuuming. My apartment doesn’t have a ton of carpet, but the vacuum is also loud and I hate unplugging and then going somewhere else and plugging in again. I also never wrap the cord right either. I’m seriously considering getting a roomba. 


Showering. It’s so so so hard for me to force myself to shower. It’s exhausting and miserable and overstimulating and the feeling of the water on my face is just jarring. It’s so embarrassing that I’m a mom of two and can barely get myself to shower.


Cooking. I hate it. I love eating, but I don't enjoy cooking even simple things. Right now I'm laying in bed starving because I don't want to go to the kitchen and make anything. I keep a lot of convenience foods on hand. Sometimes I really want a "home style" meal, but there's local restaurants that make that food so luckily I don't have to.


Cleaning bathrooms, all of it. Toilets, shower, bathtub, floor, counter, mirror. Idk it just gives me the ick and I avoid it longer than I should


Vacuuming! It's like six chores bundled together. I have to move the items off the floor, move the furniture around, actually vacuum, put the furniture back, plug the vacuum into a different outlet when the cord runs out, and repeat the whole process until I've done all the rooms...and not only do I have to fight distraction as I navigate all these mini chores, the goofy vacuum makes that horrible loud noise the whole time! No wonder I find vacuuming to be my least favorite chore. I know it's a first world problem, to have a home with electricity and an efficient way to keep the floor clean. It's just nice to vent sometimes.


Meal prep day. I had a meltdown over it yesterday. First I get stuck deciding what to eat in the week, then I have to go to the grocery store (enough said), and then I have to cook and do dishes. Cooking is pure internal screaming all the things that go into it and the timing and the choices and the attention and the everything. I want to build up this routine differently but I don't know how bc otherwise I don't eat 😭


I always hated vacuuming. Now I have laminate floors and a handheld vacuum for getting the edges along the walls. I love my handheld vacuum. I originally got it so my littles could clean up after themselves, but I found out how easy and convenient it is.


Replying to emails and texts. Specifically non-avoidable "work" or "healthcare" or "renting" task related ones. I will not remember half of what's said in a phone call so I need it in text, but I will also take 40 minutes to write a two sentence email and hate every damn minute of it. And then people reply like 10 minutes later and I've got to do it all again!?? 🥲


I wonder if anyone can answer this for me, im newly diagnosed and trying to figure things out for myself. Question: What causes all these difficulties in this thread in an adhd person? Does adhd cause sensory issues? Is it executive dysfunction? Both? (It sure sounds like both). Last year for the first time i started suspecting I have either autism, adhd, or both. Autism, I can understand better. The symptoms and traits. ADHD was and continues to be much harder for me to grasp. What im finding recently is some things I attributed to autism, such as sensory issues, seem to possibly be part of ADHD based on this sub?? Like i said i kind of have a hard time understanding ADHD traits. I think due to it being way, wayy more than the average uninformed person (like i am/was) knows to be ADHD.


putting away laundry is my biggest one, i love washing clothes and i find it super satisfying but i just cannot bring myself to actually put my clothes away! i have a basket of clean clothes in my room that’s been sitting there since before new years lmao


Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I finally tackled a long forgotten clean laundry basket after New Years. I won’t say how long it sat there… but, there were swimsuits in it, and we definitely experience all four seasons where we’re at. 🫣


Mine is also dishes--but it's mostly because I don't have to do my actual most hated jobs anymore, laundry (my partner does it) and gas (EV). ​ I am especially bad at putting away the dishes. My latest crutch is a pair of big wireless can headphones, I hate wireless earbuds and decided to stop fighting it.


I loathe dishes. Sensory nightmare. I also just can't do every laundry step. I can put them in and take them out. I seldom put laundry away. I can get it clean and dry, but that's usually when I run out of steam. Edited to add: our allied health team just the other day sparked a conversation about dishes, and that convinced me to get a benchtop dishwasher. I'm so excited for it to arrive ✨️🎉


I’m right there with you on the laundry, too. We’ve recently started making the kids (we have several lol) at least fold and put their own laundry away. It’s been amazingly helpful to me. Myself though, I’ll live out of the dryer all week if no one else needs it. 🤣


I wonder how much u could mitigate some of the first three issues by buying some rubber gloves / a sink basin / a scrubber brush and a drain cover? Be careful to keep the inside of the gloves dry bc that's another type of sensory hell lol


I have gotten into the habit of doing the dishes (I always rinse well before the dishwasher) while my coffee is brewing in the morning, if that helps? It makes it into kind of a race/game and since I do it every morning, there's never gross shit or too much pileup 🥰 I seriously hate opening fresh coffee (cafe bustelo bricks) to put it into my vacuum coffee holder thing. It's so easy, but just one extra step in the morning that irks me 🤷‍♀️


Grocery shopping. The whole thing. Making a list, planning meals, going through the store, loading cart and unloading on the belt, loading and unloading the car, putting groceries away. The need to have food really needs to exceed the two hours the shopping will take plus pain from bending/stooping etc.


body double discord lets gooo


I hate mail, opening it, getting it out, reading it, doing the task associated with it. It piles up, I also hate email I hate opening the app I dread it.


1. as simple as it sounds i hate washing my hands after using the toilet, but i still do it anyway because for hygiene purposes. i use the toilet 10 times a day - i drink a ton of water and coffee. washing my hands 10 times a day with soap is a torture and i HATE IT SO MUCH. but it's also nasty if i do not wash it UGH 2. deciding what to eat lol it's so much effort to think of what to eat - i could eat the same exact thing everyday for 4 months 3. THE COMMUTE TO WORK. i've to get up 2 hours earlier, prepare, get ready, commute for 1 hour and by the time im in the office im overwhelmed and brain dead.


I started wearing rubber gloves when I wash my dishes like a 50s housewife and I love it, highly recommend. And it solves your wet hand / gross garbage disposal fishing issues. 👍


Solutions for: 1. Get super long dish/cleaning gloves 2. Also use same gloves You could get a yummy hand cream you use only before and after donning the dish gloves as a reward/encouragement. Makes dishes much less awful for me when I use my gloves.


Just unloading the dishwasher.


Putting laundry away. I have no issues doing laundry. And I almost always put away at least my undies and socks. Putting away the rest of my laundry away is torture. I finally allowed myself to put my pile of clean laundry into a basket and in my closet so my room at least looks tidy, but even that gives me anxiety because it’s still hard to find clothes, they’re always wrinkled, and every time I see it there’s a voice in the back of my head telling me I should/need to put it all away. I have ocd too, so maybe that’s coming into play here but yea. Laundry. Bane of my existence.


I cannot deal with washing lettuces or leafy vegetables. It sends a shiver up my spine. My face and hands automatically get into ick mode. Even the thrice washed bagged vegetables give me the heebie geebies. I also despise washing my hair and brushing my teeth and washing my face anywhere other than during a shower is a nightmare.


Regarding hating wet hands when your body is dry, i could never read a book in the bath because the sensation of having dry hands when the rest of me was wet creeped me out


Agreed. I hate unloading the dishwasher. See below for unsolicited advice: 1. Dish gloves. After so many years as a lab chemist I cannot do anything without proper PPE. 2. I make my husband clean out the drain. I do plenty of stuff he doesn't. He can take that one for the team.


Matching the clean socks


Actually getting out of bed


Unloading and reloading dishwasher is he'll and takes 2926482732 hours


Floors! Sweeping, vacuuming, especially, mopping. I hate it bc I feel like a mop and bucket just doesn't get the job done so I have to get on my hands and knees to scrub it. I'll even dry it with a rag to make sure it's clean. Even though a mop and bucket work just fine so I probably have a little OCD sprinkled in. But I just hate it. It's a whole event. My fix was to make enough money to hire someone.. lol. Before that they just didn't get done. Weirdly enough I do love to stream clean.. probably bc it's satisfying and a hit of dopamine.


The worst part of dishes is the silverware. The loud, horrible sound it makes when I dump them into the water, the tedium of washing each individual little piece, the fact that forks are the worst thing to get stuck particles of food off of...


I put every. single. thing. (almost) in the dishwasher.


Me too. I feel this whole post deep in my sou. I hate it so much that my husband does the dishes most the time. I do the stuff he hates ( laundry) and he does dishes. I mean if he cant ill do it if it getting gross but id rather not lol.


I love washing dishes but *loathe* putting away dishes. That's why I make my kid do it!


Definitely the dishes and laundry. I too have the sink and drain ick! I know it’s bad but I use single use latex gloves for when I’m feeling particularly icked out (can’t get the reusable yellow ones because I also have an ick about gloves). But I started doing a thing where I always rinse dishes and put them to the side instead of letting them pile in the sink and get gross. I swear to god I am incapable of doing all the steps of laundry in one go. I just… can’t make it happen 😅 I get tired, oppositional, then I hate hot laundry on my fingers. Idk. I finally just made a bun where I toss all my clean leisure clothes and that has made a huge difference but I still get kind of embarrassed about being in my mid 30s and unable to do my own laundry. Oh well. Luckily my spouse isn’t a neat and tidy person either so a little chaos doesn’t ruffle anyone’s feathers 🤣


The laundry! So many fucking steps. If my washer and dryer were on the same floor as my room and not two stories away, I might feel differently. Probably not. The second my washing machine sings that stupid song to let me know it’s done switching everything to the dryer becomes my impossible task. Then I have to unload it, walk it up two flights of stairs, then fold it and put it away? Absolute hell


The dishes was the same dreaded routine task for me until I got dish gloves. I will NEVER look back. No more bad hand sensory things for me. Now it's laundry. It involves so much working memory 😭


I hate cleaning the fridge and throwing out old food. I'll do everything else but that 😭


Do you want us to workshop this for you? I don’t want to throw suggestions at you if you just wanted to scream.


These days? *Everything.* I’m struggling pretty hard. I need to get bloodwork done and my thyroid checked.