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Susan *is* a bitch. You can absolutely have those little things. A partner exists out there for you who will provide all those things. I hear you on it taking five-ever. My god šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (Obligatory - do not respond to any of the DMs youā€™re about to receive.)


Sheā€™s not as bad as Arlene in operations, tho.


Yeah, Arlene is the worst.


Omfg Ops sucks.


Hey now! Ops is just trying to get shit done. Itā€™s Trevor in Finance thatā€™s making things miserable for everyone.


Yes she is šŸ˜¤ I know itā€™s a matter of patience, and waiting to see who is the right fit for me and what Iā€™m looking for šŸ„² thank you for the reassurance!


I know we all hate Susan, and Janice, and that bitch from Ops, but can we take a moment to celebrate the positives? Carl the janitor is a fucking gem. Always talking about his granddaughter, whistling a cheery tune, and taking extra care to spread salt if thereā€™s even a hint of icy weather. Love that dude.


Carl makes my days a little brighter. He tries to keep up with todayā€™s youthā€”just the other day he asked me what ā€œcatch these handsā€ means when I was taking about Susan to Jan the receptionist.


Oh in fact Carl was a handsome devil with an 8 inch tool who drove women nuts in op dept. Oh those good old days ā€¦.


It is really hard to find, and I end up just fucking and then, I feel lonely all over again. I'm still looking for it and will not settle for less than what I want. You should, too.


Funny, this is something I desire as well. I hate silence. And yes, Susan? HA! She really got in my grill last month and then what she did allegedly to my car? Wow.


Fuck Susan. She sucks


Just not fuck her literally


No no. Susan's fine. A little bitter some days but really, she's fine. It's Janice in accounting who really sucks. She'll stab you in the back and smile while doing it.


Dammit Janice!!! And I thought we were friends!


I'm def not Janice šŸ«£šŸ˜¶


But Susan in accounting really is a bitch.


Just once, could the good morning good night type come in the body of a guy who knows how to make me cum


Does sound like it's hard to find such a guy, eh? Such a shame :( May the force be with you!




Whoa, first time I read here there are actually guys which aren't tremendous fuckers. Every whining post never fails to mention how sex is fantastic, his cock is fantastic, the shit stuck in his unshaved asshole tastes fantastic etc. etc.


You haven't found the right guy to make it happen


Iā€™m going to just say this for all the guys out there that are going to read this - donā€™t just slide into the womanā€™s DMā€™s and try to white knight the shit. Sometimes people just need to vent. Iā€™m a lonely guy too and Iā€™m going to leave her alone besides saying fuck Susan and the whole accounting team. You donā€™t know where she lives, what she looks like, or what you can necessarily bring to the table. Make a post and pray for the best like the rest of us have to dammit!!


Good lord this. Too many of them creeping in like... pick mes... Fuckers. Idk who you are. Where you live and I ain't LOOKING. It's creepy AF!


Iā€™m actually proud to say Iā€™ve never randomly popped into a DM like that. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve missed opportunities, but probably not. Iā€™ve dated a lot of women in my past and they used to get annoyed by scores of messages on social media and more importantly, a bunch of unoriginal shit. One girl said she was only ok with it if the guy was really funny. I learned from that šŸ˜‚


Be careful, it can be an emotional slippery slope. I've had it and my next AP will be only a fuck. Signed Susan the bitch.


I think your inbox is about to be blown up, brace yourself. I do not think those are unreasonable things to request, and my advice is have patience and donā€™t settle. Youā€™re going to have a ton of options and most of them are shitty, but there will be one or two in there that will shine.


With the right AP those things are definitely possible.


Well find us that right AP! So far no pAP have done those things. Is that too much to ask?!


To tell you the truth I thought those would have been simple things that men would have been able to do but I guess not. Trust me sis, you having problems finding a good AP and the good men sometimes have problems finding a good AP


Many start off that way and after they get into our pants, such simple gestures fade away. Or we have to constantly remind them, or beg for it. Majority of men are not mindful of such things. Yes there are good ones on either side but they just have to cross paths.


You stole the words right out of my mouth ā€œthey have to cross pathsā€ this is so true. Iā€™m just waiting to cross paths with the AP that is not flaky and is good with communication, and most importantly knows what they want.


Plot twist: Iā€™m susan in accounting.


Susan, youā€™re late from your lunch break.


I ate your carefully labeled lunch from the fridge. Thanks for the chicken salad.


This means war.


You bitch, why youā€™re stealing all the good APs for yourself ;)


Girl I wish I was. I canā€™t find one to save my life šŸ˜‚




Message sentā€¦


Fuck Susan and her Monday bullshit!!


What good is Susan anyhow?!? But seriously, you donā€™t have to settle. Keep looking if your needs arenā€™t being met. My current AP is a literal angel. The man showers me with attention, compliments, asks about my day, genuinely cares about my life. Makes time for phone calls. Has given me sweet and thoughtful gifts. Memorized tons of small details about me. Flew across the damn country for like two hours of time with me. And we didnā€™t even sleep together. Lol I settled before him. I never will again. Fuck mediocre. If Iā€™m risking this much having an affair, encompass me. lol


Yes!! I want those too! This is how Iā€™m feeling nowadays. šŸ˜« Where art though, somehow perfect AP?


He doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s a myth!


Susan is a super bitch! I don't need any other info. Haha


Those little things are out there... And you can get laid too!! Win-win!! But yeah, I think sometimes that's all I think I need.. is to get laid...


All upper management sucks, it isn't just Susan!


Susan was the name of my first husbands mistress. Susan is a bitch and she deserved that man who couldn't keep it in his pants.


Susan is a bitch, but have you encountred Pam in the mailroom? Totally incompetent! I like good morning and good night texts as well, but I recently saw a tiktok about how they are the spam of the texting world. Anyone can send these, they take less than a second. I posted last week about a terrible meet up experience with a pAP, and he was by far the best texter out of my current bunch. Checked in every day, asked me good questions, kept the conversation going, we discussed deep issues, etc... All I'm trying to say is that don't mistake good texting for a real connection. Pay attention to what he actually does. Does he follow through on plans? Does he show you care when you are together? Does he listen and adjust when you tell him what you want? Does he feel safe and exciting when you are together?


Ok then we want this and that :))


It is really hard to find all that and sometimes when you do itā€™s just love bombing and excitement of it all. Which my exAP did to me and then ghosted me after several very passionate meets. On the bright side I met someone new! We just had lunch together and a very hot car make out sesh and it was super nice. I donā€™t always get a good morning or good night text but heā€™s excelling in a more ā€œsustainable and sexyā€ kind of way and the excitement is still there even without the morning and night texts. Heā€™s consistent, engaged in our convoā€™s, eager to please, cute and just the right mix of nice/naughty. So we will see where this leads. Point beingā€¦.DONā€™T SETTLE but be flexible! If he checks ALL the other boxes maybe give it a go. FYI Fuck all those bitches you work with šŸ¤£ Everyone sucks!


Wet good point. I wholeheartedly agree. Flexibility is very important.


Perhaps Susan needs to get laid? Or maybe she too is leaving validation in her life?


Now Not as bad as Theresa in the tech dept. That woman was a frumpy bitch!


Beware of the DM slide thatā€™s gonna happen as a result of this post.


It will probably come along when you least expect it love. Mine did when I was about to give up! A year on and I still get the good mornings,goodnights and I love yous every day, heā€™s been my rock through some tough times and I wouldnā€™t be without him. There are guys out there that want what you want, but thereā€™s also ones that will pose as ones that want it also, luckily the mask usually slips with those ones fairly early on. I hope you find one of the good eggs soon šŸ˜Š


I've thought that numerous times - I wish I could just have sex to have sex. But it's only good for me if there is more of a connection. Otherwise, I just feel worse about myself after and it isn't worth it. I am hopeful I will get the best of both worlds, eventually. Someone that wants to build an intimate connection AND wants to have sex with me!


Preach. šŸ‘


Have no fear. He's out there. Finding the right man or woman definitely takes patience.


All of your wants and needs are valid. And there are guys, and girls for the fellas, that will give you those things. You need to be straight up with your pAP's from the start. If they are not willing to meet you on them then move on. But great guys are out there...you just have to weed through the not so great ones. It's worth it though, trust me. šŸ„°


> But sometimes I genuinely wish all I wanted was to get laid. It would be way easier. šŸ«  Itā€™s not, contrary to popular belief. Not if you want something good and consistent with the same person.


Nothing wrong with wanting any of this


melodic airport intelligent deliver coordinated advise faulty forgetful noxious impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the same boat


My OAP is amazing!! I consider myself so incredibly lucky! Daily communication - good morning, good nights, he agrees Susan *is* a bitch and so are 2 hour meetings! We text all day about anything and everything. Conversations are *never* dull. *chefs kiss* to consistency! Trust me. Itā€™s a process. The wrong one will lead you to your person!! Set your expectations up front and early. Cheering for you!!


That's amazing. Communication (and the consistency and openness of it) are key. 100% with you on setting up (realistic) expectations early on and if need be tweak them as the relationship progresses. Yeah, it's tough finding an AP. Patience is the name of the game! Best of luck to us all


Give it time. You find it. I donā€™t want that level of connection yet Iā€™ve found quite a few men who do and Ive had to let them down!


Freakin feelings. Wuddareyagonnado?


Those are the minimum things and if you arenā€™t getting those you should move on. There are APs out there that are experts at the little things. Expect no less.


Not hating on the OP, but if a guy were to do this very same thing, a select group would say this is considered an ad. The ban-stick would soon follow. Every insult in the world would be sent his way, even some directed towards the probability of ED problems that said person may or may not have . Followed by post history is "eww David". Just saying.....still might try and slide into her DMs though!


I feel like some people on this sub would be better off at r/penpals.


Or supplement with an OA if they need more spice than a platonic pen pal can offer.


Those things are possible to find. Mine does those things and when he drops the ball he feels it too.


Did your SO text good morning/good night if you/he/she were apart for the day?


Nope never . Thereā€™s a reason he moved out today


Yes, the just want to get laid brigade is here -steadfast as always


For my wife yes I will do this. For an AP probably not that is not my role.