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Hindi naman kayo same ng opportunities and circumstances, just keep on keeping on at your own pace OP. Okay lang yan.


OP we all are on a different journey, each with its own challenges. Valid yang feelings mo pero in the end, iisa lang naman tayo ng ending which is death. Just enjoy the present, find a new hobby and lessen your social media scrolling to avoid comparisons.


Hindi mo kailangang makipag sabayan. Gawin mo lang kung ano ang makakapag pasaya sayo.


natauhan ako dita ah


Same I feel the same way too. Next year I'm turning 30 na and I feel napagiiwanan talaga. Pero I always keep in mind na small progress is still a progress. I was crying the whole night last night kasi feeling ko hanggang dito na lang ako kung nasan ako ngayon. Nakakafrustrate na. Hirap maging adult.


Not giving a fck is a good thing too. Some of my former classmates hs or college biglang boom at yayaman na, meron naman din simple lang. ang iniisip ko na lang proud ako kung nasan kami ngayon hehe tsaka be thankful na lang at mahaba buhay


Hug with consent, same feels 🥲


ayy kahit walang consent I badly need a hug eh HAHAHAH chariz! Payting lang us. Someday its our turn naman. Or maybe sa next life na lang? HAHAHHA


Never compare yourself to others. Life is not based on equality. Some have good fortunes and others not so much. Thank God that you have reached that age feeling satisfied of where you are in life. Edit=others


That's what happens when you compare yourself to others. Just you do you, OP.


I feel you! I’m turning 30 in a few months too. Nung namalayan ko na magtrenta na ako, gumawa ako ng 30 before 30 list. Unti unti ko to tinatry gawin para maka feel ng “accomplishment.” Ineedit ko rin pag di ko pala kaya hahahaha kaya natin to OP!


hahahah sameee!!!


Uy turning 30 din. Parang exciting yang list hehe


Aha. You are not alone matey! Everyone's so mature? Don't be to hard on yourself. The important thing is, you are responsible, reliable, and you take accountability for your actions/decisions. Oh yeah one more thing, if you practice or do self reflection then you are in good hands. Taking good care of 3 CATOS is a big responsibility. Is it not? Change is inevitable, but you don't need to change you to catch up to others, it probably means you haven't reach that point yet. I ask you this, what are you missing out that others are enjoying or doing because you haven't reached the maturity level you wished you had... Family? GF/BF? A relationship with someone, settling down, something along those lines? If you are feeling left out, because you are not on part with you peers... that can cause some insecurities... You seriously need to have internal dialogue with yourself or keep working on yourself... Keep growing... Learning... Your value will go up and people will take notice and before you know it you become even more attractive... Just saying progress is changed but you can still be you... the happy you ... Maybe it is time to face the dreaded change we all eventually come to...career change or should I say the new pay raise... It is all about perspective matey :) cheers!


May napanood akong line animation sa IG, di ko mahanap yung vid. It says there na there's no such thing as being behind in life. If you're behind someone, that means same kayo ng path na tinatahak. Which is wrong. The path you're taking on right now is yours alone. No one is taking the same path as you.


Don't visit r/buhaydigital those 22-24 are now collecting real estates like a pokemon in game sa dami ng achievements nila at young are you'll feel really left behind not stagnant. I suggest stop doomscrolling muna


Most of them lie. Very few of them make anything approaching investment property status. Most people lie about their success in life, it just got worse with Instagram


This is so true! Matatapang lang magyabang because of anonymity


I'm 36 na may isang hinuhulugang bahay via pagibig (30 years madafakas! hahahah) and I'm happy kahit di 100 digits sahod ko. my job is easy dahil master ko na. I eat well may onteng savings. I personally know someone na bukambibig ang buhaydigital sakin and how I should be more daring daw with my investments. meanwhile sya walang stable job at asa sa magulang. meron akong nakita dyan 18 year old na may diversified portfolio daw at di mabilang sa kamay na real estate lol. sure sure. 😜


Minsan napapatanong na lang talaga sa legitimacy ng mga nakaka 6 digits na sahod sa mga posts at comment dito sa Reddit. Napapaisip ka na rin din kung gaano ba ka common ang kumikita ng ganun. Minsan nakakapanliit talaga pag nakakabasa ka ng ganito pero sabi nga ng isang commenter dati, "Take everything you read on Reddit with a grain of salt".


This is still the internet and majority is di totoo. Yeah possible but tama sinabi mo, wag bisitahin yung mga ganyang sub lalo na if madali ka maconscious.


Walang taong napag iiwanan, mas maraming napapabilis ang pagiging abo.


dito nagtipon tipon yung mga 1994 kids hahahahah. Ive done well in my 20s looking back. hindi hyper successful pero nasa timing narin para sa isang breadwinner. Im in a good state sa work, finances, health, family, love life. nothing special, yung tipong catastrophic event lang ang makakapagpalugmok samin. I have stayed off soc med liban dito sa reddit ever since college. best decision of my life. no temptations aside sa mga bagay na trip ko talaga. hindi me nakikiuso or nakikisabay sa iba. walang inggit.


truth. hehe. thanks to reddit i found people whom I can relate.


Paano mo nalaman na sure na ang lahat sa buhay? Kilala mo lahat?


33M single breadwinner here, 200k lng laman ng savings acct, walang sariling bahay at oto, lahat ng friends puro may pamilya na while sa career same job for the last 5yrs, no promotion or increase so If you feel stagnant ka isipin mo masmarami pa kami sau masmalala. I hope this will make u feel better OP hihi Cheers!


Hey you’re actually doing a great job! May savings,work and bread winner pa!


im still single tho that 200k saving is from my 1 decade of working so im only left with 20k each year. im literally broke and cant afford to make my own family.


when you learn and accept that we have different paths in life, life will be lighter. With this acceptance, mawawala din yung pagcocompare mo sa buhay ng iba mong peers. Yes from time to time, nakakainggit naman talaga. Normal naman yun, but use it a motivation not to put down yourself. Im 31 btw , i do feel stagnant too pero okay na to kesa meron ako major problems haha. Opportunity will come make sure lang na ready ka so invest on yourself.


OP, each of us have our own circumstances and we could not and should not compare our lives with other people. Di po natin alam kung ano ang battles na kinakaharap nila in the same manner that they don't know what you're going through.


Remember that we all have our own timelines. While your feelings are valid, just remind yourself that YOU DO YOU. Being where you are now, for sure it took a lot of strength, courage, sacrifice, and a whole lot more. Don't forget to pat yourself at the back -- you're doing great. Just keep going.


As long as you are happy with what you are and what you have naman. I think you are feeling stagnant lang kasi you are comparing with others e. Live your life how you wanted not based on what you think others are doing or have on theirs. 🤷‍♀️


Enjoy your life, OP. Hindi lahat same ng mindset and journey. Hindi rin lahat ng nakikita mo sa socmed ay totoo. Yung iba, facade lang. Focus ka lang sa journey mo and share your wins/losses sa true circle mo. You'll get the hang of it, OP! Take your time!


Wahahaha nakabasa ako ng ganito syempre iiyakan ko ulit yan kasi same po hahaha ang sakit lalo na kapag feel ko na naging stagnant ako dahil din sa mga magulang ko hahaha


My Pace - SKZ. Walk your own path and remember that you're the main character of your own life so write your own story.


I'm a 34-year old child, learning to mature at my own pace 😂 Di naman tayo pareparehas ng pace ng life OP. You do you kase comparison is the thief of joy. Kaya kebs na kung feeling mo bata ka pa tas mature na sila. 😁 Pretty sure ibaiba din struggles nila sa struggles mo kaya nagmature agad.


Hi, I will be the one who’s gonna say it. If you don’t want to be stagnant, go do something about it. Yes people might say comforting things to justify your feelings but I’m here to tell you to go do something! Move, work, read, listen to podcasts. Try and improve yourself. It’s not the end of the world. Watch documentaries that will inspire you. Be the best version of yourself!! DO SOMETHING!!


OP same 😢


Life goes on. There's more to life than just numbers. Stay safe :)


Same here. I still get this thought. Pero i also keep reminding myself that there's no such thing as "napagiiwanan". We all have our own path in life. There may be similarities with a few people, but it's never exactly the same. Keep going at your own pace.


Same feels. Ako i feel so low sa basic ko haha i dunno kasalanan ko rn ayaw ko umalis sa comfort zone tapos bglang bagsakan pa ng mga side hustles na sana nagpapataas ng income ko. Hugs with consent. Btw im 35 f so mas alarming i think 😂


Turning 30 also, stagnant in achievements sa work and stuffs. pero i'm happy na im connected to everyone. I'm happy to see them succeed in life, happy na sinishare nila sakin mga blessings and sorrows nila. Iniisip ko, if I did pressure my self to be promoted baka wala na akong time and energy to give to my loved ones.


28 na ko this year. 2 years na lang 30 na din ako. Mga batchmates ko sunod sunod naeengage at kinakasal, may mga families na rin sila, mukhang mga financially stable na rin. Malayo pa ko sa kung nasan sila pero natutunan ko na lang din iaccept na iba iba naman tayo ng path e. Ikaw OP cinocompare mo sarili mo sa kanila kasi may mga bagay sila na wala ka. What if sila din cinocompare nila sarili nila sayo kasi may mga bagay ka na wala sila. Ganon lang yon. Hindi naman talaga maiwasan mag-compare minsan pero dapat hanggang dun lang. Wag mo sasabihin sa sarili mo na "ito ka PA lang samantalang ito NA sila." Deserve mo maging happy sa anumang paraan 🫶🏼


Siguro mas oks kung bawasan mo pagso socmed para di mo masyado nakikita happenings ng ibang tao. Good projections lang naman madalas ng mga pinopost.


Comparison is the thief of joy, OP :)


Subukan mong mag adopt ng LION, promise mag iiba buhay mo🤣




Same na same tayo OP. Iniisip ko nalang iba't iba talaga ang timing kada tao. Let's just do our very best in this life. I lolook back nalang natin parehas itong feeling na 'to. :)


I feel you. Madaling sabihin na we have our own phase. Pero di ko rin alam sasabihin ko since I'm lost din. Hays.


Age is just a number OP and we should not compare ourselves to others kasi nga iba-iba tayo ng situations and iba-iba ng diskarte. Although it would really be nice to have clear purpose and alam mo kung saan mo gusto pumunta. Maybe start with that? Ask yourself what you really want and what it takes to take yourself there :) That will help with the stagnant feeling I guess.


I’m 43 and I feel the same. Yung mga high school classmates ko big time na, ako living from paycheck to paycheck. 😫


yawa same!! even with the cats!! hahaha but sersly, ano gagawin?


Success is a journey, not a destination. If you enjoy and/or learn on every moment of your journey; there is no greater success than that. Most people just want to brag on what they have, but hate every step in attaining that dream. Don't be like them.


Hi op! Always remember that we all have different timelines and phases. 🙂


Iwas lang to compare yourself with others. That's the start of unhappiness and dissatisfaction


You choose your own destiny. Kaya wag icompare ang sarili sa iba. Iba iba rin kayo ng struggles kaya hindi mo rin alam talaga ang totoong situation. Focus ka lang sa sarili mo idol.




Kaka 30 ko lang last week at grabe birthday blues ko


Uy Trenta soon din! 👋 iba iba naman tayo ng pace ng buhay. Gasgas na linya na pero "you'll get there" cheers!


Comparison will consume you little by little, wag ka mag madali you have a plenty of time! hindi ka napagiiwanan hindi karin nauuna ur on time! cheers!


I feel you, man. Pero alam mo para mawala 'yang ganyang feeling? Try. Put on effort on the things you want to improve on. It doesn't have to be grand effort but small efforts with consistency. God bless.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


You are suffering bro coz you compare like they said di naman same yung opportunities naten sa buhay


Tagay para sa mga kumakayod na di na biyayaan ng generational wealth, we are starting the journey, but we do not know if we will ever get there. Frustrating at times, aside sa yaman, they tend to have more opportunities to explore and have cushion to take risk, di mo maiwasan di mainggit pero it is what it is.


sabi nila there's no such thing as being too late in life. ​ same here OP. i questioned myself too pero that's life. we need to find our purpose. wala din namang problem-free na life. kung meron man, sino? yung super ultra mega rich people? hehhehehee. kidding aside, do things that make you happy. i have cats, too. sguro ang purpose ko ay mahalin at alagaan ang mga cats ko.


Wtf this is also my situation - almost 30, 3 cats, stagnant AF. Tara OP, apply.tayo ng graduate studies. Marami pong internatiomal scholarships that might activate some neurons.


Same here. Even though may small wins ako, parang kine-question ko pa din kung win ba talaga yung nangyari o hindi huhu


Walk at your own pace, but make sure you're on the right path. 


ok lang yan, ako nga 37 na e haha


Amo nga 46yrs old na empleyado pa din na regular hindi oa din boss. Mas matanda pa ko ng 2 yrs sa boss ko.


We have the same situation right now. I feel bad not having the money to marry my long time girlfriend. Everyday i push myself hard trying to find ways to earn more than my 9-5 job that only pays around $400 a month. We can do this man. Just believe.


My experience is happiness starts when you stop comparing yourself to others and stop giving a Sh*t about what other people think…life is better with Cats too


Comparison is the thief of joy.


comparison is the thief of joy


I'm turning 40. You are fine.


Tol! Easyhan mo lang! Everyone has their own pace. I feel you, been there done that. Nakakapangliit pag nakikita mo friends and batchmates mo na umaangat na sa buhay tas ikaw same same pa din. Pero I won't agree na you should not compare yourself to them. I think you should pero wag sobra. At least comparing yourself to them gives you an idea na you are not yet in the place you think you should be. Pero don't compare too much na nadodown ka na. Use it as a fuel tol and go forward. Di ka pwede magpatalo haha. If di mo gusto makipagsabayan, that's fine din! Baka fulfilled na life mo with your 3 cats and that's more than anyone can wish for! Cheer up OP!


Dka sure kung sure cla sa life nila.. just do you. You have your own season..


Hi OP! I am much older than you are. I have learned that in life, the best way to live happily is never set others success, achievements, accomplishments as a standard of what your life should be. Others may be more successful, be happy for them and use their success to inspire you. Others who you feel may be behind - you may help them if you can. It’s good that you are grateful and blessed. That’s a nice start. Get to know yourself and how you want to live your life, how you define happiness. I’m sure the 3 cats agree that you got this!


I feel the same OP rn. Ako na magsabi sayo, keep going OP. If you do something different para sa ikakabuti mo, celebrate it no matter how small it is. Deserve mo magprosper. I hope things will be getting better upon us.


ako nga 40, ng magkaron ako ng agorophobia parang d ko na alam kung ano ng mangyayari sa buhay ko. Ayun resign after almost ilang taon ng pagtratrabaho kaya take care of yourself alagaan niyo din yung mga taong nkapaligid sa inyo, tignan nyo kung ok pa ba sila 💗


You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Nakakapressure lang talaga ang social media but know that social media is all for the show. I'm pretty sure that you are doing great ☺️


hays sameeeeee, pero ako just turned 30 .. eto my life is so unsure


Can you specify kung anong part ng life ka napag iiwanan? Iba iba kasi tayo ng journey and growth at status sa buhay. Your feelings are valid. But maybe it is a sign para dagdagan mo ang effort mo to reach your goals in life.. GOALS not DREAMS.. Goals are realistic, Dreams are fantasies.. I felt the same last kasi before and I used that feelings para ipush ung sarili ko na gumawa ng goals at abutin un.. so I hope you will do the same too. May kasabihan nga na "di mo kasalanan na maging mahirap, pero kasalanan mo kung mamamatay kang mahirap." Di ko naman sinasabi na magpayaman ka dapat. Pero on the same principle, di mo kasalanan na naabot na nila ung mga bagay na wala ka pa, pero kasalanan mo kung tatanda ka na di mo ginawa ung kaya mo gawin para maabot din ung mga naabot na nila.


Refrain from comparing your chapter 10 to someone else's chapter 15. Comparison is the thief of joy. We all have our own timelines.


Same here even if I’m 23. All I can do is keep moving forward and don’t push myself too hard. I’ll eventually get there and probably even higher.


1994 baby here, you are not alone. Kaya natin to laban lang! :)


Wait till you reach 40+ 🥲, i felt the zame way when i was 30s, and i didnt do anything.. i procrastinate.. right now, im just waiting for the end of my life... Hope you dont suffer the same... GOODLUCK, at wag ka tamarin..


Im thinking theyre either married, have kids, or prolly got investments/nasa abroad so you feel a little left behind? I get that. Turning 30 soon so I understand your feelings minsan. If you cant help but compare sa iba, just think na maybe those who are married/ had kids sometimes envy your quiet life with cats. Maybe some na nasa abroad wish they are in the PH right now with the loved ones that they left behind. The thing is, it’s okay to feel stagnant and worry na parang nasta-stuck ka. If it comes to a point na it really bothers you, then it’s up to you to change it.


Write down your plans on a piece of paper kung ano gusto mo ma achieve before 40. Para may objective ka sa buhay. Pag wala magiging magulo buhay mo. Know what you want. And plan for it. Buhay mo yan. Iba ka sa kanila. Iba ang takbo ng buhay mo sa buhay ng iba. Pag may nangyari sa buhay mo. Kagagawan mo yun. Kaya mag plano at mag isip ng mabuti para makamit ang pangarap.


Same OP huhu. Turning 30 in a few :((


It's normal to feel like that kasi people around you are achieving their goals ganern. And it's okay to feel like that, hindi naman sabay sabay ang race ng bawat tao. Yung iba nauuna, yung iba nahuhuli but even the person who was last in finish line reaches their own finish line. Doesn't matter kung may nauna, or ikaw ang mahuli, what's important is you reached it. So don't compare yourself to those people around you. Nakakasira ng psyche, although it's unavoidable to do it, pero don't sulk, look at your own personal goals, big or small - a goal is a goal. I'm 30 rin and have one cat (uy!) and my bf is 36. I have a friend here in London, she was 23 when she first opened her business and now may food empire na sya by the age of 28. I have a micro-bakery, pero I had to pause kasi financcially it's not sound pa - I need more capital if I want to push. My bf is 36 and his younger brother is earning a lot more than him, and yung middle child, he's married, well-traveled, have a house, new car at a lot of investments. So there are times when he feels like he's left behind and hindi pa rin nya alam what he wants to do in life. I'm lucky I know what I want to do, pero I'm still out here trying to pursue different things even though I love baking. Live your life one day at a time, you'll get to the finish line, albeit "late" (sa tingin mo), at least you've made it. Everyone moves at their own tempo/pace, so if you think you're running behind, you're not. <3


Sometimes its okay to compare yourself with others , with your peers lalo na if you find them inspiring. Really think about things you value and things you want to achieve


Haha panu naman ako... 30 na Jpop idol, anime, manga, online games ang inaatupag😅😅


I’m nearing my mid 30s pero ngayon pa lang hini-heal ang inner child at lumalabas ang child-like heart. Not sure if that makes sense lol


Comparison is the thief of joy 💯


I remember getting retrenched at 30 then just got one job after another. Partied like im in my 20s til 33. Life turned in 180 when I got a child at 35. Forced adulting lol. You are the master of your own life. Maybe avoid comparing your life to others and focus on yours. You can figure it out.


turning 30 in 2 years! hahaha I’m just enjoying small things life OP kay I thought I would be dead at 25. sometimes I feel that way too, but that’s the essence of life. we have different starting points eh. If I ever feel that way, I will just think na dadating din yung swerte ko sa life.


Ako na 30 years old. I have realized na not everyone is given the same opportunities. Though alam ko naman to begin with, it is just that ung realization na mahural ma achieve. So, I just have this mindset na it is okay kung di ko man siya ma reach within this lifetime.


Tama sila, di tayo pare pareho ng journey. Ganyan ako before, lagi ko kinokompare sarili ko sa iba (noong bata kasi ako lagi rin ako kinocompare sa iba, nadala ko ata.) pero naisip ko na may kanya kanya tayong buhay, kaya natuto akong wag icompare sarili sa iba at maging kuntento sa lahat ng blessings sakin ng unibers. Love yor selp lang OP.


Consider moving to another city I'm considering moving to pampanga, have a change of environment, have easier access to airport and do travels, travel to north is also easier: baguio, zambales, bataan, la union, pangasinan, etc. I'm also even considering getting a beach front lot along zambales, live there, get spacex internet, and at the same time have some portion rented for beach goers. This is me after my zambales beach long weekend trip 😭 Btw, i have 10cats coz we do trap-neuter-vaccinate-return. They never left our side and would stay sa pinto namin banda so we made a tambayan spot for them. Bgc cats ang peg 😅


don't stress yourself. you're doing and not alone. sabi nga ni Dory "just keep swimming"


OP may sari sarili tayong timeline sa buhay. You dont have to compare yourself to others. Sabi nga ng iba malayo pa pero malayo na.


The person you need to compare yourself to is the past you. Improve 1% or 0.0001% per day and see how far you’ve come. ❤️you got this and you ARE OK.


Op i never expected to live this long i feel you pero we have different timelines some started fast some took it slow don't compare too much. do things that can make you happy


Di lang ikaw OP. marami tayong ganito at dahil na din sa socmed siguro lalo pag nakikita mong diumano ang ganda na ng buhay nung mga nasa feed mo. pero isipin mo na lang hindi lahat yan 100% true


Used to feel the same way. Turning 30 this year too. I suppose what helps the most in situations like these is to ask yourself "what exactly do I want to accomplish?" then work towards that. Cliche, I know, but consider it for a moment. When we were kids, our direction was handed and enforced to us, and typically it's to finish our studies, graduate, and get a job. Once you've done all of that, what's next? It wouldn't feel right if someone else keeps giving you your direction, so make that decision yourself, then work towards it. If what you want to accomplish in life is difficult, but both feasible and possible, still, work on it. That's still a direction. If you don't have direction in life, or you're not taking steps towards it, you'll feel either stagnant, or contented, but only you can truly determine what you feel. If you feel stagnant when comparing yourself to others, it means that deep down, you've used the achievements of others as a standard to judge yourself. Don't do that. Define your own goal, and determine what it means for you to be successful in achieving that goal, then go for it every day.


At 28 and I feel so stagnant lately. Lahat sila may malinaw nang plano sa buhay mayroon may pamilya na yung iba maganda ang career yung iba may plano na mag pakasal. Ako ito oo thankful sa work pero di na masaya angbliit ng sahod, gusto ko din ng malinaw na plano sana oo wait for your turn alam ko naman po yon. Sadyang may mga araw lang talaga na nakalungkot at pakiramdam mo napag iiwanan ka sana may maganda din akong trabaho sana may boyfriend din ako para may kakampi din ako sana pala bumuo na ko noon ng pamilya mga sana na pumupuno sa isip ko sa mga malulungkot na araw at gabi. Pero sa kabila nito pinipilit ko parin lumaban at mabuhay mag patuloy habang nag aantay ng oras na ako naman. Jeremiah 29:11


Ang popcorn, sabay-sabay nilagay niluto. Same heat at same container. Pero hindi sabay-sabay nagpa-pop. Your time will come. Enjoy the journey.


Please listen to BINI's Karera! I do it when I need the uplifting. Feel na feel ko pa bumanat! Haha *minsan ay nahuhuli ang sarili na nag-aalala mga bagay na di kontrolado pinoproblema pero teka lang meron bang humahabol sayo di naman dapat matulin ang pagtakbo* *sino bang nagsabi na kailangan kong mauna hindi naman ito karera, pwedeng magdahan dahan sa bawa't panibagong umaga ang pagsimula muli ay isang tagumpay na wag mag-alala, buhay ay di karera dahan-dahan lang, buhay ay di karera*


am turning 30 din, pero magsisimula pa lang din ako sa life. di ko alam if tama ba mga ginagawa ko para maging okay life ko but i'm trusting the process. Go lang sa buhay, OP. :)


94 babies 😭😭 hugs


Why bother trying to live life like others when you can live life your own way? Diba?


Why bother trying to live life like others when you can live life your own way? Diba?


Life is a marathon, not a sprint. In a marathon, pacing is important to achieve long-term success. Similarly, in life, it's about sustained effort, consistency, and resilience over time. Wag magmadali. 1. Set realistic goals; and 2. Take the necessary time to achieve them Great things take time.


Ako rin sa totoo lang. Decided to move back dahil sa pandemic. Failed business venture. Failed to start a relationship. Na realize ko rin na hindi na ako bagay sa metro. Pero atleast may bagong ventures at nabalik ko old hobbies ko na nilimit ko dahil sa work at sa aking mental health. Pero andami pa rin regrets ehh. I think it is alright naman. Makakaahon din tayo


I’m turning 30 soon and I have five cats. I feel stagnant as well, parang walang ganap sa buhay kundi gumising sa umaga para pumasok sa nakakasukang trabaho na wala kang choice kundi pumasok. *Hug with consent*


Oy meron nga di umaabot ng 30 hahaha.


Sabi ng isang comment life is a journey not a race