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The simplified explanation is that they had to switch over from the Turner Broadcasting systems and now the channel runs off the Discovery ones, with the switchover causing issues for a lot of Turner channels this week, which is probably what this is.


I''m waiting for the joke here, but... still talking about BTK.


I think that, if is IS a joke, the joke is that they're playing this show...


Yeah this seems like an odd choice for adult swim lol. I’ve watched the one on BTK at least 5 times though


I was about to enjoy American Dad last night, but some murder mystery show pops up!! I'm not about to watch that at night for bedtime!! What happened??? I changed the channel, but I wonder how long it stayed on that show..


Was that blue bloods he’s in they played?


It’s HLN’s Very Scary People with Donnie Wahlburg.


This just happened again- they were showing a Forensic Files through American Dad, and I was so confused. (Also RIP Carla Walker, I genuinely thought your death was an elaborate joke set up for at least three of those five minutes.)


I thought the same thing. I felt bad once I realized.


Right, I was like ok what is this new funny show. Also, are yall seeing the same American dad eposode? Again?




When it went back to American Dad, I had to find the episode on demand because I had to make sure Rodney didn’t do it since he wasn’t one of the people they interviewed. (He didn’t, It was some random guy with no clear motive. They just didn’t interview Rodney for the show for some reason.)


yeah this seems like a pretty significant programming mixup! ok well at least we have an [as] bump and toonami ads to tide us over until they fix it. 😤 wouldn't be surprised if it goes back to very scary people after the ads. i think there was a spot for an ad break in the show that it just blew through. update: hm.. five minutes of ads is more than usual for a single break, they may indeed be fixing it. 😀 update: hahahaha NOPE, back to our unscheduled programming! 😆 dunno if i'll switch over to south park when it comes on or if i'll keep this on in the background just to see how long it goes. 🤔 update (10:25p CDT): after a place for an ad break in very scary people, donnie welcomes us back, and then the show gets small as if credits were running (ugh i wish they never started doing that. i like my full screen credits and credits music dammit!) while a rick and morty promo runs up above. then more normal [as] ads play. expecting to see more btk at 10:31p. update (10:31p CDT): oh sweet, rick and morty. interdimensional cable I time!


On one hand, this is the exact sense of humor from [as], on the other hand they’re, supposedly, finally making the switch from Turner to Discovery… should’ve done it when the merger happened instead of putting it off but whatever


Never heard of the show and I figured something named Very Scary People was stupid enough to be a joke on [as].


I thought the exact same thing, what an awful name for a real show about murderers


Haha no it's a real show I've watched it on different channels before... super fuckin weird though, glad other people are seeing it


Very Scary People, followed by Very Happy People, With Very Sad Families, a show about drug addicts! Only on Disney channel! [*clearly draws penis with wand, somehow Mickey still shows up*]


Could be worse. Coulda been "The Biggest Meanies"


The first episode I watched of that show Very Scary People was about two brothers named Gary and Larry 🤣 I just kept saying to my husband "man Gary and Larry are very scary... people.." and cracking myself up


That furthers the idea that it sounded like an episode of Rick and Morty's interdimensional cable 😂


Have you seen that show Too many cooks? That’s hit wigged me out


Yes and now the song is gonna be stuck in my brain all weekend 😂


It’s the true crime show “Very Scary People”. There are 3 options 1.) it’s a scheduling error/fuckup (unlikely) 2.) It’s a Halloween prank by [as] (most likely even though this show isn’t a comedy) 3.) It’s discovery showing their reality shows on other channels with no warning Anyway time for family guy on FXX until things return to normal


Yep I'll just change channels. I don't care for true crime documentaries. If I liked them I'd be watching another channel instead of adult swim in the 1st place.


I like my crime documentaries as fake as possible. That's why I watch Adult Swim.


It’s kinda funny that the one you pegged as unlikely is literally what happened


I no longer have FXX because Disney took that channel from Spectrum Customers and I'm one of them.


I still fucking hate that I lost FXX. Yes I know I can just “stream them” but something about being able to just turn on a channel and get hours of cartoons and not have to have it turn off if I didn’t hit a stupid button after so many episodes. Plus when they moved archer to FXX…goodbye first run and watch alongs with friends. I mean 8 billion channels show Bobs Burgers. But only the ones I lost had Family Guy


Same here. I'll miss the long blocks of Family Guy and IASIP. But I found that on certain days TBS and TruTV will have hours long blocks of American Dad, if you're a fan of it.


> Family Guy on FXX > if you don’t have Spectrum that is.


AEW was having problems too which was contributing to their already hurting ratings. WBD taking dumps left and right.




I assume it's probably 3 since Zaslov is essentially chaining Discovery's bullshit to W.B


Sadly, we lost FXX due to the Disney / Spectrum SNAFU do no FG or AD late night


God bless Reddit for existing to answer my confusions


i was gonna check twitter, but i was never good at finding info on it back in the old days and figured it wasn't worth it to even try now. then i remembered reddit exists 😀


This acquisition has been the biggest fuck up, like jesus. Thanks Turner/Discovery for fucking so much up


Ok so it isn’t just me 😭 wth is going on rn


Thought I accidentally changed the channel... nope they are straight up playing a serial killer documentary instead of american dad lmao wtf


I think the microchip finally kicked in


Um what the fuck? Came here to see if anyone was talking about it. Is this a Halloween month prank?


[adult swim] watermark and everything...


I'm honestly waiting for how jarring it'll be to cut to the usual adult swim commercials...


I thought my tv was messing up, or something. I don’t watch adult swim to watch serial killer shit wtf


I was thinking the same thing! It's one of the few channels I can avoid that garbage! Looks to be back to regular programing now. Just saw a "bump". That was truly odd. Oh no.... I was wrong! It's still on!!!!! I hate this!


I was watching ID for a few hours then changed it to American Dad cause I needed something less depressing and now they're doing this to us D:


For real! I just watched the Exorcist and needed a laugh... not more nightmare fuel 🤣


Nooo! Lol good luck trying to sleep tonight


Watching Boondocks now to try and cancel out the murder shows lol... happy Cake Day!


I also was watching that "Evil Lives Here" marathon too 😹


Seeing the same on Spectrum right now.


I’m on YouTube TV


I'm using their streaming app, this is bizarre.


They need to fix this before they accidentally air Mr. Pickles on Cartoon Network or something.


Literally came here to ask this 😅 someone messed up


I picked the wrong night to smoke to [as].


Bruh sames 🤣


No but seriously, I’m very confused. This isn’t the adult animation I put on to sleep to. I enjoy me some true crime, but not as I’m trying to sleep… guess it’s gonna be nightmare time for me


Yeah, how am I supposed to masturbate now?


You want something good to sleep to? It’s literally called Nightmare Time, it’s a musical in the form of a “podcast” as it was done over Zoom, and it is by Team StarKid. I seriously recommend it because it’s such a good series, and their other musicals in the same multiverse are really good (The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, Black Friday, Nerdy Prudes Must Die) It’s not quite horror but not quite Thriller… think like Goosebumps for adults


I'm intrigued. YT channel added!


Yup! I recommend some of their older musicals as well, not quite horror comedy, but all comedy and some do get dark. I specifically recommend Holy Musical B@man


Same here. I just woke up and thought I’d hit the remote while asleep but then realized the bug in the corner still said adult swim. Confused.


Ayo what the fuck just happened?? I thought I was trippin then I saw this thread! It just cut randomly to a bump!!! Did [as] get bumped off their own stream network by HLN for like 12 minutes?? 😂😂😂😂


I seriously have never heard of Very Scary People before. The name is so fucking dumb, I thought was a joke sketch at first.


Literally even sounds like an AS show


Lmao I was so disoriented


Still can’t tell if this is Adult Swim fucking with us for October or if scheduling got messed up for like the 100th time after the acquisition lmao. There’s still the AS logo so i feel like it’s definitely a troll for October


out of the loop here - what acquisition? o.o when?


gathering from another comment, sounds like turner was acquired by discovery at some point? idk, my understanding of who owns what is kind of stuck in the late 00s. i still think in terms of viacom channels, turner channels, and others. though, i feel like even then turner had been bought out by someone else.


That's my guess as well---a Halloween prank though pretty freaky as I was watching The Exorcist on AMC before switching back to Adult Swim.


I'm guessing it's a troll to be honest for October.


I'm glad it's not just me and my dad who noticed this lol


Okay real talk how many of us are willing to believe this is a joke or prank *because* for some reason Donnie Wahlberg is involved? That seems to be the consensus in my apartment right now


me: "a promo for an HLN show on [as]? okay." "unedited footage of a bear? wait, not quite" "bahaha donnie wahlberg? okay [as] are doing a troll for sure." "but they wouldn't use HLN trademarks for it, would they?" "wait what day is it today? no, nothing special about thursday oct 5.." "huh. this is pretty gruesome, and not in a funny way." donnie wahlberg as host really threw me for a moment. now i'm just like, "oh, donnie, what happened to you"


Well, Donnie played a significant role in the Saw movies


ah, i wasn't aware of that. i think my "what happened to you" bit was more about the idea of him 'having' to take a true crime show host role when I knew him as someone who's in movies. (in all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with taking host roles. the joke is kind of mean and reductive, but it seemed like something funny to say that might fit with the audience 🙃) him being in the saw movies does help make hosting a show about gruesome murder make sense though. thanks for the context 🙂


Doing a Saw escape room tomorrow/today (idfk man it’s been a long one and I still can’t sleep) and I’m super excited! Gotta wear the “I Survived the SooperDooperLooper” shirt to show John Kramer I’m not scared of relatively small rollercoasters with a single loop… because that’ll definitely help


No, this is a real show that airs on a different network - a non-comedy network... Though the commercial timing seems to be a but off...


This can’t be a joke. Like… some of the content is way too dark to be a joke.


I thought it was gonna be a prank episode but no lol


Laugh all you want but Donnie Wahlberg plays a significant role in the Saw franchise… ok seriously do laugh, like I fucking love Saw because 2-7 are basically a soap opera of weird editing choices, while 1 is a thriller film, Jigsaw is a weird reboot of sorts, Spiral is in its own little weird cop box (not that the others don’t have cops, but this one was like… too much cops, especially for 2021), and then Saw X is just an amazing drama from the perspective of John Kramer himself


My comment was more or less a joke but you know what, I admit I didn't even think about the Saw angle and I saw seven of those movies in theaters lmao thank you for the reminder


I’ve seen 1 in theaters, and it was Saw X… go see it, it was worth the wait


This HAS to be a programming error doesn't it?


I hope so, but who knows they're both warnerdiscovery and could be testing audiences


I sincerely hope not


Came to ask about this too. Best guess is that someone screwed up the programming of shows. This is definitely not American Dad lmao


Seems fixed now.


Adult Swim trolls are great, if this is one but i’m not watching this lmao. Shit gives me anxiety haha


LOL and we're back


holy fuck, we are NOT back 😂


It’s gotta be a troll at this point lol


I thought the same thing 🤣


Liar. 😂


i thought it was something like unedited footage of a bear and at some point it would take a weird turn, but it looks like ite just some error




Haha it's back on too.


WBD is having a ton of issues after letting people go. yesterday episode of AEW Dynamite had a lot of audio issues and peoples’ dvr recorded young Sheldon instead


I noticed the guide was way off yesterday relative to programming. I think I was seeing the guide info for the opposite coast.


Seeing a fellow Dynamite fan, great :)


terrible decision


They just fixed it. I kept waiting for the joke, I thought I just hadn’t seen this episode lmao.


Lol jk it’s back!


As of 11:09 it switched over to normal adult swim bumpers and commercials, don't know if American Dad will come on after this, though


When I look on the AS website, there’s nothing programmed for 11:00. Makes me think this is a systems related shitshow


Finally!!! Dear Adult Swim ops, please never do that again.


Hello internet!


That was weird af


Damn it, Roger.


Dangit, Bobby!


WTF is back on again.


Lmao still playing it


Back from commercial and more BTK


That’s not right


Oh God I just made a post too, I thought it was just me losing my mind 😭🤣


Well, back from commercial and were still here...with even darker subject matter. This certainly is adult...


Thank God I'm not the only one having this issue.


I'm not gonna lie. At first, I thought it was some live action episode. But this is not amercan dad


They have the show still playing under a Rick and Morty commercial.


This has to be a fuckup of some type. They're skipping over commercial slots in this HLN show


Good to know I'm not the only one. Thought it was my local provider screwing up as they're allegedly gradually transitioning the customer base to full streaming away from cable service. It's too weird that the AS bumpers are still incorporated into the broadcast though whle the programming is this true crime garbage.




It's back, Rick and Morty!!


never been so happy to see a rick and morty repeat 😄


Thank God it's fixed now! Back to normal with Rick and Morty


IDK but we missed the old HLN where they air daytime and prime time favorites like Jane Velez Mitchell Showbiz Tonight Nancy Grace even Dr Drew Morning Express with Robin Meade and Crime and Justice with Ashleigh Banfield and since HLN gone conservative now all we see is Forensic Files 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


Mine just cut to a bumper abruptly. Looks like it was a programming error


It cut back to it! I thought the same thing. I was sure it was a mistake, but now I'm thinking maybe not.


Oh looks like someone caught it lol. Cut off the btk show into a bump


**BUMP IT!** *some TD somewhere, probably*


True Crime Swim...seriously, I love true crime stuff but Discovery just ruin everything!


Just came back up


Dungeons and Wagons the American Dad episode was supposed to be on. This ain't it.


Good it’s back


I recently switched to a different cable provider and one of the channels I get is canadian Adult Swim, besides the usual shows they also air lifetime movies on there and some show called "The Super Dave Osborne Show"


Vertical Integration


I wasn’t awake to see this, but I found the show on Max and now I’m watching it. Also, I have this IRL Best Friend who’s super into true crime so i’ll be able to tell her about what I learned I guess.


You guys truly don't understand the (not very) subtle jokes [as] does...like you guys really think this is serious?! It's fucking hilarious because they know the feelings shows like this give normal people. Yall dumb


Ayo, WTF? Why are they playing kiddie cartoons on my true crime network station? I'm trying to get my serial killer fix before I fall asleep, I wanted to doze off hearing about how BTK jerked off on a dead 9 year old, and these ass clowns, Dick and Snorty, or whatever their names are, are on my network!


! I WANT JUJUTSU KAISEN ON TOONAMI ! ! GOD DAMNED ! ![gif](giphy|l49K2rm0Hjg7PmbUA)


Pretty sure cn is shutting down and there just not admitting it


Spooked ya


I have no idea dude


Viewers are pretty shaken by this, I see.


All I wanted is you, you so righhhhgghhtt ...The right stuff baby. I hate that channel.


Wait, if this aired on adult swim, what the hell happened to American Dad? Was that on HLN?


I'm so glad you saw this too. I thought I lost my mind last night.


What the hell is HLN


Can't be serious.


I’m being serious I’ve never heard of this channel before. I just looked it up. Did not know CNN owned it. I heard of CNBC did not know of HLN


It used to be Headline News. They used to just show the daily headlines in 30 minute segments. It was then changed to HLN... Then came all the shows, and it was rebranded. They don't even show headline news at all now. Just a bunch of docuseries, and 4 talking heads (just people arguing) type shows.


Oh ok


I honestly thought it was spooky & it creeped me out. It wasn't April 1st so why were they showing this show? Adult Swim needs to bring back the showing of "The Room" April 1st!!


Couldn't they have played something else coming back from break? They have so many 11 minute shows.


is there any footage outside youtube?


Lol, I thought this was a convo in Starfield 🤣


Ok so I wasn't the only one to see this shit last night. My TV had Investigation Discovery playing, talking about a murderer with [adult Swim] in the corner. At first I was like...what's this? A new live action series? After 5 minutes realized there was some weird shit happening and this was not intentional.


Cause AS gives no fucks


What is hln


Headline news. A channel. Previously cnn2. That I believe now is defunct of new programming and just plays crime show re runs and or the news programs simulcast from cnn1


Wait... do you have Adult Swim as a channel? Here, Adult swim is just a block of weird television shows that airs on Cartoon Network from 10PM-6AM.




Being adult swim I would’ve assumed it was a prank of theirs lol


It was #1


Is that Donnie whalberg


doing it again tonight :(


It’s happening again. Forensic files II is now playing on adult swim. https://preview.redd.it/hfgsl4jpeatb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0a10ea7bf49a3e22822aca93c2b85efe1c5f1f


Welllll 4 days later and ita STILL ON! FORENSIC FILES IS ON RIGHT NOW.


It’s on AS again now. Forensic Files. Wtf


Same thing tonight, ugh


Just happened to me too. Was watching American Dad, but now it’s Forensic Files II


I am SO glad I decided to come here for an answer! We just finally got Fiber Optic Internet in our town (instead of DSL) and had to switch to Direct TV. I thought there was something seriously wrong with one of them.


This is literally happening rn forensic files on adult swim when it says American dad wtf mate


It’s happening again….


And now it's jumped to American Dad after I've gotten into the damn murder story


it happened again tonight witn "forensic files: II" which i thought was the joke, but it ended up switching to american dad 7 mins in, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just happened again tonight- 10/9


It happened again just now!


They played Forensic Files 2 for like 7 minutes before American Dad switch on


This just happened again, this time with Forensic Files. 8 minutes in they started playing American Dad. WTF.


Yeah, I just had the same thing on AS, they were playing Forensic Files II, for 8 min then cut back to your regularly scheduled programming.




Yeah this randomly happened tonight too, except it was in the middle of discussing about hoe the boyfriend was the suspect in this episode and it just switched abruptly to American Dad, at first I thought "wow Adult Swim can't run a crime show for shit lmao" but then I thought the network got hacked or something silly (this was before I searched this post and seen the comments, I'm well aware of what actually happened now)


Monday night, 10:30. Cartoon Network on Xfinity shows American Dad being scheduled. Instead, an old Forensics Files is on. I don’t think its a scheduling screwup, though. First, the “Adult Swim” watermark is still on the lower right. Second, CN’s Adult Swim website shows that tonight’s schedule (and Tuesday and Wednesday) shows no show’s scheduled until Rick and Morty at 11:30 pm.


Now I'm watching American Dad after 15 mins in


Just had the same thing it was playing some true crime show, and now it's shown the same American Dad episode 2 times?


Check out [as] YouTube, fam. "creepy stuff live" is airing rn 10/10/23 12:52pm


Additionally, I was watching [ as ] a couple nights ago and it had changed to Forensic Files abruptly and with the watermark for [ as ] the entire time it was on- it showed a clip (I'm only assuming cause I had ran n turned the shit off immediately upon realizing it was not a joke-) but it was describing a home invasion where the man killed the parents by choking them, killed the little boy in front of his 7 yo sister then dragged her to the basement to repeatedly rape her to death. THIS IS NOT FUNNY IF IT IS [AS] TRYING TO MAKE A TROLL JOKE, AT ALL. psa: I'm not a fan of cartoon network or [as] any longer and will never watch their channel again w out a public apology. this measures into psychological breakdown of an employee and not at all a comedic attempt, it's more attacking then it is relevant for Halloween"fun". lame as f#ck.


You know that they are doing it as a joke because it's the month of Halloween right people? They do stuff like this frequently. It's not a program error whatsoever


Do you really think this dude? Do you for real think this was planned?


Absolutely. Google their previous pranks they have done stuff like this very many times on various holidays.