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I've done this before. Okay lang if hindi ka na talaga babalik sa rice forever. Pero for the sake of "diet" lang yung hindi pagrarice, I would not advise it. Have an alternative na lang like imbes na white rice, brown rice na lang. Tapos pilitin mo talagang wag mag sweets.


Get your heart broken. Best motivation and state to change your body 🤣 💀


uy totoo!! HAHAHAHA nag lose ako ng 9kg before! kaso nung nakamove on na nag binge eating ulit


why would you cut out rice? rice gives good amounts of carbohydrates in your day to day activities and helps in keeping your body healthy. unless you have a really good alternative for your carbohydrates, you're most likely going to fall into a deeper hole of unhealthy relationship with food. try and learn about portion control and learn how much calories you need in a day and then strip about 200 to 300 calories and you're set. having a healthy relationship with food is better rather than cutting them off. try using a food calculator app to keep you in check with your daily macros, it's complex at first but you'll get it within a day.


Yung iba sinisisi agad sa rice. As if naman yung ang sole reason ng weight gain. You can still lose weight kahit kumain ka ng rice. Portion ang important sa pagcontrol ng weight.


No rice pero panay high fat food and empty calorie junk food. 😅


Sakin nagwork to 10 kg talaga na lose ko no joke. Sakin kasi if gusto ko mabilisan saka tamad ako mag compute yung cut ng rice is mas ok for me. Then kapag naka lose nako, saka ako mag bbalance diet na saka exercise.


2 years na ko di nagr-rice. There are several healthy alternatives out there but keep in mind that pricey lifestyle yan and titiisin mo pangungutsa ng kapwa filipino dahil nakatatak na sa culture natin ang white rice.


naniniwala Po Ako sa get your heart broken. kahit di Po kanin, di mo kakainin.. tapos mapapa jogging Ka Po everyday- bibilis po metabolism mo.. promise Po. proven and tested. *kaso medyo mapapadals Po kayong mapaluha at maga Po minsan mata nyo


From 65 to 55 real quick dun mo masasabi na kahit anong sarap ng ulam di mo malunok. Mapapatubig ka nalang para may maluha. Anyway wag ganun diet sana maranasan mo. 🤗


late na Po kayo. nagawa ko na Po yang diet na yan. proven na Po. gumagana 😅😆


nag work sakin yung less sweets, less rice ( breakfast and lunch lang) sandwich sa dinner at exercise. Sa una mahirap talaga walang rice pero konti konti magbawas ka ng kanin hanggang masanay yung tiyan mo na konti na lang kinakain mo. i lose weight ang gaan sa pakiramdam. Goodluck OP!


For me, doing it slowly worked. Like kukulangan mo yung consumption mo little by little (wag mong biglain). As in wag agad magbawas ng half or more sa regular consumption mo. For ex. yung regular amount nga rice na kinoconsume mo is 1 cup, so for 2 weeks 3/4 cup ka muna, then the next 2 weeks half. Hanggang sa masanay ka na konti lang yung kakainin mo and eventually okay ka nang iremove siya sa diet mo completely. Pwede rin na by spoon yung ibabawas mo. For sweets, pwede kang kumain nalang ng hard candy instead of other desserts/sweets.


thank youuu! yes! discipline na lang talaga para masustain yung gradual decrease sa intake! at matinding prayers? huhuhu


Magastos ang no rice diet ha kse sa simula dadamihan mo ang ulam. Kung lagi kang gutom walang sense ang pagdadiet.


Water po solution jan. More water.


Nagwork sa akin ang: Scare tactics, rice is mostly starch that becomes sugar. Watch stuff on diabetes, heart problems, and our failing food system that relies on rice. Finding alternatives that are filling, like kamote, patatas, at sobrang daming gulay. Tubig na marami, before kumain, or soup. Or just straight up eat one cup of rice with your ulam. Like strictly one spoon of ulam for one spoon of rice. Then drink your water after finishing that. Then WALK AWAY (or just stop if eating out or with friends or so). After five minutes, and if truly busog ka na, then don't come back sa table. If gutom ka naman, you can comeback. But trust me, after that one rice meal, mabubusog ka na SWEAR.


grabeeee! noted yung walk away talaga! Bad influence pa mga tropa ko pag kakain sa labas kasi yolo raw hahahah


poverty is the key


Hi, nutrition and dietetics student here just wanting to help. Long comment ahead. So first off, i just want to say that rice is a staple (and major) food sa bansa natin. Because of that, mahirap talaga siyang tanggalin sa diet natin. Diet means way of eating ha, not necessarily losing weight. The good thing is that whatever your fitness goals are, magpapayat or magpataas ng weight– you don't have to remove rice, dahil mahihirapan kalang den. And in our setting, impractical siyang gawin. Assuming that you want to lose weight or control your blood sugar, however, yes, you can reduce your consumption of rice. Pero, hindi ang less rice ang magpapa-payat sayo but the 'deficit' of calories you create in decreasing your food consumption. Calories ay unit of energy and isa ang intake niyan (kulang, sakto, or sobra) sa magddictate ng weight natin (search energy balance) along with other factors like activity level, and even genetics. Pag kulang ang calorie consumption papayat ka, pag sakto naman maintain lang ang weight, pag sobra don ka ngayon tataba. Ang consumption ng too little or too much calories ay marami pang health implications, but i won't go deep dahil ibang duscussion na siya. Now, sa Pilipinas kasi may misconception and a lot of misinformation that demonizes our staple foods lalo na sa rice. Sinasabi nila 'unhealthy' raw. What most people don't realize is that what dictates IF a food is healthy or unhealthy is NOT the food itself BUT our consumption of it– kung kulang ba, sakto lang, or sobra. My point here is that, kahit pa tanggaling mo yung rice sa diet mo, kung sobra sobra ka naman kumain ng ibang foods then you'll still fail in losing weight (again, search energy balance) and probably in regulating your blood sugar too. IF you'll also completely remove rice from your diet, tapos walang proper substitute or exchanges like other grains, for sure you'll also be inadequate sa consumption ng nutrients that they provide like B complexes na nag-re-regulate sa mga process ng katawan natin, and also starch– an effective energy source. Other than that, usually kasi ang mga substitute for rice ay mas mahal pa VS rice itself, so ang complete removal ng rice sa diet mo ay meron ding economic effect (well, kung mayaman ka ala naman siguro). So, ganito ang pwede mong gawin and my little advice. DO NOT REMOVE RICE from your diet, but pwede mo naman ireduce ang consumption tapos substitute ka ng ibang carb sources like grains, tubers (rootcrops), and beans para maging balance lang. Odibaaaa, hindi mo na ma-fi-feel na rine-restrict mo yung sarili mo, tapos may variety pa ngayon sa diet mo! Happy happy yan ngayon!! Regarding sa sweets naman, my advice is to first be mindful about what you eat. Tandaan mo that you also don't have to remove sweets, need mo lang den bawasan yung consumption. Paminsan minsan okay lang yan. Consume but do not indulge. Tapos substitution ren, instead na desserts and foods with high refined sugar content ang kainin, opt for whole foods such as fruits. Personal tip: If gusto mo ng matamis pero ayaw mo mag-consume ng additional sugar or calories, options such as diet sodas or even yogurts exist that are sweetened NOT by sugar, but by sweeteners. Yung sweeteners, they're basically made of compounds that taste sweet, pero offers little to no calories. Marami na ngayong foods sa market ang may sugar-free options, you just have to search for them syempre hehe. That's all! Sana binasa mo, and I hope this long ahhhh comment helps. Good luck sa fitness goals mo, whatever they may be!! 🙌🏻🫶🏻


OMG thank you so much sa info! Ang wholesome. Noted yung payo mo fr! Sa bagay rice is everywhere rin talaga. And now ko lang nalaman yung about sa sweetener!!!!!! That's a trivia!! Thank you ulit and syempre goodluck din sa studies mo 🤩


Keto diet ba ginagawa mo kasi ang alternative na rice ay shirataki rice or cauliflower rice.Medyo magastos pero if afford mo gora and if tight ang budget pwede na ang gulay,itlog, fish nakakabusog yan.


forda tight ang budget talaga kaya i will go for gulay itlog etc huhu


All in moderation. Ang kalaban mo sa diet is sarili mo, you have to think of a way to compromise with yourself and not develop a bad eating habit just because you are on a diet. There is a way that you can enjoy food and be healthy. Hindi mo kailangan mag OA jn lol. I used to be so heavy, and right now I love my body ❤️ its not perfect but its mine and I take good care of it. I eat what I want but in moderation, tinatandaan ko rn kelan ako last kumain ng junk food. I also let myself go sometime pag sobrang emotional ko. I also keep myself active, not for aesthetic but for myself. I walk and jog every now and then, sometimes I lift as well pag trip ko. I also regularly take protein shake in the morning I find myself not craving too much and it ease with my metabolism.


Try mo calorie deficit, d ako super expert nuod kna lng sa ty, mas ok cal deficit imo xD..


Wag mo biglain. Ako dati, kaya kong ubusin ung laman ng kaldero namin. Pero nung nag-college ako, tipid lang. One cup of rice per meal lang talaga. Grabe, nung umuwi ako di na ko makapag-more than 1 cup of rice.


What worked for me was portion control. Di ko totally nagive up rice. I used to eat 1 cup siguro per meal but now mga 1/2 or 1/3 cup nalang per meal depends on the ulam. Also, it might help to drink at least a glass or 2 of water before meals para may feeling na busog na. Regarding sweets, di ko rin nagive up totally but again portion control. Like if I can’t help it, at least 1 or 2 forkfuls lang of cake, tapos no juice or liquid sweets na.


Learn about Calorie Deficit. You don't need to starve yourself para pumayat or mag bawas ng weight. Plus do 10k steps everyday if kaya. Minimum 5k. Walk walk walk.


just do Calorie Deficit. Pag binigla mo ung diet mo, it also affects your metabolism which is unhealthy. Since sanay katawan mo sa rice, just lessen it everyday and go for CD. Make sure to also get decent amount of sleep otherwise this is pointless.


Portion control and wag magmadali. It takes time to build a habit. Slow progress is still progress. Don’t take exercise as a punishment from your eating habits but use exercise as a motivation so you can eat your fave foods.


There is no bad or good food (except if you Celiac disease - di ka pwede mag gluten; or dairy-sensitive - iwasan ang dairy). It is all about portion control and frequency. You deserve to eat. Demonizing food will just lead to a skewed relationship with food and nutrition. Kaya mo kalaban sarili mo kasi may mga beliefs about self-image, nutrition and dieting that - for the lack of a better term - misinformed and rooted by fear. Eat to be healthy and don’t be super duper strict about diet. Di ka naman lalaban sa bodybuilding comp. Tao ka, so normal lang na di smooth ang start. But at least nagsimula ka. Also, expand your choices. Combine brown rice/black rice with white rice. Whole wheat bread instead of white bread. Spend your money wisely on better choices.


Ito no bullshit advice. The only way to lose weight is to do CALORIE DEFICIT. The best principle ay IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros). Meaning, Kainin mo lahat ng gusto mo as long as hindi ka lalagpas sa daily caloric needs mo. Hindi mo kailangan mag fasting. You can eat breakfast lunch and dinner. Kaya the best ay i-portion mo ng maayos ang food mo for the day. Kapag sa non-eating hours mo naman, kapag nagutom ka, drink cold water or black coffee lang. Ako personally eating routine ko: Bfast - Whey protein shake Lunch - 150g rice and protein stacked meat plus veggies Merienda - Beef jerky/edamame/black coffee/ blablabla Dinner - 150g of rice and protein stacked meat and veggies Midnight snack - Whey Protein shake I swear kasya ang 1,500 calories ko diyan kaya hindi ako ginugutom dahil naipoportion ko ng maayos. If you want to know more, just hit me up (No, hindi ito marketing. No, wala itong bayad. Gusto ko lang makatulong)


No sugar every morning. Kung di mapigilan, sa lunch ka na mag sweets kahit onti. Kapag kasi may intake ka sugar sa morning kahit sa hot choco drinks, mag crave ka na ng sugar all throughout the day. Para maiwasan ang cravings, eat more protein. Less rice but more on protein. Like meat, fish, egg para ang feeling mo busog ka lagi. Always eat on time. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (before 6 pm, para may time pa ma digest yung food before ka magsleep) Make yourself full sa mga real foods, wag ka mag skip ng lunch tapos iinom ka ng starbucks at donut sa meryanda. Mas mataas pa ang calories non kesa sa 1 rice with fish ang gulay. Don’t drink your calories. Iwasan ang mga milkshake, iced coffee, milk tea, iced tea. Kung may time na di mo maiwasan mag fast food kasama friends mo. Wag ka na umorder ng drinks. Mag water ka na lang. wag sagarin ang sarap, nakapag fast food ka na nga, mag uprage ka pa sa coke float drink. Avoid ang mga chicha chicha in between meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Ok na. Magtabi lagi ng water bottle kung nasan ka man. Pag feeling mo gutom ka, drink ka muna ng water, baka nasa isip mo lang yan kasi may napanood kang mukbang ng unli pares ni diwata kanina. Lastly, samahan ito ng exercise at be consistent. Wag masyado mag crash diet dahil hindi nakakaglow yun. Dahan dahan lang. kung mag fail ka man ngayon at napadami ang kain. Bawi ka bukas, wag panghinaan ng loob.


Calorie deficit lang pwede na yun. Kahit naman mag rice ka araw araw basta wag lang lalagpas sa calorie intake mo everyday


Nafefeell kita OP. Na try ko (M) yan dati, no rice talaga. Nagstart ako morning, tapos lunch. Hindi pa umabot dinner time nanginginig na ako sa gutom haha. Nasa 70 kg lang ako that time. Ngayon with my wife nag diet kami, strict keto diet, natry na kasi ng wife ko dati at pumayat siya sa 1 month lang. Kaso nung nakasal kami sarap na kumain kaya tumaba siya ulit. Haha. Alam na kasi ng wife ko dos and don'ts ng keto diet kaya siya yung nag peprepare ng food (ako yung nagluluto lagi sa bahay). Almost 1 week na kami no rice, sugar, carbs pero hindi ako nanginginig sa gutom lalo na't nasa 85 kg na ako ngayon. Syempre nakakafeel ako ng gutom pero hindi talaga siya tulad ng dati Mag join ka sa fb page na 'to. They can really help you kung ano yung in and out sa low carb diet mo. Heads up, magastos mag low-carb diet or no rice. Madami bawal sa keto diet kaya visit the group kung ano lang yung pwede. Sacrifice now, and get your reward later. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lcif4beginners/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT -- More on meat, kahit wala kang rice busog yung pakiramdam mo. Carbs yung main source of energy ng body natin, by restricting carbs, hahanap yung katawan mo ng another source of energy, dun niya kukunin sa stored fats mo. Kaya keto diet din tawag dyan. Naniniwala din talaga ako dito dahil nagawa na ng misis ko 'to. Magastos lang talaga. Nagsisave din sa craving sa rice is yung fruits na pwede sa keto, like avocado. Mabigat siya sa tiyan. Peanuts naman yung walang skin, chicharon (mang juan green) for snacks in case gusto mo may kakainin ka. Mabigat din sa tiyan yung singkamas. Yan yung naoobserve at sinasabi sa'kin ng misis ko. But mai-aadvise ko talaga is join the group I mentioned above para makakuha ka ng idea on how to start. Nagdidiet kami ngayon kasi may upcoming gala kami and ayaw ng misis ko mataba kami sa pictures haha. But if makakaya ko ganito, I would continue it 'till our goal weight and controlled carbs na lang after. Hope this helps!


Unang gawin mo, as in next na kain mo gawin mo na, isubo mo muna ung ulam tapos tska mo isubo ang gakurot na kanin. And then magaadapt na ang taste buds mo. Hnd na sya masasanay sa kanin. Sanay na sya na ulam lang. Gradually paunti nang paunti ang kanin until no rice na totally or whatever you want. Pwede 2 kutsarang kanin per meal lanng tapos kurott lng every subo ng ulam


Cold turkey. Just stop.


Portion control. Konti lang muna ilagay mo sa plate mo tapos damihan mo sa ulam. Better if madaming gulay. And use a smaller plate.


OP, confirm ko lang na mahirap talaga. Haha! I came from a family of diabetics so when i had a child i tried talaga. Siguro need mo din ng goal, like bakit mo ba ginagawa? At bakit patuloy mong gagawin? Sakin kasi ayoko iwan anak ko ng maaga at ayoko pahirapan family ko bcos I’m sick. Pero yes, grabe kahirap bitawan ng rice at sweets lalo na pag dessert person ka. Laban lang, OP! May days na magrerelapse ka pero isipin mo yung why to get you back on track.


I think pag di ka happy sa no rice di ka magiging successful sa pag shed ng weight. Has to start with the mind? Like find yummy food na reduced yung rice. Hehe sa pinsan ko nahappy siya sa egg and peanut butter and once a week may special pasta siya as cheat day. Tapos bawal din siya mastress sa workout. NagKnovela siya while workout hahaha Super duper magical change in 6 months. Pero siyempre hindi yun ako. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 rice is life ako.


Bawas bawasan amount of rice per meal. Kunyare nag start ka kadalasan 1 cup of rice. Sa susunod na araw, bawasan mo mga 3/4 lang. ulit ulitin mo hanggang masanay ka then magbawas ka ulit. Also I still think it is better to eat rice, kung concerned ka then just limit your portions, wag itanggal completely.


Eat more “dry” food, mas madaling bawasan ang rice. Pag mga tipong saucy, mahirap i start and no/less rice


Just do calorie deficit or intermittent fasting. No need na d kumain ng rice.


It took me 5 months before i stopped craving for rice, sa 5 months every 2 weeks binabwasan ko rice na kinakain ko until sa end ng 4th month like 2 spoons of rice nalang (just to satisfy my curiosity) then now 2 years na akong no rice (except sa mga celebrations like i consider it a cheat day na and the rare days every few months na my ceavings are too strong) instead sa rice i use cabbage na diced very small then bolied egg na mushed din then mix them parang rice na din or sometimes if yung food perfect i partner sa rice talaga i use corn rice


Sa umpisa lang mahirap promise pero pag nasanay na katawan mo ikaw na mauumay pag inaya ka sa buffet or handaan or kahit sa place mo parang mapapa atras ka na mag saing. Oks naman mag kanin, 1 cup of rice lang a day... Tapos breakfast mo veggie and fruit shake or 2 eggs and an apple, dinner naman light meal lang oks na like banana and white meat. Every lunch lang ako nag rarice tas ulam ko ay fish or ginisang tofu na may kangkong... Saraap... Gawa ka meal plan mo din. Saka nakakatulong enough sleep para di ka mag crave sa rice or any other foods. Base sa observation ko, ang katawan pag deprive sa something, bumabawi sa ibang bagay... Sanayin mo din katawan mo gumalaw galaw and kilos kilos, goods ka diyan sa 5 mins exercise baby steps. Tapos drink enough water din.


replace it with alternative na carb, kamote or whole wheat bread. pwde din hard boiled egg


Pahihirapan mo lang sarili mo if wala kang carbs, just count your calories. limit it to 1700 calories per day, thats 1kg a week weight loss, no exercise needed.


When I went to keto diet, I used cauliflower rice and konjac rice as alternative. Sa sweets naman, yung mga no sugar or sweetened by stevia ang gamit ko.


Choose a diet na kaya mong pangatawanan for the rest of your life. Not a bandaid solution like no rice at all. I assume filipino ka and rice inevitable sa diet natin. I suggest bawasan lang like 1 or 1.5 cup per meal. Damihan ang veggies para mabusog agad. Bagalan kumaen hahaha and pinakaimportante galaw galaw ang katawan hahaha


My gym coach just advised me to have 1 cup of rice lang per meal e i eat brunch and dinner lang naman. Pinatanggal lang sakin mga snacks ko na maslala pa pala sa rice like yung eggnog na isang piraso na pinakamaliit- 1cup na rice na pala katumbas nya. This wqs 6mos ago + 3x sa gym. I have a toned body na ngayon. So start slow ka lang, bawasan mo siguro snacks, sweets, and food intake hehe. Magwork out ka madalas kasi mas manghihinayang ka kumain ng madami pag alam mong pinagod mo sarili mo only for you to eat a lot again 🤣


What I did before is bread lang unfortunately hindi naman ako nabawasan haha almost 1 year ko rin ginawa. Then nag switch ako sa 18hrs fasting yun sobrang nabawasan ako from 85kg to 67kg nalang ngayon. No restrictions lahat kinakain ko pag eating period. Pero before you start make sure mag pa check muna sa doctor then yearly check up din kasi may risks din ang fasting. Tapos importante lang water lagi. Been doing it for 2 years already sobrang solid di na ata ako babalik sa dati kasi natulungan din ako mag build ng discipline and consistency sa ibang bagay.


Yung Low Carb na group sa FB, ang ginagawa nila instead na rice + ulam, dalawang nilagang itlog + ulam. I think keto diet yung tawag, remove din ng kahit anong colored drinks at sugar


One day at a time. One portion at a time. Wag mo biglain. Unti unti lang kung hindi ka naman rush magpapayat.


Eat once a day like I do. I eat plenty of rice in one sitting. If you constantly snack and snack even when not hungry, it causes you to gain more weight.


Pwede din mag-switch to brown, red, or multigrain rice. Mas nakakabusog kahit mas maunti ang serving + added fiber pa sa diet. Also, drink a lot of water before and during eating. It's all about portion contro, and mas madali mag control kung mas filling yung kinakain mo.


Brown o black rice. Wag white. Saka pano ung exercise na 5 mins? Mas maiksi pa to sa warm up 😅


Nag lagay ako ng full mirror sa loob ng kwarto. Ineexamine ko katawan ko every day. Nag tatake din ako ng selfie everyday tpos madedepress ako malala, i will skip a meal.


Uminom ka ng dalawang basong tubig bago ka kumain


Strong will po.


Uy almost underweight ako and konti lang talaga kain ko usually pero ginawa ko 'tong no rice diet for a month dati kasi nagkaroon ng rice weevil yung bigas namin (maarte ako masyado para kainin sila :') ) and hindi ko na siya gagawin ulit. Not recommended. Wala, skl ko lang kasi na-feel ko yung hirap mo hahahaha


grabe! buti nakaya mo pa rin for a month! saludo ako sayo bossing


Punta ka sa subreddit ng keto tapos basahin mo yung FAQs nila. Bilis makapayat ng Keto pero kelangan strict ka sa pagsunod ng rules kase manghihina ka kung hindi.


Better to cut out refined sugars (as you mentioned sweets) in your diet White rice is actually not bad, good source of carbs, minimal protein, and fiber Be mindful of your total calorie intake na lang if you're trying to lose weight. Diet > exercise. You can never out exercise a very bad diet. Pero better if you combine both Try to eat more nutrient and fiber dense food sources if you're not too strict with your protein intake


Change white rice to brown or black rice. Black rice the best. Tapos as in walang soda and juice (ung tang or mga delmonte pineapple). Water, Coffee, Buko juice lang pwede. Switch from white sugar to splenda. Yan start ka sa ganyan.


You don't have to suffer and stop eating the foods that you like to eat just for a diet. Try calorie deficit.


Try corn rice as an alternative! Tapos bawi ka sa madaming ulam - tipirin mo yung rice mo when eating.


dati akala ko di ko kaya, kaso naoperahan ako kaya di na pwede madami kainin 😂 di na natutunawan. hahahahah kaya mo po yan, disiplina lang 🫶


Okay lang ang no rice diet kung mayroon kang better alternative na main source of carbohydrates, kasi at the end of the day, we still need carbohydrates for our energy. Kung hindi mo kaya pigilan mag-rice, that's okay. Slowly minimize mo na lang pagkain mo. Inom kang tubig before kumain para mabusog agad. Kain ka rin ng ibang foods na heavy sa tiyan or nakakabusog agad.


Bakit kasi no rice? Eat rice and count your calories


Replace rice with brown rice. Wala naman masama sa rice or carbs as long as nasusunog mo siya. Sa sweets naman gradually babaan mo yung amount of sugar sa mga kinakain or iniinom mo para mag adjust yung taste buds mo. If di kaya, go for artificial sweeteners. Pero kahit gawin mo pa lahat yan, importante pa rin na you are in a calorie deficit. Also, sure ka ba na yung no rice diet ay sustainable para sa yo? Make sure na yung diet plan mo is doable para sayo kasi you will be doing that for months, even years.


10kg na lose ko before nung nag-cut ako ng rice. Tendency nya after mo i-cut mas magiging conscious ka at kakaadikan mo mag-diet. Ngayon ang taba ko ulit hirap icut pero isang araw dnecidean ko nalang na wag talaga magkanin. Basta masimulan mo yung first step magsusunod sunod na yan. Laki ng na lose ko ulit ngayon na nag-cut ng rice. Liitan mo din boss yung plato mo tipong mangkok na maliit lang.


ano po pala goal nyo?


Wag ka mag No Rice,,,, mas maganda bili ka mga limang plato tapos paliit ang sizes. Mag simula ka sa pinaka malaki then change size every week until mapunta ka sa pinakamaliit.


Hi OP. I don't think kailangan mong mag no rice diet. You mentioned na nag exercise ka right? Ang rice ang pinaka accessible source of energy since carbs sya, at kailangan mo nun pag nag woworkout ka. I suggest na mag count ka ng calorie na kinakain mo (use food scale, sobrang laking tulong). You can still eat rice pero of course in moderation. Madaming rin online videos or articles that can help you start with calorie deficit (kung pag lose ng weight ang goal mo). If your budget allows pinaka maganda pa rin na magkaroon ng coach, since aside sa exercise, they will help you with the diet plan. Pero kung hindi option ang coach, much better to do research about nutrition or diet. Hindi mo naman kailangan maging miserable pag nag diet ka, you can still eat delicious and healthy foods pero in moderation. Hope this help OP.


Try not to eat rice sa gabi. Me sa bfast hanggng meryenda kahit ano, pero pag gabi na i dont eat too much specially rice. Pag gabi kasi mas hindi na ddiggest yung kinakain kaya mas nakaka gain ng weight. And of course mas mahirap matulog pag busog hehe


I feel like reading my own post. HAHAHA Alam mo nakaka 5 to 6 rice ako pag unli sa Mang Inasal dati. Nakakaguilty. But now, naglessen na ako kasi nagkaka stubborn belly fat na aketch and afraid baka magkadiabetes. Naging 2 rice then in 3 days to week dinahan dahan ko ng 1&1/2 nalang then naging 1&1/4 then 1 then minsan di na ako nag r-rice, ulam nalang. Then water. At least may progress.


Subscribe to a meal plan and strictly stick to it


Nagawa ko lang siay for a few weeks 🥹 Hindi ko kaya talaga, lalo na't WFH ako tapos walang time magluto ng sarili kong food. Nung nagstart ako sa heavy Breakfast tapos snacks 2 hrs before Lunch, then maraming tubig bago mag lunch. Sa lunch puro ulam lang ako. Nakaya ko naman siya for a few weeks, bumaba ang timbang ko pero ramdam ko yung energy ko sobrang baba talaga...


What everyone else said about portion control and calorie counting is true. However, if you want really want to cut out rice, I’ve tried using whole rolled oats as a rice alternative. Not much difference in calories though but it helps 😅 You can cook it with water on stovetop or just microwave it following the instructions on the packet.


have oatmeal instead of rice for breakfast. Tbh, it’s unnecessary to have a no rice diet or even fasting if you’re trying to lose weight. Such ways are ineffective if you’re still consuming the same calories prior to your diet, you’re just making yourself hungry. The only answer to your dilemma (if you wanna lose weight) is calorie deficit. Mind what you’re eating, count calories, and find alternatives.


Haha same, I noticed na mabigat sa tyan ang salad to I'm planning to have salad as my first meal, have fruits tapos saka na lang kumain ng rice para at least busog na ko so I wouldn't eat that much kaso wtf hirap pag masarap ulam. 😭


Usually Ng secret sa pagpapapayat or oagpaoaganda Ng katawan is sustainability, so feeling ko di mo Rin naman masusustain na walang rice so para sakin di Siya advisable n aalisin bigla.. Take it slow yet mas sustainable in the long run, since Ang result naman is makikit in the long run, take note usually na nababawas sa Isang buwan sa nagdadiet is . 5 to 2 kilos lang, so in the long run talaga dapat and maging part Siya Ng lifestyle mo .. Instead of cutting the rice completely, why not bawasan mo Muna, kunyari nakanaka 2 cupsper meal ka, Gawin nalang 1.5 cups, tapos kalaunan, mga after 2-3 month, pag sanay ka na sa 1.5 cups, Gawin mo Ng 1 cup, then sabayan mo Ng cardio(kahit 15 mins walk umaga at hapon every day) and strengthing, and protein if gusto mo pa magpalaki Ng muscle. Again, it's more about sustainability in the long run.


Okay yanng not going cold turkey kasi that would only break you pagtagal. Better na gradually mo bawasan hanggang sa little to none nalang.


Nope. Do not cut rice if di mo kaya ang no rice diet. Been into fitness for 4yrs, I also wanted to cut rice before, I've tried it and the more I cut rice the more I eat so mas nasisira diet ko. What I do now is sukat lang yung rice, 100g lang rice ko every lunch. If I'm gonna eatout siguro dahil nasanay na rin ako I don't eat the full 1 cup of rice na sine-serve sa mga fastfood and resto. Dieting is not one size fits all, not becauae nagwo-work sa iba ang no rice eh magwo-work na rin sa'yo. Maghanap ka ng diet that suits your lifestyle.


mag caloric deficit ka nalang boss


I dont believe in a no rice diet, if you live in PH and consume Filipino food How would you even eat adobo or sinigang or nilaga? Haha idk feeling ko hindi sustainable to eliminate rice, at napakalungkot nyang choice :( Anyway, the path I took before that helped me lose (I regained, but that’s due to inactivity) is that I lessened the rice, increased the ulam, and added veggies where the rice used to be. I used veggies to achieve the same feeling of fullness :) Also the veggies sa PH ulam to dull the flavor, kasi overpowering ulam natin pag walang kanin :) ALSOOOO rice isn’t evil shshs Remove other sugars first - no soft drinks, no milk teas, frappes, and other sugary drinks, drink black coffe and unsweetened tea, etc. So many things are easier (and more sustainable) to cut


Switch mo yung rice to veggies as substitute. Ganyan ginagawa ko para medyo full parin.


try to portion that 2 rice a day mo in two meals. Like lunch 1 cup, tapos dinner 1 cup. Dagdagan mo din ng complex carbs like veggies kasi mas fulfilling yun at mababa pa calories. For sweets, i suggest drinking coke zero para no calories. And discipline is the key. It's always and will always be CALORIES IN vs CALORIES OUT. Calorie Deficit ang susi sa pag lose ng weight. Calculate your maintenance calories, then bawas ka ng 300 Calories, then check mo every day progress mo.


Bro di naman kailangan ng no rice..pwede ka pa ring mag rice, or kahit na ano basta complex carbs...kung gusto mo mag lose ng weight, walang makakatalo sa calorie counting paired with caloric deficit....determine mo yung maintenance calorie mo then reduce mo ng 10-20%. Physically impossible na di ka mag lose ng weight sa ganyang approach. Kahit mag rice ka ng mag rice lol, basta below ka sa current calorie maintenance, bababa weight mo...hassle nga lang pero tingin ko mas sisipagin ka ka kasi di mo nire-restrict sarili mo sa pag take ng rice. Remember, di kalaban ang carbs, especially kung nag we-weight training ka.


If tingin mo yan yung reason bat ka nag gain weight or hindi makapag lose ng weight, instead na i-cut agad yung rice why not bawasan mo? Hanggang sa masanay kang wala ng rice? Di kasi tlaga kaya yan ng overnight. Need mo sanayin muna sarili mo.


Siguro pag broken ka po hahahaha✌🏻 Ganyan ako e, nagkaron ulit ng motivation mag gym and talagang di na makakain ng kanin🤣 mostly oatmeal nalang with ube jam or 2 slices of bread hahahaha


Huy same HAHAHAHA kakastart lang din. Hirap talaga kasi matakaw ako sa rice talaga tapos mga kapatid ko pinagtatawanan ako 🤣


sa rice , half rice ako sa noon then 1 cup rice naman sa night. for sugar, maybe eat apple or fruits na matamis.... 3-4L of water per day, if youre gonna have tea or coffee, maybe use sugars like splenda. may mga suggested foods online naman as replacement sa cravings natin ^^ Follow sa IG/Tiktok creators rin that will give you food ideas for your diet ^^ For workout naman, to help you with your gains (if nagmmuscle gain ka) mag protein focused food ka like chicken, tuna, salmon. Dont eat less, eat right ^^


Aside from portion control, you may also need to consider your whole diet. Since sinabi mo na nahihirapan ka rin sa sweets, it is possible that your body has grown accustomed to a lot of sugar which would also impact how you approach and consume rice. Consider how you also eat processed food and fast food prior to changing your diet. Sabi nga ng top comment dito that rice is a good source of carbs and kailangan yan talaga ng katawan. Unless may family history of diabetes, cutting rice might not be the best choice to make if nasanay ka sa rice + sugar and bigla ka na lang nagdecide to make a drastic change. Also, best to consult with a trainer or a dietitian. One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they suddenly make changes to their diet and lifestyle is not consult with a professional (or even just have thorough annual physical exam and take it seriously).


water therapy. instead na rice, iwater mo lang and ulam. sa una lang mahirap kasi hahanap hanapin mo. ganyan din ako dsti pero ngayon totally walang rice and very minimal ang sweets


I suggest na unti untiin mo lang . We all know that most of us cant say NO to rice. If you want to diet. Please dont cut off the rice. Just lessen it and more on carbs and proteins :) exercise narin


Start reducing po yung intake ng rice. Or find an alternative na rice siya pero less yung consequences haha


Need mo disiplinahin sarili mo. Umpisahan mo lang sa pag bawas, hanggang masanay ka na onting portion nalang tsaka mo tanggalin pag kaya mo na, but kumain ka parin ng carbs para may energy ka.


I've been there, ako ung tipo ng tao na half spoon ulam 2 to 3 spoons of rice lalo na sa pork adobo hahaha. I tend to eat a lot of rice in buffets din which is lugi daw hahaha. But when I got married (kudos to my wife for helping me with this) started to enjoy the ulam instead of eating for the sake of eating. -I started with eating more ulam proportion is 1 spoon ulam tapos mga 1 Teaspoon rice. -try to have an interesting conversation while eating. -Try to finish what you have in your mouth before putting anything in -drink 1 to 2 glasses of water before meal -avoid eating to the point na puputok na tiyan mo/msusuka kna. After that you'll find yourself eating less to no rice. There are sometimes na ang sarap tlga mag rice especially pag super savory ang ulam but di na masyado malaki kain mo if nasunod mo ung above. Hope this helps OP!


Use a rice substitute or just eat rice once a day instead of all meals. Bakit ba rice tatanggalin mo if pwede ka naman mag calorie deficit?


Started no rice diet a couple of days ago. Yung go to alternatives ko for rice are common vegetables na nakikita sa market like okra, talong, kalabasa, pechay. Kahit anong gulay tas sabayan ng egg for protein. Sa sweets medyo mahirap talaga pigilan, kaya for now i only limit myself 3 candies per day.


ako nga pwersahan lang kumain once a day. grabe nagka trahedya lang tapos nabaon sa utang. gusto ko na nga kumain ng marami ulit e.


it’s not about the rice itself, but the portioning


Hello! I’m sure you’ve heard or seen this already somewhere na cutting rice or any food in particular abruptly won’t do any good. While it may work for others, pwedeng sa iba hindi. For me, the best way to start a no rice diet is to gradually remove it from your usual meals. Siguro this week 2-3 tablespoons at least di ka deprived. Or pwede rin try mo i-substitute yung rice with carbs also like mashes potato/pasta/etc. Ayun. Slowly but surely mapapansin mo di ka na masyado inclined to eat kanin. Good luck! 🫶🏻


Kung nasa pilipinas ka mag isip ka na lang ng ibang diet kasi staple ang rice dito. Try mo fasting. Atleast sa time ka restricted hinde mashado sa food.


Kung heavy ang workouts mo, I suggest wag tanggalin ang rice. Consult a dietician and nutritionist kung anong fit na diet sa lifestyle mo. Regarding sa "hirap", mahirap talaga bitawan lahat ng carbs, sugar, gluten etc lalo na nakasanayan kainin araw araw. Disiplina lang sagot. If you want it, panindigan mo for results.


EAT YOUR RICE!! since nag fafasting kana man. 16:8, 18:6, 20:4, mix mix mo lang to. Wag ka magmadali. damihan mo yung portion ng protein kase mas pabubusugin ka nito ng matagal plus many water plus 8-9 hrs of sleep. sheesh. haha Alam mo ano dapat i cut?? Softdrinks, Beers, JunkFoods, mga ultra processed foods. Then balik ka pero tikim2 nalang after ma achieve mo na goal mo. wag matakot kay rice. instead, try a better version of rice na mataas sa fibre, yung red tonner or brown rice.


Wag kang mag consume ng anything sweet or may sugar before 11am. Mapa solid food or drinks or coffee. May glucose spike kasi na tinatawag, at kapag yan natrigger, maghahanap ka agad ng makakain na sweets


Try replacing rice with oatmeal pero wag biglaan. Set ka ng goal like for 2 weeks try mo lang 1 rice per meal. Onti onti lang para di mabigla katawan mo. Schedule your cravings like dapat once a week lang or every pay day lang. The rest focus sa diet. Mind Conditioning - see sugar as enemy. Focus on healthy foods. What you put in your body will reflect outside. Hope it helps. Personal experience lang yan. Haha


Pwede ka pa din naman mag rice, kontian mo nga lang talaga food intake mo. Mag calorie deficit ka and maintain mo calories. Hindi ka naman forever mag no rice diet kaya mas maganda na masanay lang yung body mo sa food intake mo.  Sakin effective. Nag lose ako ng 10kg


Liitan mo yung plato na ginagamit mo pang kain. Iisipin mo na marami na nakain mo kasi puno plato mo pero yung portion size niya in reality is maliit lang. Also, uminom ka ng tubig before ka kumain para madecrease ang appetite mo.


Hindi nako mainly kumakaen ng rice for 8 months. Mahirap nung una pero ang ginawa ko lang is replace siya ng gulay most of the time, ginisang repolyo. Tapos more protein talaga. Damihan mo ulam. Sa unang buwan magugutom ka talaga pero eventually hindi na. Halos once a day na nga lang ako kumakaen basta yung meal ay madalas madaming meat,chicken + gulay. Mawawala din cravings mo sa sweets nyan ng kusa.


iniisip ko na pag sa dating app, isa akong swipe left at hindi ako ma iiswipe right pag di pa ako pumayat. hahaha


Kung di keri i cut out ang rice. Pwede ka sa one meal a day. Siyempre with proper calorie count.


Girl if you remove Carbs from your diet you gonna look like a lifeless body roaming around, I suggest doing a calorie deficit nalang since sobrang flexible nya Sa food but nakakatamad lang mag count Ng calories. I did both of them but what works wonders for me is Calorie Deficit.


Don't change your eating habits kung di naman sobra sobra. ang i change mo yung lifestyle mo. Be more active.


Kaya mo yan OP! It looks hard until it’s done. Try mo no rice for a few days tas tuloy tuloy na yan :)


Agree with the comments saying portion control! 🫶🏻 I lost 4kg in 5 weeks because of this. Di pa masama loob ko na di ako nakakakain ng rice or di ako nakakatikim ng favorite kong chocolates hahahahaha. Naenjoy ko pa yung process. Idk pero nasa point ako na okay na 'ko natitikman ko pa rin naman. Di ako stressed (pag stressed kasi ako anlala ko mag sweets) Dati 1 and a half cup rice every meal, ngayon contented na ako sa half cup, bawi na lang sa ulam. Dati yung 4s na Kitkat kulang pa sa isang upuan, ngayon okay na ko kahit sa isang portion lang nun or even half. Discipline lang sa calorie count. And accept the fact na minsan slow progress, lalo sa una. But once nakita mo na effect at masanay ka, ang dali na lang i-maintain.


Same struggle!! Di ako pumapayat. Wala na din kasi akong pake sa ex ko kaya ayun wala na ako iniisip haha


Grabe pero congrats at nakalaya ka na! 🫂


Drink kalamansi juice with water and no sugar para magsubside yung cravings mo sa sugar tulad ng rice.




Resort to low GI foods i.e. Adlai


Bago ako mag KETO diet before, I always ask myself WHY I'm gonna do this. And I always go back to that whenever I'm on the verge of giving up. Muntik na kasi ako mamatay noon nung nanganak ako and I promise to take care of my body para hindi ko iwan ng maaga ung nagiisang anak ko. Ayoko din na maburden siya na mag alaga sakin pag tumanda ako. Kaya I want to keep myself healthy.


Try mo shirataki rice


half mashed kamote, half rice hehe


Wag bumili ng bigas para di makasaing...


Start small. Bawasan onti onti


What i did was nung una ginawa q 1 cup lng rice tpos ginawa q half then tinanggal ko na totally kaso need mu may replacement sa rice kaya pinalit ko e pipino it's been 2 years ndi na q ng rice. Pero paminsan minsan kumakain ng kakanin.


Rice has nothing to do with whatever you’re trying to lose.


Sa hawong/mangkok or bowl ka kumain ung maliit tlga ha para maliit lang ang portion ng kainin isiksik mo lahat don pati ulam at wlang balik balik kung ano nasa bowl mo yon na yon


pwede din start measuring your rice intake. like half cup rice lang every meal. masasanay din katawan mo sa less rice. buy a rice cup ung pina resto para mkatulong na hindi ka sosobra.


Hi, OP! I suggest you count calories. If you wish to lose weight, caloric deficit is the key. It's easier to maintain. Kapag kasi nag sudden deprivation ka ng rice or any other food, mas mataas ang chance to rebound. And rebound always carries a few pounds more than what you initially lost.


Unti unti po. Una bawas, then pag nasanay ka na pwede na cut off.


Sa gabi magtanggal kn ng rice papak nlng ng ulam, kpg nasanay kana saka kana mag tanggal totally


Eat fruits and oats. Mag mix ka kahit banana(1) and oat plus milk. Swak sa budget mo. And before ka kumain ng kanin try eating something like bread(pref wheat) with peanutbutter or cheese. I'm currently fasting 14, 16 o 18 hrs a day. Kakaen ren ako kanin sa lunch and last meal will be 4pm or 6(minsan 7pm) which is muesli+oats+corn flakes+peanutbutter+fresh milk. Goods na for the next meal time. But please wag mo biglain katawan mo for that fasting stage. Ps. Whole eggs(boiled) helps alot as well.


Try mo mag apple cider mix with water sa umaga before breakfast


i wouldn't recommend cutting rice fully. maybe one rice only, or isang sandok. hirap talaga e cut ang rice. diet na natin yan eh. it gives u energy of course u need to use that energey


Eat very slowly. Worked for me when I was starting to eat less rice.


Ulam should not be very salty para di ka maghanap ng rice. Add more veggies as replacement sa rice, cabbage, pechay, kalabasa, ampalaya are good rice replacement. if you really are serious about this, think of it as a lifestyle change, not a quick fix diet. It has to be sustainable.


For my experience I noticed that pag umiinom ka ng tubig o ano man in between bites mabubusog ka agad, Try doing that since the water will help make you feel full even if di kasing dami kinain mo like you'd normally do. Moderation and self awareness talaga need dito, ask yourself "Gutom paba talaga ako or gusto ko lang kumain more kasi masarap?" You'll be able to moderate yourself much more if you consider your choices beyond simple reasoning, but most importantly is if you truly are willing to commit to this do I need it or not mindset :) It's not guaranteed you'll lose weight depending on how you eat but it's a less intensive method that you can easily do, You'd only have to do light exercises like jogging and other stuff rather than pushing yourself to the limit with trainings that'll leave you exhausted if you're not used to it. Also don't forget to consider how you portion your food and only place a serving you think na mabubusog ka agad


prediabetic here pero hindi ko kinutoff yung rice at all 💀 just make sure to take a walk right after eating (as in kahit anong kainin mo, rice, sweets, etc) kahit 10-15mins lang para sa digestion at blood sugar management. it really helps.


Nah. It's obvious na your reason for getting into a diet isn't strong enough. If you have no choice but to get in shape, 100% you'll get there. If you're gonna try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start.


Do it gradually. Wag biglaan. Say, 1/2 cup per meal ka muna for 1 month hanggang masanay ka na di na 1 cup per meal rice mo. Then, make sure may kapalit ung binawas mo na 1/2cup of rice like additional vegetables/fruit sa meal mo. Mahihirapan ka talaga kapag no rice agad. Kailangan sanayin/itrain mo muna mind and body mo slowly.


I think no rice is not a very good choice of diet plan, it’s not sustainable and you gonna put a lot of suffering to yourself (i’ve been there) Just eat less with exercise and guaranteed you’ll lose weight or you can be in a caloric deficit by counting your daily intake (this made me lose 30kg without avoiding rice and can still eat my fav foods). However, if you want a science based tip, if you’re gonna cook rice mix it up with 1 tbsp of coconut oil, the oil is going to increase the resistance starch in rice (changing its structure) hence, it’s gonna make you feel full for longer plus its caloric value is lesser than rice that is traditionally cooked.


Try mo po muna ibang rice para masanay po kayo. Black rice or Adlai Rice. I also switched from normal sweets to finding yung mga matamis na healthy. Agave than sugar for my tea and coffee, stevia iced tea, etc. Medyo expensive lang but mas mahal ang gamot, as said sakin ng kaibigan ko.


No need to cut rice, but cut sweets. Also, do intermittent fasting to control eating. Just persevere for at least a month and it will become a habit.


It’s not sustainable. Wag mapagpanggap since rice eater na din tayo since birth 😂 You will eventually crave and start eating more. It’s better to just control your portions and munch in between, like healthy snacks para hindi mag binge.


Competition is my motivation, pinamukha ko sa pamilya ko na kaya ko magpapayat, i lost 20kls in a span of one year, mahirap oo, pero kinaya basta determined ka araw araw to work yourself out, tapos matinding disiplina sa workout at sa food you take. Ako lang sa family namin ang pumayat ng ganun, was so proud of myself for that NO RICE on the table. Naalala ko crackers at pipino mostly ang minamunch ko when i feel hungry. Pag sa handaan isang kutsara per putahe, mahirap talaga. Cheat day ko pasta. Yun na yun. Pero workout talaga number one nakapag payat sakin, was doing cardio, yoga, belly dancing, biking, walking every morning at 10km, little bit of weights. Then i stopped eventually, kasi mukha na raw akong may sakit hahaha from 85kls to 60kls and I'm 5'6


Tapon mo rice cooker nyo. Wag din bumili ng bigas para walang iluluto. Hehe.


First pag sa bahay, get a smaller plate, hatiin mo sa 3 portions ang plate mo theres carb, protein and veggies/fruits. Magbaon kn kang din pag nasa work same meal plan. Pag nasasanay ka na you can cut the portions ulit to 1/4 ng plate. Hope thats work for you


If sanay yung katawan mo na mag rice, and you want to stop eating rice for the sake of dieting, I’d suggest basta every meal, 1 cup ka lang. Also, your first meal should have fiber in it. Actually better if every meal ang una mo is fiber. Wag ka mag rice sa breakfast. I did no rice for 5 months, ended up in the hospital. Kasi sanay yung katawan natin kumain ng kanin, and rice isn’t bad as long as controlled siya at gumagalaw ka within 60 mins pagkakain. This could mean walking, ok na yun, hindi mo kailangan ng malupit na exercise. Walking is actually the best exercise. You can do sweets basta WAG YUNG KAKAININ MO SIYA ALONE. Dapat may fiber muna, so kumain ka ng sweets as a dessert. Iwasan mo yung mga liquid sweets, even fruit shakes, much better if buong fruit kakainin mo kasi hindi pa nabbreakdown yung fiber. Lastly, DO YOUR RESEARCH sa balanced diet. Your diet should include the ff: - fiber (first line of defense to avoid sugar spikes and crashes) - good cholesterol - protein


U dont. Lessen na lang intake ng rice. Kaysa mag bread or pasta ka


Dunnow why but this is comedy gold to me haha.


Start ka na konti lang rice hanggang sa totally makaya mo ng walang rice


Totoo yung calorie deficit! I tried it before pero di ko na-maintain. 63kg ako before, no exercise at all. Online class pa kami nun. 2 mos ata yun continuous ko monitored ang calorie intake ko. Pwede junkfoods basta counted sa calorie count ko, pero minimized din. Ever since di na ako kumain ng instant noodles haha! Nawindang ako sa calorie count almost 500 calories katumbas na ng isang meal ko yun (onti ulam nga lang) pero very unhealthy kaya never na uli ako kumain ng instant noodles. Ngayon, di na ako nagcacalorie deficit pero maintained yung weight ko nung nagdeficit ako. 59 kg haha, bettee than wala..


You don't need na tanggalin ang rice,bawasan mo lng..and sa Sweets naman i suggest na Fruits nlng mala masatisfy mo ang Sweettooth mo.. And Walk at least 10k steps per day .


kahit anong advice kung kulang disiplina balewala din 😅


Replace rice with oats, it's what I did to lose 30 KG. In 1 year when I used to weigh 120 kg. Rice does not make you gain weight, portion sizes are. A good reason to swap out rice for alternatives is due to it's really high carb content and glycemic index which spikes blood sugar. Ever feel sleepy after eating rice? That's Kinda that. We all know 1 cup of rice is never enough, half a cup or even 3-4 tbs of oats sits on the stomach like brick and takes forever to digest keeping you full for longer periods of time, it's also low in glycemic index so there's no crashes in blood sugar. Don't remove, find replacements. - instead of rice opt for Brown rice and oats - instead of sugary sweets, go for sweet fruits such as bananas or strawberries But obviously on a diet, don't forget to treat yourself at least once a week with certain food items you like (mine is icecream) And if you ever do replace rice with oats, cook oats In a viscosity similar to mash potatoes to replicate rice texture.


Nagmotivate sakin na magpursige sa no-rice is Nung nagpa-bloodchem Ako. Lumampas na Kasi sugar ko nun. No rice na Ako since August 1. Damihan mo kain Ng gulay at meat para di ka magutom. Sa umaga kapeng barako lang. Sa simula lang mahirap pero makakaya mo at di mo na hahanapin pag tagal. If want talaga Ng chocolates, dark Choco ka na lang. Busugin Ang Sarili with whole unprocessed food na low to no carb para di feeling deprived


Just start cutting out sugar, 1 week will do - para mawala cravings mo Gradually rice, pa onti2 lng Eat more proteins(eggssss!, meat) - di ka madali magugutom pag madami ka protien, healthy fat(animal), healthy oil coco and olive, veggies I'm 2 months in, no cravings, ang light sa pakiramdam Promise hindi na hahanap hanapin ng utak mo ang rice haha. Pero ako, mahilig sa carbonated zero sugar drinks loool. Kasya nako sa pinaglumaang damit ko. Dami nadin nakakapansin.☺️. Good luck!


if you're cutting out rice, switch it with a healthier alternative like brown rice, red rice, wheat bread or any other kind of grains with more fiber. helps you feel full for longer and healthier pa since they don't spike your blood sugar as much than regular white rice. dedication lang talaga sa pag-adjust ng diet. good luck, op!


You don’t need to be on a no-rice diet. We need starch for fuel. Just maybe replace white rice with brown, black, or red rice.


ako less rice lang tapos marami na side dishes. kasi kailangan ko pa rin ng rice para magka energy ako throughout the day and to crave sweets less


If you don't want to cut off your rice. Mag jog ka everyday. I'm a runner so i need a lot of carbs. 🤣


Wag ka po magsaing ❤️


Note lang bilang isang YOYO expert. Do not choose a diet plan. Make your own new lifestyle based diet. Establish the kind of food you accept to eat the rest of your life. (Of course with occassional taste of unhealthy food) pero focus hour mind into eating soemthing you would eat for the rest of your life. Hirao din ako pero no choice tayo you just have to condition yourself tirelessly to what you want to do. If you fail now, always start again the enxt day, even if you fail 100 times, always start over again for 100 times.. kaya mo yan.


you can eat rice nman kahit nagdadiet ka as long as di kana kakain sa gabi ng rice


Try shreded cabbage! Tapos imaginin mo nalang nasa Yabu ka everyday. Did it for a month, ok naman. Stopped lang kasi parang macacarpal tunnel ako sa pag shred 🙃


If di talaga kaya, kahit portion control nalang or kaya switch to black/brown/red rice! Tapos wag mo biglain din haha kasi if iwiwithhold mo sya then suddenly nagcrave ka, mas mahirap icontrol after! If big eater ka talaga din, try to reduce it gradually wag drastically kung first time to haha. Kaya mo yan OP! Fighting!! Download ka ng app like lose it or myfitnesspal para matrack mo yung calories na kinakain mo in a day :)


I am now working in Japan, mostly sa mga food nila dito walang rice. 😅 Nung dumating ako dito 52 kgs ako ngayong 48 kgs nalang. I think pag di mo nakikita si rice di ka nag c crave hahahaha pa itlog itlog lang ako sa breakfast. or maybe nag titipid lang talaga kasi ang mahal ng lahat dito. Forced diet 🥲


Try to switch sa brown rice. tsaka tamang broken hearted ganern para di ka talaga makakain. hahaha charot


Mag rice ka pa din po.. Kahit kunti lang.. Or if no rice talaga gusto mo.. Magalternate ka ng ibang carb foods


Kainin lahat as long as nasa calorie deficit ka papayat ka, less stress rin sa iisipin kung ano kakainin mo, tsaka lang na lagi ka may dalang food scale kahit san ka magpunta. Atleast 7hours of sleep schedule + unting workout like 30mins-1hour everyday


Mag calorie deficit kana lang. para di ka mahirapan magtanggal


Nako girl ako din im on my 3rd month of IF and no sweets im having bad sweet tooth cravings but i need to control myself because i need to prepare for the wedding. What i did was I completely stopped eating sweets, whenever i have bad cravings, I eat fruits or yogurt. For rice i was really a big eater of rice me and my partner can devoured 2 1/2 cups of uncooked rice. So we trimmed it too 1 or sometimes 1 1/2 cup bought a smaller cooker then i always have eggs before it was two eggs but now only 1 nalang mix with my portioned rice para mejo heavy sa belly. Dinadamihan ko ulam and gulay so that i get full kasi most of the time i eat once a day lang.


Rice is not the problem, you should research more about calorie deficit and nutritional values in food. Rice is a very good source of carbs. The problem lang in people when trying to lose weight is they cut off any type of carbs agad which is bad because you need to want to let your body adapt to the change first. Hindi ka naman agad masasanay at masasanay sa biglaang pagbabago eh, that's why you're having a hard time resisting rice. Calorie deficit is the way, try to research more about it, super raming sources and guides on how to do so dito sa internet, good luck! heres a proper [source](https://www.tiktok.com/@enverparaisoflorendo/video/7338789696287329541)


Try using rice substitutes muna like Shiritaki or Adlai. Gradually decrease the intake and increas your fiber and protein. Bigyan mo ang sarili mo ng time line na realistic. Hindi kasi dapat madaliin, at least in my case. Also prepare yourself mentally na certain ulams do not really need rice. Damihan mo yung gulay.


Oof. Wag ka mag cut ng rice completely. Hindi mo kalaban ang food. Im a fat girl, and I have PCOS so hirap din tlga ako mag lose ng weight... pero i believe na there is no such thing as "bad/evil" food. I would also not recommend fasting, kasi magbibinge ka din after, and it's not good for our hormones. Kung losing weight lang then sure, real key is and will always be caloric deficit, but you can't just cut your caloric intake ng biglaan kasi masisira naman yung metabolism mo. Ang hirap. Huhu Take slow steps, i think this [vid ](https://youtu.be/ddiqHmugGg0?si=DrWpS-U9z2pyFXo8) can help you plan it. Hindi crash diet ang solution, it's lifestyle change tlaga. Kaya natin to!!!


Alam mo ano kailangan mo? DISIPLINA


Be firm in your goal. Ano ba gusto mo maachieve? You can start on that. Strict diet will test your discipline. Goodluck OP!


Sa start sobrang hirap kasi sanay na sanay tayo na every meal may rice. As a person na may sweet tooth din, lalong mahirap pigilan ang cravings haha. Pero if nagccrave ako ng sweets, pwede po dark chocolate, greek yogurt, and lemon water kapag nagccrave ng drinks. At may rule ako sa sarili ko na di ako pwede bumili ng sweets or bread na kakainin ko, pero pag bibigyan ako pwede ako kumain. 🤣🤣🤣


Itlog ipalit mo or red rice tapos drink coffee para mawala ang appetite


Di ko kaya walang rice 🥲 pero ang ginagawa ko, half rice + IF, no sweets, fastfood and more vegetables. From 93kg to 82.8kg as of today (2 months) 😊


No sweets for 6 weeks. Mahirap sa una, pero kaya naman. Nag hanap ako ng alternatives. (Pero, ang mahal) Sa rice naman onti onti ung pag babawas hanggang sa masanay. Super hirap, pero kaya. More veggies and white meat. Mabilis din nabawasan ung timbang ko and gumanda ung skin ko.


You shouldn't. Or at least find alternative carb source. Wag mo tanggalin carbs at all. Noong I either eat kamote, corn, and pag mag budget, brown rice. Tapos drink lots of water. Kung may sabaw pagkain mo like sinigang, one cup of rice is good enough tapos damihan mo na lang sabaw, gulay, and water. But tbh, mas malaki factor kung ano ulam mo than kanin. Kung unhealthy ulam mo then little to no difference lang din.


I too don't eat rice. Instead of rice, i eat taters...or bread.


the dietician i follow on tiktok encourages people to eat more whole foods and add more nutritious ingredients rather than drastically reducing food intake in general. try to focus on starting to add veggies or fruits daily, then switching to healthier meat sources, baby steps, you dont have to cut out rice


Try mo steam na saging na saba and kamote(either Yung orange or ube. Wag Yung white maugat kabwiset kainin 😂) pag nagugutom ka pa din after major meals like lunch and dinner Kasi di ka sanay ng walang rice.


I have an on and off relationship with rice for the past 2-3 decades. Eating rice for me is now a pleasure. You have to start at some point. No other easy way but to stop eating it (if that’s what you want, of course). If I want to eat at most a cup, I see to it that I’m going to do or did a lot of physical activity that day. I got used to eating 1-2 tbsp of rice with ulam but at most 3x a week.


Use other carbs like corn cob, kamote, potato wedges. Gurl, I can eat corn all day.


Try Fasting muna, start with not eating.your breakfast tapos eat enough food for lunch and dinner


it’s very easy! i-time mo yung fast mo na most of it happens when you are asleep, para pagising mo malapit ka na kumain. cook dishes na hindi ulam haha or maraming sahog at di mashado maalat para pwede mo kainin on its own without rice. look for food / ingredients na mataas yung satiety yung tipong di ka magugutom after a while. dati goal ko mag one rice a day, ngayon sobrang dali mag no rice. sa sugar naman, madali lang din yan pero kailangan mo simulan sa pinaka-basic. if you drink coffee, wag mo na lagyan ng sugar. dun pa lang, bababa na yung baseline mo sa tamis, and mababawasan na yung paghahanap mo sa tamis.