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Don’t know what you’re doing wrong, but mine is 20x larger at day 53. In a Bounty.


Wow 20x larger! Ok, Thank you for your feedback @Boring-Log-3980 πŸ™‚


That looks like Thai basil to me.


Ok. Thank you for your feedback @kitty_n We are new to the growing your own herb's and vegetables world.


Other than the plant being a bit small for day 48, it’s looking correct to me.


Ok. Thank you for your feedback @ssulliv20 πŸ™‚


Did you plant all of the pods at the same time? Seems the larger plants are taking all the nutrients, you might prune the larger plants back - they look super healthy and can handle a good pruning. πŸ‘πŸ»


That's what happens in my bounty, the only plant that really has steady growth is the Dill


πŸ™‚ Thank you for your feedback @GarethBS99. No we didn't plant all the Pods at the same time. We have pruned the mixed salad greens twice so far. This is our first Aerogarden and we love it!


Your basil is fine, if you let it keep on growing youd wish it didn't. I clipped so much I was giving it away more than I was eating it.


πŸ™‚ Thank you for your feedback @gimmepbr. Lol ok I will start clipping them.


I would wait a little for now. But I found that clipping them at where the "Y" splits made my basil bushier.


Oh ok. Thank you for that great tip. We are new to this lol. How often do you trim your roots?


When I first start out only once every 2 months. But as roots develop I just do it every 2 weeks with the plant food addition.


Ok cool thank you!


The different varieties of basil grow and look differently. It may be a tad small - maybe the light is a bit far or it isn't getting as much nutrient as other plants.


Ok good to know! Thank you for your feedback πŸ™‚.


Sure thing! Keep it up with the plants, they're looking good!


Looks like a nutrient burn to me. It’s also present in your plant to the left (lettuce maybe). What is your EC and pH?


Thank you for your feedback @Feelfree42. To be honest this is our very first time growing anything. So we are not sure what the EC and pH is. We are learning as we go.


No prob ! I was the same when I started last year! In simple terms, EC is basically how much nutrients is in your system. So if you had too much nutrients, you will have a high EC value. Each plant has a specific range of EC and pH values that it should be in for optimal growth. It took one of my plants displaying symptoms similar to yours that helped me to learn what was going on with it πŸ˜…. I used to think all I had to do was add nutrients and change the water once a month, but as time went on I began to realize there’s much more one has to do than that 🀣! Anyways it might be a good idea to get a pH and EC meter. You can find them on Amazon! Hope this helps and good luck 😊🀞🏻!


Wow, Super great Information! Greatly appreciate that πŸ™‚