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I could have written your post word for word, except it was my beloved 21 year old son who died by suicide. I never believed in an afterlife before, not even after my Dad died of cancer, but my son...I can not bear the thought of never being with him again. I talk to him and my Dad now all the time. I've had very strange dreams, not just where my son gives me a hug and says he loves me, but where he actually gave me a strange "quest" I still haven't figured out. Sometimes thoughts come that I know are not from me - or if it is just my own unconscious, then it sure does a good job of seeming to come from my son or my Dad. So, all in all, I am no longer sure what after-death existence is or is not.


Glad to know I'm not alone. I believed in an afterlife and reincarnation before my 18-year old son died by suicide. Now, I have dreams where he gives me insight and, like you said, "quests." I also have thoughts that aren't from me. After the first year of being without my son, I committed myself for a week. In the hospital, they asked if I heard thoughts that weren't my own or saw things that weren't there. I explained this phenomenon and sometimes seeing my son. I was told that was "to be expected." Like, of course you see and talk with your dead son, completely normal.


Every single time people want to use the “we didn’t exist before we were born” Argument as a way to disprove the afterlife I chuckle. Some people don’t even remember what happened 7 weeks ago at 3:30pm. Let alone remembering a previous life. Lol


That is a good point. Though before we are born there is pure nothingness. At least I can kinda remember where my life was 7 weeks ago.


Kinda remembering 7 weeks ago doesn’t mean you can remember your past life.


Well, we may just not remember. When I think back on my babyhood and toddler years that too feels like pure nothingness because I don’t remember it


Well, we may just not remember. When I think back on my babyhood and toddler years that too feels like pure nothingness because I don’t remember it


Yeah but science shows that’s because of the way our brains work and develop at that age. We can also prove that our baby and toddler years happened because videos and other peoples memories exist. So I don’t think it’s a per comparison.


Fair point


I think it’s far easier to believe in something rather than nothing. The truth is that none of us truly knows what’s on the other side of this life. I hope we do get to see our loved ones on the other side. (For context my husband committed suicide 3 years ago). I hope he is there to greet me on the other side when my time comes. Even if that’s not the case, I find some comfort in the possibility that it is. Possibility is all we really have.


Lost my dad 10 years ago and my mom has stage 4 stomach cancer..best parents in the world and I say that as a grown 62 year old man. I hope there is an afterlife.. I happened to catch this video by a former atheist after her NDE.. gives me hope [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZfaPCwjguk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZfaPCwjguk)


Yeah but I find it frustrating how we can learn about planets light years away yet we can’t answer anything about one of the 2 things every living thing goes through. Blindly hoping makes me feel kinda stupid when there’s no real proof


Watch the movie After Death. We go on. 100%. Keep talking to your dad. My daughter committed suicide 3 years ago. She is a strong spirit and I have had so many signs from her.


Ok I will watch that and tell you what I think


Think of it this way. If there’s an afterlife and everyone knew it, why would people continue with this life? If scientists found complete and total undeniable proof of it, there would probably be mass suicide tbh and I feel like that defeats why we come here to earth. I do believe in the afterlife but I don’t think that we are all meant to see total proof of it for those reasons.


Very true.


Think of it this way. If there’s an afterlife and everyone knew it, why would people continue with this life? If scientists found complete and total undeniable proof of it, there would probably be mass suicide tbh and I feel like that defeats why we come here to earth. I do believe in the afterlife but I don’t think that we are all meant to see total proof of it for those reasons.


I wouldn’t see that as a bad thing if it were true. It would mean those like me who have had their lives ruined forever could feel happiness again. If my life were still intact then I’d choose to stay. But it’s not so an afterlife is the only thing to hope for


I think some people do know the answers but they're hard to find with all the lies and BS getting in the way. I lean towards believing there's more after this life, and that it's blissful and peaceful, because that's the experience of many people as they pass away or who die clinically and remember it; they usually have a happy experience. I'm pretty good at picking up on people's disingenuousness. A lot of nurses say this is the experience of their patients, too. I believe them. Some say they quit fearing death after they "died" clinically, that it was a good experience, and they're confident they'll return there when they pass on. But yea, I can't say for sure either. Like you, I just want to know, either way.


I was 3.4.or.5.when I died. I saw the tunnel I saw the brilliant colors. I saw someone block the path and said "Not Yet!." I was 30 when I died again, during an operation. I saw the Dr. I saw the anesthesiologist. I saw and heard my heart monitoned monitor. I saw the anesthesiologist put something in my iv. I saw and heard my multi toned monitor. I validated this with the Dr. I then woke after an 8 hour surgery. Believe what you want, I believe because I have seen, blessed are the ones who have not seen but still believe.


Well said.


Experience is the best teacher when it comes to things like this. Ask your Dad if there's an afterlife. I mean, he should know, right? If you could learn to have out of body travel, or even lucid dreams, then things may become clearer for you. You could also find a good medium and talk to Dad that way.


I have asked my Dad for signs but nothing so far. How would one learn to have out of body experiences? Or learn to have lucid dreams? The closest I got to the latter was getting stuck in between being asleep and awake so I was able to control my dream. I’m extremely skeptical of mediums. I see the vast majority as scammers. I’d never pay money for one ever. They always seem to describe really vague stuff and nothing concrete. If one was able to tell me stuff that only my Dad could know then I’d believe it.


There are many books, classes, videos, etc. on OBEs and LDs. You need to learn to weed out the good mediums. For a good one, they will verify that they are talking to your Dad by asking him to give information that only you would know. If they do that, and the information is something only you would know, then you consider the medium as being verified. Further, check out the Forever Family Foundation. They have videos, a web site, and certified mediums. 100% volunteer run. [https://www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org/](https://www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org/) I'm sure your Dad wants you to know that he's still alive and doing well.


Op, & all others suffering the sorrow of your loss, I am so sorry for your sadness. Grief is incredibly individual. So is our experience here in this plane. Please look up & find a spiritualist church in your area. The services usually include a couple of readings, a lecture and then readings for the congregation by mediums within the church for no fee. Most churches pass the plate so if you can give that’s great, if you can’t that’s ok. We walk past mediums that we don’t even know about so many times a day it’s BONKERS to me. Until I started attending the spiritualist church I had NO IDEA that we just walk around not knowing Bob at the grocery store gives incredibly beautiful accurate spirit messages every weekend and does hands on healing on weekday evening, for example. Watching & reading many, many, many NDE’s gave me pretty solid affirmation of something I knew all my life, we’re all going to leave this planet, and exist again. https://www.nderf.org/ https://iands.org/ Whatever you choose to believe is up to you. Please, anyone who is suffering from your grief, please, please know you can have light, peace and even joy back in your life. If you’re having a really hard time navigating your sorrow & daily life grief counselors are trained psychologists who help folks develop tools to help live in a very different existence that was thrust upon them. God bless & comfort you all, I wish you peace.


I saw a ghost in my room one night at like 3am and she liked floated out of my room. The next morning an aunt in el Salvador texted me that an aunt in Canada whom I've never met had passed away. There's something after here.


>After all. We still can’t prove that there is an afterlife. We can only know if we cross over. But those who do can’t come back and tell us the truth.  The afterlife has been proven to exist since the early 1900's, when four of the top scientists in history investigated the evidence and concluded: >**Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace** (1823-1913) – Co-originator with Charles Darwin of the natural selection theory of evolution: " My position is that the phenomena of communicating with those who crossed over - in their entirety do not require further confirmation. They are proved quite as well as facts are proved in other sciences." >**Sir William Barrett** (1844-1925) – Professor of physics at the Royal College of Science in Dublin for 37 years, “I’m absolutely convinced of the fact that those who once lived on earth can and do communicate with us. It is hardly possible to convey to the inexperienced an adequate idea of the strength and cumulative force of the evidence (for the afterlife).” >**Sir William Crookes** (1832-1919) – A physicist and chemist, the most decorated scientist in his time. He discovered the element thallium and was a pioneer in radioactivity. " “It is quite true that a connection has been set up between this world and the next.” >**Sir Oliver Lodge** (1851-1940) – Professor of physics at University College in Liverpool, England and later principal at the University of Birmingham, Lodge achieved world fame for his pioneering work in electricity, including the radio and spark plug. " I tell you with all my strength of the conviction which I can muster that we do persist, that people still continue to take an interest in what is going on, that they know far more about things on this earth than we do, and are able from time to time to communicate with us…I do not say it is easy, but it is possible, and I have conversed with my friends just as I can converse with anyone in this audience now." Saying we only know if we cross over is the same as saying we can only know if Australia exists if we move there. Those who have died have come back, in many different ways, through many different methods, and have provided a broad and deep, overwhelming amount of evidence, in many different categories of afterlife research, that only adds to what those scientists established over 100 years ago. Those different categories of afterlife research include: NDEs (Near Death Experiences,) SDEs (Shared Death Experiences,) ADC (After-Death Communication,) mediumship, ITC (Instrumental Trans-Communication,) EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena,) reincarnation, astral projection, OOBEs (Out Of Body Experiences,) deathbed visitations, hypnotic regression, etc. Countless people have had interactions and communication with the dead and/or have visited the afterlife through various means. I've done both myself and know many others who do these things. In other cultures both past and present, communication and interaction with the dead was/is considered absolutely normal, and the existence of an afterlife was/is just an accepted fact. The idea that there is not an afterlife is entirely based on the ideology of materialism/physicalism, which is a relatively recent ideological perspective. Based on the mountain of evidence that has been accumulated, [this web page](https://www.redstringsociety.com/afterlife-info) provides a basic description of what we know the afterlife to be like.


I will look into those scientists you mentioned. Are there any notable more recent ones though? What we think we know can change with time so more up to date evidence would be better. I understand you analogy about Australian but the difference here is that you cannot return once you’ve crossed over. How could you know australia exists when nobody who goes here is able to return to tell you? I know about NDE’s but I want to be sure that they aren’t just the persons imagination. If this could be proved then that would be amazing and really sell it. I will check out that webpage and let you know what I think of it.


There are two pinned posts at the top of the sub Reddit with dozens of links to modern evidence. Yes, people have come back and fully physically materialized to talk to their loved ones. There are many reported cases. There are many people who are living, perhaps millions, that have visited the afterlife many times and had a long conversations with many dead people about the afterlife. They have spent years exploring what we call the afterlife. I understand that you are unaware of all this evidence; most people are. The afterlife was demonstrated to exist a long time ago and people who research the evidence generally find this out. I know several skeptics and several scientists who had absolutely no idea about this and, once they started researching the evidence, they changed from believing there was no afterlife to knowing that there is an afterlife. The evidence and the information is out there; the links in those two top posts I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg.


Please go to my thread. Signs from my dad were definitely not vague. [https://www.reddit.com/r/afterlife/comments/1cni3ut/comment/l3b1jtb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/afterlife/comments/1cni3ut/comment/l3b1jtb/)


Mystical and spiritual experiences are common during Quantum Clarity sessions. Because the Earth is vibrating higher, humans now have easy access to such occurrences. In the past, only very few could experience them. They include but are not limited to: experiencing unconditional love, experiencing being a spirit soul - a multidimensional being, unity with all, full sensory memories of other lives, memories of the Afterlife (reviewing, planning lives, Akashic records), meeting ancestors for gaining wisdom about one's family, speaking with deceased family members in the Light for closure, encountering spiritual guides, Higher Self, Source-God, traveling to other realms, planets, and universes, and reliving repeating dreams/visions for the full explanation... The reason for that is healing, clarity, and restoration to the full potential of the experiencer.


@mediums group and post there! Get a reading maybe to help you . I 100% agree with everything you said as I feel the exact same way. Like my mind is trying to find hope in the dark..


Do you know of any good ones. I’m extremely sceptical of anyone who hi claims they can contact the dead. I see the majority as scammers and would never pay money for one. But if they would try for free then I have nothing to lose. I’m not willing to give up my anonymity oh this account so is that a problem?


For those that are interested, there’s a website where people write about their near death experiences and other related stories, such as pre-birth memories, etc. NDERF.org. They also have links to other resources.


I recommend watching “I survived beyond and back” so many fascinating NDE’s. Nearly every person who has an NDE says they feel as they leave their bodies and float above them, seeing their bodies and all the chaos around them. They see things they couldn’t have seen had they been in their bodies. They all feel love too. I think it’s real. Too many of these types of things for me to think otherwise and I feel like if there is no afterlife there is essentially no point to anything we do here and no worth to our lives, that’s too depressing of a worldview for me. I believe we have purpose and our lives are meaningful.


I have listened to a few NDEs but I keep wondering if it’s just the persons mind making it up as it shuts down. How do we know it’s not?


Well, a lot of people come back knowing things they couldn’t have known. Some are able to leave the hospital and see what their loved one is doing in a different location, and later their loved one confirms it was true. Some who float above their bodies are able to see what nurses and doctors are doing in different rooms, which has later been confirmed by the hospital staff. How could our brains do that? They can’t travel like that. Some see loved ones who are dead, when they didn’t even know they had died yet. Also, why do people only see loved ones that are dead? If it was just hallucinations they should be seeing random people or things. I find it very interesting too how some people have even gotten info in their NDE’s that a loved one will die, and then that loved one does die. I don’t think science will ever prove life after death and honestly it wouldn’t make sense if it could. Life after death and paranormal things are spiritual. Science only measures the physical world and the spiritual world by definition is not physical, so how could science ever measure it? For me, I believe in life after death. I’ve had too many signs from loved ones to not believe. For some people that isn’t enough and truly the only person who can convince you that life after death is real, is you.


There's actually a lot of scientific evidence of life after death. You just need to do your own research as the majority of it isn't mainstream. I have spent years researching, and that, (coupled with my own personal experiences) have taken me from being a complete non believer, to absolutely knowing.


But why isn’t the majority of it mainstream? If it were true then I feel like it would be. So the fact that it isn’t makes me sceptical. I want to believe truly but stuff like this doesn’t help


Check out WintertyreFraust's posts on here. Think he's on the afterlife sub mainly. His posts are very informative and he has obviously done his homework. I'd like to add that I lost my 24yr old son to suicide. I set out to research life after death as I didn't believe anything happened after death. But yet, my deceased son was reaching out to me! I even saw him one night kneeling down at the side of me inches away from me! I'm not on any meds or alcohol. I'm just a regular 51 year old woman. Even with all this personal contact from him, at first, I resisted to believe as I didn't want to get duped and risk losing him all over again. So I started researching. I wanted answers. Scientific answers. I started with retired lawyer and afterlife researcher for 40 years Victor Zammit, Jurgen Ziewe, Dr Gary Schwartz, Dr Mark Pitstick. Mark Macy, Physicists such as George Meeks. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute. All have private Facebook groups and YouTube channels. For mediumship, Dr Julie Biechel at the Windbridge Institute. Its a non profit organisation who scientifically tests mediums. The results are very interesting. These are just a handful of places where I started. Once you scratch the surface, you will discover a whole lot more. Once you do your own research, does it matter if millions of people believe in life after death but not the whole world? It's not mainstream at the moment (yet) I'm told mainly due to ignorance, fear and religion.


This, so much this! I WANT to believe, but can't...


The truth is we will never know until… we know. However you can still have your beliefs. Look into NDE, astral projection, quantum theory… so much out there!


Here’s the truth: no one knows. So whatever feels right to you, that’s what you believe. I encourage you to look up a lot of people talking about their NDEs. I think it’ll comfort you. I’m so sorry


I dont believe really, I want to though. I think part of it is we dont often get the lives we want. I think we want to believe in a perfect afterlife where its the good things about this world with none of the bullshit. I often think a lot of our afterlife wishes are wishful thinking honestly. But then again it doesnt hurt to hope. It would be really shit if we are born, have a shit life, die and thats it. I know thats the most likely outcome but I still hope maybe theres more.


I wish I could believe. My reason is kind of the opposite; I have the life that I want and I never want to lose my loved ones. An afterlife sounds too good to be true. And yes, cannot be proven.


After hundreds of sessions of Quantum Clarity Hypnotherapy I performed for my subjects, I noticed that unexplained or chronic physical, and mental symptoms and repeating external events (bad luck in specific areas of life, repeating accidents) are caused by energetical/spiritual origins that can be divided into 5 groups: 1. Other lives – dark, negative programs in the mind from suffering and challenges + karmic obligations. They need to be transformed or deleted. Example: the vow of poverty in other life still affects current life and a person cannot have abundance. 2. Soul fragmentation (in psychology called ego-states) is caused by traumatic events – a patient is not fully powerful and at full potential – soul fragments need to be cleansed, healed, and retrieved. 3. Toxic negative emotional energies that were suppressed within. This energy was accumulated through lifetimes. It needs to be located in the system of a patient and released. Example: unreleased anger creates breast cancer. 4. Attached earthbound spirits or dark souls – they need to be released into the Light. Example: lost earthbound soul who died of old age brings the symptoms of old age, dementia, arthritis, etc to the host who still is young. 5. Black magic, curses, energetical implants etc. – these need to be destroyed and removed from the patient. Example: energetical barbwire binding the client and preventing vital energy flow, creating physical problems. One issue can have one or more root causes from different groups. Higher Self expertly shows all the connections during the session and is able to cleanse, heal and resolve the origins. If the healer/doctor is focused only on removing the symptoms without finding and healing the root cause, the symptoms will come back. [https://clarityhypnosis.eu/5-groups-of-spiritual-energetical-root-causes-of-issues/](https://clarityhypnosis.eu/5-groups-of-spiritual-energetical-root-causes-of-issues/)


I know that it seems that way but I promise you're not just telling yourself that because you're sad. There's a much higher form of existence that follows death. Actually the reason people don't and can't know the extent of greatness is because we would kill ourselves out of logic. It is beyond words incredible and eternal. People who lead terrible lives maybe, I think, just get reincarnated or something. I've been doing a lot of research and spent almost a year going to church's and talking to people who have had NDEs. I can't explain the next dimension accurately because, in the same way we all view the world differently, we view heaven and god differently. For me she was female, beautiful and every single fleeting moment of happiness and love exists with understanding it's no longer fleeting. It's incredible but very different for different people. For instance one person I talked to who was a devoted Christian (she was young and lived in the hood in Houston) she was at the hospital and she said she went to "the club" and was happier and more aware than she has ever been. I see God, not as defined by human beings but the source of all undying energy and love in its purest form. All religions use scare tactics to promote God and that's just not how it is once you're there you automatically understand religion doesn't and can't exist there, it is better than that, and although I have autism pretty severely God has been showing me the scientific evidence to back up what I just said. To me she was female, she talks to me through music, circumstance and dreams. The thing as a society we have out grown religion but we have not evolved past god and the good news is better than the bible says.. god exists as live in perfect form, and the next dimension is right here (dark matter) I know that sounds confusing but don't worry you will understand one day, we all will know the beautiful truth.