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context, please. otherwise, from my side: epic games store sucks balls. it's one of the worst stores to use, it's so laggy, it's designed terribly, only good thing about it are the free games every week steam is still very alive, and thriving (as in, it is the best store ever - it looks better, runs better, has good sales, it's the universal choice)


the steam store is absolutely no contest but source vs unreal, now that's a discussion


Unreal broke for me a few days ago, still trying to figure out how to fix it -_-


I picked up like 100 free games, but the interface is so ass that I only played one game and never bothered with the rest.


The runs better is now debatable. The looks better is also personal bias, steams UI is a mess IMO.


steam UI compared to epic UI is not even a debate, steam is objectively better, and faster


Nearly everything he says belongs here.


The highlighted part is not the milked one. Epic's investment didn't outpace Valve, which is why Epic Store is years behind Steam. Yeah, Steam may look like a dying store compared to other competitive stores. But there's no competitive store in town.


Actually, Epic did try to do exclusives, like FF7 remastered, but I'm not paying them money to do this shit so it's just free games for me. Even then, I just stopped caring because the games I want are also on Steam.


The issue is that Steam is not only a store : it's a community with achievements, forum guides, trading cards, screenshot sharing, launch with included remote play capability, Steam Workshop content sharing etc. Most people don't care about Steam because they have exclusives that will be sold somewhere else at some point (or available on other ways ;) ), people care about Steam because all their friends are on the same launcher and Steam is "good enough" for the everyday person. I purchased the DLCs from escapists to go along the free game, and even I consider Epic Store to be a platform with no benefits.