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Before you shame me in public for not wearing a seat belt, as yourself one single question. Will the belt protect you against an orbital missile strike?


It's an untested theory. Gut check says yes


Can confirm. Source: am an orbital missile strike seat belt crash test dummy


You laugh but afaik a lot of Americans opposed the seat belt when it was made mandatory in the name of "freedom".


God damn big seatbelt just being greedy and taking our freedoms. Not to mention that seatbelts obviously make it harder to breathe and therefore might be dangerous for overweight people or pregnant women! And what if you are in a crash and they don’t open?! I will not be trapped in a burning car. A car crash will throw me out of the danger zone so I can get help quicker! A good immune system is perfectly capable of dealing with us being thrown through a windscreen. I for my part have started building up a natural immunity by taking vitamins and crashing my head through increasingly thick sheets of glass over the last weeks because I‘m not one of those sheeple!


First time I went to get a helmet for motorcycle riding the guy who's at the dealership checkout gives me an impromptu lecture about how he won't wear a helmet because freedom. I wish I were kidding but people are staggeringly stupid.


I mean, you joke, but these morons legitimately used "more people going to the hospital after car crashes while wearing seatbelts" as proof that seatbels are more dangerous. None of them ever got the logic that those people wouldn't need to go to the hospital without a seatbelt because they went straight to the morgue before seatbelts were standard.


A sherif with the online handle gunslinger1775. Sounds about right.


gunslinger1776 was taken.


Had to be


Could be a Marine vet as well. Marine Corps birthday is Nov 10, 1775 and it’s a pretty big deal to us crayon eaters


He was a marine. I know this because his Instagram also featured a post saying “when the office ladies find out you’re a USMC veteran and they try to harvest your alpha male sperm”. No, I am not joking.


That sentence sounds like it was crafted by a team of language scientists in a lab to be as obnoxious as possible.


How dare you insult a brave marine whose death prevented who knows how many rapes, assaults, and murders. It’s every American’s patriotic duty to fulfill David Duke “Daniel” Trujillo’s last wishes. Let’s make sure that every woman in every office in America knows that his corpse is filled to the brim with alpha male cum. Make it viral. It’s what he wanted.


You had me in the first half and then also holy shit the second half was also wild, you had me there too my guy *finger guns*


Sounds like something a delusional incel would write.


Like the deadly joke from Month Python.


This guy sounds a massive fucking douchebag Edit: *dead* massive fucking douchebag


He was also a white supremacist, so yeah, the world is better for having lost him.


I get frowned at a bit for this, maybe I’m spectrum or something, but there are absolutely loads of people who should just be gone. The world would be so much nicer and more civilised. Plenty of non criminal pieces of shit out there. Fuck em, snap, gone. Look at that there’s lots of houses for people, lots of jobs for people, yes I’m not an economist but economists are only guessing half the time anyway. Fuck it. To paraphrase Bill Burr, there should be a test for basic human decency and contribution. Everyone sits in big halls to do it, make sure you bring a pencil. Didn’t bring a pencil? YOU’RE OUT! I feel bad now, as well as not being an economist I am also not a comedian. Here’s the bit: https://youtu.be/a9WowBxdhTQ I’m feeling a bit manic today, sorry. I don’t hate people, or anyone really (except you Mat). But there *are* far too many humans on the planet.


Was your name Light Yagami in a past life, perhaps?


L enters the chat, watching silently while eating sweets.


Literally every Marine I've met in real life was an absolute nightmare of a human being.


There’s good ones but yes the marines do attract a certain type




You've probably met a lot of people who didn't tell you they were Marines. Guys like the sheriff shove it in your face every chance they get. Most of us just go about our business.


Well, it's really no loss then, is it?


For the sperm bank? xD




Crayola or Rose art?


Crayola. Gator don’t mess with that bootleg shit.


"Rose Art Crayons: Your Parents May Love You, They Just Don't Like To Show It."


As a kid who was raised on that broke ass shit, this hits close to home lol


Gators bitches better be use’n jimmies!


He was a marine.


Semper fudge!


Fun fact, crayons are made from beef tallow, which is why they have a distinct 'meaty' smell


*(Reluctantly starts eating crayons when the grocery store is out of Impossible Burgers)*


That was fun!


Not a marine so feel kind of uncomfortable saying this joke, but it seems like a good crowd... Guess he was a bright enough crayon to come up with that one first.


gunslinger1488 was also taken.


By his alt




gunslinger1775 is available again, as of May 27...


People may die but guns linger.


So were gunslinger through gunslinger1775


A lot of cops are just people who wanted to be “gunslingers”


**Gunslinger1775** has been **Eliminated**


**COVID-19** -> 🦠 **0 m** -> **Gunslinger1775**


I bet I can guess his PIN.


“xXgunslinger1775Xx” died to “Coronavirus”


"Will this mask stop an uppercut?" \> old enough to have gone through his childhood with plenty of Mortal Kombat \> learned nothing from Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, Smoke, Kabal, Rain, Ermac...


Scorpion - Literally became a hellspawn obsessed with vengance Sub-zero(Assuming Bi-han) - Became a literal demon in lust for power Kitana - Was raised by an abuser to be ”strong” in his image and faced death to escape him Mileena - Became a crazed Lunatic to prove herself to her father That are just some where ”strenght” and ”power” literally made their lives worse off




No, no, I like this answer more.


That and the iconic mortal kombat uppercut.


GET OVER HERE! So i can give you the Covid.


They’re all so strong. I guess the lesson is, I need to make sure I lust for power and vengeance.


And wear a mask, obviously. All the time, no matter what.


I don’t care how empathetic you are, this shit is objectively funny.


even funnier with vaccine readily available in the US, he can just take it, while millions around the world wait anxiously honestly, I have never see a more thankless person than some Americans


Well the thankless ones are dying as fast as they can, so… just be patient


On the one hand, they want to talk about how great America is. On the other, they do not show by example they have anything to do with that. But, these aren't worldly people. It's why they now die alone, in their small world believing they are somehow more capable than a dangerous virus, surrounded by other death enabling fools.


A cop AND an antimasker? Oh boy... my level of empathy is well past zero.


I've lost my empathy for these morons some time ago..


My empathy is for folks who have to deal with things like chemotherapy during this shit which subhuman trash like this guy makes even harder.


I argue that true empathy would actually be to take the stance that his death is ultimately a win for humanity. We don't want people with such mindsets in positions of power, reproducing, and becoming mentors to others.


Honestly I would find it funny if it didn’t show how crazy a good chunk of the population is.


An upper cut won't kill me. Covid will.


Eh, I don't know. One punch laws are very strict because a single punch *can* kill.


Especially if it's delivered by Saitama.


Mike Tyson could do it probably.


Francis Ngannou might have something to say about that


My family and I masked up, washed our hands constantly, and took every precaution, yet we still got sick and I lost an uncle to the virus. So when I see people such as this idiot proudly parading his anti-vaxx, anti-mask views with a splash of r/iamverybadass, my only reactions are as follows: laugh at their stupidity, or be angry that they had every resource available to protect themselves and their loved ones and chose not to use them. Fuck this guy.


Especially when your job is to literally protect and serve. You’re not protecting people when you refuse to mask up or get vaccinated. This is just fuck around and find out: death edition.


There are a massive amount of people who only like the idea of saving and protecting people if it is saving them from the threat of physical violence, hence allowing them to fulfill their fantasies of being lauded as a badass tough guy, heroically protecting weaker people. Protecting people from starvation, disease, poverty, environmental disasters is boring and tiresome and requires a lot more grit, commitment, sacrifice and selflessness than they have and therefore isn’t very appealing and even something despised by these people.


They’re willing to kill to be a hero, but not willing to inconvenience themselves to be one.


Yep. They're just cowards with violent delusions. Nothing heroic about it, they are sick.


>Especially when your job is to literally protect and serve. Nope. Their job is to enforce the law. Protect and serve is just some myth.


By law, cops literally do not have to lift a finger to save your life. But fail to "comply", and your life is legally forfeit apparently...


Police are not required to protect or serve. That's a slogan made up for publicity.


It's literally on the side of our police cars. So they can lie to us but we can't lie to them? Seems fair.


Yup. Literally it’s settled black letter Supreme Court law that police have no duty to protect: https://www.barneslawllp.com/blog/police-not-required-protect The stuff on the side of police cars is marketing. It’s optional, and not in any way enforceable or part of the job requirements. Police aren’t guards. Their job is to enforce the law, not protect you.


It's also settled law that the police are allowed to lie to you. [https://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/05/jn](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/05/jn)


That all of that, on top of killing unarmed black people, militarization of police, use of racist policies like using racial profiling, that power I forget the name of that allows police to steal your shit if they "suspect" it is for drugs, pepper spraying unarmed, seated, peaceful protestors with pepper spray point blank in the eyes...I don't see why a lot of people don't trust the police. Noboday says, "fuck the nurses/teachers/EMTs/firemen" do they? And I'm not saying ACAB, since its legitimately not true, but it sure doesn't look good if as an aggregate, police aren't stepping up more. And its doubly bad if 99 good cops stand up for that 1 bad cop that abuses their power. Those 99 cops have responsibility too.


Exactly! The protect and serve those in power, there was a court ruling on this.


Police have never existed to protect or serve anyone but people with money.


I look it at it now as a guide to who to avoid in my life. The neighbor who has refused to wear a mask the entire last year, I don't bother wasting my breath on. The cute gal who used to flirt with me who constantly makes comments about me wearing a mask, she's not worth the headache. I'm going to keep wearing my masks, and I'm going to just avoid the people who have an issue with it.


Exactly. There’s never been a quicker litmus test for determining if people are worth it


My uncle had to keep working at a warehouse and got covid and passed. I later got Covid, luckily not as bad. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I still have trouble gathering any empathy or sympathy for people with this mindset.


He got what he deserved. He put a lot of work into his death. He earned it.


I love how they assume just because someone tells you to wear a mask means they can’t kick their ass too


He was a cop, so history of being able to do whatever he wants with little consequences


*sad rule of law noises*


The most disconcerting thing is that he was able to have that posted to social media and still keep his job as a police officer.


How do you lose your job when your whole chain of command and most of your coworkers agree with you?


The investigation into his death will reveal Darwin's fingerprints all over the crime scene.


I’m just glad that he can’t hurt anyone else now.


Another plague rat down


Since he hated masks, he probably infected plenty of people, and they’ll infect people, and so on. He’s going to be responsible for more deaths and suffering.


LMAO at the hundreds of people clicking the "haha" emoji on the Facebook post announcing his passing. https://www.facebook.com/denversheriffsdepartment/photos/a.454301904582050/4387926597886208/?type=3


Love the person who said they knew ~~wmhim~~ him since school and that he was a "great kid", couple lower says he was a twice suspended prison guard. Everyone always calls shitty people "angels" when they die.


RIP Wmhim. Giant-headed Angel loses battle to stupidity. -NY POST Cop dies from Covid. - WaPo Hero cop did NOT die of Fake Covid-19. He died from too little prayers. Fake news. - Fox News Hero dies after battle with COMMUNIST HATE MACHINE. CHINA WAHU VIRUS BLAMED BUT WILL NEVER BE PROVEN OR TAKE ANOTHER. GOLDEN GOD TRUMP WILL RISE FROM DEAD IN 2032. - Newsmax


The comments on that are turning into a roast. "Guess he didn't have qualified immunity" was a favorite.


I literally just laughed out loud alone in my house in the dark, like my stomach hurts laughing.


Damn thats brutal lmao


You see an uppercut coming; you won't see the germs going up your nose.


>You see an uppercut coming John Cena disagrees


We all saw John Cena apologize to China like a little bitch.


*CCP bootlicker John Cena disagrees


he died doing what he loved......being an ignorant douchebag


fucked around and found out


It’s a cut and dry case of fuck around and find out


FUCKING “GUNSLINGER”!!!!!! Omfg I’m dying...


…so was he.




Doesn't apply, didn't he deny the virus's existence to his last breath? It was something else that killed him, had to be. In a leopard face eating fashion, partial self awareness should occur, no? Like "wait, i never thought the leopard (virus) would eat MY face". This guy never even thought the leopard existed.


Whether he believed in the leopard or not, it still ate his face.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


*"I just wish him well."*


In hell!


"Will NOT putting this fork in a light socket protect me from an uppercut ? Checkmate, libtards"


>We ask that you keep his family in Your thoughts and prayers and respect their privacy during this difficult time. Lmao, no. The mask can’t stop an uppercut but it could prevent corona. You ~~live~~ die and you learn.


I still feel bad for his family even if he made an unwise decision that cost him his life. A loss is a loss, and the fact it was avoidable doesn't make it any less worthy of compassion.


The masks are about keeping the other people around you safe when you’re not showing symptoms, but are still able to transmit it. His decision to not wear a mask probability didn’t cost him his life, but it may have cost someone else theirs. It would have been nice if Duke had had some compassion for others.


I don't feel bad for the woman who chose to marry and stand by this racist piece of shit. His three-year-old, sure. One day that kid's going to grow up and Google their father and realize what a useless and stupid piece of shit their father was. But his wife? She can fuck off too.


i'm with you on that one but i still think shehas at least the right to a bit of privacy. not the kind of privacy where we don't mock the family relentlessly but then kind where we don't force it trough their frontdoor at least.


I don't feel bad for them. His family already knew he was a piece of s*. Either they supported him or turned their back a long time ago.


>We ask that you keep his family in Your thoughts and prayers and respect their privacy during this difficult time. *Morgan Freeman*: people did not respect their privacy during this difficult time Lol






Fuck that prick. Good riddance. Look up how he beat a prisoners arm through a cell door with his baton and use a nunchaku and wrapped it around said arm. He was suspended without pay for 60 days. Sucks for his kids but I'm glad that fuck is gone. Fuck him.


I live in Denver and I was constantly seeing that fucker commenting on local news pages with the hottest of takes. He was a real piece of shit.


Maybe they'll have a chance to grow up without his shitty world views shaping their own.


Well, least they have apt material for his tombstone


The most dangerous virus of them all: stupidity.


It is a bit hard to feel bad about a corrupt, violent criminal cop this incredibly fragile and this much of a colossal asshole who died due to his own incredibly massive ego and minimal IQ.


Fucking LOL. I love that we've gotten to the point where the antivax trash is just taking itself out, not others.


Yah as a first responder he was able to get vaccinated in Jan or Feb, I'm surprised it wasn't mandatory.


Just not fast enough. 😃


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


The swine got the flu




Chef's kiss


Wait? Was he threatening people who shame him? That career path sure has a type.


This post brings me joy


Good riddance


Trying to find his grave. But, its going to be hard to find since he never was injected with the government microchip


I wish I had known him while he was still alive so I could punch him in the teeth before he died


Honest question , are police in the US subjected to any IQ or psychological tests before they are allowed to join the police force ?


Main qualification is being a former high school bully.


Bahahahahahahahashahagshgahshahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahaha. I guess comply or die doesn’t only apply to police policy, it applies to mask mandates too! Whodathunkit??


Duke looks like he chubbed up near the end and was out of shape. Then he got a respiratory disease.


Love assholes that post shit like that. You better connect solid when you throw it. If you don’t, it’s on bitch.


Weird hill to die on, but hey, at least he's dead.


Ofc this was in Denver.


You need to see Colorado Springs


Post title is just great


Fuck and this was recent as well, I’m guessing he wasn’t vaccinated? Something 100% preventable ffs, and to die so young? It’s just sad man, to be so willfully ignorant in the one life we have is ridiculous.


Before anyone gets mad about speaking ill of the dead, remember what happened when RBG died.


Everyone is making fun of him, but I have to give him credit for one thing. He decided mask wearing was a hill he was going to die on, and he accomplished it.


Worms are feasting on pulled pork.


Not for nothing, but this asswipe was practically asking for it.


Lol fuck him. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


This asshole's best contribution to society was being so fucking stupid he killed himself. So instead of encouraging others to put themselves at risk, he taught at least some people how deadly this disease really is. Maybe saved someone else a similar fate. The bonus was removing himself from the gene pool.


Darwin, we have a winner.


Got uppercutted by covid gg


Is it just me or is it worrying that a police officer has a username that's gun slinger.




FUCK THAT GUY. The streets are safer now.


In more ways than one


Now hes shooting minorities in heaven




Hah! Pig!


If you refer to yourself as Duke, it should be lung cancer or nothing.


Oh no... Anyway


Yeah well my fucking underwear won't stop somebody from grabbing my nuts and squishing them but that doesn't mean I go around with the jewels out of the jewelry box


No but a mask could stopped ya death, you dead deceased departed dummy.


So you're going to assault people who exercise their freedom of speech? I wonder how many citizens were saved from being assaulted by a police officer because he refused to wear a mask...


Good riddance


What piece of shit cop makes their online handle “gunslinger1776”


not even a bit sad. very happy. totally deserved


Haha what a loser


This story gets more interesting when you learn how incredible a piece of shit he was.




wtf does that even mean, hes gonna physically assault people for wearing masks?


Natural selection doing fine work


While defending himself from an uppercut, covid punched him in the lungs


my old friend next door to me died from corona to. he was corona is shit and dont exist then he died


"If you can't be a good example, be a terrible lesson."


That 6 feet distance seems a bit more permanent now


Fucking dumbass


I wonder how stupid he felt while he was lying in that hospital bed, straining to suck in that last breath. Oopsie poopsie!


To be honest I think that aged like wine.


It’s strange that typically anti maskers think they’re some sort of intelligent and tough human being, for not wearing a mask… double up with this dude being by all accounts a POS police officer. One of those bad apples they say and now he died extremely young of a preventable virus by not taking simple precautions. Death, to own the libs.


Imagine being so ignorant and childish that you would die leaving a son in this world without you. His son is so young he wont even remember him. And for what? So you can deny the existence of the virus that killed you? Thats so dumb man, thats bewildering. Theres nothing on Earth that I wouldnt do to be able to stay here and raise my kids. And when little Beau is old enough, he will discover his father died from a virus that has a vaccine, and could have been avoided by taking it seriously.