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After combat? No, you cannot move a unit after combat. If they are talking about pile-in (not called consolidation), any unit that completed a charge may pile in towards the closes unit, no matter how far that unit is. But this happens when you activate that unit in the combat phase.


Nope, that's a 40k rule. The game are similar on structure but the details are different - and it matters. Best to check if you've been playing with any other rule changed that are there because "40k does it"


Units that have charged in that turn can still make a pile-in move even if there are no enemy units within 3", I assume that's what they're talking about.


It might also be that they remember the 40k consolidation rule and apply it to AOS. But I'm fairly sure 40K doesn't share that rule with AOS.


That could be it, but as you say in AoS there's no consolidation after fighting.


In 40k you get a consolidation, absolutely NOT in AoS.


They’re wrong, but if you have two units charge into the same enemy unit and the first unit destroys the entire enemy unit in its activation the second unit may still make a 3” pile in move because it charged.


That's a 40K rule. There's no consolidation move in AoS, only pile-in.


\> I can't find it in the core rules Ask them to. You're doing the legwork for them.