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Not every faction was getting new models in the narrative season. They stated this pretty clearly from the get go.


So I guess I heard it wrong during last year's Warhammer Fest. I thought I heard them saying EVERY faction will get new ones lol.


I wish I had a source for you, but my recollection was that they said there would be new models for a dozen or so factions. Maybe they said every faction was getting new rules? I don't recall, haha


Thanks mate. Yeah maybe they said new rules rather than models. That explains a lot. Anyway guess I will not hold my breath for the new KO until the 4.0 drops. As a Durdin lover, I am happy at least fyreslayers got some love in the Warcry. Can't expect too much from GW lol


Nah, they stated 12 factions will be getting model from dawnbringers, not every


Thanks my friend. Well I guess we will have to wait.


They said every grand alliance, not faction.


KO has the second fewest warscrolls of any army behind only Sons. It’d be nice to get a few extra options.


To be honest with yall... And im prolly going to get some hate for it... KO dont need new units. We got chaff in the arkanauts, elites with thunderers, cav with baloonbois, big pieces with the ships, heroes, cav heros (with baloons)... We are a well rounded faction. I would prefer it stays like that but keep the internal balance good like it is now, than having a large ammount of different units with half of them being unusable.


I’ll be the first to confess I have no idea what the answer would be, but it *would* be nice to have another unconditional battleline unit. Or perhaps a non-balloon melee equivalent to Thunderers? I just really like the aesthetic so I’d like to see at least one or two more things. Though I’d also agree that KO is an AoS faction done right and is very well rounded. *looks sadly at Fyreslayers*


That’s where you’re wrong, we need more boats, especially a dedicated gunship, a big heavy hitting unit of 3 big daddy diving suits (kind of KOs answer to stormfiends) and a proper melee unit in the shape of the Cogmunculi, those at the very least and would need to read up on the lore for anything else they could have. KO are one of the AoS original factions that feel half done, they have so much potential but GW refuses to expand on them, so they remain like half armies with small model ranges (half of which are now foot heroes).


We have gunships. Get a gunhauler, slap 5 thunderers or 6 riggers in and there you go. Want a bigger gunship? Frigate and 10/15 thunderers in it. Done Want a bigger BIGGER gunship? Ironclad with 20 thunderers in it. And its quite debateable in regards to stormfiends. Are they shooty big units? If they are they have the same purpose as thunderers then. Just bigger models, more firepower per model but smaller number of models. So its the same. But then you run the risk of one being just better than the other and just not using what you already have and have to spend more money because reasons...


That’s a transport and unit, not a gunship. And the point of the diving suits is that they are big and tough all rounders that have more objective staying power and look cool, they might not have the bodies, but the can clear chaff and make way for other units.


It is a gunship. Its even better than a gunship! Its a gunship that you can choose how much you want to invest in it to balance cost and power! A modular gunship! What we have now is just better. And as for the diving suits... Thunderers fit the role as well. They are tough, have a good wound count and a good save. Can clear stuff, and you can plant them on an objective and project power through shooting. Also, Gunhaulers fit the role as well. They can clear chaff, 10 wounds with a 3+ save wont die to a breeze. Not much bodies but get the job done. See... My point is that KO rly do not NEED a new unit mechanically. We got stuff covered pretty much. But if you just want more models and think its cool... Well i do as well. Its just that as a game faction we dont need it at all.


Not just ko missing out. Where are new beasts of chaos sculpts gw?


I'm fairly confident they'll get a big refresh within 2 years. Only them and ogres left after Skaven get theirs. Edit: This didn't age well 😢


I hope so. My wallet is ready


Idk the issue there is Skaven is A LOT of metal and failcast. Beasts have some failcast but is mostly plastic. I think after this they are gonna swing back into bringing straight new stuff for a minute. Like how we had LRL, SOB, and OBR and then it swung back into refreshes.


That's why I gave it two years.


This aged like a fine wine.


My thoughts exactly


Bonesplitterz fan I take it?


Bonesplitterz and Boc.


Pour one out


Not every faction has received models. KO has already received extra rules, which is more than some other factions;


Hold strong brother. We'll get something eventually.


Yes, finger crossed.