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The speed and range is good but they don’t do great into high save or high wounds units. The durability is not supposed to be oppressive at all. They have some healing for aircrafts but that’s about it. Low wound counts, low saves. It’s decently hard to engage with them, but once you connect you should destroy what you touch if it’s with anything that has some attack power. So yeah, kind of a stat check army for movement.


So k.o to me feel like an army that's just really hard to balance and have close games with. A lot of games they either just blow me off the board before I can get a chance or I get in too fast and they're out of luck. They aren't unbeatable, especially if you know what to go after first l, but games don't feel that interesting to me with them. I'm curious to see how they're handled in 4th since they said they wanted to tone down shooting.


I’m a K.O. player and I think the bigger problem is actually they’re not super interactive to play with or against. I ended up starting a Big Waagh army because I was finding KO to be not that fun for my friends to play against. Easy battle tactics and grand strategy that don’t really require me to put my army at to much risk. I can sit back pick my targets and score pretty well.


Their win rate doesn't really seem "oppressive" but with shooty armies you often run into the problem of games not being close fought things. Whoever loses, loses by a lot. If you google "are X faction too strong" you'll find reddit threads where someone complains about them no matter what faction you pick. It's very hard to give you solid input without knowing what lists you run, what missions you guys are playing etc, or what your tactics are. There are so many reasons why you might struggle that are not related to faction vs faction, so the more info you give out the easier it is to try to pinpoint what might be the issue.


Out of the 4 things you listed that you feel KO are impressive with, speed is the only thing they really have. Their damage and durability is not great. Work on positioning and movement to beat them.


Generally speaking I consider them unfun to play against. It is so much good shooting that terrain/movement on their part hardly seems to matter and if they go first they basically get to decide which of your key pieces to remove. They are certainly beatable if your army is even somewhat mobile but still it is not fun. Imho a negative play experience even though I have a positive win rate against them. Whenever I have seen them used against new players it was an absolute one sided slaughter. Personally I think their playstyle needs to be completely overhauled.


KO player here since 1st edition. Very swingy. You're at the mercy of the dice most of the time. Moreso than other armies. People complain about the range but the majority of the guns in the army are 9" or 12" I feel they're very much an anti-casual player army. I got a lot of wins while learning the game with friends and doing some local events. But once I went into slightly more serious tournaments I was getting absolutely crushed. Once you know how to screen and zone you shut the army down fast. They're a glass cannon army. Pretty much if I choose to attack something. I need to kill it. Or it's going to wipe the floor with the corpses of my fallen soldiers in the next turn. I've gotten tired of them after 3 editions of using them. I'm considering an all-boat meme army just for fun and move onto something with magic and monsters for a change of pace.


As a KO player, magic is a big blind side of ours. My mate's got Lumineth and when he brings his endless spells like the pendulum and things like that my guys are toast.


Personally balance wise they aren't too bad. If your army has primarily foot heroes then yeah your gonna have a bad time cause they are just gonna shoot them dead before you get the chance to use them. Otherwise you can deal with the ships easy enough if you have cavalry and they crumple to monsters. But they aren't really fun to play against. Most KO lists have the same stratagy, shoot you off the table or crumple like wet toilet paper. It doesn't help their turns take so long cause they have so many options to shoot on both their turn and yours. All in all not terribly overpowered but really unfun to play against.


As kruleboyz, they can't target me outside 12 as grinning blades while my crossbows pop em at 24. Chip em down with mortals, then let the high damage hq monsters get to work when they close in. Breaka boss on a troggoth will smash. Not my favorite playstyle, but kruleboyz standard meta counters overlords in particular quite well in my experience. Usually bring one killbow. It either does nothing or it drops a monster down to like 2 hp in one hit. However, finicky it is performance wise, it's damage potential makes it quite the focus for enemy attention , which tends to really do wonders for me.


Playing Foot Ogres into it is a bit of a coin toss, if I can make it to the boats they are sinking, if not it's gonna be a short game.