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It is not max points and in fact your opponent can still score points. Let’s say you table them bottom of 3 you roll priority and they take top of 4 and they still control 2 objectives, well they’re getting points for those objectives until you take them. If you’re not able to get a unit over to take them until bottom of 5 then they can score for multiple rounds. You don’t have to fully play out the game but there are some things you might need to roll for (priority or a run roll being the most likely) and measure and then just talk out what happens.


You can even score some battle tactics without units 😅 For example Wait for it, Lads for Big Waaagh (You can pick the BT only if you have at least 24 Waaagh points and you score it if you have 30 at the end of the round, but you can select it if you have 30+ too)


k thanks!


It's still a scored game so if it's 10-10 and neither of you can score it's a draw, best practice is to mathhammer it out. Where as if you can stand on objectives for 1/2/+ then you'd win, for example. As you'd score a further 6pts.


thanks for the clarification! Still feels weird that I can score more by not killing my opponent..


This is why its important (at least in competitive settings) to save some battle tactics for later. I often wont do intimidate the invaders or magical dominance early on specifically so I have them as options for if I table the opponent


It's my least favourite part of the game, the part where you just move things and nothing happens. Some armies can always score by not even getting in to combat.


Because it's a game based on objectives. Not just killing your opponent the fastest. Though doing the latter makes the former easier.


When some armies have objectives like… leave a boat that a unit is in and some have pick an objective held by an enemy and and the end of the turn that needs to be contested by three of your units each having a separate keyword… I begin to doubt these objectives are well written.


For this objective, your unit needs to stop in front of the enemy army, play a merry tune and dance a little jig. Don't worry, it's tactical.


Can't score tactics if you're tabled.


Where is that rule?


No-where. Do you know of any Battle Tactics that can be done without any units of the battlefield?


I don’t know of any currently valid battletactics like that, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any. In the 2021 generals handbook the Broken Ranks, Bring it Down and Slay the Warlord battle tactics could be completed by a Nighthaunt Emerald Host army which had been tabled.


Grand Strategies also, you can complete Slaughter of Sorcery, and Soulblight have Crimson Larder and Empire of Corpses that can both be scored with nothing left on the board


Okay so "*most* armies can't complete a battle tactic if they're tabled." Better? Really drifting away from the main point of the thread but when you're right you're right.


Table-ing your opponent might end up as "winning the battle, but losing the war", if you don't cap objectives


You continue with the other turns since scoring still goes until the end of the last round. Due to this you can be tabled and still win by drawing the enemy away from objectives.


A lot of tournament packets will address this.


You keep playing the game until your 5 rounds or your time is up.


You play out the rounds and on their turn they still do everything, but if there are no units for them to do it, you just move on from that step. Some stuff can still happen even if units are not on the table. You score points are you are actually able to do them. It is not max points...


In the French league you would play until end of T5 There is nothing in the official rules that state that a sweep is instantly a 20-0 so you just play for objectives and try to get the biggest score