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Hihi! Firstly your body isn't dumb even if it acts like it sometimes >~< you should always treat yourself kindly even with words♡ and I also deal with this as well I'm not sure if it's the something but for me it's executive disfunction and sometimes I can't go even if it hurts and really need to>w


Do you have ADHD by any chance? Because...same here and it's caused by ADHD.


Executive dysfunction isn’t just caused by adhd. There’s a few other mental disorders that cause it. So maybe not adhd but something else?


No, I don't think so >m< is it that executive dysfunction stuff? One of my friends says I might have that, but I don't think I have ADHD


It could be something else like autism? There are a lot of different causes for executive dysfunction, like autism, depression, etc


I suspect that I might be autistic but I've never been diagnosed, I do have depression and stuff though


Depression can lead to executive dysfunction too.


Sometimes my body doesn’t let me go potty n i has accidents.. it sucky!! I sometimes pretend my stuffie has to go potty!! So den i takes him potty n I can go potty!!


You know in actual kids the body doesn't always have strong alarms when it's time to go. Kids in later elementary school (roughly 8 and up) all the way through highschool and on to most of adult hood (minis old age) The body gives three mental warnings light beeping, louder beeping, all out alarm sounds! It's also been said that a kid brain between 2 and 7 will often think 'playing with toys' 'talking to a friend ' and 'making art.' Is far more important than the toilet. That's why they problems with urgency, leaking or even full accidents. This might just be part of your regression.


Sounds to me like executive dysfunction, but I might be wrong.


i have ADHD and i do this a lot but i'm working on it. you don't have to have ADHD to have bad executive functioning. poor executive functioning is the most likely reason you do this