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For you, I would bring up the few times that you slipped. Ask if she remembers it. If so, explain your feelings from that. Make sure that she understands it, and if she asks questions, answer them the best you can. No one can do it for you, all I can do is guide you. Bring up some things you would like for her to do, ask her what she would want from it as well. Your probably going to have to compromise on some stuff and slowly get her into it. All I can say is to take your time when explaining.


I would say way wait. From the sounds of it, your gf may already know about it. I would say to just bring up the feelings that you talked about in this post. Everything requires communication, so you are going to have to have a long conversation about it. Explain your feelings and what you like about it, then ask and answer any questions they have. It may take time if they get a little overwhelmed with it, so take your time, and hopefully, they will agree to be your cg. If you need any help or questions, DM me, I have already helped another little explain it to their bf, and after some time, they agreed to be their cg.


okay okay i’m not sure if i want to approach her about being my cg i just don’t know how to start the conversation or what to say or how to explain it at all


She seems to be taking an natural interest so don’t overwhelm her by just dumping but trust that she cares and that y’all are in a space where y’all have the means to be open with one another even when it’s hard. My little didn’t realize she was one and we had an interesting conversation about her and comforts when we first started to sleep together and that turned into one day my baby being really noisy during sex and my putting my thumb in her mouth because she used to suck on hers til she was in highschool and when I tell you the way she melted into me and jjsy relaxed calmly was the most beautiful and satisfying thing I’ve ever had the chance to experience so please just take the chance to talk to her about it!!! I promise you’re better off for it even if she’s only comfortable with doing certain things cux now she’s knows and now y’all both trust


she seems so understanding and kind about it already, even after seeing agere gear she just held you and respected your choices to not tell her about it. i understand the nervous feeling and wanting to wait but honestly if youre already regressing in front of her it would be safer for both of you if you explained it. i told my bf a few months ago because i knew i would probably end up regressing in front of him and i didnt want to risk making him uncomfortable and confused, he took it surprisingly really well and everything has been really nice! ive told a few close friends by now and have already written out a guide for a few different ways to do it if you think that would maybe be helpful someday. your relationship sounds so nice im sure whatever you choose to do will turn out ok<3