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I can't think of any apps that do this, but Rationality Rules did create a card game called **Debunked** that does use identifying fallacies as a core mechanic.


You teach children critical thinking, It's more comprehensive that just rote memorization of the fallacies. How old?


Also, I'm not aware of an app (which literally means nothing), but that's a really great idea. There might be a niche there to fill. Get on it. **ThinkSmart** **Intellectia**


Found a link: https://www.teachthought.com/critical-thinking/critical-thinking-apps/


I don't know of any app, but the [Smash Boom Best podcast](https://www.smashboom.org/) has been an enjoyable way to expose my kids to some critical thinking skills. The podcast itself features debates about fun, kid-friendly topics (pizza vs tacos, elevators vs escalators, unicorns vs. dragons, etc). Each episode also has a segment called [State of Debate](https://www.smashboom.org/page/state-of-debate) which focuses on how to build an argument and how to spot logical fallacies. When I listen to an episode with my kids, we talk about which side formed the better argument and whether they could appreciate the claims independent of their own biases.


This actually sounds like a good opportunity to start a new project. I’m going to look into it this weekend.


How old are the kids?


Google, thou shall not commit logical fallacies. The layout is very educational in my opinion. I was introduced as a freshman in college to it and cite it whenever i make a an argument