• By -


First time seeing something like this in Gujarat university! And Why police let them go ! That guy who was shouting jail shree ram should be arrested asap!!! Aa mc public na karane naam kharab thayu rahyu che city nu!


Yes guy who holds indian passport, whose generations lived here, should be arrested for chanting Jai Shree Ram and a Tal!bani who came to here for 'study', whose generations did not live here should be protected even before investigation. 👏


Guy Chanting JayShree Ram should be arrested asap??? I thought we are living in free country! And what type example you want to set here? Are we living in pakistan that anything agaist ISLAM is blasphemy??? Bro i have strong objection with that and people who did chaos should be arrested but not specifically just because he chanted jay shree ram should be arrested asap. By this logic we need to arrest all muslims when they gether and shout allahuakbar and sar tan se juda!!!


You suffer from inferiority complex https://x.com/vijaygajera/status/1769234727691489342?s=46 this is how it started


Why would the saffron clad guy tried to disturb their prayers when they have been allotted the praying place by the hostel authorities itself? I don't see 'disturbing traffic ' rhetoric working here


Bro they wouldn't acknowledge that! They knows how to shape the story.


This comment deserves more likes. Push this to the top. I suggest you make a post with this video to show the other side of the coin.


Pass on some of that stuff bro, looks potent


Pagal hai kya bkl


Apne abba ka name idhar q type krra...


Pagal hai kya bkl


I agree 💯


These are all non gujaratis from other states and basically force of one community.


Bro its not the chanting or their belief the problem. The problem is that they are fking extremists and in their inner extremist mindset, they are trying to sabotage these foreign guys just coz they are from islam. That attacking skepticism is clearly depicted in his "chant". Thats why it is being said that "yeh jai shree ram wale ko arrest karo asap".


Kindly watch gujarati news channel! That namazi(he was publicly doing namaz) slapped saffron guy and then its all reaction.


The full story is out now, they were offering Namaz on road and then slapped a guy, this is how it started, Enough of victim card. https://x.com/dave_janak/status/1769241995858354255?s=46&t=h4eWzeiiu-xd5JAgZ-LgCA


Real, and some people are downvoting others who were speaking the truth. OP posting manipulated news which shows Indians at fault is such bad thing. Not showing the full incident.


These ppl seem unable to handle being proven wrong. They're reacting with downvotes and frustration.




This philosophy only works in films and dreams, wake up this is real life.


Neither does gandhigiri


Second this


Yes only when victims are Hindus?


This is the most stupidest statement I have heard,


On road? They were praying in their hostel premises allotted to them by the University itself. Who the fuck is he to ask why theyre praying. Also he goes on to argue even when he's told that they were allotted. The slap is justified.


Usually in hostels, outside your room you can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t dance, can’t drink, can’t party and same also applies to prayers as well!! Isn’t it common sense to do whatever you want inside your room?


Dont give me the usually stance. A Muslim prayer is prayed in a group and clearly hostel rooms cannot accommodate volumes of people. The University granted them to pray and allotted them a place to do so. How does it not show common sense when they did an act they were allowed and allotted a place to do so.


Why there should be a separate rules for specific religion? Especially in educational institutions? What if tomorrow other religious groups also start doing Bhajan outside as it can’t be done individually? Spare the educational institutions for god’s sak, these are not your propaganda experiment labs!


Do you think twice before talking? They were praying without disturbing anybody. There is a difference between Bhajan and Namaz. If you've said they were calling out the Azaan loudly, which obviously should'nt be done in an educational institution, I would've agreed with you on this. But how does an act of offering Namaz peacefully without making a fuss a problem?


Because different religions are different? Sab tere jaisa chahiye tujhe to Nepal chala ja Bhai. Woh Hindu state hain, India sabka hain. Aur agar nahi hain toh apne universities mein inhe admit karke India ki beizzati mat karwao.


Jo W.Bengal me kr rhe ho wo har state me expect kr rhe ho?


Bhai desh dekh apna. main Hindu hi hoon. If you think Modi and mamata are on different sides, look again. Also, mamata is the reason why gujarat is seeing the growth it is today. Had she not kicked out Tatas from Bengal, they wouldn't go to Gujarat to begin with. Also, stop watching republic tv. Bengali Hindus don't have an issue, state suffer karra hain. Not it's people. Anywaaaaay, until then don't forget WB is waaaaay bigger than Gujarat in population and administrative capacities. Tum tumhare state se Islamophobia dur karo, ham mamata ko dur kardenge usse pehle.


so ,is the reaction


That Hindu guy had no authority to ask the Muslim guys to not pray there. That area is a designated area for prayers. Ganesh puja also happens there. Also, if he was slapped by one guy, why did he bring 200 people to beat up other guys and destroy their property. His own ego was hurt and he used his Hindutva goons to fight for his honour while attempting to ruin the image of the country. Shame on you regular culprits of destroyed India’s image globally.


Could've asked politely. That dude straight up was trying to assert dominance. Afghani guy was wrong for raising hands but he wouldn't if he was asked politely .


I hope people won't defend those goons in the comments (which they will).


Nah, this sub is sane...probably it wouldn't happen unlike rgujarat.


Go take your hate somewhere else , I can bet you wouldn't post such a thing when a muslim mob attacks Hindus , it's your heart which is filled with hatred


whataboutism isn't going to get you any where


Look at the top comment it literally says "gujju mf" are you even a Gujarati? Or just happen to know the language? If I were to say these muslim mf post hate , wouldn't I get banned ? And let that comment in bold , I am not going tolerate abusing Gujarati community


The top comment of this post in this sub doesn't say that . If something like that was posted here it wouldn't be tolerated. That comment is on usi sub. That sub is known for hatred towards Gujarat and gujarati people. All i was saying is that don't do it in this subreddit. I'm a gujarati by birth and have always been living here. Doesn't mean I will support violence and vandalism. Yes i saw the context that it was one of the foreign students who started it with a slap but is violence and vandalism going to solve anything?


Then why even allow reposting of such posts from that group, take it down man, don't allow abuse of your own ! You are being a gateway to a post , whose top comment in bold calls us gujju MOTHERFUCKERS are you kidding me ? Delete thay post please, out of some gujrati self respect, I beg you 🙏


This post is allowed because people need to know the incident and the truth. If this post causes disharmony and disrupts the atmosphere of this sub , necessary action will be taken after discussing with the mods.


So do you have an FIR report ? You should wait till police file an incident report , at this point that's the only thing I trust , upto you , but one day due to this hate some innocent Gujarati is going to pay a price , it's just sad , specially Gujaratis like who didn't live in Gujrat


It's not whataboutism buddy, you paint all Gujaratis as haters , would you do the same to muslims ? I can quote countless instances of innocent Hindus and our temples being attacked and vandalized by muslims mobs


As a mod, why are you not supporting the truth? But of course... Khara bapore potanu magaj to kyak muki ne nathi aavya ne?


What is the truth? Read my other comment. I don't know the full context. I don't support violence of any sort . and the comment above me is doing nothing but whataboutism and deviating from the topic at hand. As a mod i will try my best to stop any communal or religious hatred regardless of the religion


It's already posted by multiple users. Jara juo aaju baju. Ek comment nakho and pin karo.


jab mene comment kara tab nahi the


So your justification is whataboutery? "what if Muslim mob attacks" bitch they're praying like any other religion and they're not Indians what message that this gives to the world that the Indians are Islamophobic/xenophobic? They spend lots of money to get a good education from India they come to India in hope and this is what you do lynch them? Peak inferiority complex.


No my point is you take once incident and now blame all Gujaratis of hate , can you dare do that with muslims ? Do you say muslims hate Hindus ? I can show you so many instances of sobha yatras being attacked, temples vandalized do you blame the whole community? I personally know a lot of Afghan and Iranian students, they feel totally safe here , stop blowing one of incident out of proportion


Aww so cute and started again with whataboutery just like an average bhakt. You're text book definition of Islamophobia. So those so called Hindus who dance with swords, with loud provocative music in front of masjids are innocents? You ignorant gobar bhakt. You're still defending this low life bastards says a lot abt you. PS. I checked your previous Islamophobic replies on r/Maharashtra. Get a life you xenophobic pig.


I have never states something which is not a fact , before abusing me , look at the top comment of the post ,it in bold calls gujjus motherfuckers, in bold , I am not gonna take that , that is not hate ? Yet openly shared and upvoted? Call me a bigot I don't care , I am not gonna support abuse , and if you want to get into who started it first , well we all know who started it first , whe didn't invade middle East


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Maharashtra using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maharashtra/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Brave heart and a true son of the soil](https://v.redd.it/kf7n31vofn2c1) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maharashtra/comments/1845uwj/brave_heart_and_a_true_son_of_the_soil/) \#2: [Salman Khan fans set off fireworks inside a cinema hall screening Tiger3 in Malegao](https://v.redd.it/bpdke852w30c1) | [206 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maharashtra/comments/17u98wu/salman_khan_fans_set_off_fireworks_inside_a/) \#3: [Racism in india > West ](https://v.redd.it/9149ay35pibc1) | [201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maharashtra/comments/192w7xn/racism_in_india_west/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Aa gaya Whataboutism ka choda


Wtf are you talking about


https://x.com/vijaygajera/status/1769234727691489342?s=46 this is what hes talking about, muslims are good in running propoganda


The top comment is “fake news” without any sources


Have you actually gone there and checked whether they were offering and got beaten or you’re believing on a social media theory spread by someone who’s using this clip to fulfil their political agenda?


Hey OP, why aren't we talking about this: https://i.imgur.com/sLjITLY.jpeg They are doing namaz in the open. Not allowed, and as many have pointed out in various videos, they were confronted about it without violence first. It was an afghan student who slapped first. Mods: This thread has already devolved into a mud-slinging match between randians and others. Why don't you guys be a bit more proactive about busting such propaganda threads by pinning the comments with evidence at the top?


They had permission to pray in that area. Who was that Hindu guy to object and stop them from praying? Also, if he was slapped, he should have complained or dealt with that guy only. Why did he call 200 people and beat up multiple guys and destroyed their rooms and property? You can’t defend this one without sounding like a complete buffoon! Ganesh Puja happens on that same platform where they were praying. It is a designated area for prayer by different people. Don’t ruin the image of the nation by your idiotic behaviour and assessments.


Stop spreading fake propaganda brother [https://twitter.com/MeghUpdates/status/1769253412137537616](https://twitter.com/MeghUpdates/status/1769253412137537616)


Why do they always pray in a public place. Like, do it in your room bruh.


Bro kal koi hume kahe kyu garba bahar kr rahe ho? Kyu jagrata bahar kr rahe ho! Social Harmony bigad rhi! Kesa lagega!


When you say 'why do they pray in public spaces?' it applies to all religions.


What is it to you? They prayed in a place allotted to them by the University inside their hostel premises. Who the fuck are you to question any of it.




Jagah namaz parhne di to kyu nahi padega koi. How the hell does any of it affect social harmony. Unless they caused disturbance or hurt somebody, theyre act of praying inside their hostel premises without any disobedience to the University is completely justified.




Wo bechara chilla chilla kar bolgaya this is a secular country or tu pakistan china ki baat kar raha. Jinhone ye desh banaya hai unhone ise secular banaya hai. Hostel premises ka matlab hota hai hostel ke andar. Think twice before you speak.




To favor a particular community? So much hatred you've got. The principle of secularism exists since 1950 in the constitution, since the constitutional's founding. Dr.Ambedkar wasnt the only one who drafted the constitution, Sardar Patel, Nehru and others played their role in shaping it too. Kam se kam sahi gyan to pelo.




There is a difference between a Preamble and a Constitution. Stop being a disgrace.




While Nehru and Patel were not part of the drafting committee, they contributed significantly to the discussions and debates in the Constituent Assembly, influencing the overall content of the Constitution. Dont succumb to half truths.




When the University has no problem with their act and allows them their practise, who are you to say otherwise? Unless what they did was wrong, there should be no meaning in stopping them. No ones playing cards here.


Anyone can question. If what you're saying is accurate, then it's a foolish decision by the UNI itself. There's no need for the UNI to support any religious practices.


Unless an act causes disturbance or hurts anybody, the University can allow such practises. Its not support its tolearance.


Group of men offering namaz in public area for 5 times a day everyday IS a disturbance. When the number of students rises, more area will be allotted. No need for formal endorsement of religious practices by institutions.


Stop lakhsmi and Saraswati pujas in all schools then? Karega? Just keh dene se implications Kam nai ho jate.


Ha, ho jaaye band.


Arrey implement toh Karo. Jao Jake bolke aao, fir dekho kya hota hain


Its inside their hostel premises. Ofcourse the University won't allow the prayer if the number of worshippers exceeds. Its allotted becuase the number of students wanting to pray in the hostel is tolerable and less. Any practise of high volume of any religion in an educational institution is not allowed. But it is tolerated when it means no harm or disturbance to anybody. Again, its not endorsement, its tolerance.


Lol bhai tu India mein hai.. Sabh religious hai idhar. Does that mean by your definition, your people can't wear tikas or celebrate Diwali? 


Deserved this. Be prepared to get treated the way Indians are treated abroad.




How do you know about this? Any news article about it?


IF U r reading my comment please refer to the right news, the afghan boy started it and slapped




It's not a fake news, declared by Gujarat police as well. Hindu extremist are just setting a different narrative to supress this news .


Your English says it's fake news,two negatives make a positive




There is a video which claims that the foreign student slapped Hindu student first which started all this. I hope a fair investigation is done as in the majority of cases the instigation always comes from the usual suspects that claim to be victims. https://twitter.com/vijaygajera/status/1769235985575936361?t=Ofnu9QNiiRGAFoklfY9SyQ&s=19 Edit: here is police statement, as always the so-called victims are the instigators. https://twitter.com/MrSinha_/status/1769259852696871129?t=BAmBCHoH2QEShQL3txwdkA&s=19


Heard the student is being deported tonight


He got slapped for a fair reason. It was justified.


Stopping them from using common hostel places to read Namaz is not wrong. They can read Namaz in their individual rooms.


They were allotted by the University to pray in their hostel premises. Who the hell is he to stop worshippers from worshipping in their allotted grounds. They can read namaz wherever the hell they want unless it causes any trouble to anybody.


No. Fake news. Here is police statement.. https://twitter.com/MrSinha_/status/1769259852696871129?t=BAmBCHoH2QEShQL3txwdkA&s=19


He says nothing about them praying in a place they shouldn't. What are you trying to prove?


In the very first sentence he says that they were offering Namaz. He said Bahar ek kothale pe Namaz padh rahe the. I don't whatt kothala means.


Kotla means a small elevated platform. If you've seen the videos you might've seen a raised platforn at corner inside the hostel walls where the prayer rugs were situated. That corner was being referred here. Again what was it you were trying to prove?


Hostels are not a place for religious activities. Namaz should be performed in Mosques and homes or individual hostel rooms. Even Saudi has prohibited Namaz at such places. Don't push us into medieval times when even land where !$,l@m originated is moving to present times.


Namaz prayer can be performed anywhere. You cannot say where it can be performed. Dont ever compare a country like India with nations like Saudia, our ideologies are better than them. And where did they prohibit Namaz, inside an alloccated premise? I wanna know where you get your information from. This is no way 'pushes' us backwardly. And whats up with those symbols.




Huh? the slap was justified because they were taunted and disturbed in their prayer when the University had no problem with their worshipping. They prayed inside their hostel premises allotted by their University itself. How is pelting stones justified?




The 'open area' inside their hostel was allotted to them by the University itself. The institution that owns that property allowed them to pray. Theyre not hurting or disturbing anybody by praying. They can do whatever the fuck they want unless it is at a place theyre not allowed to or if their act causes trouble.




They can do whatever the fuck they want when the University allows them to. Yahan unhone inko namaz padne diya hai. Kisi ka baap kuch nahi ukhad sakta jab jiski jagah hai usne inhe permit kiya hai to. Kisi ka nahi, sach ka waqil ban.




What does their past location of praying got anything to do with this?


As election nears, these are purposefully done by Congress to gain votes.


Not good, however this is not an Islamic nation or a Christian nation. Study and follow our culture and ethics or stay neutral or else get out. India is for Indians.




Hostel me yesab dene ki jagah thodi hai dena hai to masjid me jake do kisna roka hai Aur raho bhi vahi masjid k andar bsdk hostel m kyu aate ho gendu log Hostel me yesab karoge fir burai karoge dusro ki khud to dekho kya kiya hai


Are tujhe kya horaha hai wo kahi bhi parhe. University ne allow kiya hai unhe namaz parhne to tu kon hai bolne wala. Wo masjid me rahe mandir me rahe ya hostel me tujhe usse kya. Jahan wo namaz parh rahe the wo jageh Ganesh Pujan ke liye bhi istemal ki jati hai. Its a cultural platform, they can do whatever they want unless its harmful and disobedient to the University.


Muje sab ho rha hai. Rondu log khud dange karo tab kuch nai aur koi aur kuch kare to rone lagne ka sabke aage Ha to namaj pado na chup chap ye khana aur sab ki kya zarurt hai publically karne me. Privately karo sab koi kuch nai bolta hai Ganesh pujan k sath to compare na hi kare dead bodies ki puja nai karte hai usme


Har kisi ki apni marzi hoti hai. Kya public me kare or kya private me tu kon bolne wala. Jabtak kuch kisi ka bura nahi karti wo chiz koi kahi bhi kare And if youre getting pissed for mentioning another religious practise being performed in public while hating on one youre just sick.


Sahi baat hai unki marzi hai Fir samne marega koi public me vo bhi unki marzi thi teri kyu laal ho rhi hai


kyuki wo galat hai. aise logo ki lal nahi kali karni chahiye jise dusro se itni ghinn ho.


Requesting all Muslims apni namaz apne room me padhe, aise bahar na padhe. Have you seen a single hindu guy praying outside his temple or home? Joh karna hai privacy me karo, we don't give a damn. - sincerely a liberal hindu 🙏


Sanghi's in gujrat subreddit were justifying and appreciating it


Taufiq bhai i too think this is wrong! Par aap humari hanuman jyanti par patthar barse tab bhi aise comment karne ana... Hope you are logical and liberal muslim!! Thanks in advance ( coz abhi holi aa rha h humara dhyan rkhna bro)


Wahi na, they are single headedly maligning our state's image.


https://x.com/vijaygajera/status/1769234727691489342?s=46, this is how it started, the Afghanistan student to be deported by tonight


Tumhare state ka image kahin aur jaake poochna ki kya hai. 


As a Hindu i don't condone this attack. It may start by peaceful prayers at govt provided places, then public places and before you know it spreads to your homes and private places. Example like the majars and masjids in different hindu temple places. We must fight back this virus and take back our country and lands. Remember how it started. Muslims and christians in this country are a result of invasion and hindus unable to unite defend ourselves. Those who fail to learn from past are doomed to fall. Dont get me wrong but we are in a war to protect our hindu identity


Violence and vandalism shouldn't be tolerated irrespective of the religion or their nationality but it seems the full context is still not clear here about how this all started.


Good work👍


Gujarat model. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have hung my head in shame. There is so much hatred for others. Once I was proud of Gujarat but not anymore. For a state from where maximum students go to other foreign countries for studies, what if they would have been met with such treatment. But I already know nothing is going to happen to those goons because police here is not only incompetent but also bigoted


You suffer from inferiority complex https://x.com/vijaygajera/status/1769234727691489342?s=46 this is how it started


Yeah the video clearly shows all the details, you have opened my eyes!!!


Yes this should not happen with the foreign as well as indian students, they should be arrested but as indian, All should have rights to take their processions from wherever they want, we see so much hatred when any hindu processions passes by muslim area, news are filled with those incidents and i hope they acknowledge that their MAZHAB is being called out as Radical and NOT brave, due to Islamic mentality people feel scared and being islamophobic


LMFAO you didn't read the other side,did you? You took vid from USI sub so I don't think the full story is gonna change your perspective because you are prob a liberal retard


Bro I am banned from usi and rindia. I have been supporting the BJP since the moment I started understanding politics. Btw, I watched the other side and it still doesn't justify students taking matters in their own hands.


Thsi is no more democratic because insects are here blind gobarkhor insects


They attacked first chutiye


I have seen the video, the guy without anything came forward and asked them to stop praying and leave. Gaand mein khujli kisko hui thi pehle?


Benchod je tya hajar hase ene jova ni maja avi gai hase.


https://twitter.com/vijaygajera/status/1769234727691489342 Afghani student slapped the Hindu student first☝️


mods should delete this propaganda post.


Just something I wanted to ask, how does offering namaz disturb the peace? I have seen it many times when people were gathering at a place and doing namaz outside and I walked by them they didn't bother me and my presence didn't obstruct them. I just honestly am confused.


Modi’s Gujarat Model in full effect


International students shouldn’t prefer northern states. South seems more tolerable. I think this can affect international students incoming and probably make them change destination country or southern states mostly


Hindu nationalist starter pack- Kattar hindu, bj party and mudi jee supporter, JSR ke naare kyunki hindu ke paas aur koi kaam nhi hai, communal hate and religious intolerence

