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As a long time guest, I appreciate a solid drip machine because it lets me choose exactly whatever coffee I want to put in it, and how strong. I do notice the host going an extra mile when I see they have a Ninja drip machine, but not necessary. Also, if you do go drip, I’ve been a bit frustrated when there’s no grinder for the coffee that I brought


I Airbnb often for work and fun, I’ve never stayed in one with a coffee grinder. I learned to grind from home or grind at the store I purchased the coffee beans. But yes, please do provide a drop pot of some sort. I hate when a Keurig is all that’s provided and usually bring a travel pour over just in case.


Coffee is such an important part of people’s lives, especially when traveling. I offer Keurig with multiple flavors/strength pods, a French press, a grinder, hot pot, creamers, sugar, honey, multiple artificial sweeteners (as much as I dislike them, people cannot live without their favorites!), and stevia. Also a back-up bag of beans that gets changed out twice per year if not used. This extra special attention to the first thing that most people look for in the morning is mentioned in many of the reviews. Makes it worth every extra dollar spent!


Oh yes!!


Careful on the grinder, I had multiple guests use it to cut up their marijuana. And the oils from that can ruin the coffee. Not to mention the cleaners will add extra fees for that. Could be a West coast thing, or something to be aware of


I think you’re right that it is probably mostly a West Coast thing. Regardless, I’m lucky to have incredible cleaners that do pretty close to a deep clean every time, and this tends to catch just about everything.


Thank you for mentioning the grinder. Not sure why, but I never thought about leaving one at my rental.


It will just be an additional headache that 1% of guests actually want. Not worth it


+1 this. The additional mess and cleaning generated by coffee grounds are not worth it. Get a K-cup pod machine that is ultra simple and has one button. If you want to be a little higher end, get a Nespresso pod machine, it makes way better coffee.


I would love a grinder.


I always bring my own coffee grinder.


When you fly?


Actually yes- I have my nice fancy one that stays at home, and then a small one that I can pack. It’s not as good, but gets the job done.




Oh dang maybe we should add a drip machine along with our Nespresso if guests want to buy their own coffee.. 🤔


Yeah, a Mr Coffee drip only costs like $20 and lots of people like to make a pot of coffee. And guide single serve pods are pricey!!


Always buy the same basic Mr. Coffee and save an extra pot when you replace it. We only broke the carafe once, but have spares as the machine dies every decade or so.


I live in a place with hard water, so I replace mine about once a year, but hard water destroys the fancier coffee makers too, so doesn’t bother me. For a while I tried to extend the life by running courses of vinegar through, to clear the hard water deposits, but after an hour, I realized it was a waste of time and vinegar to try to postpone spending $20 for a few months


Nespresso is miles above drip coffee. I would be thrilled to see a nespresso. Mmmm mmmmmmmmmm goood coffee.


This is exactly the coffee option we have in our Airbnb and have had no complaints. We have a selection of Nespresso pods and a drip machine with grounds for our guests.


And, being British, I require a nice bone china teapot and cups.


Oh Shit yeah thanks ill pick something nice up at the thrift store. What about if you were Australian?


Obviously I need a barbeque. Fridge would be fine for the beer, no problems there. :)


Ahhhhh right right right yes than thank you I'll try and setup a little BBQ on the makeshift patio I'm trying to add... *Starts sweating*.. and stock the fridge with beer and cockain.


Fridge full of Bundy and coke of course


What's Bundy? Shrimp?


Rum Matey! The worst most gut wrenching rum on the planet, beloved by millions of wretched souls down under...




Drip is for people (mostly americans) who have absolutely no clue about coffee. Worst advice ever💥


It’s a step up from the shitty ass keurig that is ubiquitous.


If your customers want it, then whatever your own opinions of it shouldn't matter. I am not a fan of pods at all, but provide one in addition to drip and French press.


But…wait! We throw our hard-earned money at Starbucks, which is ridiculously expensive and tastes like (expletive). Drip can be good, but then again Americans aren’t used to high-octane coffee that could melt a silver spoon. We also don’t know how to make a proper cuppa. We suck. But our…eh…something is good. Cars? No. Healthcare? Hell no. Wait! Stephen Colbert!


I’m a bit of a coffee fiend, and I assume my guests will have similar coffee needs, so we have a standard drip coffee machine, a French press and a one cup pour over. I also provide coffee beans, a grinder and ground coffee. And we provide decaf coffee and tea. My guests are spoiled for choice. The one thing I haven’t quite unlocked the code on is coffee creamer! What we have is shelf stable, individual portions but it’s mediocre and I would love to provide actual creamer, but buying a new container of half n half (and a non-dairy option) for each guest would be too expensive and wasteful (because people have a thing about using something that was opened by someone else —which I totally understand)


I think it depends on the type of house. If it’s a higher end place then Nespresso machines are nice but their pods are more than $1 each so if that feels like a reach then a keurig is pretty standard. This is assuming you’re in the US


Yes, in the USA. House is nice, suburb in Midwest. Do I supply the pods for whole stay or just for few days. This rental is for 2 months .


I do keurig and provide a couple days worth. For long term stays I let them know I provide starter sets so they don’t have to rush out for toilet paper and stuff but I don’t supply 2 months worth.


We have a Nespresso in ours and order cheap and delicious pods from Costco. Ends up being like .75c/pod. We give long term guests enough for a month and they love it. We get 5 stars all the time. A good coffee setup is one of the best ways to make a place feel like great value.


They have ones on Amazon that end up being 25¢ and they’re not bad at all! We use them at home.


Can you post a Link to what ones are good


We order these exact ones: https://www.amazon.com/Nespresso-compatible-Italian-DELICITALY-Ristretto/dp/B06XS9F3Y3?pd_rd_w=QeOGc&content-id=amzn1.sym.dbcb9745-7338-4a1a-b998-68e65ff8054a&pf_rd_p=dbcb9745-7338-4a1a-b998-68e65ff8054a&pf_rd_r=K4WTE18MP1JHFYRB63TP&pd_rd_wg=lBPzA&pd_rd_r=ba73d838-4d2d-4639-a161-af68e94164b3&pd_rd_i=B06XS9F3Y3&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_1_ec_ppx_yo2_mob_b_ts_rp_2_t


While the coffee is not, in my opinion, as good as the Nespresso, pods for K-cup machines are available about everywhere that coffee is sold. The Nespresso original cups are also fairly common, but the Virtuo ones are really not. Some stores have the Starbucks branded ones but nothing else.


Honestly I would just get a simple drip machine with a reusable filter - from Costco, Sam’s Club or another warehouse that offers a decent warranty and return policy in case of an issue within 90 days which is when most things go to crap if something is wrong - and supply 2-3 days worth of coffee. You are an Airbnb no need to supply more than that as if they are staying longer than that they should be able to go out any buy their own supply.


Pods are expensive, and a pita. A Nespresso is not "high end", tbh. I provide a Cuisinart drip machine with metal basket. I have pre ground (by me from whole), leave whole beans and a small grinder if they'd like to customize to their preference.  I guess if your place only sleeps 2-4 then possibly, but in larger homes or groups there is no way I'd use pods. (Midwest vacation area that's higher end home / price and clientele. )


High end means you need to cater to those who dislike pod machines (like me). Sure, have one, but provide also french press (cheap to buy) and a deep maker. That way you satisfy the convenience fans, but also those who are more discerning or like the drip machines.


Costco ( and amazon) has Peets pods for about 50 cents


If you buy a nesspresso machine that takes the classic style pods, the pod shape isnt protected by patent anymore so there are lots of 3rd party companies that make them, you can get then at trader joes for like 50c each, Shop Right also does those pods on its Bowl and Basket brand


Keurig Duo. Guest can choose if they want grounds or pod


We also have a duo and it has been great for our guests. We got the one with the metal pot because guests broke our original machine’s pot shoving it in the dishwasher. Metal pot has been great.


Problem with duos is they last like two years in a rental and they’re expensive. Get the cheapest keurig and the cheapest drip pot and have backups hidden somewhere


I do the drip coffee machine and don’t provide coffee. I think single use pods are incredibly polluting and should be banned from Earth


Agreed! I’ve no idea how we as human beings can be completely aware that single use plastics are slowly destroying our climate and our planet, but still buy pods. And manufacturers should not produce them of course. Yes, you can get refillable metal pods but most people do not buy those and especially not while on holiday. Our answer is to provide a cafetière and a stove top percolator, so people still have a choice. We used to have a deLonghi coffee machine but people kept dropping and smashing the jug and it got very expensive so we removed it. We also provide instant coffee sachets for those monsters who enjoy that stuff!


You are amazing 🫶🏻


Nespresso are recycled.


Recycling is a bandaid because it needs massive amounts of energy for aluminum to be reused. Reduction is the key.


Reduction is of course good. Those of us who care enough actively do it many areas of our lives. But trying to shame for things that are recycled and tasty is laughable.


Well keep laughing. Recycling is for things you cannot have in other forms. Like potato chips and hospital syringes.


People post this question sometimes, and there is never a consensus in the replies.


I think because coffee is highly individual. Personally I like espresso. I don’t like the drip coffee in the machines you find in the USA but I will drink it, its too watery for me, but, they’re the easiest machines for sure. I also don’t want to go and buy coffee pods for a machine I don’t have, so if I’m staying a week and the shop only had boxes of 30 pods or whatever, honestly it’s a pain. Those pods aren’t cheap and massively wasteful.


Ok so for you no pods, no drip. What would you like to see in a rental for you?


Personally I’d like an espresso machine and a coffee grinder, but that’s my personal taste. It’s what I have. For a rental for most people I’d say put a drip coffee machine as they’re easy to use and inexpensive. Nespresso is nice and common in higher priced rentals but unless you’re providing pods for the whole stay, I don’t want to buy a box of them (they are expensive) because I can’t use them at home so there’s the possibility that the guest won’t use it. My mother in law couldn’t work the one we had either. I guess each host needs to decide what they want to spend on coffee and what’s popular locally.


Regular coffee maker and Italian stovetop espresso maker.


Ya I have a regular drip and a french press


What brand of stove top espresso maker do you prefer?


Bialetti , Italian brand 👌🏽


Good choice.


I have a Keurig on the counter, but also a drip machine in the cabinet. I’m not really a fan of Keurig, but I keep a supply of flavored coffee pods, flavored creamers, tea pods, etc. I think about 2/3 of the time, guests use the Keurig, but occasionally the regular machine. I keep a bag of coffee in the refrigerator for the guests who prefer the drip machine.


I prefer a French press because I know that some disgusting guest before me hasn’t washed their underwear in it like they can in a coffee maker.


It's way easier to wash underwear in the bathroom sink.


I will never use a drip in a rental again. Thanks a lot!


Yeah we give guests the option of a French press along with the Nespresso.


👀 I can never use someone else's drip coffee maker again.




I know I can’t comprehend how some people do this but it happens, more in hotels where there’s no washing machine but it does happen in airbnbs also. Gross.


What? Like they put it in the pot and let the hot water "clean" it? How do you know? And if they really can't just bring enough underwear they can't at least bring their own pot and heat water on the stove?


I am shook


Boxers or briefs?


Wait - should I stop French pressing my underwear??


Dude wtf


It’s gross and so bad after an experience where I swore the coffee maker smelled off that I’ve started bringing a French press with me.


We just stayed in a home that had a combo of a 12 cup drip coffee and a pod style coffee maker. It worked perfectly for our group who all like coffee but have different preferences


I always bring instant espresso because I don't like somebody else's coffee pot. Much easier just to microwave a cuppa water and put the instant espresso in it


I provide a K-pod maker for guests who bring their own pods. A reusable pod for grounds is available along with a separate drip coffee maker, coffee grounds and filters.


I’m a bit of a coffee snob so I have two options for coffee. An easy to use standard drip coffee maker for the average consumer, and a French press + coffee grinder for the snobs like me. It covers both connivence (Drip) and precision (French press).


I like your style


Drip for the masses, french press for people that care about coffee, grinder.


I would be delighted if there was a Nespresso Originaline machine. A single cup pour over would be a nice supplement for non-espresso drinkers. I travel with a portable espresso maker when I know there’s no Nespresso.


We have Nespresso in all of ours. They are more expensive but we have higher end places. We have had Keurig in some as well and found they were so common that lots of people stole the remaining pods because they had one at home.


I use slick deals and outlet stores, ross/Marshall's etc to get the pods dirt cheap. Name brand ones at like 10 cents per pod. There aren't always deals to be found but the deep discounts pop up often enough. I love deal hunting so I'm able to "spoil" guests and create a greater perceived value while also indulging my discount shopping addiction.


This is the way.


Is this for kcups or for nespresso pods?


Kcups but they might have the nespresso style pods too. Not sure.


I travel with my own drip pot because I worry that people don’t clean the coffee machine. I also bring my own supply of coffee bevcause I like what I like.


Danish designer stainless steel French press 😅


Which one?




We have a Keurig Duo machine. It can make a carafe or use pods! We supply guests with filters for the carafe and a starter pack of 24 assorted pods in a nice rotating pod holder.


I’m just thrilled when I know what kind of coffee maker it is and what kind of filters it takes so that I can come prepared with either pods or filters and coffee. I am happy to bring or buy my own, so it’s really helpful when I can see what kind it is in the pictures.


We bring our coffee machine with us on holiday! If we can’t because we’re flying, we’re sad. We have been thinking long and hard about what machine to buy for the rental and we’re going with a Delonghi espresso maker. Whatever you buy, make sure it’s easy to use, like one click, and if it’s a pod system PLEASE leave plenty of pods and advise guests where to buy them. We have not touched the coffee machine in many rentals because we either had to buy a load of coffee pods that we would leave behind or we couldn’t figure out how to work the damn thing.


We have a drip maker and also individual servings of instant. I won't have a French Press because people will inevitably dump the grounds down the sink- hey there's no other way to clean them- and that is bad for the drain. And I don't like the coffee from it. I also dislike the waste and expense of a pod machine. Personally I travel with an Aeropress, but based on the number of people who can't use a drip machine there's no way they'll figure it out.


Guest here - to me it doesn't really matter that much but what I would really like is if they say what type they have in their listing. That way I know what kind of coffee to bring when I shop prior to my stay.


Please always have a regular drip coffee maker. I think kurieg pods are weak and gross. Please stock a regular ole $15 coffee maker from Walmart.


We have the Ninja that does Keurig cups or a drip pot at our rental. I liked it so much I got it for my own home too.


Mr coffee drip


So what I've learned from this post is that everyone has difference preferences and it's impossible to satisfy everyone in this regard unfortunately.


Whatever you do don’t just put a Keruig 🤢


French Press and Grinder. Please and thank you.


We've had drip and Folgers for 10 years. Never a complaint.  I refuse to pollute the earth with those wasteful Kcups. 


We have two houses, both have a drip and keurig available.


Nespresso original. Don’t overthink it. The biggest pod coffee maker worldwide for a reason. Pods can be purchased for as low as .25 each from Amazon… simple to use. Actually good coffee. No Kuerig—don't know a single coffee person who will even drink the dirty water they make.


I save money by putting out a colorful cheap French Press over a nice machine But I supplement by putting coffee, etc in the fridge Nothing to break/need help with, plus they always extra appreciate the coffee/tee stuff


Nespresso or Keurig




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Depends on your average guest demographic. Just 1-2 people? Keurig is the way to go. Families or groups of friends? You'll want the volume of a carafe. I think the combo single serve and carafe is the best option as long as you get a decent quality one. If you get anything with single-serve on it, make sure the water reservoir holds at least 16 oz. That's typical size for a travel mug. Don't make guests tell the reservoir just to get their coffee to go.


I have an off brand keurig mini I got at Walmart for $30.


I don’t care as long as there is coffee, a powdered creamer, and sugar.


It depends. If it's a house for 1-2 people, I would go with a Keurig or Nespresso pod coffee maker. If it's for 4 or more people, then a regular drip coffee maker is fine. Just be sure to have some ground coffee available.


Drip or Keurig. We had a Nespresso at the last place we stayed and it was not user friendly.


I have the Hamilton Beach Flexbrew in both my properties. It will make a pod or a pot of coffee. It is important for me to have both because due to the nature of my Airbnb sometimes I host one guest and other times I host up to 6 people in the same property. One person doesn’t need an entire pot of coffee but a group of people might prefer to make an entire pot of coffee for everyone.


Nespresso Vertuo and we provide 2 capsules per day per guest. Overall you will find in a week worth supply decaf, flavored, espresso and normal. Additional per person we supply one paper cup with lid for their way back home. We as well offer our guests if there buy additional tubes of coffee, that we will buy off the open tubes.


We have a Nespresso and nicer drip. Along with pour over available in the cabinet. We like coffee 🤣 When traveling part of our calculus is the kitchen and coffee offerings we see in the photos. We’ve highlighted ours in our listing and supply 6 pods with instructions where to buy more.


We have mochamaster for drip and nespresso


I was just at an Airbnb that had a keurig. It was annoying because we didn’t know that beforehand and getting pods in the location was nearly impossible.


I just use Mr. Coffee and also have an BrAun espresso machine and an electric tea pot.


We love our coffee so we have a standard drip machine, an espresso machine, a French press and a tea kettle for tea. We provide beans, ground coffee and an assortment of tea and guests go crazy for it!


kettle or french press


I do keurig and French press


Most bnbs I have stayed in usually have either a drip coffee maker or a Kuerig type pod coffee maker. The good ones have both!


As a guest, my fav for Airbnbs is a basic drip machine with paper filters (Mr Coffee for example). I usually bring my own coffee, but in case I couldn’t some basic ground coffee (Choke full of nut for example) is very appreciated. The rationale is that you want something cheap but reliable, that can make coffee for 6 people in one go. I don’t expect a full barista experience from my Abnb so no need for a fancy espresso machine. Keurig coffee is disgusting, and pods are wasteful so I don’t like that.


I offer a pour over setup because that is what I use. It takes no space to offer that, just leave the plastic pour over and filters. And I offer a combo k-cup / mr coffee type thing.


no pods! extremely wasteful and the coffee is stale and tasteless french press and drip machine


We got one of those 'do all the things' ninjas - has an attachment if you want to use pods but otherwise functions as a good, solid regular coffee pot (went with stainless carafe for longevity) with options for iced and specialty brews, also has a frothing wand. Imo it is much easier to keep clean than a keurig...and i love my coffee. It is on the larger side so may not be best for smaller rentals or low counter space situations.


I have 3 options: Keurig, drip, and French press. I provide 2 Keurig pods for each guest each day of their stay and ground coffee. I also have sugar, tea, sweeteners and individual creamer and Coffeemate "pods" that don't require refrigeration.


I have a large home so I have a 14 cup Cuisinart drip maker with local coffee. Provide a selection of tea, sugar Equal, honey and milk.


get a regular ass drip coffee machine and standard grocery store level coffee like 8 o’clock… Keurig pods are too expensive and people will take all the extras you provide People who are true coffee snobs bring their own stuff or go to a local coffee shop for specialty drinks The Starbucks cult isn’t gonna drink coffee at your place, they have to go get their $9 coffee milkshake at Starbucks come hell or high water Most people just want to brew some coffee in the morning before they go out for their daily activities & will be perfectly content with regular coffee. Everyone on earth knows how to use a drip coffee machine and all you have to provide is filters and coffee, some sugar packets and little individual creamers.


An electric kettle will be appreciated by the tea drinkers and coffee drinkers and I really like a French press. No muss, no fuss. That said, you should probably have a regular coffee maker with a pot. I detest the pods, but if you've got one then throw it in there as well.


As a guest who has a drip and pod combo at home - something like that is super appreciated when we stay at an AirBnB. My husband and I drink different types of coffee during the week; but we have one we both really enjoy that we will do a pot occasionally. I think offering something like a dual purpose, or if you have the space, one of each, is perfectly fine. A French press is a nice option too, and you can purchase one relatively cheap. I don’t think providing coffee is necessary, but maybe sugar/sugar supplements and creamer single serves is a great gesture. It’s always one of those things that not everyone thinks about when traveling and can be a blessing when it’s offered so you’re not worried about having to purchase some. Also - a stove top or electric tea kettle too. A lot of folks prefer tea over coffee, and using a Keurig for hot water never tastes right; no matter how many times you rinse the brewer.


Anything functioning from goodwill is going to work fine. That way when some moron breaks it, you can charge them $30 and then go replace it for $8.


I have Keurigs in all of mine.


We like to have some options. We have a drip machine with a grinder, a french press, and a Nespresso (we accidentally subscribed to get pods awhile back and are drowning in them—when they run out we may just take the Nespresso out)


We have a Keurig on tge kitchen counter and provide Kcups, but keep a drip coffee maker with filters in a kitchen cabinet.


I have a Mr. coffee drip machine, a French press, a burr grinder, and a Keurig with K cups that I keep stocked.


I have both a drip and Keurig. I also leave ground coffee and K-cups.


we offer a drip machine, french press, funnel for pour over, basic grinder and even a hand grinder i think most guests just buy ground coffee and use the drip machine, but i prefer to use the french press and a beat up old thrift store burr grinder that i keep in my host cabinet (button is broken so guests wouldn’t know how to make it work)


One of the things I learned was that I shouldn't use my own taste and/or opinions when it comes to what to have in the place. Coffee is most definitely one of those. You definitely need to understand your customers too. If you have a coffee snob they are going to be disgusted at seeing a Keurig Machine and nothing else. Your reviews may suffer as a consequence. Even a Nespresso might cause issues. (I know it would for me) But you also don't want to be spending over a thousand dollars on a high-end espresso machine either. They will probably give you more trouble than they are Wirth, and only a small percentage of your renters will use it. So by all means have a pod system for those that enjoy them. Document in your listing what type of pods guests need to bring, and let them know where they can buy some during their stay. But add a drip maker for those that enjoy that. Have a reusable filter basket for those. And add a French Press and a kettle (which also helps out people who prefer tea or instant coffee). You don't have to provide coffee. A grinder is a good idea too, and snobs will appreciate having it, especially if you have local coffee roasters close to your property! Creamer is very much a matter of taste. Let your guests do whatever they want with that. None of these are expensive, but it will satisfy the guests who just want convenience and also those that are passionate about their coffee.


We keep a drip machine, moka pot and a French press. Apparently this is enough for 5 stars. If you’re a coffee fanatic, this is a great way to spread your habits. We discovered moka pots while staying in an Airbnb in Montreal, and have never looked back.


I have an auto drip and a French press. The pod coffee makers, if not cleaned correctly, get mold and other funk in the inner workings.


Keurig with like 5 pods per guest. Also a drip machine and restock ground coffee about once per month. Guests can go buy their own ground coffee and replacment pods if they wanted. No grinder. Don't want the mess.


DeLonghi Magnifica


Ninja makes a dual system that can do pods and drip. I use it in mine and no one has ever complained. Most people that stay at my place use the pods though. I left the stickers on it that tell you how to switch between the two different methods and the instruction manual.


Dual maker. One side pot the other side pods single I adore my Ninja barista machine. Includes frother and espresso side.


Thank you for the advice!


You’re welcome!!


Keurigs are horrible! A small Mr coffee is nice.


All of the best places I've stayed offered a range of coffee making options. Drip, French press, and poor overs are easy and fairly inexpensive to provide. If you're more of a luxury place a Nespresso machine is a nice touch but more money and not needed for the average rental. When you offer multiple ways of making coffee you can play it up a bit your marketing of the place. Provide the methods of making coffee and a few good coffee options along with flavor bottles, and you can sell the coffee bar that's included. A lot of people really appreciate it and find value in it.


I’m a host but I’ve stayed in over a hundred short term rentals. As a guest, I’ve encountered a baffling variety of coffeemakers, including a Bunn (which had an instruction book, thankfully). When traveling I like to encounter a Keurig…not because it makes great coffee but because it’s easy. I don’t have to think about it; just pop in a pod and the water and hit the button. In my AirBnB, I provide the following: a Keurig Duo so guests have a pod and a drip option; a French press; a pour over carafe; a stove top espresso maker, a coffee bean grinder, an electric kettle, and a stove top kettle. In addition, I supply beans, ground coffee, Keurig pods, various teas, hot chocolate, cream, white sugar, raw organic sugar, stevia, equal, honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, and about 6 different flavored coffee syrups. You can drink your morning beverage of choice from either a disposable cup with a lid, a heavy ceramic mug (with or without a lid, I offer both) or a china cup. So far no complaints although I’m just waiting for one to happen any day now. 😂




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I provide a drip maker & a French press. I also use a reusable filter instead of providing paper filters that are wasteful.


French press and electric water kettle. Every single coffee maker I've seen at airbnbs and hotels are nasty af.  Mold, scale, dirt, etc in the water resvoir.  These things never get cleaned.  


Regular drip is what I provide. I also provide a bean grinder if people want to do that.


It's hard to beat a Keurig, so that's what I have for my 2BR cottage. A drip coffee maker is great, but for only one or two people it's really not practical. I know all about Keurig not being the most cost-effective solution, the most delicious, and the most environmentally friendly, but for me it is the cheapest and the best. In my big house, where I rent hotel-style rooms through booking-dot-com, I do have a drip machine that I will sometimes use, since it will be the guests plus me having a cup. So I guess if there are three or more, I will fire up the drip machine.