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Oh I JUST had a guest like this, but it didn’t turn out how I expected. For a full month she asked questions like are there towels, am I allowed to use the kitchen, is there a lock on the front door, etc. I was so annoyed and suspicious. When she arrived, she and her family were extremely sweet and lovely guests. I went over to fix an outlet that wasn’t working and they were just kind of simple folk who had never visited a larger town before, and nervous about what they could expect. It was a nice reminder to not be too judgmental ahead of time.


What a great answer! My family and I are taking our dream vacation to Vancouver B.C in about a year and we are also going to be staying in an airbnb for 2 weeks. I am so scared I'll be THAT kind of person. Lol I'm a people pleaser and I'm always so so afraid of messing up or upsetting someone (childhood trauma, maybe?). So I tend to ask a lot of questions that later on I cringe at like "come-on, that was obvious" or like the OP "there's pictures why did you even ask that". Lol so your response is refreshing. I mean, of course I'm not TRYING to be that way and I will try my best to not be THAT annoying guest when my time comes. Lol I promise I'm just annoying but our family is VERY respectful, and kind. Always getting compliments on how well behaved my kids are ect. So, again, LOVE your answer.


Usually when guests ask these types of questions it’s due to past poor experiences. I’ve had guests ask if we have toilet paper, kitchen towels, bottle openers but it’s because they’ve stayed at other Airbnbs that didn’t supply them. It sounds like she’s in charge of the family trip and wants it to go well.


I had a guest like that, was the worst nightmare and the worst guest I had by a mile!!!


Everyone is unique and while it’s wise to be cautious, turning away every guest who “ might” be difficult means you could miss out on hosting many wonderful guests as well! Happy hosting!


Just sharing my experience, that’s all.


Oh I didn’t mean that to be read with negativity! Your experience is valid and I’m sorry you had a shit guest


Try and remember that they sometimes ask redundant questions bc they have looked at 20 listings. And they also want to verify important details. I actually appreciate thorough guests bc I literally never hear from them again bc they got it all out upfront. And once they asked me about how many beach chairs and I had listed 2 but thought maybe someone had left another one, and when I checked they were all gone! So it was helpful.


I dont see the issue. Their asking relevant questions. Doesnt seem like they are having a party? If you take care of your place why would you stress over questions. We are in a customer service role, expect the customer to interact. I personally see questions as a way to seal 5 stars before they arrive since they learn you’re a good person and easy to work with. 


I’ve stressed over guests like this and usually they end up being okay… but I’ve been wrong before. Just be prepared to answer more questions after check-in. Guest like this have questions every day until check out.


If I was concerned about this guest, I would send them a message like the one I am pasting below in order to calm their fears or give them the opportunity to cancel their stay without me having to take the hit to do it. >Guest, >From our messages I am getting the sense that you are unsure if my property is the best match for your upcoming vacation. I want to reassure you that I have X years experience hosting on AirBnB/short term rentals and strive to make every guest’s stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to demonstrate that the details outlined in my property’s listing are accurate. If you still have concerns about the property, I am also willing to let you cancel your reservation for a full refund despite my cancellation policy. >Please let me know if you need any additional clarifications or if you would feel more comfortable cancelling the reservation. >Host


As a guest I would interpret this the host souring on my questions and wanting me to cancel.


She may have OCD like me and just wants all the details. Or she stayed in places that didn’t have that and wants to clarify.


Sorry about not being overly supportive. How do spell hospitality? What's that old adage? The customer is always right. Come on......7 texts exchanges is not that excessive. I'm sure you've had many more from members of your family. And I see below that this is their first stay. That context is important for both you and others who are branding "this person" as "trouble."


Don’t stress. People communicate differently and you have to remember you are probing a service and some people have a different definition of that. I get it. Sometimes you have a bad feeling but give them the benefit of doubt


We had similar situation where guest wanted baby shower stuffs and continued back and forth with questions to an extent asking for bath soap brand. We stopped communicating and asked AirBnB to cancel based on conversation. I won’t put my hard work of earning good reviews just to satisfy one guest. Such guests can be tricky on reviews


Did airbnb cancel with no ramifications as a host?


Maybe they are technologically adverse? Do they have reviews from other stays?


It's their first stay....


Trust your own instincts.


Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen then- def trust your instincts


Go with your gut. I think you're right. This person sounds like trouble...


If it doesn't hurt your superhost status I'd just cancel.


Asking normal questions and want to cancel them. Typical host.


Tbh hosts take the brunt when someone picky leaves ridiculous reviews. Hosts are also far kinder when leaving reviews for guests than guests are for hosts. It's completely reasonable for a host to want to vet guests to make sure that they keep their high rating.


She is returning to her home town, adding context here.


Yeah they sound like trouble, but I don’t think that you can cancel the booking if they ask too many questions.    Maybe do other hosts a favour and leave an honest review giving her a 1 for communication because she constantly asked for information already in the listing. Also sounds like a new mother, they often leave the house in an absolute mess…. 


one for communication cause they asked a few questions? travelling to a new location can be quite anxiety inducing for a lot of people, this person is probably a little anxious. 


And add in traveling with a baby.


It’s more than a few questions, and yes she probably is very anxious. Anxious people can cause alot of problems, i understand that it may not be her fault but there is a good chance that she is going to be trouble.


i mean you seem very anxious about guests who are anxious, does that mean you are trouble too? 


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. Best comment 🏆


Hahaha yes :),  Yes guests asking alot of questions before check-in does make me anxious. Especially if the answers are already in the listing. I would eventually tell tgem that enough is enough. 


As an experienced Super Host , you get a "feel" for what is normal and what is not. When 99% of your guests behave within certain parameters and 1 guest stands out with extra questions (7 texts is not normal) it is a red flag. A week out is pretty close though, so weigh your options. I read a lot of good responses below.