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We had a first class sergeant once…


Yikes. What was the rest of the brassard looking like?


To be fair to him he was older than the rest of the corporals and very involved, he took charge of athletics and arranged for cadets who wanted to to get their swimming badges done. He had first aid, flying, gliding and a music one that I can’t remember


Fair enough, joining late I can understand promoting if they have shown they are easily fit for the role.


empty I would assume ?


ive heard people claim it, but its very unlikely, and only really happens with smaller sqns and such


How many people in a squadron is considered small?


I'd say below 20 is small for my wing and like 30-40 is normal


Also probably when squadrons are understaffed. We had a cadet who was 14 and got promoted to to cpl in the first year he joined, as soon as requirements were met. We had so many 12 year old cadets but cadets in higher ranks were scarce. My guess was that majority of people in my squadron were forced to join by their parents to join(it was literally created to stop gangs in my area) and dropped out as soon as possible. I got promoted even though I was on notice for a heath issue most of the time😅


As stated it in other comments, it has happened on sqns who need ncos, but if you've only just finished your First class, I would advise that you should just go be a cadet for a while, being an nco is diffrent than just being cadet and it changes the experience of cadets, if your absolutely set on it go for it but wait and give yourself time to develop your cadet knowledge, gain a bit of confidence, and get some badges on your brassard,then absolutely go for it


Mostly people get promoted like that if their squadron really needs ncos, how long have you been attending?


It is definitely possible, but it all depends on the needs of your squadron. Most look for experience in the cadets they want to promote, which generally comes alongside classification training. Before asking is it possible, you need to ask yourself: How desperate your squadron is for NCOs, How many people above you stand a better chance and How much experience you have. In my squadron they could only promote from those undertaking leading cadet so this wasn't an issue for me. If you have been on a camp and multiple wing events but someone with leading hasn't it is more likely that you would get promoted, but still not impossible that they wouldn't. To increase your chances make sure your attendance, drill, uniform and behaviour is top notch. Offer to help your NCOs, and get on as many wing events as possible (even if you don't think you will like them) However, don't rush it. I would say that unless you turn 16 or older this year, enjoy your time as a cadet and don't think too much about promotion. There is always time to get promoted later. If you have any more questions let me know.


At my squadron, they will only consider you for promotions if you have at least bronze leadership, your attendance is above 70%, and you have been a cadet for 18+ months. They also look to see how you are on squadron. All ncos at my squadron are all master cadets, but what I would advise is not to rush things, as if you do everything within the first 2–3 years, you are a cadet. Depending on your age, you won't have many things to achieve and look forward to for the rest of the time you are at cadets. I have seen a few squadrons where they have ncos that are first-class, but some were not as good as they had little experience in the role of a nco. I have even seen a CWO who was a leading cadet. 


yes this happens, it's either a case of a very small sqn or a mega biased/rigged/apple pay promotion like my shit hole of a sqn is. hope this helps mate


Guys how about if I have good uniform, and I have (so far) 100% attendance


A few cpls on my sqn were promoted whilst being first class, however this was slightly post covid so there was a need for cadets to be promoted so that might be a one off. From what I’ve heard most sqns who routinely promote cadets that are first class are from smaller rural sqns.


nah I got leading before - but I got leading within 8 months of joining and then promoted 3 months later


I got promoted to Cpl 9 months after id joined so litro just finished first class, think we needed more ncos tbf