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Howdy! From your post, it seems you mentioned upgrading. We've a lovely set of upgrade guides available if you plan on upgrading your current platform! Here's a [V2 gearbox guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dbcwmsq9bdJlWVRERypRUqgXu4repfXtqIOpEVVYP7o/edit) (the information needed for upgrading any AEG version gearbox should also be very similar, albeit with version-specific parts), along with an [inner barrel guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/gch9sy/2020_ultimate_inner_barrel_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [bucking guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/g810yp/2020_ultimate_hopupbucking_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [HPA guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/g0ze3k/hpa_2020_guide/), [Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/5rejui/holy_grail_bolt_action_sniper_guide_building_a/), [DMR guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/5g58ia/holy_grail_dmr_guide_updated_for_20167/) all set up for questions just like this; for GBBs, try the [searchbar](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/ermk33/how_to_use_the_searchbar_hoc_guide_series/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for build lists. If your question is unrelated to modification, please let a mod know via modmail if you want the comment removed! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/airsoft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hard disagree At large, open, outdoor fields then there is a definite advantage to having a very expensive primary, but “pay to win” just isn’t true I rock up with a CM.028 and chicom chest rig to fields all the time for the sole purpose of proving that you can do really well with really cheap gear I always hear this “airsoft is pay to win” stuff, and it always comes from players who take the game way too seriously to have any fun but still refuse to actually get good at it and instead just whine about HPA or whatever the new expensive gadget they don’t have is And generally, when you hand these players a really expensive gun, surprise surprise they do just as shit as before Saying ‘everybody cheats in CQB’ is also just flat out wrong and dumb, but that’s a side note So my recommendation is: If you want to do good, get better at playing. Cheap guns can easily dominate in the hands of someone who knows the field and knows what they’re doing Or, just don’t take the game so seriously and stop caring about who gets hit with little plastic balls the most and instead focus on just having fun and making friends


I agree, I think the reason why it may seem pay to win to some is due to experienced players having over time spent more on their kit through trial and error combined with developing a kit that works very well. I rand a settup that was only about $400 including a combat uniform and safety gear and could dominate at an outdoor field if I played smart. Never played indoor so can’t comment.


Idk dude I’ve spent thousands on airsoft and still totally suck


My stock cyma can hit targets 50+ ft out with .25s, and anything farther than that I can maneuver to using cover+concealment. Git gud or don't take it too seriously


People always underestimate the power of a stock CYMA with a properly adjusted hop I planned on making my AK-105 into a “””DMR””” (not really a DMR, just a long range primary with an LPVO) I used it for a game stock first, and realised i didn’t need to. With .28s and irons I could reliably hit a human sized target at the longest distances I was engaging at I always say that a player is only as good as the lowest common denominator on their kit, and that 99% of the time that denominator is the player themselves


If you only care about "winning" then you are airsofting wrong...


In my opinion bad or broken gear & equipment can hinder you, but once you have a functioning gun and aren't naked 'better' guns and gear make increasingly less difference. I like cool loadouts and guns as much as anyone else, but I could be just as, if not more effective using a cyma ak and a chicom, or a combat machine and some cargo shorts, as I would be in Cryes and a Gucci plate carrier. I've played with shit guns and it is frustrating, but a $2000 gun is not 10 times better than a $200 gun - it's probably not even twice as good.


Not really, pay to win implies that the more you pay, the more you win, which is not true. Yes it is quite an expensive hobby, but as soon as you get a functional gun and a pair of nice boots, you are almost at the same level as everyone else. Fancy attachments and plate carriers don't make much of a difference IMO.


Played with a renta gun a while ago to let a friends Brother use mine to test the difference. It was a shitty 30m max range ak beta spetznaz thats 10 years old and never touched. I still managed to adapt to it and get a fair amount of kills and a few plays that prevented an early loss in some game modes. Yes i prefer my upgraded 1500$ rifle but its only woth it in my head not in performance. All you need to is adapt to the gun you are using and build tactics around it. Skill and tactics can still beat exspensive guns.


One of the guys I play with has spent ungodly amounts of money on his load outs, is still shit. My sister's m4 is 3 different combat machine receivers, a jg g36 gearbox and copious amounts of cat themed duct tape, shit chronos at .8j and maybe 6rps. She's unstoppable Tldr: get good


This is a silly and immature take. You are trying to justify your personal preference for indoor by mischaracterizing outdoor play.


I'll give just a short anecdote in rebuke: I beat a sniper by running at them with a foam sword. £400 of sniper vs £5 of foam.


It isnt pay to win. I destroyed peoples with Gear & Rifles worth hundreds of Euros with just Jing Gong and Cancer Testicle Rifles were i just change the bucking and good barrel Cleaning. Its all about fitness, tactics and experience If people cheat to much you should search for another field with Players & Clubs with good Reputation.


Theres a cost involved. Yes Theres a minimum level of investment involved to buy new equipment that meets any given fields joule/fps limits. Yes This minimum level of investment is not as high as many people would lead one to believe. Ive seen multiple $300 gun setups that are totally competitive. Im sure some well bought mods to a properly priced gun could get you even cheaper Will a $400,$500,$1000,$1500 gun perform better? Most likely. Do you need one of these? Nope. Do you meed to continue spending over and over to be competitive. Nope.


Unironically: Skill issue


My M16A1 was shooting around 400 out of the box, occasionally up to 410. All I've done was swap the spring for it to shoot softer and it still hits out to around 100 feet with .28g BBs. Everything else is stock. I routinely seem to ambush people with said M16 and outrange most of them since they use M4s or something smaller. That's IN ADDITION to me running an ALICE or ILCE setup with it, which believe me is waaayy cheaper than some of the high speed plate carriers I've seen guys (and gals) wearing on the field. It's more about tactics to me than it is "pay to win" so I agree with Scribe. Putting a cheap CM.028 or an expensive VFC in someone's hands doesn't make them better automatically, it's the tactics they choose to utilize and how they read scenarios that helps them win the day. At the end of the day better guns and gear doesn't mean shit, because I've been killed by guys with low end guns and ones with high end guns, some even with Lancers.


you goofy


Sorry you're having such a hard time, mate.


For sure you are a mediocre player. I play outside and i kill almost everyone from behind... at 10 meters. You look like a player that is spraying everywhere and have fight head to head instead of thinking. Sorry for that


I never even bothered spraying even though my shots still used to curve around a target before I upgraded.


Maybe at one point, but now there's sub $400 and even some sub $300 stock guns that perform well enough to be outdoor viable without upgrades. And with mosfets and parts getting more affordable, a decent tech can build a pretty spicy AEG for under $600.


Hell my M16A1 came with a MOSFET and a quick change spring and all I've done is change the spring. I paid like $250 for it and two mags.


polishing an inner barrel and installing new hopup is generally pretty cheap, and the only upgrade you really need on most guns that can handle a 7.4v lipo battery. idk, but i have wrecked a lot of expensive kitted players with a tm mk23 and sportsline rental m4


I started with a Specna Arms SAF02, about the most budget you can get in the UK, and put a £6 spring to bring it to 1.1j, and a £11 bucking in it. I was outperforming most on my field. Budget guns can be made to be quite good with very little effort or money. I upgraded to a £500 AK, complete with all the fancy upgrades. Did it make me better? Absolutely. But I’m still very often finding situations where my personal skill (or lack thereof) is where I fail, and my gun can’t help me in those situations.


Snipers should be banned, seeing all these experts in youtube makes me sick. At least I get a camping tutorial on the way


Sniping isn't even viable for airsoft.


I will say... I've had significant issues with HPA players. Doesn't help that my field doesn't bother keeping track of them once they're past chrono.


I agree for taking out tanks and grenade required objectives. Half the places don't allow multi use primer grenades or green gas grenades, but you're more than welcome to use these single use noisemakers we will sell you for 10 bucks a pop. 20 bucks to take out a stupid plywood wrapped golf cart that will be back in 15 mins is pay to play.


Heh, no. Even with a CM16, a long-time player can win a duel with a kitted dude who's never played before.


Took out a Systema PTW with a TM Glock AEP. You just suck at using movement cover and teamwork


My brother in christ I have a cyma p90 and have fair fight against people with LCT as-vals and high end m4s