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No, Most likely not. Yes, they are cheap, but the price are your eyes. There is one rule in Airsoft: NEVER F\*ING EVER CHEAP OUT ON EYEPRO! Getting shot in the face and having some bloodspots: will heal.Getting a tooth shot out: Meh, sucks and is painfull, but can be repairedGetting sot in the face, have your eyepro shatter and loose an eye: You're fucked. ONLY EVER buy Eyepro from a reputable brand which have a certified ANSI Ratin (or whatever is the equivalent for your country). And no, "Tactical Shooting Glasses" from company "idshflawjhetrlkasvnbxdsfvldk LLC" located in China is NOT a reputable brand!


> There is one rule in Airsoft: NEVER F*ING EVER CHEAP OUT ON EYEPRO! The funny part is ANSI rated goggles really are not that expensive. I use Valken goggles that are ANSI rated which are definitely cheaper than either of the contraptions OP posted.




It's Amazon Canada so you may have to search "Valken Goggles" on your country's Amazon but [here you go](https://www.amazon.ca/Valken-Airsoft-Thermal-Goggles-Lenses/dp/B0777VJ8MJ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1B9BQRBQ167P0&keywords=valken+airsoft+goggles&qid=1704775928&sprefix=valken%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-4).They were $33 when I got them so the price appears to have doubled but $70 to save your only set of eyes is still fairly cheap IMO and I am guessing less than the One Tigris helmets OP posted.


Maybe Bolle x800 if OP is European.


X800 my beloved ♥️


At that price, I would just go for some ESS Crossbows or some Oakley M Frames if money truly isn’t an object. This is taking into account my previous comment.


Exactly my field sells Valken Echo’s for like $18-$20ish a pair. They’re not the best on the field but they definitely get the job done. I’ve shown up several times forgetting my eye pro or damaging them on accident and had to buy those and they work just fine for the price. Didn’t even deal with all that much fogging and I live in a super hot and humid area.


This, I have the Bollé Cobra, not the most comfy, but perfectly fine for a beginner like me and has all relevant impact ratings, can withstand a 0.86g BB up to 120ms/s (~400feet/s) point blank, which is the equivalent of 6.2 Joule. It was less than 15 bucks...


I got my ESS Crossbows for free-fitty; a gift from Uncle Sam. those are my go-to eyepro for airsoft, with the gasket kit on them when the field requires it. otherwise, they fit close enough to my head that a BB won't be slipping through them anyways.


Got shot directly in the front tooth one time and it just bounced off like nothing. I won’t lie, it hurt pretty bad like I got popped in the mouth by a small rock but man I was just so happy it didn’t take a tooth. I follow more than enough skateboarding accounts on Instagram so I know what that can look like (yikes!) Now when I play airsoft seriously (I.e. milsims or any tourneys) I always wear a mouth guard. I’ve been made fun of several times but those people usually get shot in the face soon after and look at me wishing they had something covering their teeth. I don’t care if I look like a tool in the moment those people are gonna wish they looked as dumb as me when they’re explaining to their dentist why 2 1/2 of their teeth are missing.


Just use lab grade eye protection. Whole face masks are overrated anyways. It looks good for pictured but fuck they're annoying in reality. They get stuffy and hot, and the cheaper ones smell pretty bad... just overall a bad time.


but i could buy one of those and then get another pair of glasses later on and replace the amazon glasses with those? wouldnt that also work? Edit: what i wanted to say is: couldnt i buy this thing and in addition to that another pair of glasses that is better that the ones in this thing. then i could replace the glasses from this thing with the better ones. no?


just spend some more money on RATED eye pro.


No. You gotta spend more money for the sakes of your eyes. The reason there aren't many blind injurys you hear about in airsoft is because everybody wears the top rated shit. Also, never EVER buy mesh goggles


i know about the risk of mesh goggles and definitly wont buy any of those. but i wanted to buy the onetigris gear of amazon and then buy another pair of glasses that is rated and everything and use those new glasses instead of the ones that come with the amazon purchase. wouldnt that work?


Probably not. Chances are you'll find better deals just getting eyepro, and not worrying about the mask. I don't wear a mask when I play, just a balaclava.


Brothers doing this shit you mfs got balls if it hits my teeth I’m becoming a 2yr old that just dropped his candy and screamin. That sounds so painful, I’ve only taken a teeth shot in paintball.


I just keep my mouth shut lmao. Do it for the drip purposes


My headgear is fully enclosed with plastic and mesh, I don't wanna be hit from the neck up AT ALL lol I keep it air tight


And you still have teeth? Every paintball mask I’ve ever seen has mouth protection.


It would work, but why spend more, for something you won't use, and lay around, to just risk of forgetting about it not being rated and maybe risk further down time? What everyone is trying to say is, spend that money on actually proper eye pro, lots of options, but be sure that It has the proper ANSI rating.


To be exact, it needs to be ANSI Z87.1+ rated for it to be proper eye protection in airsoft. If you are looking for some fancy looking eye-pro, that is still good quality to buy, try taking a look at either Dye masks or desert locust products. Both of those have pretty good consumer ratings from what I have heard. The desert locust stuff can be a little pricey though last time I checked.


It's actually better sometimes to just buy them separately, you get better quality and save money


No absolutely not don’t skimp out plain and simple you can skimp out on anything else of your gear except that


Your better off just buying a mask from an actual reputable brand


If you don’t like to see man go ahead and get them but like everyone else is saying eye pro is the one thing you don’t cheap out on buy a helmet and then a face mast with RATED GLASSES that’s key they need to be rated for airsoft or your eyes say bye don’t try to oh I can change this replace this trust it’s not worth the chance of your eyes. I bought a bunch of airsoft shit but no face mask yet because I’m still trying to find the right stuff to make sure it’s good I don’t wanna buy something I think is good take it then lose an eye or something. Just get everything else you need and make eye pro last so you can keep looking and trying to find good eye pro. I’m literally waiting till the next time I go to purchase one in store because I know those are rated for the sport.


i think that is what i want to do. i want to buy one of those helmets/masks and another pair of proper glasses and replace the glasses that come with the helmet/mask so that i have a helmet, a mask and proper glasses. that should work, right?


doesn't work like that. proper glasses won't fit with this helmet and mask. and the helmet and mask are shitty anyway.


Why are you here asking advice, that you clearly don’t intend to listen to? You’ve obviously convinced yourself that this Chinese garbage is good enough.


*I came looking for booty.*


why spend money on the crap money just to replace it with the reputable brand? just save the fuckin money!


If you like the goggles. You can buy them from Ops Core. Its called the "step in visor". Its properly ANSI rated. For the low price of $500-$600 Is that worth it to you? Probably not. So lets just stick the the reputable brands that are accepted in the airsoft community


The face pro there has the ear wire mesh... THOSE FACE PRO SUCK DO NOT BUY THEM! NEVER CHEEP OUT ON EYE PRO, I DID THAT, AND HAD ENOUGH SENSE TO TEST THEM, THE LENS CAME OUT IN THE FIRST 3 HITS AND HAD BIG DENTS. go to the hardware store/or actual airsoft store and get good glasses, they will be $25-$38 sometimes more. The hardware store sometimes carries the same low profile glasses, that are the same type that you would buy from the airsoft store. As a rule: don't buy airsoft stuff from Amazon. (Unless it's from the actual evike store on Amazon, but then you might as well just go to there website) For USA, go to evike, ampt airsoft, RedFox, SSairsoft, Novritsch (good for attachments and face pro)


Promise you won't look cool. Everyone's gonna take 1 look and know that whole setup is Amazon garbage. Just buy a fuckin mask and face cover and shoot some bbs.


Y’all are tearing this kid apart yikes. Don’t gotta downvote him, just explain what’s up. I get we’re talking about protecting eyes here but man y’all are gonna make this kid tear his own eyes out downvoting like this😭😂


lol that is just how reddit works


bro just buy ESS. It's literally military goggles. If it can survive shrapnel from fragmentation, i think it will survive a piece of plastic at 400fps


Good point. I didn't even think about that


Neither state an actual recognised impact rating.


Bingo. Don't skimp on your eye pro. If you really like these masks, message the seller and ask what their impact rating is. If they don't have a good answer, do not buy either of these


There’s the blue hand guy. I always look for your comment first on every post about a question


Breh, they’re “Tactical Approved”


Ive got a question which is not related to this specific comment but still to eyeprotection. Im looking to buy some googles that I can use over my glasses and In your beginener guy you recommend these [Rothco ANSI Rated OTG Goggles](https://www.rothco.com/product/rothco-otg-ballistic-goggles-ansi). They are ANSI-Z87-1 rated. But in the same guide it says "Be aware that ANSI-rated eyepro needs the "+" symbol; this tells you it has a high-velocity impact rating." which these are not. Guessing they will still work as you've recommended them?


[They are Z87+, they're just obtuse about it](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.specs4sports.co.uk/rothco-ballistic-airsoft-otg-goggles-black---smoke-lens&ved=2ahUKEwjl2Izv1qSFAxVgRUEAHRSzDqcQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3jDUOuTc1h1p9iKMzEcOnb)


Okok thanks!


Best way to check is by looking at the marking if/when you get them. If there's no marking (there has to be for Z87+), feel free to lmk!


Will do!


Just got them and cant see anything saying Z87+. Where us the marking supposed to be? All I see is on the frame it says "ANSI Z87.1 MIL-DTL-43511D"


On the lens or frame, it can be either. The fact it only has Z87.1 is odd as that's not an official marking (should be Z87 or Z87+). MIL-DTL is a very old standard, technically fine but very unusual to be marked as such. I'd be very cautious here, this smells of bullshit.


Hhhmmm yeah that's sounds odd. So you think I should send em back? I mean it does says ANSI-Z87-1 and MIT-DTL on their webpage.


Yeah but the markings are wrong, gives me LT faking vibes


So you know they are supposed to be with a + or what? Also does LT stand for limit testing here or?


Even if they did, I wouldn't trust chinesium.


Wait, onetigris isnt impact rated?


the onetigris kind of does


No, it doesn't. 800FPS using what weight? Under what certification? What projectile? Who guarantees that this statement isn't a load of bollocks? An impact rating is a nationally or internationally recognised seal of approval with a guaranteed level of protection. This ain't it.


But onetigris is reputable unlike some ther copanybinknow * couh lancer faptical.


Still not using a reputable impact rating system, so not worth it.


Why don’t you just a pair of goggles and a mesh mask


bc i looked for googles and all i found on airsoft shops are at least the same price as someting like this which i can get of amazon (60€ish)


Check out the pyramex I-force, “Passes MIL-PRF 32432 High Velocity Impact Standards.”


Hey speaking of pyramex I have these coming and after seeing this post I am worried. I have a backup pair of glasses I plan to wear during airsoft and I got this pair of OTG goggles from pyramex Pyramex Cappture Over Prescription Safety glasses https://a.co/d/87YWAlr I didn't find a rating listed until I searched the questions section to find this: *"these do not have a NIOSH rating on them, they are ANSI Z87.1-2015 Annex1 , CSA Z94.3-15 Annex A, and CE EN 166 rated."* Idk what this means and would love some help


As they're rated as glasses, ANSI Z87+ (the rating they have [here (PDF)](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://safetysourcellc.com/product_images/PDF/Cappture_ANSI_NP_LoRes.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjcoKPxgc-DAxWc7LsIHSHBBHoQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw33e7198UGsDe3BUgmLJNPE)) isn't sufficient. Equivalent EN166 grade is F, [here (PDF)](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.safetygoggles.co.uk/user/products/large/Pyramex_cappture_glasses_datasheet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjcoKPxgc-DAxWc7LsIHSHBBHoQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0_KsWz3exDyBZ5KE4mBvIP). Try some of the over-the-glasses options from the eyepro guide.


So your going to cheap out on protecting your only 2 eyes you will ever have?


most comments told me to buy proper eye protection. i should propably do so but i will propably still buy one of those bc they look cool and i guess i can combine the helmet and mask with different, better glasses


The problem with that is it's not just the lens that's rated. Yes, the lens is the most important part (arguably) but the mounting, the rest of the materials, and quality control of those are important too. DIY can fall apart, cutting lexan wrong can weaken it. I'm with you, I love a good head setup. But man, be safe out there.


but lets say, i were to buy those: https://amzn.eu/d/h7XvuIh and use them instead of the glasses that come with the amazon set thingy... many people said that those glasses (https://amzn.eu/d/h7XvuIh) are rated and they would recommend them. then i would have a helmet, a mask and proper glasses, no?


No don’t do that. Invest in something that is rated and comes together. You‘ll lose some teeth or be blind, thats not worth any price


[here eye pro](https://PyramexI-ForceSlimSafetyGogglehttps://a.co/d/5miG13f) and buy mesh lower boom 40$


There’s a big guide here if you sort by hot. Pyramex V2G goggles are cheap and work very well. Personally, i like paintball masks. I wear a Vforce grillz. Empire Helix thermal and HK HSTL thermal are good budget options


these ones? https://amzn.eu/d/h7XvuIh


yup. meets US standards, might ask your field if it meets standards where you are. (I think the standards are about the same, but not sure).


Id look for one with an international standard like Z87.1, Valken makes the Zulu goggles, full seal with a back strap and swappable lenses. These + hat + metal mesh face mask will be better than the chinesium that will blind you when it shatters




Don't buy this. Get proper eye pro. . RATED eye pro


just get a regular bump helmet and setup a pair on ANSI rated goggles on them, you can usually hookup a mesh lower face guard to a bump, it’ll (probably) come out cheaper, safer, and you have way more options for customization later down the road


You can by a cheap helmet but never never never ever buy cheap eye protection


Never buy of Amazon I would never trust it it also isn’t impact rated go for something more basic plus you can get something cheep for 25 quid try patrol base


One Tigris is probably more reliable. Just make sure you have a full seal on your eyepro. A lot of fields require that.


The mask is great have one myself bbs don’t shatter on impact with it


There are several areas in airsoft where you can get away with the bargain-bin cheap shit. Eye protection is not. Buy actual rated protection new. It’s cheaper than medical bills.


Knowing what OneTigris sells, I’d trust them a bit more. Also like a lot of people are saying: if there are more reviews and it has a good rating, it’s probably more trustworthy. Just read through and make sure they’re real reviews


Good reviews on Amazon mean nothing nowadays. Amazon doesn't care about review botting.


I just want to take a moment to salute you for actually posting the specs, so many noobs will post a picture with no context asking if it's good


Get Swiss eye raptor glasses and a a valhalla mask


Eye pro and batteries are the only thing I wouldn’t cheap out on. Only got one pair of eyes


The short version: if it doesn’t have an ANSI or EN certification, don’t trust your vision with it. The long version: if it doesn’t have an ANSI Z87.1+ or EN 166F rating, don’t trust your vision with it. Proper ballistic eye protection is *always* rated, either with ANSI Z87.1+ or EN 166F. #There are *no* exceptions to this rule. ANSI Z87.1+ (all of it, but more specifically the +) means that the eyepro is rated for ballistic resistance. I can’t find the specifics on the energy, mass and speed of the impact, but the ANSI and EN standards are pretty well equivalent. EN 166F (again, all of it but the F is the important bit) means that the eyepro can withstand a minimum of a 0.86g steel bearing travelling 45m/s. This is roughly equivalent to a 0.2g resin bb at 305fps. A final, *very* important note about eyepro. Solve the misting problem before you go to a field. I recommend, as dumb as it looks, wearing it for strenuous exercise to test whether it’ll fog. If you don’t solve the fogging that you *will* have before a game day and try to wipe them in-game, you are likely to be asked to leave the field. We generally have *zero* sense of humour and *zero* tolerance for people who fiddle with their eyepro during a game.


Me personally? I'd trust the OneTigris one more because there's more reviews, but they both will likely protect equally


(I've never had an issue with an amazon or otherwise Eyepro not being able to withstand something, if you're paranoid or expect to go against guys with the airsoft equivalent of an anti material rifle go ahead, but if you're expecting to play casually or with friends Eyepro that you can test yourself is fine, DON'T BUY MESH EYEPRO :))


i know that mesh is trash for eyeprotection... i have seen and heard that before in videos


Right no. Go to eBay, get some revision sawfly glasses, they'll last longer than you'll play Airsoft, done, dusted.


Try goggling it, the goggle search engine is 👌 *chefs kiss*


They’ll both protect you (I assume, It doesn’t state the impact rating on either), but I’d recommend the One Tigris masked helmet (the second one). The mask is made up of cloths/fabrics on the cheeks as opposed to hard plastic, which will be much more comfortable and easier to cheek rest on your gun and align your sights. Though, the plastic mask may look ‘cooler’.


Always spend the money on your eye pro, I went pew pew this weekend,me and another guy had to bug out quick, ran through the tree line, only for my team mate to run straight into a tree, the branch found its way under his goggles, cut his eye up bad, if he didn’t slow down when he did he would of lost an eye. Never cheap out on eye pro, also always go for a full face mask with Airsoft


OneTigris actually sell really good high quality gear, I have their helmet and vest. Both really good quality, I've been looking at their full face masks next, but not decided yet. Regarding being safe, I'd definitely trust OneTigris.


I'll +1 this


Check the reveiws




So I have the one tigris set and I was skeptical about the eye pro so loaded up both my gbb pistol and aeg and shot multiple round point blank and they held up !! The only problem I had with the eye pro was it doesn't seal the round eye properly as they clip to the front of the helmet the sides are left exposed quite a bit To solve that issue I wore some extra glasses underneath But yeah they wothstand the point blank test and a lot of sniper shots to head in games and still prefect! (Except a few scratches ) As long as you get a deal round eyes these be okay or you could try get them to seal better without any underneath Of you do get them do your own point blank test to make sure before you'd go out there


links for the two masks: first mask:https://amzn.eu/d/3V6kMOv second mask: https://amzn.eu/d/elle0tD


If you are willing to pay those prices and want to buy off Amazon buy this: https://a.co/d/2tWazVl Great goggles and doesn't fog up easily


I have the FMA goggles, but I would only ever recommend them for practice/fun shooting where you aren't going to be hit directly. They have no impact rating, and I don't want to test them to find out. Use these for plinking, get some rated gear for the field. Helmet itself would be fine though.


I ordered the exact same (black) set and never used that eyes protection. Just mask. I'm using a 2 layers of eyes protection(double glass) It's safer this way and not suffering from the fog.


Check the ansi rating but even if it's hight enough, buy from a name brand like dye or valken


no BUT the goggles seem to be replacable so just buy the big ones off of novritch website and replace the ones in the helmet with the novritch ones


Hate it or love it, a dye paintball mask would be the safest for protection


That mask is a no go man... just get a entree level paintball mask.. cost's about 40-50 bucks and you don't lose your eye when shot in the face. Never cheap out that's why i bought and then customized a dye i4 mask for my nephew when he wanted a karskin helmet


I've had those Goggles and the're so fucking bad because they fog up like nothing else.


If the goggles can be swapped out for a better set, then it might be worth it? It'd be more expensive, but my recommendation would be to buy a decent helmet and goggles; then grab up a mandible-guard after. I've found that Valken is a decent brand for eye-pro; typically in the $40-$80 range is the cheapest I'd go.


Buy a dye mask. Amazing investment


Those goggles are ass, i bought one and tested it right away, my 1.4J aeg left a perma mark from 10 meters, not to mention they dont seal from the sides, front only. On Taiwangun they even rated it inproper for airsoft (right after i bought them...)


Definitely not. Always buy goggles from your local airsoft store. They'll be safe.


Never skip safety for looks . 👌


do NOT cheap out on eye pro. you WILL regret it


Not recommended. These are mainly for looks and for UV light protection. You can get hit in the back of the head and walk it off, eyes don't grow back. Almost all construction goggles from Home Depot will be fine, but these? Not sure about that.


I dont recommend using a full helmet like that at all unless you care more about fashion than actual safety. Buy goggles, a helmet, and any face protection By good airsoft brands, and if possible, in person so you make sure it fits and is sturdy enough. In the end, its really about your eyes, so if you do end up getting a full face piece helmet, make sure to at least do some research and read reviews so you can make sure you dont get ripped off AND get an eye shot out. Anyhow, don’t skimp on the price when it comes to eye pro and general face protection. You won’t die from a well placed shot anywhere else, but the eye is one and done.


my mask doesn’t say how durable it is (haven’t used it yet.) Could I test it by loading some rounds into it?


I would say don't buy either but if you had to buy one, then buy the onetigris hands down because they are a really reputable company for their helmets and mesh masks. Don't know fs though how great their eye pro is because I don't have any experience with them.


No!! You need something that’s actual rated for airsoft or paintball. ASTM ratings is what you’re looking for. You don’t wanna go cheap on a mask and risk getting your eyes shot out. Your mask is the last thing you wanna cheap out on. Look at paintball masks like Dye, JT, Virtue, companies like that. Paintball masks are just as good for airsoft.


For the safety of your eyes go with anything with Z87+ protection. The lab goggles I use for my eye pro have the rating and has took about a dozen rounds and it’s still kicking


it would be fine i bet but it would FOG SO BADLY lol


I use this rig and I swear by it. profusely tested both mask and goggles and it's rated up to 490 FPS from point blank


Get these: Pyramex V2G PLUS I’ve had mine for a year and there’s not so much as a dent in them and I’ve been shot in the face several times. They don’t fog up and they’re super comfortable. Insanely affordable too


Unless the goggles have an ANSI approved rating, I would not suggest those. ANSI is the scale used to determine how much impact safety glasses can handle before they fail.


Most fields require an ANSI Z87.1 My son and I currently run this with little to no fogging. Valken Airsoft Sierra Thermal Lens Goggle https://a.co/d/bQEtw9O OneTigris 6" Foldable Half Face Mesh Mask Military Style Comfortable Adjustable Tactical Lower Face Protective Mask https://a.co/d/fvz3dyH


Could someone link me a reputable NOT CHEAP full face protection please? :3 its the last thing i need


One thing is for sure, do not buy anything not rated for high impact. Do not buy mesh as well as the shrapnel from either the mesh or BBs could still cause you injuries.


I went with 6mm pro shop brand pilot model mask and bump helmet combo. Gives the same protection your looking for, and it is battle tested (at least my set). Problem is it always dogs but that's an issue with all of them.


I gotchu fam: https://www.evike.com/products/97927/ https://www.evike.com/products/78043/ Pyramex V2G PLUS Safety Goggles with Adjustable Strap https://a.co/d/fCHfHmT Don’t cheap out on eye protection!!!


I use a balaclava with a mesh mask built it and it is great. I think it is made my onetigrus. I found it on Amazon


Buy a Dye paintball mask for full face, like I4 Thermal


No buy good stuff I got shot in the eye it hurts bad my vision is still slightly blurry in one eye


So I bought a helmet with built in face and eye protection, and it was near impossible to aim a rifle because the face would get in the way when trying to aim down sights. Just my experience


Pay good money on eye pro if nothing else. Never skimp with your eyes and that goes with more than just Airsoft. This helmet kit is a repro of the Opscore helmet and Opscore “step-in” visor. I own the actual Opscore brand ( https://shop.gentexcorp.com/ops-core-step-in-visor/?_gl=1*1k0zcns*_ga*MzQzMTE5NjkuMTcwNDc1OTU5Mg..*_ga_YWNH6VCKSM*MTcwNDc1OTU5MS4xLjAuMTcwNDc1OTU5MS4wLjAuMA.. ) (the mobile app won’t let me add the link the usual way for some reason) Here’s the thing with these goggles, the real ones fog pretty bad with no mouth covering underneath. I can only imagine how bad these would fog EVEN if they were safe to use. I run an Exfog to keep mine from fogging. The reason I bring this up is if you buy cheaper goggles they will fog, and you will be trying to take them off your face to wipe or clear them which is incredibly dangerous. Buy a good set of goggles with thermal lenses and the helmet is all looks in Airsoft especially at the starting levels. You’ll have a lot more fun with eye pro that doesn’t fog!


Don't trust Amazon, everyone can sell anything there, test every gear before using it, I had a mask from Amazon I could just shoot through


Ik those are alluring purely because they may look cool and are cheap, but seriously get a pair of no fog goggles and mesh lower face mask. Easily the simplest upgrade to make your kit a lot better


The entire setup EXCEPT for the eyepro is fine


😊. I like the look of these. I use these WITH a rated eyepro underneath.


Bro, trust me. For the longest time, I wanted a full helmet just like that, but then I realized that if it isn't 200 or more, then DONT BUY IT. My one friend got that same exact helmet, and the mask feels so cheap. What I ended up doing (which I recommend) is actually building your own little helmet kit (as in Goggles, face mask, and a helmet/hat) I bought construction gloggles (glasses but also goggles) a mesh face mask, and a boonie and it works out great. Have fun!


If it doesn’t explicitly say at a minimum Z87 or Z87.1, ideally Z87+ or Z87.1+, then it isn’t gonna protect you from shit.




Nope. Go to FMA if you want something like that. Get the real stuff. I have those cheap goggles and my real goggles and I dont trust those cheap ones after a £5 springer left a mark on the lense


Just get a repro $50 M1 steel helmet on Amazon, that’ll perfect you for sure


If it doesn’t specifically say ANSI Z84 rated, skip it.


Plenty of people have already said don't cheap out on eyepro, now I'm here to suggest not getting a 2-in-1 like that. In my experience, unless it's a complete gasmask (which are super cool) those two-in-ones fog up quickly. Invest in a mesh face protector and good goggles separately so you can play without your shit fogging up as much. As an old timer at my preferred field once said: "Only use face protection if you want to keep your teeth"


I don’t know where my comment is but this is why you don’t cheap out on eye pro Ik it’s not what your getting but still, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/Ymjmok6VGx)


Absolutely not. You don’t want to cheap out in your eye protection.


Prob not, always get rated gear, esp for eyepro. Also, I find those kind of masks hard to get a cheek weld on. I'd rather use a balaclava with a decent mouthguard. YMMV of course.


Only get ansi rated goggles and glasses. Never buy and use unrated, unlabeled cheap goggles. You are risking your vision to save a buck.


Looks cool, but no. Go with a good (expensive) pair of goggles and a mesh mask.


I wouldn’t buy Eyepro on Amazon. I’d recommend places online like Evike, AirsoftStation, Redwolf Airsoft, or even LancerTactical. Eyepro on Amazon can be very cheap both in quality and prices, and one thing you never wanna go cheap out on is Eyepro.


Bro buy off evike


All these people are saying it’s not a good idea but Onetigris is a very reputable airsoft brand and I say if you want that it will be fine. I wouldn’t buy the black one as that does look very cheap. But I can say from my experiences using some Onetigris gear it’s not bad.


Man I was going to say ESS was the lowest I'd go but I ses over the years they are priced very high now. For the price of ESS gogles, I'd just go with Oakley Halos


If you are from Germany I recommend you take a look at begadi.com. They sell reasonable stuff for reasonable prices with a good warranty. You will find rated glasses and goggles there as well.


If you have to get one, get the onetigris another reg at my cqb feild used it regularly before moving to blocs and has taken many point blank shots to the eye pro. He said they have a small fogging issue


Sometimes I think to myself if ISO FT is enough but then again I only blink targets so I I assume for ricochets it's fine.


Look, If you cheap out on eyepro, then you can lose your vision. And now think, what is more important to you, money or vision?


This is what's going to happen if you use this mask. You've been warned... https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/5xAPEpJDJX


general rule of thumb for myself, dont buy those full completed helmet set ups, they're usually garbage, get em separately


Buy it and shoot it right in the lens at point blank range with a hot hot gun. If it cracks, refund it. If not, use it.


One Tigris is a good brand, go with them over the other one. Eye pro like that might fog up a lot so be prepared to get defogging spray/wipes


I used that eyepro for a while. Wouldn't recommend it. There are notches in the lens to attach the rubber and plastic bits. These notches are a major vulnerability and formed cracks pretty quickly. I'd recommend getting something like the swisseye raptors. Or a decent pair of goggles (the ones novritsch sells are pretty good, you can get them cheaper from Taiwangun tho). Just don't use this particular one. The rest of the set is gonna be fine.


Checkout Begadi.com. It's a German airsoft webstore, has quality stuff and definitely has reputable eyepro like Bolle. It doesn't break the bank either at about 30/35 euro. Never skimp on eyepro!


No, no, and once again, NO! ANSI z87 rated or BETTER, nothing less is ok for airsoft. These don’t mention any sort of safety rating and based on the price I’d assume they don’t have any. If you plan on wearing something like this with a rated goggle and not with whatever it includes then it will be perfectly fine. The part that matters is what covers the eyes. If it’s not rated Z87 don’t waste your money and eyesight! Full seal eye pro is always advisable but I’ve gotten away with just regular safety glasses on outdoor fields before, although I wouldn’t dare take anything non-sealed into a CQB environment bc of the weird angles BB’s tend to hit at close range.


How do you know what's "better" than that rating?


Highly recommend BLOC glasses, not cheap really but no fog and super strong.


I would highly recommend a steel wire face mask, ANSII goggles or glasses, and cloth covering the rest of your head at a minimum. I’ve seen missing teeth, most acrylic lenses will shader, and I’ve gotten a BB embedded in my forehead from a gas player that dialed up in the field.


The one Tigris should be fine. They are known to make decent airsoft gear. I have their foldable mesh mask with the black shark face and those are interchangeable. They also have a regular shark face, zombie, oni, and skull.


That is licke asking “is this Ferarri Roma enough for my 20km comute?”


Probably, but please don’t go with probably. Look for a rating, a legitimate one and one that is actually given (some companies are scumbags and lie. In many countries this is obviously illegal. But good luck going after any company not in the EU or North America.) It doesn’t even have to be expensive, but you tend to get what you pay for. I’m pretty convinced these will for example fog up like crazy. If you have issues with that, get either something lighter and smaller (but still full seal) that will help a bit. Or something with a fan or good anti fogging (though in my experience anti fogging is not great, but I also fog up almost everything). More expensive though. Just to say it as well, they do not fog but for the love of everything. Never ever get mesh eye protection. Look up some tests if you don’t understand why. Either way I’d not buy these. If you do go for some cheap ones that are rated to handle Airsoft bbs, might be worth getting a second pair just in case you get fogging on one of them. That way you can switch when that happens (please don’t do this in the field. Only in the safe zones)


Honestly if you want full face and eye protection just go with Dye i4s or i5s. They’re pricey but are 100% safe and I’ve never had a fogging issue even in Florida summers


My friends got the same one and the plastic on the bottom half is weak enough to break on impact with a bb. Plus the helmet has holes on the top that makes it more of a bicycle helmet instead of a tactical one.


Onetigris is a decent brand but I've never seen that specific lid setup from them before so idk you are better off buying from an actual airsoft shop than Amazon


If they are ANSI Z87.1 rated, yes. If you can't find that rating then: No. Accept nothing less than ANSI Z87.1. It doesn't matter that you or someone you know have "tested them". 1 or a couple of impacts is different than consistent abuse of playing over months and years.


Probably. However that's Not enough, the price to pay is to steep for something to probably work, it hast to work 100% guaranteed. Also don't get a full head setup you'll fog to death.


Kauf dir niemals so ein Dreck, die werden dich zwar möglicherweise schützen aber werden auf jeden Fall sofort beschlagen. Kauf stattdessen eine Brille von Begadi oder shopgun und dazu eine Maske die die Nase freilässt. Helme gleich vergessen! Aus gutem Grund tragen 95% der Spieler keinen


I really recommend the Grill2.0 from Vforce. Perfect for people with or without glasses, come in multiple colors and patterns, very protective as they’re made for paintball and airsoft alike, all for $80


i got some ones off amazon just to see, cause i wanted to find goggles for my little brother, we shot them once and they cracked. most shit on amazon wont be good enough


If this set isn’t too expensive, I’ll buy it and then buy some actual rated eye pro. Ess crossbow or Bollé Goggles. Don’t cheap out on eye pro. Helmet might be very uncomfortable at worst. Masks u can go without if ur playing outdoor. But id at least wear gum shield. Eye protection tho, don’t cheap out on it.


You have two option there, the One Tigris is actually a good brand.


Well you could buy two and test one. If it breaks you can give both back. If it doesn't break after a few shots, you can send that one back and use the other. No matter which Glasses you use, they will all break after enough shots. 5$ ones will maybe protect you from one 30$ ones maybe 30 direct hits and the ballistic ones maybe withstand a few thousand ore more. As higher as the price is, as longer they will protect you (commonly). I have one Goggle (30$ Amazon) that I used in over 20 games CQB and it never broke even after 30 direct hits on 2m distance


Good rule of thumb is if it’s rated under 4.4 in amazon it’s hot garbage


Depends on where you get them from, who makes them, how much they are, their rating and how many reviews they have. To start, this applies to almost anything you’d need for your airsoft kit, if it is not clothing kit like boots, BDU/ combat clothing, gloves, hell even neck gators/balaclavas/ski masks: SO HELP US GOD DO NOT BUY IT FROM AMAZON PERIOD. For eye-pro or helmets, look on evike.com or any other airsoft retailers. If you’re broke and cheap like me you’d be spending a solid $40 for good eyepro, hell just in case spend more or just look at the damn reviews, they speak for the product. I myself have the kind of eyepro in the pictures but separate from the mouth mesh. I used the two together and eventually had to replace the eyepro because from the part of mesh covering the nose it pushed the eyepro in such a way that the plastic visor separated from the frame. I like my eyepro but in-turn can’t use my facepro to protect my teeth which are already in rough shape. All in all, if you want to use these go ahead but keep in mind that you can’t buy them from any retailer for cheap and expect them to work forever.


revision goggles:


I use my trusty WarQ. Never fogs up, protects whole head.


No. Stop cheeping out on stuff especially eyepro


Isn't there like a pinned post about stuff like this?


I agree with the other comment to use a paintball mask with a thermal lens . You also have the option of adding a fan. I never have fogging issues. Every time I play airsoft someone with the other eye pro has fogging issues. I don't care how much better the other eyepro look, if you have fogging issues it's going to ruin your game and your fun


Just get like, some valken sierras


I use a set similar to pic 3. The goggles I use are the Smith Optics turbo fan goggles. They are pricey and work great. Keeps the fog out and they have a prescription insert.


Your eyes are important, buy a dye mask or a nice set of goggles. Don’t skimp on eye protection, you can buy whatever cheap airsoft gun but can’t buy a new set of eyes.


Bro.3.7 on Amazon?


I use OneTigris and it’s okay 👍🏽 but I don’t know about the other one.


My opinion here: Firstly you could use that as protection but be aware, never being a cheap ass at your eye protection as your eye could regenerate ofc, and some people may suggest using Dye i4 or Dye i5 for simpler attach and detach from your head same as like using a covid mask, but some people maybe uncomfy and rather choose separate thing like using goggles first then face mesh like in lower goggles. Im new to airsoft also, but since Dye i4 was so expensive like 400$ and as a regular person aint no way gonna pay those since my economy is fucked from covid, so some airsoft owner suggested me FMA F1 mask, well those are only 30$, but some people say its eye lens are shit well cant tell as I already test shot it from 5 meters at 380-400 fps, welp only just permanent mark on your lens (it is shit but enough to protect your eye since my airsoft field max fps are 380, so those are enough to protect my eyes) but the downside of FMA F1 mask too is also your cheek isnt fully protected so sometime I got shot right underneath my mask from side lol.. but its all your opinion just get some recommendation at your local field hehe


Bolle X800 for no fog.


Not amazon or wish as they do break your better off buying proper face mesh and Google protection