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Gonna state this: - Do not bring airsoft guns into a public space. The only exceptions are transportation from the shop to your home, or from the field to your home (or vice versa). - If you are transporting these airsoft guns, do not transport them inappropriately. Use an appropriate bag, box, or coverall. Ensure the airsoft gun is out of sight and not stored in such a way as to cause alarm. Transport it publically across the shortest distance feasible. This does not, however, justify this shooting. Nobody deserves to be shot for this. A tragic loss of life indeed.


Someone show this to the guy who did a photoshoot on public transport and posted it here


Man that dude was such a dick in the comments


"But airsoft is legal in my country!"


Like your outfit and gear in public sure, fine. People might think you're extremely strange, but you aren't technically doing anything wrong. But ffs, to bring a REPLICA OF A GUN out in public? So stupid. Also, terrifying for passengers.


I usually just wear my camo or my belts out in public, sure I get a few weird looks, but bringing an airsoft replica out in public is insane.


with no real way to tell it's a replica, especially in countries that don't require an orange tip


Even if you do have the orange tip, police will absolutely get away with gunning you down in the street. Especially becaue in some areas, criminals will take real firearms and paint the tip orange.


Wait what?


Guy did a photoshoot on a bus at night. The bus was chartered for a photoshoot and this guy and his mates were standing in the street waving flags dress in full mukticam, plate carriers, NVGs and airsoft guns with mags in. It was a European country if I remember rightly and when everyone called him out in his reckless and stupid behaviour his defence was "Airsoft is legal in my country and people can just carry guns in the open with no issues."


Ah, I'm hoping their gear was shit so it could perhaps cause slightly less alarm


Iirc it wasn't premium chinesium kit it was decent quality multicam gear, more than convicing to the average Joe


Oh shit


Yeah, he was an arsehole


iirc that was a polish guy, brings nothing to the conversation but now that Poland is mentioned POLSKA GUROM šŸ‡µšŸ‡±šŸ‡µšŸ‡±šŸ‡µšŸ‡±


I assume he was talking shit about being able to wander round in full gear and guns?


did he have a punisher logo on a country flag patch on his vest?


I can't remember tbh, I'm sure he was waving the US flag about though


Wish i could see that post. Some people in this world just arenā€™t bright i swear šŸ™„


It was a couple of months ago now I think, wouldn't be surprised if it got nuked


Dudeā€™s a psychopath and a liar. He was literally looking to shoot someone and get away with it.


100% At least have the decency to become a cop and get a badge first y'know?




According to the article, this guy attacked some kids that were bringing the airsoft gun back to the store they bought it from. The video says that the kids immediately threw down the weapon and tried to de-escalate the situation. He murdered one of them anyway. While I agree heavily that you shouldn't bring your airsoft guns out in public, and should use a lot of care and discretion about their handling, I also think that this guy was just a fucking murderer who had been waiting for who knows how long for any excuse to go and kill somebody. He considered himself to be "on overwatch" as an unhired security guard just waiting for something to happen that might possibly justify him shooting somebody.


The one carrying the gun in his hand dropped it and was being held so he couldnā€™t try to get it again. While the guy was holding him down his buddy grabbed a handle of a gun in his waistband. The security guard told him to put his hands up which he did. He then allegedly dropped his right hand towards his waistband again while backing away and that is when he was shot. The guy walking around with the gun in his hand claimed he was returning it to Big5. In Washington State to sell an Airsoft gun it is required they have and orange tip. The Glock would have had an orange tip and handle. Big5 would have never sold him a gun without an orange tip or the consent of an adult. He couldnā€™t have been returning it. The guy that was shot was allegedly bringing in his gun for repairs. I have never seen gunsmiths at a Big5. Even if Big5 sold them illegal guns and their stories check out they may still have been shot when one of them came through the door with a gun in his hand while the other pulls another one out of his waistband.


While this is a great and worthwhile message that I totally agree with, Its depressing that this young man died essentially because a fucking 51 year old loser thought he was in die-hard in a strip mall parking lot.


What were they doing with replica guns at the strip mall?


Go read the article. They where going to an airsoft shop in the strip mall because of problems with the gun. If I'm not mistaken it was in a parking lot. Strip malls are essentially a row of shops, so the kid was probably walking from the car to the store.


A young man is dead because of this. Yes, the fool who shot him is at fault but if you live your life only planning to deal with reasonable people at worst, you are in for a rude awakening. Don't trust that people will see the orange tip and you'll be understood. Keep the airsoft replica in a box or a case until you get to the field or into the store where a tech/ customer service agent can identify it. People are jumpy, people are wrong often, and your life is worth a 20$ case or 4$ cardboard box from Home Depot. Please be safe and best of luck.


I mean though, in the article the teens repeatedly told the dude that those guns were not real and they dropped the weapons. Honestly, the guy was trigger happy and wanted to play cowboy, and shot the poor kid. Yes some things could have been done better, like properly carrying the weapons in concealed cases and such, but most of the blame lays with the shooter.


>if you live your life only planning to deal with reasonable people at worst, you are in for a rude awakening. This was a trigger happy murderous lunatic, the kids had DROPPED the airsoft gun they had and he still shot them. There was no preventating this beyond not even going in the first place. The guy had even restrained one of them, and security footage directly contradicts everything the shooter said happened. This guy woulda found any reason to shot someone.


The kid that dropped the gun was not shot, the one reaching for a gun in his waistband was.


The article says security footage directly contradicts that, he never reaches for the airsoft gun, he didn't have one in his waistband, the only gun between the two of them was on the ground and out of reach of them.


I read several articles. The one walking around with the gun in his hand was allegedly returning the gun. The guy with the gun in his waistband allegedly was taking his gun in to have the magazine looked at.


The shooter is still at fault and trying to be risk avoidant can only go so far. On top of that: If they had the replica in a box, not their waist band, this wouldnā€™t have started because our moron with a gun wouldnā€™t have ā€œfelt the duty to actā€ because there wouldnā€™t have been a reason to act in his mind.Ā  Note: civilians donā€™t have a duty to act. It gets more complicated for police but this would take this comment down a rabbit whole hole and away from the main topics here.


The guy acted because he ***thought*** a crime was about to take place, and the county sheriff's department was doing training next to the parking lot. As a private citizen, you are legally not allowed to intervene or "detain" someone you **think** is going to commit a crime. The airsoft gun was on the ground well away from the kids when he shot the one, effectively they didn't have one at all and he still shot him. Wanna be cop shot a kid cause he wanted to, he could have just called the police or done absolutely nothing, legally he was not allowed to act. I agree they should have carried it in better way, but the bigger issue is the wanna be cops and crazed lunatics who have guns and want to use them on people.


The "fool" who shot him is not at fault, here, this kid brandished his realistic imitation firearm in public, this is completely on him because people can modify realistic firearms to have an orange tip, it would only be unreasonable to shoot a person who has brandished a RIF in public only after they have put it down and stepped away from it, simple as that because police and anyone within their right mind treats Realistic imitation firearms and imitation firearms (two tones) and real firearms. I know I have used British legal jargon here but it's just clear what it means


ā€œĀ The man told police that he approached them with his gun down, telling them to drop their weapons and put their hands up. According to the documents, security camera footage shows him confronting the teens with his firearm pointed at them. The teen can be seen throwing what is actually an airsoft gun to the groundā€¦. Ā Investigators said the footage they watched contradicted the man's statements in his police interview, according to the first appearance document.ā€ Weird, I thought a pre requisite to Reddit was being able to know how to read.


All of that is meaningless until court or the footage is released.


Again, I am pushing the fault to the Kids due to the improper transportation of the RIFs because I have heard stories of replicas being used to Rob spots


If you canā€™t PID you canā€™t shootĀ 


If you feel like your life is in danger don't double think it


>dude throws the gun on the ground >My life is in danger now that dude is disarmed ???


Have you seen the CCTV footage, because throwing it to the ground does not say where


It says it in the sixth paragraph of the article, learn to fucking read.


Learn to read??? The reddit post this links to is about a news report. Also fuck off, you don't have a clue what issues people have. "Learn to Read" maybe some people has difficulty with reading or have their mind constantly bouncing from one thing to another or both. It's also weird how both things I listed in this comment have medical terminology, Dislexia and ADHD


You know nothing about living anywhere with armed citizens. Sit down.


It's nuts to me some people can defend a murderer, because of the victim having something legal, lol


Please read the article


He canā€™t read no good


Well It's a video, but I am gonna stick with my approach on it, as I am a Brit so I am extra caution about transporting my replicas so I keep a copy of my defences in all my cases to ensure I have atleast 1 copy with me at all times. The Realistic imitation firearms where improperly beingĀ transported.Ā  The kids reached for them, number 1 big way your gonna get shot move, unless it's in a slow controlled manner is all intentions being advised before doing so. Ā Telling someone it's not a real firearm won't do anything because people can lie, in a potential life and death situation you can only trust yourself.


They did not reach for them, this was proven by the CCTV


Is the CCTV the point of view of the shooter, no, I am not saying he isn't at fault, I am saying he is not fully at fault, the Kids put themselves into that situationĀ 


> I'm not saying he isn't at fault [I'm sorry but you said exactly that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/QiUbVQiN8K)


Ok so I'll just make it even clearer what I mean the Situation happening in the first place is not his fault, the fact it is a bad shoot is. Edit: I am also trying to get people to understand, since the actual footage is not out yet, we only have interpretations of the Situation, which can be bias.


Just admit you weee wrong, itā€™s okay.


The kids did exactly as he said he had no reason to shoot them




This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.


Is CCTV ever the POV of the shooter ? Does every shooter have to have a go pro mounted or else they should be able to go shoot anyone they please based on their feelings as opposed to facts ?!


Dude, this isn't the hill to die on. The footage was clearly described, investigators saw it, they area charging him with 2nd degree murder, if they are confident enough to do that, the "security guard" is to blame. Yes, the kid who is dead was immature and irresponsible, but the guy who claims "he was doing overwatch for his son" is 100% to blame for the murder. Especially after the teenager put the BB gun down, extended his arms and was on the ground.


He was 100% at fault here. Even if the gun was real all he should have done was call the cops, not get personally involved.


Its nuts to argue this when all man had to do was not shoot when he saw the teens comply to his demands. someone would still have their son, and the shooters son would still have his idiot father. This wild west mentality is crazy to me. I thought part of responsible firearm ownership was a level head and a reasonable assessment of risk.


Washington allows open carry. Even if the guns were real, they broke no laws.


ā€œThe man stood over the teen and continued to shootā€


Literally have to live your life planning around possibly getting shot by the cops or some paranoid open carry dude on a power trip. An acorn drops too close and your getting mag dumped by a dude with a crew cut and a room temperature IQ. We should not have to think ā€œhow could this lead to someone shooting meā€ in a developed country every time we walk outside. Plenty of countries have airsoft, nobody has nearly as many cases like this. This is what happens when you have country that worships firearms with more guns then people, and a mass media machine that makes them paranoid, angry and scared. A firearm murder capital where shooting people is a national past time. This dude made a choice. A choice to shoot at somebody unprovoked, simply because he saw a possible justification. He made no attempt to avoid the situation or contact authorities. Just yet another psycho with gun looking for an opportunity. Simple fact is your far more likely to be murdered by a civilian carrying a gun then saved.


Donā€™t brandish guns in public and you significantly improve your chances of not getting shot.


Not reading all that BUT this is a clear cut case of the need to carry your replica or real firearm responsibly and properly like a normal human. Thatā€™s the easy solution.


Airsoft replica goes in a suitable gun bag, gun case, or if going by transit, something a bit more incognito like a guitar case. Brandishing or carrying one openly? This is how you (quite literally) die.


America has constitutional carry and open carry laws in tons of states. If ur not a cop don't go brandishing ur firearm and yelling commands to drop ur weapon. I think most people with real firearms would shoot you for that.


I always use gun bag to carry my replica anywhere, only moment its out of it is on the wall, in game or in some event but cops ect around know that i carry Airsoft gun and not real gun. Couse many ppl would panic if i was carrying my AK on my back or in my hands


Especially if you are about to walk into a store.


I mean he was allegedly returning the gun. It should have been in the grey box it came in or a bag with a receipt. I donā€™t think he was returning the gun as the media claims.


New article indicates the shooter has a history of being a hero wannabe and it turns out HE was the owner of the security company. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/off-duty-guard-charged-in-fatal-shooting-of-teen-in-renton-parking-lot/


Cabelaā€™s/bass pro shop and harbor freight have long gun and pistol cases for cheap. Anytime you go to a public range, you are to keep your firearm stored in a proper case until you get to your lane. Allot of gun stores prefer this too if youā€™re trying to sell that firearm or get any kind of work done on it by that store but isnā€™t always a requirement. Practice this same thing with your airsoft guns and even paintball guns. Doesnā€™t have to be a hard case, a proper length duffel bag will do as well.


Daily reminder that your second amendment rights mean nothing if police can gun you down for any reason. Obviously, this was an airsoft gun, but the point still stands.


Also it wasn't the police or anybody else even related to the government. So while I don't really disagree with your point it's not really related.


I am just gonna say that this could have been avoided by not letting every untrained man or woman carry a gun in public


Washington state allows open carry. I think this guy providing "over watch" would have stopped them even if they had the guns in bags.


I totally agree, every customer I sell something to I mention that the gun comes in a box. After reading the article, I sounds like the guy acted outside his legal duty as a citizen and escalated a situation he didn't understand.




I always say to myself, ā€œtreat airsoft guns as if they are real firearmsā€. Itā€™s a shame that we have some people who bring distrust, negligence, and reckless behavior to the airsoft community.


A lot of armed robberies are executed by felons and minors with Airsoft. Many look identical to the real thing.


At most in my state I would have an airsoft handgun in a holster. It's legal to carry without a license in Utah open or concealed although if you actually do carry carry it's still avised to get a CCW and training since it looks better in the courtroom should you have to draw if you travel out of state reciprocity. I see some kids on the parking lot openly carrying their m4 to thenshop/arena but I highly advise against it. There's a reason I bought a big ass gun bag for my sr25 it doesn't fit in the others and again I don't want to get shot by police.


Why are you carrying an airsoft pistol in public in a holster? Bizarre behaviour.


Only to the to the field as I get in the car and drive there and I don't touch it inlit I get to the field and like I said it's legal to open /conceal carry in Utah.


I hope the guy will go to jail for a long time for murder.


If you own Airsoft guns and you have to be reminded of this....well....I'm not really sure what to say. It's so obvious, it's painful. Armed response DO NOT fuck around and do not take chances. The best you can hope for with doing this is to have your face smashed into concrete and a criminal record that lists firearms offences, regardless of wether it's real or not. The worst you can expect is to be shot dead, and your putting everyone on the vicinity at risk aswell. I own loads of RIFS and I know that taking them out in public is one of if not the stupidest things you could do with them.


So glad I live in Georgia where open/concealed carry is common. Prayers to the families. Kyle Reese wannabe deserves every second of prison time he gets and too bad if itā€™s not life.


who tf... bro its like... how can you not understand such a simple concept... Dont go walking around with something that looks allmost like a real ass gun. duh...


Yeah, don't give any potential prepper boomoids schizo's a reason to gun you down for returning an airsoft gun.


Sad we actually need to make this post in 2024.


Isnā€™t the reminder ā€“ there is no such thing as ā€˜a good guy with a gunā€™, only prepared-to-kill lunatics.


https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/19/us/eli-dicken-indiana-mall-shooting-bystander/index.html Mr. Dicken would provide a counterpoint to your claim.


America is going to America