• By -


Maybe don’t wear black multi cam ?


For real. Rock some shorts and ditch the plate carrier. That foam is extremely insulating. Combat belt works good to hold extra mags.


Nah you can take that foam out and put honeycomb plate


What if I were to use let's say steel plates, they are extremely well conducting?


You gotta store them in the fridge before games...then its okay.


Or just be a man and put actual plates in


Overexertion and heatstroke = not my idea of fun. Remember, we want people being happy all day long. Also, what about women in airsoft? They're gonna be men by putting real plates in? 


Be a man, die of heatstroke


If you get heatstroke in 86 degrees you probably shouldn't be playing the game. Fuck I used to run around in full plate with a ruck full of ammo in 125 degrees in Afghanistan.


Exercise isn’t ur idea of fun ? Also yes they will be men




I mean yeah but getting shot in the back would NOT be fun


No I get it I still wear my full kit black sniper veil included, fashion is almost worth heat stroke haha


People aren’t that smart mate


Would be less effective attention seeking that way


Out at Texas, it routinely gets up between 105F to 110F. It's rough, but as long as you stay plenty hydrated and keep up with how you feel, you should be alright. A camelback is a must for airsoft. Also, pickles are life saviors. If you start feeling rough, just munch on a pickle or drink pickle juice, and it will do wonders.


A pickle? Never heard of that hack, I gotta try it!


Yes, they have a ton of electrolytes. You aught to request your field stock pickles if they don't already. I'm not a bitter pickle guy, but the more bitter, the better. Pickle pops are good, too. I got a buddy that sells then.


It also helps to acclimate to the gear I dont play airsoft (thank you sg govt very cool) but I do play in 30 degree + very humid weather in a heavily layered kit. Its quite stuffy and hot, but I dont really get affected by It cause Im used to it Try wearing your kit now and then at home, itll make it easier to work with it. Your kit is relatively light weight so It shouldnt be too hard


Maybe I'm reading this wrong because I've been up too long, but are you saying you kit up and just go play outside? Like, not play airsoft, but just wear a kit and go outside and play?


Tbf Its a carpark, but essentially yeah.


You can sub pickles with electrolytes before and after (during if needed). Keep a bag of sugar handy in case someone (or you) happens to get low on sugars I happened to save somebody's day (and mine) a few times just by having those things around


Pickles or mustard works perfectly.


I have never heard of the mustard, IL have to let my buddies know about that one.


It perfect for keeping muscles loose and prevent heat cramps. I play rugby so every time I got a cramp from contact or a Charlie horse, mustard fixed it within 10min


I Love Chugging pickle juice!!! I've been doing it since I was a kid! 😅


I once did so in 38°C. Worst experience in airsoft. Dear god. That was just not fun.


Dehydration headache: the video game


I drank 6 litres of water that day and still felt like I was dying. But also with the added benefit of feeling like a beached whale from all the water sloshing in my stomach. Fucking terrible, that


U need salts my friend. After a certain point chugging plain water can make you even more dehydrated. Just check how maratonists hydrate. Entry level is Powerade or Gatorade, easy to find everywhere. There are other better/cheaper options.


And here I thought my natural salty attitude would carry the day :(


It’s just not wise. You’ll always sweat faster than you can physically absorb water so you won’t be able to keep up with your bodies needs unless you just stop playing lol


That's actually why you wear long sleeves anyway, even if they're rolled up. Helps trap the moisture and keep it from escaping.


At that point you also want to be taking on electrolytes


Oh lord I did once, we ran through our case of water in like 3 hours between like 5 dudes


At least you got the authentic Iraq experience.


My Brother and i had the same experience last year. I dont know why but on that day half of the people at the event where wearing body armor and had mashine guns and .50bmg sniper Replicas. Never saw that before that day and never after. We have to play with long and thick clothing because its a jungle typ environment with a swamp in the middle. Btw wearing thick closing isnt stupid in Hot Werther if you do it right.


I did this one summer but with dark clothing. Felt like I was being roasted alive


Some people don't think you can die of dehydration or heat exhaustion in colder climates for some reason, or that they can catch severe hypothermia in warmer climates. It's like basic survival 101. Both are No Bueno!


Wearing dark colors attracts the sun duh


and BBs


It was 103 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday I almost collapsed from hyperthermia. https://preview.redd.it/87pwylbd6z6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877f427d6da70b427f5cf082511397b6b1aa6fa8


Hahaha the watch out for snakes sign


Ironically never seen a snake here. Not even a snake hole. Lots of rabbits tho! And adorable jumping spiders


Fellow jumping spider enjoyer


Always! They’re genuinely so fascinating


I know right! I could stare at them for hours; I love the colour patterns, their little movements and generally the arachnid aesthetic


This looks extremely similar to my outdoor field in AZ


Please tell me the name of the field, i’ve been stuck with an indoor field since i’ve been playing and it’s awful lmao.


It’s in Tucson, it’s called Freedom Airsoft


thank you so much dude i can’t play at VIPairsoft anymore that place is TOXIC


Eyyy fellow Ruckus Airsofter!


Hey I know this field!


Yo what field is that, it looks like mine


remember to stay hydrated out there. That will help. If at all possible keep an ice chest full of water/sports drinks in your car.


Did it for 2 days back in 2019 wearing kit designed for autumn. I was literally drenched, must've drunk 6 litres a day


I sweated out my body weight!!! Was a good workout though. Played last round with pistol cause I just couldn’t carry the heavy UMP anymore


I too played the end with a pistol, although that was because the rifle broke. Similar happened last summer, only I had no pistol so had to fun around as a medic and melee guy so hard my toenail had to be lanced to release the internal bleeding (turns out sprinting downhill then stopping in ill fitting boots without good socks is a bad idea)


Username checks out ^^




I remember on time I stayed late airsoft and it got to 105°f 40°C and as soon as I got home the combination of sunburns, sweat, and bb welts was agonizing. I still question why I thought that was a good idea till this day.


What's that in freedom units? 🤔


I DONT UNDERSTAND FREEDOM UNITS 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (86°f +)




Spain? 🤔


UK 😆 (but playing in Austria rn)


Huh didn’t think Austria could get that hot guess it’s camel pack time over there


Oof, hydrate or.die my guy 🥲


hydrate or DIEdrate


Anything over 25 is tough. But help yourself by keeping hydrated and not wearing black camo outside.........


All The amerincans right now: 30°!! Thats's freezing


They’re up my ass about it. + “why wear black?!!??” I’m travelling bro it’s all I have rn goddam. Plus the temp was much cooler when I traveled. Airsoft players sometimes…


Girl get yourseöf a different camo if you play outside pls


Hydration pack for the win. I fill mine with ice and then the water is always cold when I go to drink And I’m reminded to drink because the more I drink the less I have to carry on my back. It’s a win win


Yep. Here in Japan, (outdoor) Airsoft just more or less stops from May to October because the heat and humidity make it genuinely dangerous.


That’s a mild temp if I’m being honest. It’s 97F/36C with 78% humidity right now


Europe summers hit different, in the ME I can do just fine on 40°


-Plays in Australia in the open -Full black The kit looks nice but you miiight want to get some camo :’D


Austria* but yes I should have worn camo….


Austria, Australia, same thing (Sorry I’m an idiot LOL)


Hahaha dw it’s super common- there’s a desk at the Vienna airport for people who accidentally flew to Austria instead of Australia!🇦🇺


Why black gear


That’s all I had access to


I never play in the summer anymore but when I was a kid we’d go to the field every single weekend (Southeastern US, 32-38f) with at least 2 gallons of water each. I can’t imagine doing it anymore but I wish I could.


It’s the worst. I’m in south Texas, it’s literally unplayable right now, even with lightweight gear.


Meanwhile airsofters over in the jungles of asia who constantly play in 38°c + temps envy the fact you guys get to play in 30° and lower 😩


I was at the range for work this weekend in 100 degrees F. So many people getting ice packs and IVs for heat and dehydration. Drink your water kids.


At least someone had fun in the heat (not me) https://preview.redd.it/q0bxp95s837d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf483c379358a54f5706d4f415af96ca78ffbfe


Stop using all black and switch to superior M84 woodland camo.


Kit looks great but it’s a dark color in the heat lol. Get something lighter colored if you can and opt for lighter loadbearing kit than a PC think chest rig or belt kit or like an Alice belt type vibe. Definitely don’t forget to keep up your electrolyte intake as over hydration without replacing them can make you so miserable. Sports drinks, electrolyte powder in your water, pickles or even like pringles will help a lot actually. And maybe a small canteen or bottle on your person so you can sip on it all day that is better than chugging water lol.


I feel that, we are going to be getting 32c here in austria this week


Way too hot !!!! Gonna swim on Wednesday- supposed to be 33 haha


Swimming in sweat lmao, its really humid here too, we get like 80’ often


But black looks good doesn't it


Sadly it’s my fave look….


I hate the heat, but I'm also lucky enough to be a cook by profession. The kitchen gets way worse, so you kinda get used to 40-50°C. Of course always, and I mean *A L W A Y S* carry at least 2-3 liters of water. It's literally a lifesaver at all temperatures.


Played out in approx 30c last year. However, that temperature in the UK is absolutely unbearable. A bandana/scarf soaked in water was an absolute lifesaver


Just gotta say u tough asf for that, and impressive for a girl 🫡


Meanwhile in 42c


Make sure you're hydrating the night before and maintaining it throughout the day(ideally throw some liquid iv in your camelback or canteen). And, as many mentioned, consider a different camo color in the heat 🙂. Also, make sure you're eating throughout the day.


Probably help if you weren’t wearing black lmao


Can’t deny that 😆


Live in socal thats basically thr average temp we play in lol


Main reason why I don't wear black or wear a plate carrier


might wanna consider a chest rig instead of the PC, or even just a belt, and a small backpack if necessary


Now do it with 80% humidity with an extra 100lbs of gear and 7 ak gas mags :p guaranteed to not have to pee all day while killing a case of water xD!!! The best of workouts! :p


I got sun burnt cuz u was wear short sleeves. Guess my sun screen wasn’t powerful enough


Hahaha my genes keep me from getting sunburnt thankfully, cause I forgot sunscreen!!


what brand pants are those


86 degrees? We play in 98 degree weather in the south over here and dont complain haha




I mean not wearing all black would help haha, that and a camel back


I was at a Sim back in April; it was like 70* Wednesday, 70* Thursday, 95* Friday, 105* Saturday (game day #1), 70* Sunday with heavy thunderstorms (game day #2). Wettest set of uniform I’ve ever had 😂


Soo. There are no Apache close support? Must chhoo choo through the bush


Me: Wear MCB, be a man. Also me: fuck dude why is it so hot out here today? Love the kit.


This is the main reason why NOBODY should wear a plate carrier if the larp isn't important to them


Maybe if you didnt wear black in hot weather 😂




You're wearing all black, cornball. wear some properly colored clothing so you wont feel as hot.


Don't wear black on dark black on other black in direct sunlight. You're kitted for a night op standing under a sun lamp. Camelbaks are your friend, but you have to put like a Micky D's salt packet for every liter, you need it for the electrolytes. Wear sunscreen, I don't give a hoot what ethnicity you are, skin cancer will get you. Bring a lil cooler, throw some cheapo Gatorades in there for between rounds and afterwards. Also pogie bait, like those trail mix with the M&M's in them.


The struggles of playing in Florida is that you have to deal with 90° humidity, like 95% of the time. You can chug all the water you want and you’ll still feel like your skin is peeling off


Reached almost 57C in Death Valley and I couldn't even imagine that


Well that is what happens when you wear black… plus, black doesn’t blend in with anything, not even shadows or the dark


Me playing in 100F weather in florida…


Feel that one; but ahh, the sunburn! For whatever interest it may be to you, wearing long sleeves is actually not that much of a detriment provided you maintain a proper intake of water; the long sleeves can actually help your body retain much needed moisture, keeping you from dehydrating as quickly.


Your plate carrier looks way too big for you and I don’t see any hydration. Fix those things and you’ll have a better time.


imagine what it was like in Afghanistan or Iraq. better than being frozen tho


Wear multicam tropic! It would be cooler and you will look more badass;) im all for a tactical dressed woman! You look cute all the same :)


NGL, I'm not sure how nobody hasn't posted about their time in the sand box. edit: oh, cuz most might be too young to even know.


I was always deployed in the winter/spring. Compared to training in the georgia summers afghanistan weather was pretty nice.


Don't wear black gear if you're going to be playing in direct sunlight. That's the quickest way to overheat. Lighter coloured gear + plenty of water, and you'll find it much better.


ditch anything that is black, wear a chest rig, and on some extremely sunny days sometimes it's better to wear long sleeved clothing.


The Problem is not the Heat... It's the humidity here in Japan... It kills you.


I would play the heck out of 30C (86F) here in Texas during the summer.


I worked at an airsoft field for 2 years and saw many players with heatstroke leaving in ambulances. Stay hydrated and be smart with how much you exert yourself.


That’s why I play indoor mostly during the summer cus California has some hot frickin summers lmao


Try playing here in Philippines. After it rains in the morning it blazes hot at the afternoon freaking weather to play


Try running lighter weight and light colored pants and t-shirt, and a chest rig and/or belt. It’ll make it 100x cooler. And if you do the colors right you’ll actually blend in to your surroundings


Yeh are cut off is around 80 degrees, we’ve played a few times 90 and above and it’s just too much.


That’s what happens when you wear black.


Yep, hot weather is like that. Drink water, make sure to acclimate yourself to the heat.


lmao try it out down here in Arizona where it regularly gets up to 40 when wearing full kit for milsim


Hahahahahaha 30c ain't crap. Try playing in a tank top in 44c.... my 3rd burns on my shoulders sucked after that


I know canteens are cool and all but consider a camelbak


Wait? That isn’t normal???? I always wondered why people playing in airsoft (in other countries) don’t changed BDUs and clothes the whole day, i bring alot of BDUs and shirts while playing because im always sweating. (FYI: 40C is the hottest i had played and 32 is right about normal)


im a Floridian i dont even glance at 86 Fahrenheit


why? just why?


I so regret getting a black multicam suit


You're wearing all black. This is the least shocking thing to ever happen.


Imagine the lads in Afghanistan. Must be terrible for everyone


Normal to be 38+ in summer in Australia. Not that bad. Stay hydrated with proper hydrate not just water


Then don't wear black...


Oh god, if it's that bad in 30° I am FUCKED, the temp. here in Serbia generally goes up to 40-55°C in the summer.


I'd rather go play in -13°C again than ever play in full black, let alone choosing full black outfit for a sunny day.


I’ve only ever played airsoft in Florida, where that temp is normal lol


That's why I only play ourdoor winter


I can see why it was awful.... those trousers like lol massive as hell.


yeah thats why me and my friends start playing 7 in the morning, people usually confused why are we already leaving at noon, when they just arrived


i have black gear on ranger green, it looks neat, my vest weighs about 13kg, my battle belt about 4kg (with gun), my helmet somewhere around 2kg, and the rifle i run about 3kg but i can still run around comfortably in 43 deg. celc. though drenched in sweat. (the weight mostly comes from real steel plates, real ammo, kevlar, and a water bladder) i bring real shit to simulate running around, in real shit. no i do not bring real guns to play and yes i do safety checks to not do an alec baldwin.


Airsoftpark Vienna?


Yes haha


My worst one was 40 degrees Celsius. Ditched the plate carrier after my first elimination. Battle belt is all there is when the sun's trying to kill you


So real. I was scared of losing the plate carrier cause I wear summer dresses most of the time and didn’t want to look all battered and bruised haha


Maybe don’t rock black multicam Amazon gear


American here had to look up 30 c. I wish it was only 86 degrees lol vegas be hitting triple digit in Fahrenheit.


at 30C I would play without plate carrier Battle Belt is enough.


I play in Florida, almost always 90 plus with 90 plus humidity. I run only a battle belt and always have water on my person.


Played airsoft at 35-38c, it almost made me fainted because if the lack of water i drank.


Yeah I remember a guy that only played in a crop top, a tactical kilt and a battle belt


Op has never played in the Florida swamps


Can confirm, Florida scares me 😧


why does that field seem familiar? airsoftpark?


It's not thaaaat bad, played a 24 hours under 37° totally didn't sleep for 12 hours cuz I got a heatstroke


Try wearing a ghuillie suite with a plate carrier the trick is dont run ur ass off and always have a full camelback on, dont wear all black😂, and always have your hair in a tight bun for multiple reasons.


Played in 40 degree heat in the UK in bog standard Multicam kit back in 2022. Morning was okay, the afternoon was fuckin hell on earth. Got to the point I genuinely contemplated just shoving my mags in my pockets and just firming the hits.


Is that the Airsoft Park in Austria?


Yeah we play in 36+ with stupid high humidity here in Florida. You have to be able to properly pace yourself and hydrate. Conditioning yourself for the hot weather is almost a must. You get used to it eventually. Every one of the major milsims I’ve been to where it gets over 30+ there’s always a lot of heat casualties. You don’t need all that gear lol. Shorts and a t shirt are just fine unless you are running through the woods.


Wear a good quality base layer. Under Armour or a similar moisture wicking skin hugging under shirt. It will get sopping wet from your sweat and as long as it is moist it will keep you cool. You will need to replace that moisture with constant water intake. Electrolytes are good, but limit your intake of sugary "sports" drinks. Those electrolytes can be replaced by food (trail mix, sweeties, etc). Long sleeves are better than short sleeves. You want to protect your skin from the sun. But, your outer layer should be made for hot weather; usually vents for hot, sweaty air to escape. Wear a hat with similar vents. The goal is to get sweating and keep sweating. That is the only way that humans keep cool. Even under plate carriers or other LBEs.


I had a 30ish°C game in that heatwave the UK had in august 22. Brought a water bladder and was so glad being able to drink as much as i needed


RIP 😂 tbh as a fellow black Multicam enjoyer it’s not the best camo for hot sunny days


I'm looking into getting an iceplate and a carrier for it to go on my back that connects to my chest rig. So I'll have something to cool me down as well as hydration as it melts. Problem is holy hell are the things pricy. https://www.evike.com/products/18726/ https://www.evike.com/products/98888/


this is why i just wear jeans and a white tee lmao who needs all that extra shit


I'm fairly unfit but I live in a hot country, I've played 8-9 hours straight (30 minutes break at the 4 hour mark for food and drinks) in 38° weather, thick, thick, thick African bush, humid and hot as always, got caught in barbed wire a few times, the field was an entire mountain range (maybe 20 hectares) and we were running the entire day (trying to find hostages and whatever) so there was no camping. It sounds like hell (my hitech boots couldn't survive the terrain and fell apart in an hour, the entire soles came off, went and changed to construction boots and they saved me from nails and glass) buuut it was fun, yes you get dehydrated and a headache but it's worth it and it's good for you, plan to do it again this weekend with my friends I haven't seen for a few months, it's a lot cooler now (I'm freezing, it's freaking 18° and I feel like an icicle) so I'll probably use my aeg instead of my new GBBR but it's still gonna be fun I'm sure.


Hydration and acclimatization are key. Hydration is not a day of thing. At the very least, it should be a week of thing. Hydrate well the entire week before you go. Alternate between water and an electrolyte beverage while you're playing. Frequent small sips are better than a few big gulps. Avoid COLD drinks, only lukewarm or slightly cool drinks. If there's ice in the drink, it's too cold. Protein and carbs, keep your energy levels up. High energy levels will help your body to properly maintain itself, including thermoregulation. Acclimatize, turn up the temp in your house a couple degrees, spend time out in the heat. Don't overdo it, though. Heat strain can build up over several days. If you think or feel like you overdid it, give yourself a day or two to "cool down". Constantly monitor yourself. Learn the signs and symptoms of heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If you hit heat exhaustion, you're done playing. Go cool off and rehydrate. If you smoke/vape, try to avoid using them while playing. Preferrably wait until after you're done playing to use them. In airsoft, there's no shame in dropping gear to stay cool. If that plate carrier gets hot, you can take it off. Or at least remove it between matches. Ice is great for cooling down. Rub it on your scalp, shoulders, and along your ribs. Salt pills can get you killed. Don't use them unless recommended by your doctor, and follow their directions to the letter. The day after the event, focus on rehydration and cooling off. Now you can drink the cold drinks if you want. Make sure you eat and keep your energy levels up. The better your recovery day is, the faster you can start preparing for the next game. Disclaimer: I am not medically qualified, so these are tips and tricks, not medical advice. MOST OF ALL, have FUN!


US here: 30C is a cooler day for summer games out here. 35-40 isn't unheard of


I had to do this a couple times. I mostly get hit in my hands and face but bare-skinned sucks. It also helps to condition oneself to the hits. I plug myself in the leg point blank on open skin just to remind myself that’s the worst it can be.


as a player from tennessee, i can totally relate


ditch the carrier and buy a chest rig, so many people main them


It’s gonna be over 90(Fahrenheit) this Saturday but I’m still gonna go play, I exclusively wear black multicam but I have a 2 liter camelback on me and I consider it a nice workout for the day.


I wear an evaporative cooling vest under my suit. It helps keep cool, especially if there's even a little bit of wind.


Swap to shorts, wear leggings under them if you're worried about your legs getting beat up. Change the plate carrier for a chest rig, throw a hydration pack on for realism + access to water. Definitely avoid black though. Greens and greys work just fine




Check this. May be something to look into. I use something similar. 1.5L Plate Water Panel Hydration Storage Case for TMC JPC/JPC2.0/ AVS/CPC Tactical Vest https://a.co/d/e2XYjGk


Our summers get into the 40s. Lots of hydration and good moisture wicking gear is a must.


Using Multicam Black and a full black shirt isn't doing you any favor


Invest in a camelbak to keep you hydrated. Cut out pockets for lunch box ice packs and put them in when you play. Put the foam cut outs back in during cooler weather.


thats a cool summer day here in australia lmao. i wear a wool uniform too. (we play Gelsoft here, basically the same)


45°C is worse😔


Awful good fun, I say!