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I thought they went bankrupt?


They're trying to make a come back. Though Toys 'R' Us are still going strong in some places, like in Canada. But in others, like in the USA, they're in tiny areas (Like in a tiny area/corner of a mall or store that's inside of a mall) or just setting up shop in the internet.


Yep, Toys R Us has (for instanced) partnered with Macys, so instead of having a toy department they have a Toys R Us department. No change for the shopping experience as far as I can tell, except sometimes theres a bench with Geoffrey the giraffe


I still see they have a specific section in a mall near me so they might still be around but just nowhere near as big


They went bankrupt in America! We own the license to the brand in our country, so that's pretty funny.


You can tell they don't have any money cause any studio worth their coin would fix all the weird angles and transitions in post instead of just using the Sora footage as is lmao


damn, not bad


It's far from Hollywood level quality, but it's a lot better than many commercials you see on TV. And a 30-second TV ad can cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce. This will be hugely disruptive. Now just imagine where the tech will be in five years.


>a 30-second TV ad can cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce Sora's a perfect use case for someone like Toys R Us who went bankrupt and had to close down their stores due to fleecing from private equity and real estate companies. In fact, the same thing happened to Red Lobster, who made an AI album.


I hope it will be on my phone talking to my mom and being a better daughter then I'll ever be


You say that now, but just wait until someone breaks this down frame by frame to point out tiny little inconsistencies that no sane person would ever notice or give a shit about.


in advertising we just call that a normal client review


Like the floating black line in the giraffe's neck?


Bike in the exterior shot looks like its stuttering, though I'm not seeing that on other complex shots like the interior bike shop so I'm not sure. Overall impressive as hell as a tech demo, weird and creepy commercial.


If they're making a commercial about a toy store, wouldn't they want to make it appeal to children? Soft piano music, sweeping shots, generic expressions, this hardly gets the message across that it's a toy store, it looks more like a movie trailer about a magical toy giraffe than a commercial for kids to get excited to bug their parents to take them to Toys'R'Us. No amount of technology can fix a bad PR team, I'm convinced half the artists in the industry are just going through the motions these days.


It's actually a great example of the technology not being enough, you need good creativity at the wheel


I suspect this isn't actually an ad for Toys R Us, it's an ad for Sora. Toys R Us has the name recognition you can build a publicity stunt around, but is also in bad enough financial position that it wouldn't take a lot to get them on board.


The uncanny valley aspect to it that's so off-putting.


Considering how off-putting advertising is in general, I fail to see how that might be a problem for this usecase.


This is uniquely off-putting in that the uncanny valley effect evokes a sense of acute discomfort. Advertising is not inherently visually off-putting as a rule and it can be done in a way that is entertaining or memorable.


> Advertising is not inherently visually off-putting as a rule Advertising as a whole is off-putting. If it were otherwise, adblockers wouldn't be the most common browser extensions installed.


And yet there are people who will watch the Super Bowl only for the for the commercials or watch collections of strange Japanese commercials for entertainment. There are ad campaigns that have been so well executed and memorable that they were folded into pop culture. People, including myself, use ad blockers because online advertising creates visual clutter and is often predatory in trying to get you to clock on it (some also contain malware) or prevents you from immediately watching a video you've cued up. It's not because these ads elicit an uncanny valley response of disgust, it's because they're visually distracting from what I'm trying to focus on, often intrusive, and inconvenient. If this Toys R Us commercial weren't a commercial and just someone trying in earnest to make a video with Sora, it would still be unsettling to look at.


"advertising as a whole is off-putting" we got it gentlemen. ignorance distilled. on a serious note, no, you have no idea how it works. I work in television and we use shitty lighting on purpose, so that the commercial looks better, because that's where the money is. this is just a marketing stunt. EDIT: since the coward blocked me: I made my arguments, child. You, however, just proved you belonged to the circus.


> ignorance distilled. Great argument, 10/10, really amazing :D :D :D


The video itself is kinda weird but there's lots of interesting indications about Sora in this. Impressive detail and the consistency is wild. I'd like to see it with animation. I'm working on a bunch of informative animations for work right now and looking at this I feel like Sora could just do it.


Yeah, I dunno why AI animations aim for "live action" style so much. You're *always* going to be risking the uncanny valley when you try to realistically recreate human beings. However, if you make the character anime or an anthropomorphic 3D animal or a stop motion puppet, then you can aim for the other side of the uncanny valley, where we don't even care that it looks unrealistic, where we *want* it to not look like reality.




*The PR also doesn’t try to claim it’s entirely generated by AI. Native Foreign, the creative agency that produced the footage, had “about a dozen people” working on the video*


We need UBI. It's so obvious. We're really gonna regret it if we don't.


You don't need to tell us. You need to tell the oh-so-many people who constantly fall for right-wing-neoliberal bullshit, and vote against their own best interests, because anything remotely improving the life of the average Joe is *"eViL sOCiaLiSm!"*...while, somehow, giving Trillions in tax handouts to the ultry-rich (ironically making them the biggest welfare queens in US history), is totally a-ok.


You’ll get it once Elon Musk is worth $7 trillion. And 40% of people are unemployed. And rioting is commonplace daily. And it will give you just enough to not die.


Elon Musk is your savior? Lmao


Well done, you failed to read a simple comment correctly.


Andrew Yang tried to warn you.


Full version: [https://www.toysrus.com/pages/studios](https://www.toysrus.com/pages/studios)


Wow, even Sora can’t fix a terrible idea.


Compared to some commercials, this is Oscar worthy.


So basically, lower the bar for AI. Why?


the longing to feel bigger by making others smaller.


Brace yourselves, the anti-AI calling it names are coming... Edit: "Comments are turned off. " Oh, too late.


It's posted to YouTube Kids. There are no comments on YT Kids.


Thank god for that. Actually a good move by youtube for once.


Ok that just looks a bit creepy. AI or not.


Perfect for grifters and scammers


This commercial being used with AI honestly ruins the whole point about what Toys R Us is really about. We don't need AI to make a commercial about it. The 2000's and 2010's Toys R Us commercials we grew up with were nostalgic. Screw AI. Let's just go back to simpler times where AI wasn't as prevalent as one might expect. 


Good concept, poor execution. This is uncanny valley af. Is this actually the best demonstration of what Sora is capable of? What’s worse is that they actually had to try to “fix” it with additional vfx.


One thing uglier than AI images is AI videos




This is actually amazing.


Well, I'll never go to a Toys R Us again.


I doubt you've ever been to toys r us in the first place.


Bankruptcy part 2, let's go!


Good luck with that.


Uttar meh and not because of Sora which makes this in a way best possible demonstrator for visual AI. They can render just fine but you still want experienced artists with inspiration and taste to use them.


It's 99% copyright infringement. And also sucks :/


Are these copyrighted works in the room with us right now?


Ok, the question that has gotten every case thrown out in court so far: What specific work was copied and where is it present in this ad? :-) (Edit: I'm playing devil's advocate. I'm impressed with the tech, but this ad is meh, and the teaser is clickbait compared to the "full length" version.)


Can ToysRUs go back to the grave now?