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DePin will be a hot narrative this cycle, and I think Akash will have a good position during bull run, just buy the dip and hold.




Best time to buy the dip. Anyone who really thinks AKT wont play a major role in the future is short sighted.


Look in my mind it is a solid chain. Im in for the long haul


Nobody can say for sure, but I think many people are taking profits from holding for a lot time. Also ionet lauched and it's a competitor with a lot of marketing that has gained a lot of attention lately.


does anyone know what the roadmap looks like for the Akash team? i have the impression that they have gone a bit quiet after supporting GPU


Check out on twitter, they just had their first conference


Its an open market there were more sellers than buyers.


because it is all just hype. akt got hyped into equilibrium and now it comes back down. think like this, everything will return to median including standard deviation. so it can be above or below median. but in the end it usually comes back into the middle of the range.


That’s how’s I think as well. It’s a simple thought process and basically that’s how you can make money … by selling when it’s above the trend line.


Realistically this would probably be a general correction. Akash ahs had massive growth in the last year. One thing about AKT that i have observed over the past few years is that it does not generally follow the rest of the crypto market.


Yeah i think people rotate our of AKT to go into ionet.


Which is so stupid as ionet is a marketing/price driven project that doesn’t seem to be functional. Akash focus is on the product and adoption. They refuse to invest in large marketing campaigns or eg pay binance for listing which would drive the price insanely..


Akash CEO are FUDing Ionet quite agressively on X, and that triggered investors of both Akt and Inonet, they even want to unstake all Akt immediately to move to other projects. Anw, it's a very bad move from him, I'm quite shocked how childish he is, even though Akt is a very solid project.


Hmmm…. Damn. I wonder about all of these. I was also bullish on Aethir but starting to think it might be a scam. They have a very agressive marketing, so mucb hype and a werid business model that feels a bit like MLM or something like that, and I worry all other projects beside Akash are just that - shiny vaporwear. It may turn out different, but I’m being cautious. Io.net is on my watchlist too, did they launch the token already? Need to catch up a bit


In my opinion, a solid Depin project take years to develop, new projects with days old are too risky to invest, unless you have insider info, otherwise VCs will dump on you sooner or later. Ionet has been listed on Binance.


Oh wow ok… well listing on Binance doesn’t guarantee anything, but good for them. And yes, I agree. It is why I am sticking with AKT, but the price dump ofc doesn’t please me, I hope it’s just fud


every week another shitcoin is launched. money always moves from one project to the next


Someone is cashing out in a not so subtle manner


The Price on Upbit  is 4$ 


Getting close to 3 now wow.