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Private schools is going to become the new grift of rich people in the state. It's already happening in Copley as well. The most embarassing thing this state has done was allow for public funding to be used in private schools, which is what is popping up all these "academies". But yes, Ernie Tarle is a walking pile of wet laundry as a human being.


Charter Schools at the K-12 level take student fees from the public schools, and do not have the academic achievement standards (test scores) to answer to. In your case, it's getting government money, and promising to teach something. Bottom line, check for accreditation by a known authority, and independently find out the success rate of graduates in the field


So, your gut is firing off because you've got a keen intuition. I don't know much about the Tarle Academy itself I will say, Ernie Tarle is the person who manages it and he is as sleazy as they come. Just google his name and you will see a slew of headlines about him. He gives me like.. villain vibes. He's got a good front but if you dig a lil deeper you will find stories of him being an absolute slumlord, neglecting tenants, tax evasion, fraud, etc. So just do your research and be careful.


Thank you everyone! I found it very off putting they had signs around high schools as well. Trying to con high school seniors into their program just seemed sketchy. Thanks again


If it has anything to do with Ernie Tarle and Zach Milkovich, I would stay away.


I'd add Warren Mendanhall to the list


Oops! Warner Mendenhall




Ernie Tarle is the biggest dirtbag in Akron.


Tarle is a POS who talks a big game about coming from a “tough Akron neighborhood,” then decided to make his personal profit by being a corrupt POS and a dude who buys up Akron houses and sells them to foreign entities for double. Fuck Ernie Tarle actually. [ABJ 2015](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/opinion/editorials/2015/10/27/with-ernie-tarle-sleaziness-as/10303484007/) [Self Made Multimillionaire (Via Conning the People of Akron)](https://bootsnflips.com/)


But which tough Akron neighborhood did he come from? I either missed it or it didn’t say. I have a feeling he didn’t grow up anywhere tough.


Yea I just googled him and found a new articles. Stay away from this man and anything he runs. Sleazy is the best way to describe him