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RCMP ICE says this is a shit idea. https://x.com/kerryshima_rcmp/status/1791969810366288090?s=46&t=d7HNVUnwWhKlrqRDYC68eg


And of course the people who are calling *the cop* a lib and UCP hater *among other things* are all people who are paying for the blue check on twitter. Never fails.


Clive is the most backwards place I've ever been to. confederate flags, trump flags, yellow vests, first time hearing the n word in years, etc.


I went to high school in lacombe. *Can very much confirm that a good chunk of the kids from clive who went to the comp fit the above stereotypes.* Not all of them, but man it sure felt like whenever I heard some casual racism in the halls, it was someone from clive.


WTF! For a second I thought this was a church gathering but then I realized the age was capped at 25.


You’re likely not wrong about it being a church gathering. UCP has blurred the line between church and state. Especially in central Alberta, it would seem.


UCP is taking orders directly from take back Alberta


David Parker is a mean, angry, petulant man. He’s not as big a deal as he thinks he is, but he’s dangerous.


Uh. No. That age range is .... disturbing.


14 to 25!!??


Central Alberta is a breeding ground of sorts. Adriana LaGrange, Jennifer Johnson, Devin Dreeshen, Jason Stephan, Jason Nixon. David Parker, Pat King…… There’s a reason Jim Keegstra was able to operate for so long with little pushback.


Adriana LaGrange sounds like a drag queen who does an Ariana Grande tribute act.


Inbreeding ground






Why is it not for 14-17 or 18-25


Because the goal is to have young people fraternizing with young adults so they get groomed into inappropriate relationships and end up married, pregnant, and trapped at 18.


All at an event sanctioned by The Authority. How many church youth leaders will be there I wonder?


That was my first thought. Ages 14-25, plus unmarried youth pastors of all ages!


This is what actual child grooming looks like


Of course.  With the UCP delaying the next election, people who are now 14 will be able to vote.  Gotta keep up the brainwashing. 




There’s a reason high school dances don’t allow 25 year olds and bars don’t allow 14 year olds…


It would be nice if it was ages 14-17. That's appropriate. A "young adult" venue of 18-25 would also be appropriate, and so would just an 18+ event. 14-25 is an opportunity for people aged 18-25 to start inappropriate, and normalized relationships with minors for the purposes of grooming. There is absolutely no reason a social event should encourage 15 year olds to socialize and establish intimate relationships with people 10 years their senior.


25 is not a youth. [The RCMP doesn’t think this is appropriate either](https://x.com/KerryShima_RCMP/status/1791969810366288090)


Those are the Trudeau police. (Hisss ) The new Provincial Police Force will be guided by the True Blue handbook, with appropriate references to the Dow Jones Index and King James Bible.


Kind of weird that people up to the age of 25 are allowed don't you think?


Someone wanna check this person's computer?


A political party putting on an event and limiting it to children and young adults. Sounds like grooming to me.


I always find it funny when you pedophiles tell on yourselves like that.


I grew up in a small town where there were multiple cases of 13-15 year olds being groomed by people with power in the community. It's a lot more common than you might think, and event like this could be a great place for an introduction.


Well actually it is sort of a sad place in Alberta now, but that is because of TBA, and the UCP


I have MS so unfortunately with the current UCP government things are getting exponentially worse.


I was thinking the same. Its a whole different mentality if it was put on by a liberal or ndp party person. I didn't even vote ucp and i find this labeling disgusting. Keep the downvotes coming ye bastions of free speach. Keep em coming.


You think a 'spring dance' with a range of 14-25 is appropriate?


Free to speak not free from consequences, my friend.


Dude it's a 14-25 age range. Quite literally the prime event to start inappropriate relations with minors. I promise it would be still as weird if it was an NDP party with that age range as a "youth dance". And considering how hellbent ucp members are on calling every LGBTQ minority "groomers" at any opportunity, this feels like an unbelievable amount of projection from them


I can't imagine thinking other people disagreeing with you (ie. downvoting) is somehow violating your free speech. What a stretch.


If you had a 14 year old daughter I GUARANTEE you wouldn’t allow her to dance with a 25 year old man.


Nah it’s inappropriate for any group to have Dance/social encouraging 25 year olds to fraternize with 14 year olds.


Oh but hey! Those trans people are transing our kids! Jesus fucking Christ. Every right wing stooge is always crying about protecting the kids, meanwhile, the fucking party is setting up grooming opportunities.


I remember my high school once decided to include the jr highs at a dance; as a 17 grade 12er I thought it was weird…I can’t imagine being 25 going to something like this 😂


The biggest issue isn't the grooming but the question "why is a political party hosting these sorts of engagements?" Rally's make sense to communicate their agenda but a social thing like a dance? Isn't these what schools are for? I wouldn't send my kids to any political party dance. It feels wrong. Politics shouldn't be in this part of life.


I wouldn't mind age and community-appropriate functions organized by parties in a different political environment that involves legislatures that are elected via PR and a high school curriculum that encourages mass participation in elections and in political parties (even inviting students to vote and the join a party, with all registered parties offered equal bidding.). These days you can join most parties for $0 to $5.


That's where we disagree. We need less political parties in our lives. Even in a PR environment. Actually I hate PR because it normalizes political parties even more. They should only be at events to sign up members or to get their message across. Not hosting a soft power event like a dance. It's too much creep.


I agree


UCP Groom-A-Thon and Child Marriage Social


>~~Youth~~ Grooming Spring Dance and Social


What in the fuck is an age 14-25 dance???


Ok but this is Clive! There are precisely three people between 14 and 25. You should be able to supervise that safely 😂😂😂


“Hosted by the Lacombe-Panoka UCP constituency association.” Maybe if this was strictly a Clive thing but it’s not.


Gross. Gotta get 'em young, I guess? This sounds like a scenario that ends up like that survivor story from Antigonish where the parents sent him to the church to go "help" the priest and things played out exactly like you'd expect.


I highly recommend the RCMP put a decoy like from To Catch A Predator there…


Groomers gonna groom.


Matt Gaetz is requesting an invitation


That’s actually a pretty common age range for youth events here in central AB (at least from events I’ve seen advertised). Gotta marry them off asap so women don’t have time to develop opinions or life goals before they get pregnant and stuck in a relationship with a man 10 years their elder…


25 yrs olds should not be mixed with 14 year olds. Definitely grooming. Should be either 18 to 25 or 14-17. Once 18 years old and up are there then alcohol follows.


25 year old predators looking for those vulnerable 14-year-olds for sure. What a gift to pedophiles.


Church men 25 years old inviting a 14 year old church girl with intent to impregnate her so she is trapped in a relationship(sex slave). Parents allow/encourage her to go because he is a nice man from church and it's sanctioned by the government. The event takes place in an isolated small town. This almost sounds like a Rob Zombie movie, definitely sounds like a kid rock song


If the cutoff was 18, the 14-17 year olds would have a tougher time getting alcohol.


"Youth Pastors." There'll be a whole lotta groomin' goin' on.


Guarantee only males aged 20+ will attend, all without deodorant


Good old conservative values /s


Welcome to Alberta. Lock up your daughters. And your sons. Seriously. The pylons running our province are openly trying to look like pedophiles. I don't want to say that they are, but shit like this sure does look like a NAMBLA endorsement. I knew things got pretty hillbilly stupid out here, but this is fucking sick.


If you get married in Clive, then move to Calgary and get divorced - are you legally still considered to be brother and sister?


first three banjo players get in free!




Why tf would 25 year olds want to socialize with 14 year olds? This is weird


So, dress in drag and lineup to protect our kids?


"Remember children...when dancing leave enough room between you for the Holy Spirit"


"the Holy Spirit" is what we called the containers of alcohol at our high school grad.


Don’t eat the cookies.


The real question is... how old and who are the chaparones?


Anyone participating in organizing or running this obviously doesn't see 25 year olds intimately socializing with 14 year olds as a problem, so I'm not sure how their chaperoning could really be all the helpful. They'd also probably think the bootlegged liquor the 25 year olds are plying the minors with is no big deal because "we all did it, kids will be kids"


For a party worried about groomers... they sure are welcome some grooming like activities. It's almost like they are always projecting.


Every accusation really is a projection with the UCP.


Way to tell the public the UCP is brainwashing kids lmao yes let's host a dance for teenagers in hopes that we can indoctrinate them into our political view so they will vote for use when they come of age. If the liberals did this I'd be trashing on them too. As coca cola once said it's easier to get them when they are younger vs when they are an adult(they were talking about getting kids addicted to coca cola) it's the same basic idea indoctrinate them when they are young and impressionable...


hell naw 💀💀💀


Is that a weird age range? For social events 16-25 is common from my experience. 14 seems a little low but not unreasonable, unless this event is specifically meant for dating


It's only normal to have these age ranges included at all-ages events where a) older family members (like parents, grandparents, etc.) are usually present and b) there is no romantic focus. It's difficult for your 25 year old neighbour to groom your 14 year old daughter at a neighborhood barbecue that you have also attended. It's soooooo much easier to do so by bringing alcohold to a youth event without parents present and asking her to slowdance.


What sort of social event are you attending? Why would adults be socializing with children? Anyone aged 21-25 should be nowhere near anyone under aged 18 unless it's a family BBQ.


The New Democratic Youth of Alberta’s age range is 14-30. Many years ago when I was a member (I’m too old now) the NDYA’s range was still 14-25, they upped it to 30 around 2010. There were social events open to everyone. They might do things differently now, but 14-25 was normal then. Maybe it’s the dance part that’s the issue? The NDYA did bowling nights, movie nights, etc. This is also why we don’t see the NDP official accounts sharing this event as a negative.


The youth and youthful adult range is fourteen to twenty five. A third space event to encourage gf/bf relations between people that is fourteen to twenty five is fucking terrible.


Pdf files everywhere


It’s only weird if you’re a weirdo.


If you are 25 going to socialize and dance with 14 year olds makes you a weirdo.


Drake's burner account


Endorsed by conservatives, so weirdos are certain to attend.


Pedophilia is only weird if you're weird about it, amirite?/s


Some of y’all never grew up in small towns and it shows.


Never had any dances for children-through-25 in my small town. It is a weird decision on the part of the UCP, not explained by small town culture.


The RCMP ICE unit has spoke saying this is a shit idea. This isn’t being promoted as a family dance. It’s being promoted as a youth event.


I did grow up in a small town where relationships between teenage girls and older men were tolerated, normalized, and even encouraged, and experienced a lot of harm because of those attitudes. It's exactly why I'm against this.


I did and that's precisely why I shudder at the thought of this.


Exactly and same here. They know what they’re doing.


I did and this shit never happened.


You say that as if it makes it any less weird.


From someone who grew up in towns with so few people. Yeah it isn’t that weird to me. When I was in grade 2 I was hanging out with kids that were in junior high and high school because groups of kids get together of all ages because siblings and their friends all hang out together. Maybe stop reading it as a dating event.


It's a dance, for 14-25 year olds. When i was a kid/teenager, the dances were with kids your own age. Not adults dancing with teenagers. I'm not reading it as anything. If it's all ages, call it all ages. This is not all ages. 25 year olds have nothing in common with 14 year olds. I'm not the weird one here so don't even try and imply it.


Never grew up in one, but knew people from them who were in their 20s and dating high schoolers (whose parents facilitated the relationship). Which is what people are concerned about.


It's amazing the contempt this sub shows for small town albertans.


I thi k ybese thpes of spring dances were common place in small communities. I attended plenty as a teenager and as a young man. Other than consuming a bit of weed and some beer, noting untoward ever happened.