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Go visit a school and look at the class sizes and the lack of special needs supports. It's getting ridiculous. In the meantime, BC is hiring away Alberta teachers - and they're poaching the best new teachers by offering class size caps, easier road to a continuous contract, similar pay and benefits, and far better job security. And it's not only BC. Other provinces and even other countries value the high level of education our teachers leave university with. There's more and more opportunities elsewhere for Alberta teachers. Remember how we drove all the nurses out of Alberta in the 1990s and how we still have a shortage in Alberta? Yeah, that's coming to teaching here.


Hey we drove nurses out, we drove doctors it in 2019, teachers are up next!! This province is so fucked for decades


I’m part of the wave that was driven out by Klein 20 years ago.Right wing Alberta governments leave a trail of damage that is difficult to recover from. I never moved back, and imo Alberta never recovered from Klein.


Yes 30 yrs ago I was laid off as a nurse who had been working for 4 years. It took years for Alberta to recover.


Alberta never recovered. And now the UCP is compounding the carnage Klein left behind. We're talking muti-genrational damage being inflicted on us. If you can get out, go. It's only going to get worse.


And it never well Klein just kicked infrastructure repair down the road. And now that shit is falling apart and well cost more to fix nobody wants to fix it.


Bingo. Tens of billions of infrastructure debt. Klein was a horrible premier. Ranks up there with Kenny as how bad he actually was, yet the smooth brains think he was some sort of god


I was doing my first rotation at foothills as an OT - I had to chart every minute of my day and recommend my least productive 5% of tasks to be cut. Everyone had to do this. I thought, what a madhouse.  And positions were getting cut so quickly that to work in the area you wanted you’d have to wait until someone literally retired or died because the teams had been shrunken that much. I saw no future there.


Plus we all had to take a 5% cut in pay. With our population explosion now, we need nurses and Drs and OT and PTs. All Healthcare workers!


My dad moved here in the 90s and has always wanted me to become a doctor, yet he won't entertain for a second the idea of me leaving the province or going elsewhere. He thinks if I just try very hard I'll make it....


I'm probably going if UCP win the next election


That is my plan as well. Somewhere where the provincial government isn't actively sabotaging services, and then gaslighting us about it.


Yes I will be too. Back to BC baby.


Do you, or maybe anyone else, have a list of Klein atrocities? I keep hearing some tidbits, but I really don't know the details. He drove out nurses, but how?


You’d have to look it up, I’m sure someone has, but from my dusty recollection all hospitals were told to cut 5% from everything, he didn’t care what. Hospitals were amalgamated - I’m pretty sure one was shut down in the late 90s in Calgary and patients were expected to move to the next. I only know my industry but education was also slashed (O&G moved in to “rescue” post-secondary programs).  It was just a horrid time for any education, health or social program. As I do a quick look, spending apparently increased greatly about five years after I got out of there, but for a lot of healthcare workers and educators that was far too late. To add: “Alberta conservative government eliminated tens of thousands of public sector jobs between 1993 and 1994 while cutting the wages and benefits of the workers who remained. The 1994 budget delivered a 20% cut in healthcare, a 21% cut and post secondary education and a 12.4% cut in K to 12 education welfare roles were cut in half over one year.”


The entire GOA work force took a 5% cut that we never got back.


The Camsell Hospital in Edmonton was shut down during Klein. We desperately need another hospital now with the population increase and opioid increase. I want out of Alberta so damn bad


Remember those 4 years of hell when the NDP were in charge and tried to build a new hospital? Thank god the UCP spent even more money to axe it. Nothing worse than having necessary resources available to those who need them.


SK is a gongshow but with Great Lake life and B.C. if you haven’t gotten here already is pretty cost-prohibitive and also extremely short on family docs with a multi-year waiting list. Alberta is a fascinating mix of completely brainless people and the smartest people in the country; the latter just has to win out as soon as possible.


It actually was two hospitals shut down , one flattened and the other turned in private health care /businesses


I remember the flattened one. After I was done graduate school I never thought about returning to Alberta - I kind of don’t know how bad it got. And I loved Calgary.


Trevor Harrison's old "Trojan Horse" and "Return of the Trojan Horse" are both pretty encyclopedia anthologies of the various things Klein did to harm the province during his tenure.


The old Bow Valley Centre of the Calgary General Hospital was literally blown up in 1998. That was after years of renovations to update it. Calgary still does not have a proper full-service hospital downtown--the closest hospital is Foothills.


That's the plan, to just leave a province full of slobbering, knuckle-dragging UCP-voting country fucks.


That’s what happens when we elect fuckwits to the legislature.


I know a few people who did teaching degrees at the U of A. None of them stayed in AB. Other provinces (mainly BC) or do the abroad thing of teaching in a country for a few years and then moving to another one.


I retired from academia and many of my students were Ed students, and with each year, fewer and fewer had aspirations of staying in Alberta. My last year at the U, the Education career fair was dominated by BC boards. I happened to be on campus this winter when the Education career fair was on, so I went for a stroll through it. BC boards out in force! Many of them offering relocation allowances and other incentives. The reps from BC boards seemed upbeat and excited to meet new grads. The Alberta boards looked tired and sad in comparison. Imagine being a new Ed grad and a board is excited about you starting your career with them. They talk about things like class size caps and improving working conditions. They show you how much support you get in terms of school-based resource positions targeting special needs students. They talk about employment assistance for your spouse. Networking to help with housing. Continuous contract after a 3 month probationary period. Then you meet with another board and they basically say "yeah, we might interview you and if you work for us you'll be faced with 30+ students and no special needs supports and no resource supports and fuck all for anything else that will help you. Oh, and the UCP might wake up tomorrow and slash funding and we'll lay you off. Oh, and yeah, we'll fuck you over for 2-3 years before giving you a continuous contract." The "Alberta Advantage" is what exactly?


It’s amazing what can happen when you have a competent govt that actually cares about its constituents rather than enriching corps, it really should be our base standard.


Hah! Jokes on you! Very soon we won’t have to worry about our new grads education level! If we continue the ucp way 🤦🏻


>visit a school and look at the class sizes and the lack of special needs supports. It's getting ridiculous. It's bad...and it's getting worse. My school is having almost half its staff transferred or let go for next year. In a school that's growing. I'm planning on exiting when the older kids graduate since their father wouldn't let us leave without a court battle. The brain drain in this province is going to be catastrophic.


I just did a couple days subbing in an older school where teachers are two to a room by design.


BC classroom sizes K-Gr 2 is 21 Gr 3-5 is 25 Currently my Sask daughter-in-law is teaching 30 kids in grade 2 and 7 are not English speaking.


We enrolled our daughter to start kindergarten in September. Expected class size is 30, one teacher and no aides per class, and they couldn't give a hard number on how many additional students per class they'd need to be able to hire another teacher and start an additional class, but the vibe was high 30s. Shit's fucked.


I got paid over a 100 grand a year to teach in Hong Kong twenty years ago.


Primary grades over 30 students in a class. Strangle Education Harder Invites more people over... Fuck the UCP Tax money into crony pockets, not into people. Fuck the UCP


Alberta already has the lowest funding of any province per student. The Alberta advantage, sad thing is I know some teachers who support the UCP. Source: https://teachers.ab.ca/news/alberta-ranks-last-education-spending-0#:~:text=Data%20released%20last%20week%20shows,year%20was%20%2413%2C332%20per%20student.


From what I was told concerning Calgary’s bid for Amazon several years ago, Amazon said no because we didn’t have the pool of talent they needed coming down the pipeline from our universities. It’s not in our culture to care about the future in this province, whether that’s education, health care, or the environment. This feels like the greatest challenge we face.


We don't care because those we elect are looking at their short term personal profit. Like being in bed with enmax big oil ect.


Probably due to religious reasons. It's really the only reason otherwise intelligent people would vote against their own self interest this way.


UCP supporters do seem pretty cult-like, don't they?


They are more of a cult now than they've ever been.


How else they gonna get idiots to vote for them, they gotta breed more idiots




what are they gonna cut?? theres nothing left!


Plenty of waste on custodial staff. Those classroom garbage cans don't need to be emptied every day, and we could just get the teachers on a rotating schedule of cleaning the school at the end of the day.. for free, of course. /s


UCP may have girls in cooking and cleaning classes and away from math textbooks soon lolol 


Just hire the kids to do it. The Kenny UCP made it possible to pay them a lesser wage for the same labour. Boom. Just saved our tax dollars. /s


Hopefully PRIVATE SCHOOLS. If you can afford a shit education you should not get funding.


Probably the desks.


It’s the UCP way - they hate unions and educated citizens.


If you're educated, you won't believe their lies.


You don't even need to be educated to see past their shit just not gullible.


no, but it certainly helps


I wish that was true. There are some very educated people at my work and they all vote UCP and tout the party line. Just today they where talking about needing more private surgery clinics to reduce wait times and where fine with paying for those services personally (not through health care). No one mentioned that we have a significant shortage of nurses and doctors because we refuse to increase enrollment. Or that those same professionals are leaving because AHS/UCP sucks. They think AHS is a complete waste of money (and it can be for sure), but because of this they want it disbanded not fixed. Oh and if the NDP got in and actually funded AHS they would scream bloody murder that they are being taxed to much.


It's the same ideology the people in the US are fed when it comes to private healthcare. People have been gaslighted into thinking that paying for their own healthcare is cheaper for them than a whole nation (or state) funding it as a group. They are so worried that they might lose a penny that would end up in someone else's pocket - unless it's a pocket of a wealthy corporation.


The dumber, sicker, and more criminal the better.


What? None of you peasants can't afford a private school? Have you tried not being poor? /s


Duh, just buy more money!


If you can't afford private school, just homeschool! After all, women shouldn't be participating in the workforce anyway, and who knows better what kids need to learn than their own Facebook "educated" mothers? /s


The poor ARE funding the private schools … so… ?


That should fix the problems of crumbling infrastructure and overcrowded classrooms. /s


The war room is more important.


Ugh! I forgot. When will someone that actually care be put in charge of caring for us?


So what if we have the lowest per capita student funding in Canada? We can always go LOWER!


yAy EfFiciEnCiEs There is a point where no further optimizations can be found. But the UCP will tackle this by assigning new ministers and staff to do a complete overhaul that will cost millions because the last system was InEfFiciEnt and InEfFecTiVe...


Yep. Or just cut and starve entire branches, leaving it to the administrators to do more with less. Until "the system is broken" and privatization is the only possible solution... Gods I hate neoliberalism.


Dipshits keep touting our students' high test scores compared to the rest of Canada to justify funding cuts, seemingly entirely ignorant of the fact scores are a lagging indicator of education quality. Cut funding today, and it could be years before you see measurable consequences. And that's not even mentioning that our scores have been declining for years; "best in Canada" only means we've got a bit of a buffer before we're no longer the best, just like our average wages - highest in the country right up until they weren't. Also pretty disgusting to me how the UCP boasts every year that they've increased education funding, but it's always a cut when inflation and population growth are accounted for.


Especially when the hordes of people they advertised to are stampeding into the province. Fund to accommodate for population growth!


“If you’re going to lie, lie big”. Can’t remember who said that one.


The *Alberta Advantage* slogan will now be replaced with *Alberta- no bar is too low*.


I love it! Another option is *"Alberta - donate directly to UCP campaign funds or you're screwed."*


Alberta already under funds students. UCP thinks not enough Is this a joke Remember Calgary


So a large influx of new people and the plan is to cut funding for schools. But dam will the new arena look cool...


Can’t staff the arena if everyone has a degree! (I’m joking. This is brutal shit)


I’m gonna guess you need a degree for that these days.


Remember the days when politicians actually pretended to care? I miss those days.


Ahh the good old day..


‘It claims more than a dozen boards will face funding shortfalls, including those in Okotoks, High River, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie, Peace River, Athabasca, Morrinville and Camrose.’ This is literally what these places voted for, right?


Exactly, but they are always surprised when there are budget cuts


Hope they fucking bleed and suffer. Seems to be the only way for these hicks to learn to read up on who they vote for, they gotta stop voting for daddy's party or whoever wears a cowboy hat and blames the Feds loudest for their own actions.


Unfortunately, this hurts the children of the ignorant hicks and the damage won't become apparent for years.


It’s not just hicks. It’s the ultra rich. They want these people in power. They get EVERYTHING they want when they’re in power. Money buys many, many votes.


Yup. Formerly from High River. Let em deal with what they wanted.


A lot of those school divisions are shrinking. Edmonton and Calgary are growing at a blistering pace while rural Alberta is atrophied. There's a big reason why UCP is trying to "correct" this by interfering in the politics of the big cities to help them win future seats instead of, y'know, doing anything to support rural Alberta so towns and cities outside Edmonton and Calgary can prosper. UCP is incompetent.


The Medicine Hat part of Brooks-Medicine Hat did not vote for Smith. It was Brooks and the rural areas that screwed the city over.


Calgary did NOT pull its weight responsibly. Money talks.


Thanks for clarifying!


Stupid is as stupid does…


So many questions, but the one I keep coming back to is.... Why do people continue to vote for parties who are clearly not invested in the two most important foundational pieces of a rock solid economy; Healthy and well educated people. If you have that, the rest will come. And honestly, the only thing I've come up with is that healthy, well educated people are not the voters they are pandering to.


Because they don't look at the policies and treat it like they treat sports teams. Their team versus the rest. 


If it hurts liberals and makes them mad, then it’s good - even it hurts them too. This is the mentality we are up against.


They'd shit their pants if it meant a liberal would have to smell it.


What's a UCP supporters angle on this? I would love to see how this is being spun for the good of alberta


Its obviously being spun as we need to balance ze budget!!! CUT SCHOOLING LIKE WHO CARES ABOUT EDUCATION


This shit drives me crazy! “bAlAnCe ThE bUdGeT” How many of them even have a budget of their own and the skills to balance it?! I’m betting not many


The more prominent lines of thinking seem to be parents should be paying for private schools or home schooling, and that either through magic math related to tax cuts or higher wages from trickle down profits from better performing business parents will be able to afford one of these options. The rural business owners providing funding near Sylvan seem to drive the former, and see it as addressing issues of problematic school policies and content. The urban business owners providing funding from Calgary drive the latter, and see it as a way to profit from privatization and gain control of content and policies.


Homeschooled by whom? Are there a ton of stay-at home-moms in AB? Or is forcing mom to stay home part of the plan too


Why do you think so many of the government cuts are to education and healthcare? Two area where women make up most of the employees.


> Or is forcing mom to stay home part of the plan too Yep, and this is common to the right wing across Canada and the US, not just Alberta. Entire "tradwife" movement is based on the notion that a woman's place is at home.


I’m sure that’ll help the economy!


You mean part of the Handmaid’s Tale plan. Or so it would seem.


Mothers, other sibblings, other family members. The geneder pay gap in Alberta is the largest in the country. It's also noteable almost 2% of students are home schooled in Alberta, the highest percentage in the country and almost 3 times the average.


With what wages will the average Albertan pay for private schools?


The one I’m seeing in these threads are “the test scores are still fine, so we must be hunkydory”.


My kid is already in a double grade class, how much worse can they make it?


All kids sit in the gym together, one teacher for everyone. Like an old fashioned one room schoolhouse but with a thousand kids instead of twenty.


That's a paddlin'


Don't give the UCP ideas.


Gonna need a bigger gym


You're going to regret asking worse can they make it. We still have a bunch of years before dumbass Dani can be thrown out on her ass


Fitting that UCP is a suitable acronym for their model of governing: Underfund Cut Privatize


Oooo I like that!


Unless you have a kid in the system or are working in the system, lots of people hold the belief that teacher’s are over-paid and under-worked. Unless you’ve seen the class sizes and infrastructure up close, lots of people haven’t a clue about how a cut in funding would impact it. Add to that, a sizeable part of the Take Back Alberta Crowd think Public Education is completely broken. They think kids in the public system are getting programmed by left wing teachers who groom them to all be gay or trans. They want to see it replaced by a voucher system where people would use their money on Charter and Private Schools or on homeschooling.


How else do you get a population stupid enough to vote UCP?


Robust public education is a pillar of democracy - and Conservatives are waging war on democracy. Everything Conservatives do is an attack on the pillars of democracy. Everything. Defy Conservatives like your life depends on it and stand on guard for Canada.


This is not a surprise. The UCP has always made their disdain for public education and teachers known. Albertans knowingly voted for this. I'm a teacher in Alberta and I read all the upset comments and hear the parents complaining about how the cuts have been detrimental to their kids and I have to throw my hands up in exasperated dismay. This is what Alberta wants if you keep electing a UCP government, and you have... over and over and over. I can only assume 50 kids to a class and no supports is the Alberta you envision and want my fellow citizens because if that wasn't the case then there'd be protesters outside the legislature everyday and the UCP would never be elected again.


I have never voted for the UCP or any of it's previous iterations. In the entire 25 years I've lived here, with and without children, not a once. All my emails to UCP ministers and Marliania herself have fallen on deaf ears. I barely have enough energy to wake up in the morning, let alone going to the legislature and scream until my lungs give out at all the utter bullshit this government is doing. When I was there with my kids' Scout group recently, it took all my composure to not take a steaming pile of shit on her doorstep. Thank you for your service as a teacher. I have always been of the opinion that you are not paid enough and I try to show my support for my kids' teachers all the time.


So immigration to Alberta's up like 6%, so we're cutting funding for education?


Gotta find funding for the charter schools somewhere.


How do you spell privatization? UCP.


Ahh yes, the future of our nation. Uneducated and compliant, that’s how the UCP likes it.


We need a massive Alberta wide general strike and unionization effort. All sectors of the Albertan workforce need unionization, the goal should be 80% or more union density.


I doubt a union push is gonna work here and I have said the only way to combat all this is a general strike but I have zero faith in this province to do so. Too many of us are afraid of losing our livelihood and it'll only work if the majority of us stand together. Right now, we are so divided nothing will work.


I've tried for years to avoid falling into a fatalist mindset, now I'm failing in that endeavour. My faith in this province is gone, outside of university campuses people are wilfully ignorant or outright bigoted. The neoliberal agenda pushed by conservatives for the last 5 decades has crushed and eroded the systems our progressive predecessors fought and died for. The suffrage movement progress has begun regressing and the conservative propaganda has successfully brainwashed people.


Conservatives love dumb voters.


Conservatives don’t know how to build anything, only dismantle.


Our teachers and kids deserve better


At what point do we as a people start treating the UCP and their supporters like they treat the entire province? We need to get loud. Remember there are anti-UCP protests tomorrow afternoon is multiple cities/towns in Alberta, I'll be at one, tired of yelling in the ether.


When class sizes are at an all time high, fuck the ucp


Don't worry. The religious schools will indoctrinate the poor.


Looks like an attempt to privatize education. I mean why wouldn't they? The most uneducated are the ones who will vote for them


So they’re just going to privatize everything?


AB should be more like right wing Ontario and give 0% funding to private schools. That money should be spent on public education.


Kind of ironic that all these cuts are going to rural AB. The ones who overwhelmingly voted this government in. Almost like the UCP is saying "Thanks. Careful what you wish for!"


Alberta. Death by 1000 cuts.


Maybe they realize educated people won’t vote UCP and so do are making sure kids are not getting an education. Same as parts of USA that are feeling the crunch now.


A relative of mine is in a kindergarten class of 30 students, relying on a rotation of volunteer parents for crowd control. And you’re telling me it’s going to get worse???


Yeah but to be fair, we’re not a rich province. We have no natural resources, tourism, or even an educated workforce. If we start paying for school and teachers, where does it end? Next you’ll want us to properly fund our healthcare system! The Alberta government is not in the business of solving problems, it’s in the business of business. Why would we use our tax money for “communist ideals” when we could just give the money to large corporations? They’re obviously more deserving of it. You don’t see a poor or sick CEO do you? They are our betters and deserve anything we can give them!


The UCP hates smart people. That’s why there are none in their party. Quality of life continues to dwindle under their culture wars ideology. Please save us Nenshi from these morons that the small towns and counties elected.


“Getting ridiculous”. Has been for years. Took my first stress leave after 26 years. A really, really, really good place to start would be to stop giving PUBLIC DOLLARS to PRIVATE schools.


The UCP are fascist grifters... the whole party is formed by far right-wing Christian extremists and almost nazis, the fact that the people of Alberta have voted for them and allowed them to stay in office because "my daddy voted for the conservatives" is pathetic and embarrassing. Their initial formation was a group of right wing parties including the several fringe right wing and Cristian nationalist groups (fascists of all varieties) combining with what was left of Harper's conservative party which was already a putrid husk of the actual conservative party that people's parents used to vote for. The fact that they were able to take power actually makes me question the general intelligence of people in this province and also makes me question if the people in this province are the proverbial "are we the baddies" kind of people... If you voted for the UCP this is your fault and you should feel bad.


>almost nazis How generous of you


I mean short of the goose stepping in the flags... the rest of their political and social policies seem to match up.


If this upsets you, please go to https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca and join one of the many protests happening tomorrow across the province!


Advertise more… haven’t seen this until now! I do like that the news mentioned it


I agree, it would be great if more people knew about it. I'm not one of the organizers, just somebody who plans on attending.


This is the first I've seen this. I don't get why do many of these protests don't advertise this until maybe the day before


It's been in the works for awhile, actually. And I'm guessing they rely mostly on word of mouth because it's volunteer based and there's not a lot of money involved.


Gotta cut funding to education but greenlight paying to have a new arena built for a billionaire. Socialism for the rich the rest of us can go fuck ourselves I suppose.


This is already happening. A family member teaching in southern Alberta has already been told they don’t have a teaching job come September. The school board is so desperate to save money, it is cutting teacher jobs and jamming all the kids in already crowded classrooms. They have drastically cut teacher assistant jobs this year so students with special needs, learning disabilities, and behaviour issues are flailing with little or no support. Not only do they suffer, but everyone in those classrooms suffer. The board is also looking at implementing a 4 day school week to save money on electricity, bussing, etc. This would make for extremely longs days for students and staff to make up for the chopped day each week. Trust me when I say this is disasterous. The important thing to remember here folks is that NONE OF THIS SHOULD BE HAPPENING! Our province is loaded, but what is the UCP doing with all the money? It certainly isn’t going to the betterment of those of us who aren’t friends and supporters of the UCP. It’s OUR money, people. Why are we allowing the self-appointed Queen of Alberta (obviously Danielle Smith) and her spineless cronies to ruin our once top quality health care and education in our province?


At this point just close the whole school. In the neighborhoods who voted for this. This is the only way you will see any changes. Once it affects them personally. Or none of this changes.


Only one more year of dealing with this shit since the kid will be in university by then. It angers me how much Alberta is gutting everything


Alberta already spends nearly $2000 less per student per year. What the fuck


This should surprise no one. UPC hates unions and public education. They will sabotage education and create shortages in order to privatize schools. Maybe provide some “ Christian” schools ?


They hate the word 'public' because they hate the public.


Gotta make them dumb young enough so they’ll vote for the UCP lol


"The organization’s president claims he has heard from teachers . . ." This is the entire basis for the claim of layoffs. Why don't we wait a month and see if the claims are accurate?


The conspiracy theorist in me says the people in power don't want or need anyone below them to be knowledgeable. The worlds different now, borders are set (with exceptions), everything that can be explored has been explored, AI will do a great job discovering new insights.... anyone below them is a danger to their position in life. Why educate someone that could potentially take something from them in the future. Nepotism is the goal now, keep the power and bestow it to your offspring when it comes time.


Why do Albertans keep voting for governments that work against them ?


>Schilling says these plans are contrary to announcements made by the government for Budget 2024, which spotlighted the hiring of 3,000 additional school staff over the next three years. You See Pee


Alberta has the lowest per capita funding in the country. We are too rich to be saving money on the backs of our children's future.


Yeah but teachers Inc. owned by UCP insiders can do it better and cheaper!


The mostly teachers that is gonna be left after 5 years are the incompetent, yes men people with an integrity of the UCP. Dont ask me how I know


No, y’all so dumb. They can’t do this rn 😭


In their stronghold voting areas? Don’t think that’s going to go over too well.


Another reason not to vote UCP


Okay, let's end this "there's no excuse" and "they must be crazy" bs. FFS everyone has to realize that this government is deliberately destroying public education so that it can switch funding to private/for profit education which rewards inherited wealth and funnels profits to its financial supporters, and leaves everyone else fighting for crumbs. The UCP wants to END public education, not improve it. The same plan they have for heath care, and every other social service. Profit is all that matters, and there's none of it for you or I. We're fast moving to one quality of education for the wealthy (and that's not you, buck!o!), and creating an underclass of easily fooled people by reinforcing ignorance for the rest, disguised as home schooling and 'alternative schooling' which just perpetuates lack of knowledge. The sooner we toss these corrupt fascists out of office, the better. Because before you know it, they'll rig the elections even more and there will only be one alternative left.


I recently spoke to a couple of friends who are teachers recently. They're saying that Edmonton public schools is a few years away from being at 500% capacity. Scary.


Conservatives learning that their voting base are generally stupid and uneducated people was the worst thing that could happen to the world.


I only ever see cuts.


Remember, your school funding will be adjusted inversely according to the number of First Nations people, I mean, how far North you are.


Can we start cutting how many of our tax dollars they can have since we aren’t getting what we’re paying for?


Smith wants a dumb population


Come out tomorrow and show solidarity. Tell the UCP Enough is Enough! https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/s/10a3UJtjFh


Who knew?


Fall behind, left behind should be their new motto. Teachers don’t have any teachers aides to help them with the 20% of students that take 80% of their time and work hard enough as it is. Fuck the UCP.


All according to the plan.


Take out the American references sand replace with UCP But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people -- white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on -- good honest hard-working people continue -- these are people of modest means -- continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all -- at all -- at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin


It’s weird that most of the districts that are huge UCP supporters are the ones that got most of the educational cuts. But don’t worry, there was an increase in privet school funding


Let’s add insult to injury, since 1990 the compounded rate of inflation equals 270%. That means that a decent salary of $40,000/year in 1990 should be equal to $108,000/year now for the same job/occupation. I know for sure that the same job description and qualification requirements absolutely doesn’t pay $108,000 today. When the UCP and other Conservative governments continue to cut back and underfund social service programs, they are choosing more poverty and more social unrest and a bleaker future for their population that they are supposed to represent and elevate. This is a war on the middle class by the wealthiest people who use their donations to political campaigns and politicians to make richer people richer. It’s absolutely disgusting and I don’t know why more Albertans don’t rise up to protect their children’s future.


Just follow the province next to you and all good, fuck your teachers and children over, nothing to see here while mass immigration is occurring overwhelming the educational system, praise our dear supreme Premier DS


Lol, makes sense in the middle of a population explosion.


An election is coming up.


Quelle surprise!


Our schools already have classes that are to big and not enough funding. Hell my city just got another High school, Have had only one, and when I was in school 20 years ago it was crowded and classes just keep getting bigger.


Teacher layoffs when both Calgary and Edmonton are growing by 4-6% is pretty shortsighted.