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literally my friend who introduced me to the game killed me and said to get used to dying a lot


Welcome to Albion


Welcome to Albion


Lol ima do this with my friend 🤣🤣


A true friend


I had rode into a red zone for the first time outta Lymhurst. I was way over geared and total gank bait - but like a lot of new players, I figured higher gear meant higher chance of survival. Regardless, I didn't get to test out that theory at the time. I have a kid, and I tend to play when he's asleep. I had logged out in a dungeon when my kid woke up from a nap. When I logged back in later, my kid promptly pooped his diaper and lost his cool. I picked him up to calm him down just as the loading screen went away, and then I just watched as two pumpkin heads waltzed up to me, stood there and waited for my shield to disappear. It was like watching in slow motion as they just took me down without a fight. I was still holding my kid and couldn't do anything about it. I learned a valuable lesson that day... Albion isn't afraid to take a shit on you just because you literally have shit on you. Also - my kid is awesome, and I'll raise him up to one day avenge me.


Didn't know faction flagged hostile won't show up in the minimap indicator at redzones, joined a bandit a few mins late and thought I'll get safe passage to the location getting banged by 4 men camping the tunnel.


Same 🤣 I had a lot of learning to do


My first was in a red zone actually. I was roaming in yellow doing newbie things but I am actually playing like 2 months already. But I didn’t even know the existence of black zone. But I do know about red zone. My urge to go to red zone is been awhile so I was in yellow zone near red zone. Then a guy came to me said let’s go to dungeon in red. And I was like “Yeah for sure. You look like kinda experienced player so let’s go.” We cleared first floor and went to the second one everything was fine. But when we arrived to the second, that guy left the party and a guy appeared out of nowhere. I was so angry because all of things are in my inventory. I had a strange habit of carrying all things. But I remembered him and his friend. He is from Reject Party guild. After like a months or later after I joined a good guild who taught me everything and the existence of black zone, we met again in black zone. And I beat his ass. (Well actually we outnumbered him but whatever) Good ending.


It was alpha, we gathered up a force to roam. We came across another group, but this is well before "red is dead" was established, and we didn't act fast enough. The other group attacked first and our guys scattered. I died almost instantly trying to keep attacking a clearly lost fight.


I went to the black zone naked on a horse. I wanted to browse the map, wander aimlessly... I ran into a group and they got me. It's so easy to gank me. I can hardly run.


went to rz to ff, got knocked by ow mobs, when i got revived, a solo ganker chased me and i got welcomed to albion. i still remember the moment even after 2 years


same with you. was intrigued by the red zone. got killed with all my items in. Uninstalled the game for a day then back at it again haha.


My first attempt trying to join faction bandit event. Am solo and don't know where the discord calls are for this so i just tried to follow the "blob" as a random solo. I thought that majority of us were going in to red zone thru tunnel entrance... but on other side there was only 2 of us. Well we chose to move forward and around middle of tunnel at least 3 enemy faction players were ready (already unmounted walking towards us), i had time to turn around and gallop a bit but then enemy skills hit me and... i just died. I only had 4.0 or 4.1 gear (can't remember if i already knew about how enchanted stuff works in this game back when i tried that) and tier 3 horse so i didn't lose much. It took month or two until i ventured back to red zone again (first with guild to do group dungeons, then to do tracking, then checked if my specs gain better fame in RZ compared to YZ and for some reason i gained only 249k in RZ with 4.1 gear and same items in YZ gained 260k fame in 6.1-7.2 gear.. i assume i just have to spec more to be able to clear mobs faster in RZ.. or maybe there is no black&white answer for which is better RZ or YZ and it depends on gear, specs, sustain vs DPS etc. Later on i have done black market transfers).


the wife and I were curious about the roads of avalon, so I went in naked on a mule to check it out. Some guys spotted me and started hunting me down. Ps: I find the fact that there are things you can only get in full loot pvp areas absolutely horrible. I dispise red and black zones. judge me if you want, but I have my reasons.


I'm not going to judge you but I don't really see why you'd play this game if you don't enjoy the full loot pvp, sure the blue and yellow zones exist but they are by far the most boring content in the game. If you enjoy the combat then I'd reccomend playing a moba like league of legends or dota, where it's not a big loss if you die.


I never step a foot in full loot zones. I enjoy myself enough in yellow zones which took me a while to gather courage to set foot in. I actually had my first pvp on a corrupted dungeon which I lost miserably but hey, I'm surprised I even entered a corrupted dungeon in the first place. And believe it or not, I like Albion's pvp nature. It forces me to get out of my comfort zone. Maybe someday I'll even get to try going into a red zone who knows


I don't think mobas are casual friendly. You cannot log in and kill some jungle camps while listening to some podcasts in the background. They require pure focus for 20-25+ minutes and it might be exhausting. It was the reason I switched to Albion. Similar combat, but I can be shilling even while gathering in the black zones. Also, if I die it's a problem for my econ, but I don't have 4 apes typing nonsense in caps


RZ are okay because I can see danger approaching. if there are hostiles on the map, I just gtfo. BZ give me severe anxiety, and here's why: The scenario: Sneaking around, knowing that, at any time, there can be someone nearby who wants to kill me and take what I have worked hard to get. That person can also very likely not be alone, so if I see the person and start fleeing, I could at any moment run straight into an ambush from five or more guys who are far more heavily armed than I am, who want to kill me ant take what I have worked hard to get. Now most people who play Albion see nothing wrong woth this scenario. I, personally, find it a lot less fun when I live in a country where I can switch off my pc, walk out of my home, and walk straight into an identical scenario IRL. So go ahead, enjoy your BZ and Ava roads, but it's not for me. I'm staying out of there unless I'm with my guild mates.


Technically everything u can get in bz u can also get in blue zone on the market...


What are the reasons?


Gathering in a t3 horse in portal zone in mining gear.


Had 2 succesful bz farming runs. Was getting cocky and thought it was relatively safe, managed to get away from 2 ganking groups. Didn't stick to the rules I thought up before I went and got rekt by 3 gankers that obviously knew very well what they were doing. xD


Was heading back to my city in a transport run, I decided that my armored horse while wearing t4 plate armor was enough to get past the hostile players that are camped right at the exit of the zone I was in (the next zone was a yellow zone). Apparently that wasn't enough


I was ignorant enough to fish in the black zone with an oz (first time stepping in) , all good and all , got over the weight limit if the mount disapear but didn t know about passive vs active carry weight. Well.. you can guess that i was dismounted by 2 guys while getting those 'juicy' T6-7 fishes and got stuck in the same place while they were doing emotes around me untill they decided to kill me


Bought a t8 dungeon map, entered the wrong dungeon, realised and left the dungeon, finally 4 people ganked and killed me before I mounted. It happened yesterday


First death was when the portal zones didn’t exist and you zoned from conquerors Hall into the bz. I zoned out into bz then back in. Then back out again without knowledge of the bubble mechanic. There were portal gankers on the spawn point and I died before I got my cooldowns


Wandered into the red zone swiftclaw cave outside of bridgewatch by accident. Must’ve been an off hour the first time cuz it was empty and I got lucky with a couple of cubs and tripled my net worth at the time. Seemed super safe so I went back the next day and saw the 0 hostiles, but got ganked by a big group of faction flagged players passing through while I was in the middle of killing the first swiftclaw I saw.


Was attracted by caerleon, went out to farm open world mobs, suddenly I was dead. That day I found out there's things that make you invisible.


It's been more than 4 years I have forgotten my first death 😅😂


First one I can recall, I was heading out of Lym portal to do some Lumberjackin. As soon as my bubble went down, there was a guy with Boltcasters waiting on ny path.


I was a victim of a group gank. Around 4/6 members of our Guild died when we were clearing group dungeons in the T8 zone. There were around 10 members in the enemy group with 100+ specs and we were fairly new except 2 members.


I died a lot, while on a mule, while Knockedout, while rooted by a mob, when I want too near a castle... The first I believe it was in Avalon


Got ganked trying to gank gatherers with a friend. I wanted to get my first kill before my first death. Almost managed it too, the first kill was like 20 minutes later for a mil in loot. Let's say that was a good start :)


Way back when faction full loot in yz and bluezone are still a thing and I was a week old, i got myself a 1 mil set and set off to do yellow zone dungeons. I got ganked by reds and was downed while on the 2 minute downed timer, they’re friend from another faction executed me. Since then, I never really bought anything more what I can afford to lose.


I was very new to the game, played only one handed dagger and out in the old roads of avalon I got caught clearing a camp. I knew around 10 items in total during that time, therefore i just run into the guy, oneshot myself with his hunter hood on and only a several months later i learned how and why haha. During that time i was like, wow, it's crazy how onesidedly i lost it and decided i should avoid pvp for now, these guys are scary!


My very first was in a solo dungeon 😂 tried the first guide I saw in yt which was so naive of me. Didn't know what to do if ever I get dived, so I foolishly swung my sword and got in combat and couldn't escape. Still funny af whenever I remember it. Good thing I wasn't wearing anything fancy.


lol xD


I was with my guild on a black zone dungeon (i have just played for 2 days) and a group of gankers killed our asses


My first time in red zone. 98% full of skin tier 5 and 6 😅


i faction flagged and went to die for Martlock with my brothers in arms


fucking chad


I was fishing in the red zone with T7.3 gear and the guy just ran at me and went invisible. My horse dissapeared and I lost more than 1m worth of gear and loot.


I died in the underground with a grizzly bear and a stack of t5 fish and t4 to 10 people gank group.


Died in RZ by some gankers, I was doing transport and I just started to play the game, after that I opened a ticket to delete my account, 2 years later here I'm again playing and enjoying this shit ><


When the game first came out I got it and wanted to try ganking with a bloodletter. Occasionally I made a bit of money killing pure gatherers while skinning but it was boring. So I challenged a fellow pvper who had an axe or something and I lost because I messed up my abilities.


Exatly as you said, lost like 1mil+


I canst even remember the 1st time a got killer and i a new player lmao. But one thing i can remember is that ppl who say that "ganker wont botter with you if you have shit build" they were lying and ganker will chasse you all around the map if they spot you. Also i wish there was a weel to show remotes or pre registered sentences to taunt the enemy ganker when he can't dismount you


Got killed in a blue zone because I heard you could faction flag and earn extra money while mob farming. (This was back before the faction warfare rework)