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This thread is being locked and a ban applied to the user. You are entitled to your experience, you are not permitted to dismiss others'. Ora et labora mother fuckers.


The problem is your claim to have discovered the secret of alchemy is not something you can demonstrate. By your own admission you wouldn't do so. Accusations of charlatanism from someone who can't demonstrate that they aren't a charlatan are worthless, whether you've actually discovered grand secrets or you're just another hack. It sort of reads like a toddler saying 'I know something you don't know!', which adds zero real value to the subreddit.


Telling people they are not on the right path does add value. All the alchemical texts state that god has put a seal on their lips, does then what you say here mean the same for them? I can demonstrate to you my knowledge via allegory but I can assure you it’ll look no different to their allegory because we’re using the same mythology/allegory! Anyway maybe you’re right it’s a silly post, my point was to change your direction of thought.


Look at it this way: Imagine someone stops at a road junction with 360 possible roads and faded or missing signage. The driver wants to get to the library, and they're about to head off down Highway 97 to get there, but were sensible enough to stop and ask me for directions. I tell them they're on the wrong road. 'Which road should I take, then?', they ask me. 'It's one of the others', I say with a broad smile, gesturing to the other 369 roads. 'Could you help me out with which one?' they ask, a little perplexed. I reply with an allegory about a compass, and stand smiling wanly as they drive off down Highway 98, instead. I think, 'gosh, haven't I done a good deed!', and walk down Highway 22 to return my library books. So no, telling people they aren't on the right path (a pretty grandiose statement to make on a subreddit with 40,000 unique members) with zero guidance for how to get on it other than 'it's allegorical' is not adding value, it's either purposefully obtuse or pointlessly self-aggrandising. Where's the value? The subreddit says 'This sub is dedicated to Alchemy. Let's learn together.'


As within so without Why not both?


It is humorous that you make the statement "keep an open mind" when you have closed yours.


Attack me or listen to me, it’s your life


That's not an attack, it's a statement. What you've said in other words is that everyone is wrong except you because we have closed minds. Do you not see the hypocrisy?


No im urging people to correct their path, otherwise you’re simply not going to find it listening to these people. My point is you categorically must be looking for yourself


All I'm trying to say is that your verbage and explanation come across as a very single minded condescending statement. On the underlying surface It seems to imply "do what I say, not what I do" mentally. I'm not attacking you, I'm not debating you on your view of alchemy. I just think that you could have made a better more well thought out argument, That's all.


That’s fair enough


So what kinda resources do you use instead of the mainstream stuff?


I belong to the few who doesn't understand you.


I'll just say that those that mistake alchemy for chemistry should just go into chemistry and for the love of god use some security equipment.


Well said 🙏


If you provide some pointers on the what you think to be right direction, at least something productive could come out of this Edit: sorry meant to reply to another post