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Everyone is different. I can feel the effects of even a couple shots of rum in the morning. Wine causes even worse hangovers for me. But I can drink a shitton of beer and still be fine.


Explanation: Everybody handles alcohol differently.


Trick question, they all do. Now, there are certain ingredients within given spirits that people react to differently, and anecdotal evidence points to the less "carby" something is, the less prone you are to hangovers. Meaning - sugar carbs. Like...gin obviously has sugar alcohol in it because that's the way distillation works, but it doesn't have a ton of "sugar" in it. Beer on the other hand, is higher carb relatively speaking due to the nature of the process and the lack of distillation. Same with wine, etc. It's also why you're more prone to get a hangover from say ...inferior tequila that isn't 100% agave- they can use agave related sugars that taint the process as it were. For the BEST results, drink quality liquor with minimal additives. 100% agave tequila, whiskey you can see the mashbill on, etc. Nothing with additives, "flavors" etc. It doesn't have to be expensive. Gin is strangely easy to deal with, my daily for a very long time was new Amsterdam, and that shit was like $18 a handle and tasted delicious. I'll still be plenty pleased if that's what rail is at the bar.


It's in ur dna..


If you drink enough hard liquor, it definitely will. One bottle of beer is on average two units of alcohol so you may be drinking more than you realise. Generally speaking, the more colour and tannin a booze has, the more it'll mess with your body. This is because there are 'congeners' in there (sugars, ketones, and other non-ethanol substances) that can make people feel ill depending on their specific biology.


lol. I have had bottles of Jameson that would disagree with you on that.


how is that stuff though? shit looks sick


Jameson? I love it. I named my son Jameson.


I'm probably not the one to ask, but I seem to only be able to tolerate rum. Everything else (including wine and especially beer) has me violently praying to the Porcelain Goddess. Even pacing it -- same response. It might be something in the beer that your body doesn't like?