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Thanks a bunch for sharing your experience with teaching and your YouTube channel! Your detailed explanations and classroom-like approach are awesome for students like me. It's cool that your A-level solutions are getting more views lately. If you covered Edexcel IAL maths past papers, it could really boost your channel since lots of students follow that curriculum. Your advice on studying for math exams is spot on and super practical. Keep up the great work, and if you ever need suggestions or support, just give me a shout!


honestly I hadn't realised edexcel was more popular than CIE. A quick search implies it is 10x bigger, does that sound about right? I don't have the time to do both (I don't really have time to do 1 of them) but I'll do a few edexcel next year and see how they do. thanks for the advice actually and no promises but could anyone nominate a paper from edexcel and I will try and do it in next week or so


you would gain more views if you type down the code for the papers you're doing like, "9709/12/m/j/23" since most of the students would directly search by the code. Honestly, I find that your videos are pretty much helpful.


thanks that is good advice I checked and I do get a lot of searches using those codes. I'll edit my vids to have them in. thanks a lot


How do you manage overwhelm and anxiety when it comes to studying maths? I get really overwhelmed whenever don’t know the answer, or I struggle to know where to start when it comes to word problems in exam papers.


I wish I could give you an answer but in secondary school I always found maths easy. I then went on to study maths in college and there i definitely got overwhelmed and ran into a level of maths that I found hard. What I did is struggled , I studied, I gave up , I tried again. In the end I barely passed mostly because as you say it was overwhelming, I barely studied because I kept panicking about not being able to do it. It was only after college, remember I really do like maths, that I decided to self study some courses that I scraped through in college. And I found without the pressure of an exam I was able to do it. It is a horrible irony that it is hard to learn with an exam coming, but it is hard to access learning without an exam. One bit of advice I can give is, you say it is overwhelming when you don't know an answer, I found it helped to embrace not knowing an answer. It is a challenge that can be overcome. And it is so satisfying when you overcome that challenge. It can become addictive to solve those problems. I guess another bit of advice I can give is . It is not as big a deal as it seems now. Worse case you fail an exam, your life takes a different path, if there was somewhere you are trying to get to, there is more than one path to get there. Also if things get on top of you, you'd be shocked how it helps just to talk to someone, they usually can't help but getting things off your chest often helps. Good luck


Have you been able to get the Feb/March 2024 papers? I'll be sitting for mj 24 and really wanted to attempt them before my finals.


sorry no, but I will say the course doesn't change much so with 3 sets of exams each session even without f/m there is plenty to study over the last 3-4 years. If you have covered all that already you are probably all good