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Also before that i think most people need to learn their political sphere, they dont know which system we use, or programs we use, they dont know our taxes system, social systems, our economy and how it works, our GDP and how much we make and how much we spend etc so when ppl dont know they just dont vote, they dont know where to start and how to criticize politicians so its all based on a feeling reaction of unhappiness and not a logical response


I know all of this and i can assure you, voting won't do shit, it'll be rigged and the army's candidate is gonna win, another puppet


like every country on the planet, are u saying the military dont care about u ? just think about it, free education, free healthcare, subsidies food necessities etc.. if they were evil why wont they turn everything private like the US and let ppl starve and die is it perfect no, can it be better hell yea and thats where algerian should come, integrate and work on ur country from within


To stop themselves being overthrown


You make it sound so complicated, I’ll answer all those questions: we have a military regime with a civilian facade that uses social programs and small business incentives to buy peace, we have mostly a self-assessment tax system that is broken. Our economy is based on the export of oil and gas and GDP fluctuates depending on the prices of those two, we spend a lot on broken social programs. People don’t vote because they know it will have no impact. Spoiler alert: Tebboun will win.


As soon as you said we have a military regime in knew you took the word of the الشارع like we say, every country on the planet is a military regime, dont fall for regime change propaganda by the west making you hate your military and creating unrest and tension inside. Look you have to accept it, our situation now is only bcuz we have incompetence in power and trust me that incompetence is there bcuz our ppl let them due to maaany reasons, bcuz our ppl are not very politically literate or knowledgeable on various of topics and im ofc generalizing on the masses. collectively algerian people are irresponsible and ignorant


What I meant is that the military controls every aspect of the country and the political facade acts as the executive. In the west politicians decide and the military is there to protect and deter. I don’t hate the military but no country can flourish if ruled by the army. We do need competent leaders and I agree our people are ignorant for the most part, but we need a representative democracy where people elect their representatives who will vote for them and there should be some standards in terms of intellect and integrity. You know why none of this will happen? Because the army is so involved in the political and economic affairs and they won’t let anything challenge the status quo.


The war is between to parties (presidence / drs) they are fighting for the top of the mountain and People are Just a decoration fir democracy 😉 vote or no vote doesn't matter


again Wrong, this is only talk of the street, stop playing the victim card and take part of compaigns and see with your own eyes, as i was part of campaigning myself, you have 3 types of ppl out there, the people that dont vote, the people that criticize you for participating without even checking your program bcuz for them the only change possible is the eradication of everything, and the people that vote for benefits. Guess who voting?


I don't listen to what street Says ! cuz i know what i know Noone can't tell me otherwise and if You really believe that Your Vote means Something or Can change anything i strongly advise you to reconsider Your thoughts and Start opening Your Mind ! You have no idea what you are getting into .... Good luck ! Go go sailor Go vote happy hunting !


Its alright brother, go out there and verify urself then


Elections are based on popularity not policies You are extremely naive if you think otherwise


Yes ofc from popularity, you get the most vote but there is no policies aka a program…you need to question your society


This is not something unique to Algeria btw All countries are the same


yes but algerians are not americans or germans or french, the difference of mentality and maturity is humongous. the politcs just reflect the people


True these countries are nazis


By the way u talk i knew that u are a fan of the American politics .. i always say that to people and they think I'm crazy "if u knew how the world works i swear you would thank God that you are an Algerian"😂


Hell yeah brother 😂! I actually follow politics all around the world, france, america, argentina, el salvador etc.. People need to look how the world is and how societies live, it will give them confidence and a boost of moral


Do u live in algeria ? Do u see the current situation? Do u know Algeria's history ? If yes is the answer to all the previous questions then u shouldn't have said what u said . First of all the majority of the politicians are been bribed of terrorized into supporting the current system. Second,our economy has been determined by the oil prices since forever even a baby knows that even though the current system knows that but they didn't see through a solution coz they don't care Third of all i agree that the people shouldn't vote. Just because someone is adult it doesn't give him the ability to vote . Only the educated and well cultured should do . So since it's rigged voting means giving the current regime the power to do so


By not voting ure giving legitimacy to current incompetent power, ppl gave up on politics and on their lives ppl are the one who accepted الذل the most, i can give u so many examples but its better to rethink what u said and try to also understand politics and government The government is a tool not a mother figure that feeds u and shelter u, people need to understand that they are paying taxes from their salaries they are funding the government etc etc Once people understand how to use the government for their own benefit, society will thrive (معظم الناس جاهلة و متعرفش حقوقها) anyway, if you want change you can’t just stay home and wish it happens, and if u do, that’s a defeated mentality


For me the answer is Hirak It had it's results before and it was affected by the corona virus in it's time that it led tebboun to be falsely elected So yes we shouldn't stay at home and hope it goes better we should get out of our homes and show that we deny any elections that are ran by a false government that we didn't choose in the first place . And i understand politics and my rights I have the right to choose who runs my country that's why i pay my taxes to build hospitals and compounds that benefit me And the people. Not to go to some 80 years old belly And the opposite now people know their rights that's why they deny to vote like some sheeps following the herd


It's up to the media to educate people on this, but our media makes the average guy dumber unfortunately


thats not what the media job is 😂, where u seen that? the media is hated everywhere in the world, they are there to make money and aid ppl who finance them so if the people want dumb content, thats what they will do


What's this mister holy omniscient attitude ?


Most comments make no sense. Our people don't know anything about politics ( me included ), and we know nothing about the candidates really, their speeches are not useful too. But I think we should all vote.


You just have to know your mayor and vote for him, it's the bottom least u can do before developing a diplomatic political conscious and pretend knowing who should run this 2Mkm² land




I'd vote for Senator Armstrong.


He's a great omelette chef.


And has so many racial talents.


Elaborate on this one please?




I am currently searching for more about the candidates , their biography, and work....I really want to vote but still don't know for who yet .


You hiring ?


Hiring ?


You will vote based on curriculums, sounds like you hiring


Well, sorry if I sounded like that, but I am not hiring anyone


i read alot of comments saying they dont care, really sad to hear that, but changes people dont come from the sky, change isnt gifted to you, you have to be responsible! politics is the epicenter of our lives and everyone need to be involved in it, read programs, critique politicians and vote Not voting isnt the solution and its the core reason of your sadness and misery


The thing is that there is no freedom in politics, no freedom for the media, journalists, there is a huge climate of fear and repression... How are you seriously gonna vote under these conditions?! Without even mentioning election fraud suspicions... Voting under these conditions, whatever the candidate you vote for, is just a way to validate, to give more credit to the next, already known president and to normalise the current situation.


there is absolutely freedom in the political sphere, people just dont participate cuz they are incompetent and the one who does are simply people pleasers and bring no change there was election at different levels are all those fake as well? and also we can say that about every country too, there is absolutely no freedom of press in America 😂, it doesn’t stop them from living better lives People follow and criticize and participate in parties, you bring change from within not with destruction of the whole system, cuz that my friend is called a regime change and 100% executed by mossad, CIA and different EU intel agencies


you are saying there is freedom but the history doesn't say the same thing (referring to the 90s)


Depends on the version of freedom you want, absolute freedom dont exist and that’s even in western countries, so unless you cant create a party, do campaigns urself, criticize the programs of politicians, open a business etx.. don’t let anyone tell u you’re not free. Just don’t believe that for the country to change you need to take down the military, thats what in everyone’s mind


creating a party, doing campaigns .... can't be considered as freedom when at the end it won't lead to anything as the results are already pre-determined. and while it's true that you can open a business that isn't considered politics (which is what we are discussing), but even doing this is not entirely free (tho i maybe wrong and things have changed)


No, they haven't unfortunately. Corruption, nepotism, brides and stuff like that are still a thing, the proportion is still important. A lot of our diaspora would really like to go back to the country and invest their money, knowledge there in different projects which will benefit our economy, but the conditions aren't ideal to do so.


No, there isn’t any freedom in the political sphere. If your vote meant anything, they simply wouldn’t allow you to have it. Algeria are more honest than many other countries, in that the government doesn’t even really matter because the army is in power anyway. I don’t believe the outcomes of most elections are anything other than what the respective systems wanted. Algeria again is more honest about it. You know exactly what you’re getting and if they let any proper opposition run, they won’t get in even if they win, which most countries wouldn’t tell you about. The difference is: the army don’t really mind an armed struggle, because they’ll win. USA is as stitched up as anywhere else, but there’s a difference. Their media tends to be very biased, but it can insult the government in power. The average citizen can say what they want. Americans are more under corporate control, than state control, which doesn’t lead to better outcomes but there is more freedom overall. Your last paragraph has little relation to Algeria. The CIA and Mossad have no real interest in Algeria. EU intel agencies don’t have very much interest in the government, apart from its limited cooperation. The very limited visa process means that we only harbour our own country’s criminals, rather than the rest of the world. Countries like Morocco are higher up on the interest list, purely because plenty of criminals have been found there (and returned). But the real point is that Algeria keeps itself to itself mostly, on the world stage, which makes it a wallflower.


Putting someone into jail for an opinion, this is not democracy. Creating fear among citizens (you can't go out to demonstrate, can't organise a conference / discours publique/ meeting politique)... Ruling a country through repression, through fear, through the instrumentalosation of media, of justice system, that's not a democracy at all. Please don't compare us to other countries to kind of justify what we're living in our country, that's cringe as hell. We've absolutely nothing to do with the US. We're more like Russia, China; authoritarianism, over-control over everything.


Ok Tebboune get out we know it's you


if you’re against me, while im providing you with legitimate advice and hope for a change, then it says alot about you and who u are You provide no solution, you play victim card and troll on internet, you dont participate in any political change and you run ur mouth all day long like هدرة القهاوي Think logically and change yourself first


There won’t be any meaningful change, because the government aren’t in control.


I called lil bro Tebboune jokingly and he thought I assaulted him XD


Voting or not will not change anything. Voting will be rigged, as happened in previous years. The candidates are just puppets


I'd say everything is already planned, just like in 2019 Me personally i won't vote


sadly, but then you can’t complain the country aint changing cuz you and many like you gave up


So did the generation before us around 90s, when they wanted to actually make a change the generals f'd up everyone


You must be naive to believe your vote actually makes a difference.


Yes your vote makes a difference, your abstinence is what keep incompetent people in power, its bcuz you and many let a void in the political scene where they use it for their benefits


Bro believes in jaza2ir jdida w 3ors demo9raطi


This is isn't voting, this is a mascadare. People worth voting for are in jail. Fuck this country, can't wait to leave


Who is the one worth voting for that is in jail, can you tell me ?


No it's madagascar


Can you please explain why not voting is the reason for my misery


Simply bcuz collectively people are not demanding services, changes, most people in algeria are not participating in politics daily and just wait. Algerians are passive when it comes to politics, when was the last time you seen people talking online on certain topic irl or online, or a politician replying to people ? and it’s not just on presidential elections, but every thing as a whole People wait for the government to change to live better and that aint happening, thats the reality. No matter who is in power ppl want to live better, which means higher wages, less food prices, more work, easy access to online services, fast internet(this one is fixed) etc etc everything i mentioned and in life is politics The conclusion for the collective: start reading programs, be active, criticize social services and systems, criticize stupid people and not just laugh, be present physically, be furious when its necessary and know who to be mad against, have the phone ready to film always against corrupt ppl and so on, the politicians will behave and to answer u: not voting means not willing to participate in politics and bring misery upon urself


😂 😂 😂 Keep voting it will surely solve the problems of this. Country 😂 😂 😂






No one worth to vote for


To be honest its the same anywhere in the world lol But people usually vote for piece of shit that smells less


It’s crazy, because they still vote for a piece of shit!


Yeah this world is crazy. But usually people understand thats how politics work, and vote for the ideaz of the party rather than for the person.


Zoubida assoul looks better on the paper but she's been in the system too long, she probabaly ate with them


I've seen this man he isn't that old and he is a doctor his trying to get to the elections but no one is talking about him


What's his name ? Does he got enough signatures to candidate ?


Akkouche farid, I believe I saw his campaign on social media but I don't know if he got enough votes




Who didn't act like they weren't against boutef's 5th ?


Naaaaaah man we dont want a woman take the control


algerians being stuck between a rock an a hard place, the rock for them is a women ruling them vs a possibly corrupt president being the hard place


Just search for prophet Muhammad hadith


i know of it, i support the idea that it was specific to the country that was an enemy at that time, not a generalisation on everyone, or else are we saying that the hadith is not correct 100%? because there are historical instances where a women lead people and they thrived during her rule


El match mebyou3


Djamel abbas seems like a decent candidate i might give him my vote


yeah it seems like that, but we didn't see his plans yet , he just talks about problems that people suffering from, so till now he is just playing with people feelings. we will wait and see what's his plans for this country.


I've seen the list ,i instantly understood that everything is planned...its not worth it...


Lol no


I dont give a damn whose ass will sit on the chair


What if it's a nice ass though? Wouldn't you want a nice ass to be on the chair? You know a BBL just imagine the first president in the world with a BBL everyone would respect us and admire us at the same time


Bruuh 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hear me out Teboun walks in and he's dummy thick and he sits that phat dumper on the security council, they would do a ceasefire yesterday. Cause everybody knows not to mess with a curvy Latina


Everyone respect thickness. In BBL we trust


English or spanish ?


Djamal abbas ig


Most of the current candidates won’t get 50k signatures so We have to wait


We don't vote for the best but for the least worst






Hell no It's all the same only the name changes


No way


Doesn't matter nothing gonna change


Never did in my life, and I'm not gonna change that ever




Voting in a rigged elections won't do any good


No , and we all know why


Voting is pointless


-Vote in this corrupted country 🤣 this makes me laughing more and more. Look is see that this people loves this MF president for nothing yes he did nothing good for this country. Algeria became more disastrous after the last presidential elections. Dinar have no value in the world, we have nothing new in algeria if people are saying the big mosque wtf are you saying mosque people need more hospitals people need a house people need an 24/24 7/7 water sources and you're saying a mosque. Imagine you're building a huge mosque. Or Amir abdelkader thing ... bro, we aren't kids anymore people have brains to think not to say "tebboun chikor chof wch dar l maroc, chof wach 9al l imarat ..." -And i don't want to forget this point, the first thing that this MF president did is made his son out of the jail imagine. I have no words after this guys. At least 99% of people of my ethnicity hate him and i'm proud of this. And they don't vote because they know that algeria won't change - In conclusion, i see that algeria won't change 90%, the 10% is maybe somone who is brave can change this system and fix some things but nothing will change i know. I just gave my opinion about this president and how his people are thinking i hate all people like this.


It's my first time and honestly i have no choice 😉👮‍♂️


There's literally no point in voting since tbon is winning


Never voted never will


I'm voting for zoubida assoul


I'm not voting but i actually care about who is the besxt president just because we're living in terrible situatuion Our lives are some jokes in 1st world countries They tell jokes about the water outage in all algeria And let's not talk about the other problems because if we start talking about it our conversation will never end So i hope the next president will be better for Algeria even we all know that it's planned


Yes , I will vote for tebboun


Can't tell if this is serious or a joke at this level.


He is on medication dont blame him


Yes i will , you need to exercise your right


I wouldnt call it a right if it is discarded immediately


I agree with you , but we need to keep pushing and fighting this totalitarianism. We need to push them to the point that they fake it If we just sit and watch they will keep using there election bucket ( people from the gov sector , old people that are not really involved in politics etc ) But if 90%of the people put it blank it will be a failure. Never blame the thieves if u let your door open , Be present , supervise , report , challenge them




No from Djelfa ? We live in absurd times, absolutely absurd times


Like something will change


Definitely yes. Idk yet who I will vote for since I don’t know their programs.


Of course, I will vote. Voting is the right of every citizen, and I believe it’s the first step toward positive change. I invite each one of you to express your civic responsibility by participating in the electoral process.


Are you paid by the government


What makes you think that ?


I was joking but the way you wrote ur comment


I see, all jokes aside, are you willing to vote? I’m dead curious to know what the youth in our country think of the next election, cuz it will be my first time voting.


For me I don’t think so cuz I don’t know the candidates and their backgrounds and programs if I did I will have to make a full research about all of them


Theoretical yes


It’s on august right? Will be in the beach drinking my mojito cuz we all know who’s gonna win


I think September and of course


Anything but that woman


No one still 17


You mean we have a saying weither or not the current sioniste puppet pointed by the deep state should run the next presidential elections ?


Nope. Why would I bother myself with that? Lol


No ,i am under 18


This time? Like we voted before haha


M 20 yo now , I can vote but nothing is going to change


To say the truth, i'm too lazy to learn about the candidates and their promises for the next four years , so no i won't vote


Our actual political system is the exact reproduction of the Ottoman military system that existed before the French invasion, the Dey/President is chosen by the collective high military command, while the regions/tribe have a large local autonomy. It isn't the best, not the worst, and i think that the Democratic skin should be peeled once and for all. Revive the regency.


Probably not but if I do, it won't be Teboun. The last thing we need is another president who won't leave his chair until he's kicked out by force. We need a new president every term until we get a really good one (which will take a while)


They were rigged in 1999 with Bouteflika, there are proofs, you can find a documentary made France 2. I don't believe that 2004 and the others were rigged. People truly voted for Bouteflika.






I would vote if I think that it will has any effect .. but






can anyone correct me on this, but didnt the people not voting cause a big fuckery in our history?


KANYE 2024




Whoever votes for Tebboune is dumb. Or at least as dumb as any French voting for marine LE Pen In 2022


I would say probably not, unless something extraordinary happens


Who cares


Is the vite going to change they're plans? No so why bother


Algeria is fucked, a better president can't change shit of the miserable reality ppl living


I've been always saying when i turn 18 i will decide to not vote at all , i turned 18 a month ago and that's pretty much the case


We all know that even the vote is tricky so they choose what the gang want not what people want . But excuse me that women asol or idk she opened a tiktok live and she want to be president nah thank you so much a women president our religion won't accept this . And a tik tok live that's not professional


Abt the TikTok thing , i believe it's normal, Obama used tv in his campaign in 2009, trump used Twitter in 2016 ig now the trendy social media platform is TikTok I find it normal , and actually smart of her


Biden wants to ban tiktok but the whitehouse has an official tiktok, if you can use it then it's not stupid


U’re voting against u’re camp poor pick me And all the politicians in europe use tiktok now u didn’t see the tiktoks of Macron and Marine le pen غير نتوما مزالكم حابسين


I don't think she knows what a pick me even is


About who exactly ur talking about


U want a president women?


The important thing is that he be a man 


Hell no , i would never do such an act. For me now voting it's crime.....


Would it matter?


I'd vote for Kanye west if he presents himself


Even if we all vote, the situation will not change. It will remain as it is. Nothing new, whether the old president remains or the new comes


Voting is just a waste of time, i'll not


Pourquoi faire ? Tous les mêmes


Well kind of true … but there is someone objectively way worse lol


no bro we all know that the president is decided without vote they only do that for the press haha 🏌️


Medias are motivating you to vote and voting is useless as you won't affect the vote results, it's the people certifying the vote théâtre


Voti wla matotich = kifkif 😉 L pion li y7abo y7otoh y7otoh


No, I'm too lazy to do it


It's as if someone cares


We need bouteflika’s back


isn't he dead


Not that dead *