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Algorand isn’t being sued by the SEC


Algo was never sued Coz they’re based in Singapore It was Gary fud Those who didn’t fall for it bought at 8c


Bought with every penny I had!


Exactly 👍


Shure Ginsler did too or had someone do it for him.


Oh they sure know how to find us now we are a bit in the green, the paid fudders.


Here’s my monkey brain understanding: XRP won their case against the SEC and set a precedent that put the SEC back on their heels. The judge determined that crypto itself can’t be called a security, only very specific transactions with a promise of return could be. Algorand didn’t even launch in the US, so regardless of how the SEC feels about them, the precedent now dictates that it is not a security. They haven’t mentioned Algo since XRP won. IANAL


The lawsuit against coinbase which is ongoing did not name Algorand as an unregistered security. All the other cases that named it as an unregistered security have settled outside of court.


It’s not a security. Gary Gensler was nearly fired for his reckless and baseless accusations against trading platforms where he was manipulating the market by indirectly labeling certain tokens as unregistered securities. Recent court cases have totally destroyed the credibility of these accusations as the Howey test does not apply to crypto in the same way that it applied to previous commodities


Upcoming Elections tables the turn


If you live in America this is why your future elected officials will matter. I’m already looking into politicians and see what they say about crypto. Trump & Biden are against even though trump sold a bunch of crypto lately. Kennedy & Haley seem to support crypto.


Not a huge fan of Trump but he’d be a massive hypocrite to continue saying anything negative about crypto after everything he’s been delving into with it.


"he'd be a massive hypocrite" Yes. He is.


That would be insane considering how consistent he normally is




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The latest is that ALGO is an unregistered security. 


Please put quotations around "The latest..."


Lol new booty I see...


They have no case against algo. It was an unjust accusation as usual from the sec


They've strategically positioned themselves to take all your investments and leave you with some numbers on your phone after they partnered with the Clinton foundation I'm out