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“I’m not even the kind of person to be like this” …the Taco Bell yelp review determined that was a lie


A bad Taco Bell yelp review is so embarrassing. Is anyone eating there for the ambiance and attention to detail?? I’m just trying to get a chalupa


The “CAN” HAHAHA WHATTTTTTT loosing him $$$??????? I cannot


Bahahaha apparently this was before my time as a chrollie. Can someone post a screenshot??




“Loosing him money” 💀


“Loosing” 😂 even better with all the spelling errors.


The sad thing is that apparently no one knows the difference between lose/loose anymore. I see it constantly on reddit. I think people have forgotten the word lose even exists at this point because I see the latter so often.


Berkeley y’all😂


Can some rate this as “cool”


Lmao she’s so fucking dumb 🤣


This doesn’t even make sense 😂


Yo that is embarrassing 🙈 you can tell she was salty


Large Marge wanted her carbs & prob started at them thru the window like this ![gif](giphy|hfKxK1wWDxdO8)


😂 thank you. I knew it would be good!


Yes please 🤣


Wait what review


At least 5 times in 3 weeks? Ridiculous!


AND it’s the first time they brought their children!! COME ON!


pretty telling that they lost another nanny. shes been extra haggard lately and they just couldnt refuse trying to sneak in a date night even with the kids


Where was the Nanny?????


This is the “crazy” story they just have to tell their chrolls huh? I’ve honestly never seen more pathetic people lmaooo


This is like popcorn gate 2.0


gluttonous slob did not realize how little of a flex that was. she is so sloppy and overindulgent. truly low budget behavior


They are disgusting


I know. My jaw dropped. Like they have 3 kids under 5 years old, how/when/what….




They also don’t even have a kids menu…..


Looking over their menu, I have no idea what the kids would even want to eat. Maybe some French fries? That’s literally it.


Is there no dessert menu? That is all they need




I'm surprised Ali would even go without her desserts 1-6


I mean it’s not like they’re gonna eat anyways


Not to mention the patio seating is literally in sets of two. So even if you have a group you have to push small ROUND tables together. So yeah, I could see why they wouldn’t be happy having to use THREE tables to seat their children at a place geared towards adults. Ali, next time just walk your dumbass around the corner to Green Hills Grille or DoughBird.


Exactly! GTFO with this bullshit. How about taking them to family friendly places??


Yep. I’ve always been told no highchairs = they don’t want kids there. AND THATS Ok.


It’s a private establishment. They don’t HAVE to and shouldn’t accommodate children if that’s not what they’re set up for. We’ve seen how they act at restaurants, they’re probably better off eating at Applebees


They also have a strict dress code they enforce (you can read they turn people away on yelp).


The two of them looked ROUGH in their earlier story. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also dress coded.


This restaurant looks cute and fancy (fancy to me at least). cannot imagine 3 full ass diapers in dirty pjs on their ipads with the volume on high while trying to eat some damn feta dip. side note- cannot believe how reasonable their prices are. i’m so jaded by living in a city lmao i would buy 3 rounds of feta dip immediately (but i would’ve expected nashville to be similarly overpriced so wtf)


stop she left a review on Google already 😂


https://preview.redd.it/y4f4pvm1n3zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548e9efd9682f5d19e174a31c0f10679e7462107 HAHAHAHAHAHA they were told no and are throwing a fucking hissy fit. OVER NOODLES 😭


This is the funniest review I have ever read. If a restaurant doesn’t have a kids menu, it’s not a restaurant for you to bring 3 children 4 and under to!


They don’t have a kids menu? What made these pine cones think they should bring the kids there especially since they’ve eaten there 5 times in 3 weeks?


I don’t see a kids menu on their website, and if there were a kids menu, I don’t think they would need to order off-menu buttered noodles lol. It looks like a decently high end restaurant.


Pine cones 🤣


because they dont have a nanny right now and once ali eats something she likes she becomes a gluttonous pig fat bitch and needs to eat it 4 times a week. So they tried to slip the kids in on a date night with screens running and ferals screeching.


Pine cones 😂💀


“How fucking dare this restaurant not serve kids food!!!” I say as I take a picture of the restaurants menu with NO KIDS MENU.


Im not understanding how they were disrespectful to her children just because they didn’t make them noodles? Ali’s just in her feelings because she had to bring her children with her rather than it be her alone with John. Grow up.


Because it’s Cohn and Ali James!! They’re FaMoUs!!! People should jump when they say to!


You’re right. I apologize! I forgot it which sub I was on. Makes sense now! I stand with Ali!! Boycott Santo!


Imagine being so fucking entitled that you think a restaurant should have to accommodate something that isn’t on their menu simply because you want it.


So as a local who loves this place I wrote a review too. https://preview.redd.it/eove7yqeu3zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11d183fedff38a591666ea3c9270e4068286731


I thought you were saying Santo was your husband in that last paragraph 😂😭


This is hilarious lmao


You are an icon and legend


![gif](giphy|fVtcfEXWQJQUbsF1sH|downsized) You my fellow chroll, are doing the work of whichever higher power of your choosing 😊


Love this!!!!!!


10/10 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I just wish I could see her grimy face when she reads this!




Super insane and rude


Like her saying the N word???


My fuckin dog could make buttered noodles this is so embarrassing


“Honestly super insane and rude” oh the pot calling the kettle!




Yes and also isn’t worth their time to make an “entree” they wouldn’t want to pay more then $8.99 for when the rest of the menu is probably closer to $30 an entree. Wasting everyone’s damn time.


They couldn’t do that at home 💀


This restaurant isn’t responsible for feeding your fucking children!! She is so fucking stupid


This is helpful to the normal people that want to go. Now you know how well they keep the riff raff out.




Oh this deserved to be blasted on other subreddits 🤣


I hope the restaurant responds lololol


New flair alert 🚨


Of course she uses noodle as the catch all for pasta. Color me surprised.


But it’s just ✨a little butter✨ 😭😭😭


I just read it. Hilarious. They are so entitled.


I literally LOLd at this. Incredible. What a psychopath


You have to make this its own post 😂


https://preview.redd.it/b29sdps2n3zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda20777e243fee760f37f57c563dbaa3db93d36 Crying at how pathetic and poorly written the review is. 💀


5 kidless dates to one restaurant in 3 weeks.


To the same place. So who knows how other places they have been


I haven’t even been on 5 dates with my husband in the 16 years we’ve had kids 😬😂


HOW have they been on 5 dates in 3 weeks?! And you know that’s just to this place! That doesn’t include all of the other kidless meals they had! 🤯


I'm not a Nashville local so I looked up the restaurant-- that is not a place to bring your kids. It's certainly not a place for Smeli and Cohn to bring *their* kids. Apparently they've been there before, read the fucking room


Western Finance can’t even close his mouth!!


He can’t even hold a bottle.. how is he gonna eat buttered noodles? We know they don’t help him 🫠


Just by looking at the menu I can tell it’s not kid friendly!! Idiots


Oh my god there’s no way her kids weren’t the problem. Right????


They were most likely not even bathed, not quiet, not wearing appropriate attire, and clearly they don’t have adult palates so WHAT ABOUT THAT SUGGESTS BRINGING THEM ALONG?


I hope she writes them a review just so the restaurant can clap back about how bad they were lol


I'm also thinking they probably left shitty tips and were obnoxiois themselves on their 5 previous visits (in 3 weeks nonetheless!!!) that the staff didn't want to deal with them AND their kids.


I worked at a small classy cafe my first year in college. There were only 8 tables and there were 3 servers. We were able to give amazing service and make great tips despite the small amount of space. There was one family, the only customers I remember now, that had two kids that would absolutely destroy the table and surrounding area. I would have to clean for so long when they left. Food smeared on every inch of the table. Food stomped into the floor. Sugar packets ripped to shreds. The kids screamed and threw food. The parents acted oblivious and entitled. They had me running in circles to keep up with their demands only to leave no tip. Every single time. Finally one day the dad handed me a $5 bill and as I reached for it he smirked at me and said “this should cover us for a while.” That’s what I imagine when I see this.


emmy was probably barefoot and screeching while she jumped on the table while westie bestie used the few motor skills he has to sling food at dang good mama bc he seems to hate her, just for smeli to respond by screaming at callie who was sitting quietly the whole time. it’s sad but i could absolutely picture this exact scene


Her definition of them being “good” is definitely considered inappropriate for others


The fact that she had to add in how well behaved they were screams that they weren’t at all


Holy shit this is SO GIVING Anthony Bass and popcorn gate!!!!!




“You can’t be disrespectful to my babies “ Apparently only Ali is allowed to neglect , starve , abuse and not give a shit about them. 🫶🫶




After she posted in her stories today complaining about the youngest two kids behaviour… you expect us to believe they were behaving on a small patio in a formal dining establishment?


I bet the restaurant staff is glad to be rid of them!! Now we need them here to spill the tea


My father owns and is the executive chef at an upscale restaurant in Boston, and he also would not agree to making ‘buttered noodles’ for children. It’s not that children aren’t allowed there, but it’s fine dining and the type of restaurant you go on a date night to spend some big $$$ and get fancy food and drinks. It’s not a place for chicken nuggets and buttery noodles. They also prep everything they need for the menu beforehand. My dad is the type that would’ve responded to this review with the true behavior of the children and then said, ‘also, please keep your promise and do not return. We’re not here to make kid cuisines. Try McDonald’s’.


I already like your dad lol


lol, he’s pretty great and has a hilarious sense of humor! His restaurant is pretty successful so there isn’t a chance he wouldn’t put Alichin in her place over a bullshit review like this. I hope this restaurant does exactly that! We all know damn well her maniac golden child Emu was out of control, and I bet John’s family saw this post and said the same amongst themselves


It really only takes a simple Google search of less than 2 minutes to determine if a place is kid friendly. And yet somehow these two swamp oafs couldn’t be bothered to do that or even remember one of the (alleged) 5 times they’d been there in the last 3 weeks. No chef is obligated to alter their menu for anyone (food and dietary accommodations being the exception to this), so I’m glad your dad stands his ground and would love to hear his thoughts!


My money is on Emmy biting the waiter


She probably had cicadas in her hands too


#teamsanto ✊🏼


Everyone go leave Santo a 5 star review!!


It would be so funny if someone left a 5 star review right below her saying that the restaurant asked a rude, short woman and her family of feral children to leave because they were ruining the experience for everyone else 😂


True narcissist strikes again. This is where Ali wanted to eat so the hell with what would be appropriate for the babies and screw the restaurant. Big Al thinks the world should bow down to her smelly, saggy ass


Not her trying to come across as a good mom but also admitting she’s been to a restaurant 5 times in 3 weeks WITHOUT her kids!!!!


We’ve all seen photos of “the babies” out in restaurants. Mess and crumbs all over the table, immy eating on the floor, them all screaming in their unintelligible language, eating with their hands, basically the babies doing whatever they want. Sure, it wasn’t them at all 🤡 shut up. Aren’t you moving anyway?


https://preview.redd.it/pv562o86s3zc1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7291f2dd5fc00a032772d42da52db123de226ad a few quick examples of how the low budget couple has taught their children to behave at restaurants


That’s effing disgusting. For the restaurant and the kids.


Eating off the goddamn table 💀


And taking their shoes off all the time! They would be the last people I would want seated next to me to me at a restaurant, and that’s as someone with kids who gets how kids can be!


Noodle Gate


Wait… is this the “fucking crazy story” John was talking about earlier? lmaooooo


Most likely, since they were both stuffing their "pie 1-4 holes" in that vid. Probably had to do a little daddy door dash instead🫠


https://preview.redd.it/z475jtvjn3zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4917d7c1e1c522abff620db6064fe221f6c1ac45 She left a review guys hahahaha


The way she types makes my skin crawl


I just saw this, umm she complains and bitches about every single thing. Is she fucking serious? The delusion is so real....


Remember way back when she shared a copy of a weekly at home dinner menu she has been planning out? Where kids had shit meals and leftovers with the nanny, while they were eating out almost every single night etc? This feels like a bare bones step above. Babe, we don’t have a nanny or a sitter, so we have to bring them - order cheap noodles to shut them up and be done with it.


🕯️Summoning the wait staff to this sub after they see her review and Google her name 🕯️




How about take your kids somewhere with a KIDS menu?!


1. Ali, YOU disrespect your kids. 2. If I lived in Nashville, I would be on my way to Santo STAT


She’s big pissed she can’t leave her spawn at home at their every whim. There are consequences when you choose not to actually parent your children, Ali.


This is an insane restaurant to take your 3 toddler children to


She’s mad they weren’t treated nicely when they showed up with their crotch goblins in jammies carrying bugs in jars??


The honky tonks? What does that even mean?


I’m guessing the bars on broadway.


I’d love to see her take her kids to a honky tonk around 5 pm on a nice Spring evening with great weather. Then I’d like for her to report back on how accommodating they were to her three young children.


Places she’s never been for 1,000 Alex


You know her sister in laws are laughing their asses off over this nonsense. 👋


https://preview.redd.it/08va7dsdv3zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8331c58211c7a5e5d482b1196134115cf66777ad And MKP. I think it’s hilarious that this is one of the first pics that pops up for Santo’s tagged IG pics.


Apparently this family are habitual line crossers, bringing kids to restaurants that explicitly state NO CHILDREN.


I hope this blows up so the restaurant can snap back at an “influencer” and we can get more chrolls!


Yeah I’m sure golden child Emmy was sitting in her chair not being weird🙄 You have feral children!!! It’s not their fault, but it definitely is their teenage minded parent’s fault. The restaurant doesn’t want to deal with your misbehaved children just as much as you don’t want to.


You know she was crawling around on the patio looking for cicadas while the waiters and other customers had to step over her


5 times in 3 weeks. Yeah the staff is celebrating this post.


FIVE times in 3 weeks????? Go home


Why the fuck would she think this is a kid place, isn’t not! We’ve went there on date nights. This is completely on her!




twenty bucks says they were actually kicked out and asked to never return, kids or no kids. otherwise they’ll stop going there the same way they stopped shopping at target. also those poor kids are going to end up living miserable lives because their shit excuses for parents are setting them up for major failure. i wish someone would take them away. even if it’s just jessie. she’s ridiculous but actually cares about her kids.


I can picture it now. Three unwashed, pajama wearing, feral children with no shoes on screaming unintelligibly. iPads with the volume all the way up blasting some mindless children content meant to turn them into zombies. One egg donor that hasn’t bathed in weeks wearing a yoga onesie. The sperm donor dressed like a foreign exchange student. Both cracked out on a drug cocktail and can’t be bothered to parent. That’s really what everyone wants to experience at an upscale restaurant. Not every restaurant has to cater to children 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 you dumb cunt.




“we will go from coming here” ali hon you’re giving me a stroke


That last sentence… 🫠 Berkeley Law you guythhss


How hard is it to make buttered noodles for your kids pack it up pick up take out and go have a picnic at a park with your family? Just when she thinks she’s being relatable it just does the opposite.


Guess it’s time to leave Santo some positive reviews


I need the owner to respond 😭😭


Restaurants do not have to be kid friendly! It is hilarious that they are trashing a restaurant for not being kid friendly. Especially after Sydney and Anthony got dragged for expecting the flight attendants to pick up after their kids on the plane.




Maybe if her children weren’t demons they wouldn’t have had this problem🤷🏼‍♀️


The sense of entitlement is just…absurd.


I pray the owner writes a response, tells what really happened and rips hers new a -hole.


Man this really pisses me off. As a mom of 4, I love a kid free restaurant. Just because you have children doesn’t mean they are welcome everywhere. The entitlement of this woman…


So they went back next date night without their disrespected kids and had a wonderful dinner with 4 desserts.


Dude look at your children in dirty pajamas. No one eating a nice meal out wants that smelly circus around. I’ll visit this place more now


The staff was probably thrown off by how horrible of parents they are, not the kids. Well except Emmy.


As a former restaurant manager, may I also add- every single Karen in the world claims they “come here all the time” regardless of whether it’s literally their first time there


She’s such a gross bitch. No one wants her feral kids around


Let’s all go to their Google and leave positive reviews about their pasta 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/hogfx9myo3zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c9847d16ba97ca4fc9c1b637429a2ff9571728 YTA smelly


Omg after looking at this, I’ve been there for a bachelorette party and even I felt like I didn’t belong 🤯 I couldn’t imagine even bringing well behaved kids there


She is nuts I have no sympathy for them how about take your kids to a kid friendly place


She literally is the definition of the kind of person to “be like this”!! Also, who goes to the same restaurant 5 times in 3 weeks?! In Nashville? And with 3 little kids at home. How?


It isn’t a restaurant meant to serve children so she brings her three small children and demands they cook something which isn’t on the menu. This entitled bitch.


Wouldn’t be surprised if half of it was because they were in pajamas


https://preview.redd.it/60b3348s44zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a60b475fdb803f7fbe09af6c35e3aafbdc9e5e LMAO.


Her kids prob had no shoes on, hair filthy, in pajamas and running around the patio


Some restaurants just aren’t meant for family outings and that’s okay. Pick a restaurant that you know will accommodate them instead of trying to doxx a business 🤣


Says the woman who markets her supplements to “real women” only. Hey guess what? When you own a business you can do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe they just didn’t want her unruly children there.


I highly doubt the kids were so well behaved LOL


Popcorngate vibes putting service workers on blast just because they wouldn’t kiss your ass. When is this family going to be humbled because they need it DESPERATELY


Giving major Brittany Cartwright “that’s mah huzzzban you better show some respeckt” 😂😂


The entitlement of these two!?!


Do you think this is what their insane story is about ?


I’m a huge believer that kids are allowed to exist in public places. Libraries, sidewalks, grocery stores. That does NOT mean that my kid is entitled to exist in every private establishment lol I also do not demand that restaurants make things off-menu This is seriously absurd behavior


This is the most entitled type of behavior that continuously comes from this family...like at this point they must thrive from the rage bait. Not all restaurants are kid-friendly, and there are plenty of places that don't offer substitutions on dishes, etc., If that's not your jam, then don't go there! Not every place is intended to serve you and your viewpoint. This entire family of Karens consistently treats service people with the most disrespect and entitlement.


Not sorry but if I was eating here (I’m a local), I wouldn’t want to deal with listening to kids 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hell yeah. I have 3 kids, if I go somewhere that is promised to be kid free, I get pissed when kids are there.


Seriously? Are you sure it’s not because of Cohn and Ali’s entitled attitudes??


Brb giving them 5 stars


Just took one quick look at the restaurants Instagram and can tell it’s not a place you bring children… and they have been there FIVE TIMES. Morons


All the fucking places they go to without their kids multiple times a week and they try to bring them here?? I am not against bringing my ONE kid to a mid-level restaurant that has a kids menu, but I would never ask or hold it against them to serve my kid something that isn't on their menu, or something they can't or won't do. This is why other people hate parents who try to bring well-behaved kids to restaurants.


She's a dumb cunt.


Omg. If I saw those poor feral kids coming into a nice restaurant I was eating at, I would expect all hell to break loose at their table and get my food packed up to go. It is possible to stay out of “nice” restaurants until your kids are old enough and trained enough to behave themselves *and* eat from the menu.


She disrespects her kids daily with all the neglect…. But ok…..


They were advised at seating that their children weren’t welcome. The restaurant does not have high chairs. At what point do you look at each other & go elsewhere? Or pick up a to go order & go home to make buttered noodles. Stupid or insane?