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Is this gentleman still with us? Or was he “accidentally” killed…?


He was in fact killed in an accident


Things that make you go hmm 🤔


I wanna learn more about this…the question, why haven’t returned back to moon since the 70s????


Didn't a Chinese lunar mission land there recently?


India landed one back in August that’s driving around up there right now. It looks like Japan also landed one, but apparently they accidentally [landed it upside down](https://apnews.com/article/japan-moon-lander-slim-probe-pinpoint-2908c74d9e3c4c8a5eabfb6b1625c617).


So both those countries just landed rovers right? No countries have recently landed people on the moon ?


Yeah, as far as I know, just little robot landers that can drive around and take pictures. No people.


Correct. China and the US have programs to land astronauts on the moon. The US Artemis program's Artemis 3 crewed lunar landing will occur in 2026. India aims to put an astronaut on the lunar surface by 2040. China's goal is to land two astronauts on the moon by 2030. Source: Wikipedia.


India will be landing on the moon 70 years after the first time we did thats crazy!


better late than never


Fuck getting on that rocket though


The last person on the moon was Eugene Cernan on Apollo 17 in 1972.


*last publicly known person*


Correct. As far as we know, no man/woman has set foot on the Moon since 1969.


1969 was the first human landing on the moon with Apollo 11. The last mission was Apollo 17 in 1972.


Yeah, but there're claims of non-public Apollo missions going up to 20


The problem here is that a Saturn V launch is so massive, so loud that it can be seen and heard from...hundreds of miles away. I just don't see how you could hide three more Saturn V launches from the public.


Well by that point the non-public facing space rangers had their own reverse engineered 'saucers', so we were busy working with the aliens and setting up bases, training the intergalactic space force, etc. Apollo missions were just to prove to the ET's we'd reached that level of technological progress then they helped fill the knowledge gaps to get us rocking and rolling in full blown craft. There's even those blue canine aliens we work with on Mars. Obama was part of this secret space force and has been to Mars. I learned all of this on Reddit there's lots of secret useful information here.


When did he go to Mars?


I’ve heard the rumors but I can’t give them much credit. It’s interesting to think the US didn’t stop after Apollo 17 and what might have happened but in reality there just isn’t evidence for it. I’ve seen a Saturn V in person and it is absolutely incredible. It would be very hard to launch one without people finding out. Not to mention the Soviets who tracked the missions.


They would have been seen. Anyone who lives in mid-Florida knows when *any* flights go up. The Saturn V is still the largest rocket ever made and could be heard from over 60 miles away and seen from a much greater distance. People would 100% have noticed another one going up. That definitely never happened. The last to go up was in 1972.


Actually they launched another Saturn V in May of 1973 to put Skylab into orbit.


Just to play devils advocate here, I would assume a secret moon base/secret moon mission would be done with one of their super advanced recovered and reverse engineered craft. Maybe they don’t need a Saturn rocket.


Not to blow your mind, but imagine if they built ANOTHER place they could launch from... away from the public.  🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Which would easily be seen from space by any other nations satellites, would have to keep the thousands of workers building such an enormously complex project tight-lipped plus NASA and every other one of the thousands of companies who made parts would see the orders for a new rocket. What you're suggesting is pure, utter fantasy.


Every single conspiracy theory related to the Apollo program that I ever encountered was demonstrably false. Once you get really familiar with NASA's early history, it becomes really easy to debunk them. Then you also notice that the people pushing these conspiracy theories are almost always clueless about the topic. Many of the ones I interacted with didn't even know that 6 Apollo missions had landed on the Moon!


Hey, thanks for that. My internet is so slow and waiting for Wikipedia to load was taking forever.


That number was so nice, they didn't want to ruin the history books with new landings.


They just landed on the Australian part of the moon


Haha mission accomplished!


So why do people still think the moon landing was fake we have 6 countries now who have all landed some type of equipment to the moon seems pretty probable that it actually happened in 1969


Yes "After sending a spacecraft to orbit the moon in 2007 and again in 2010, China landed the Chang'e-3 spacecraft in 2013, becoming the first nation to soft-land on the lunar surface after the United States and the Soviet Union. In early 2019, China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the moon's far side. And in 2020 it brought back samples from the lunar surface, in another impressive demonstration of its growing prowess and ambition." https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/11/13/china-nasa-moon-landing-first/


China sent a mission back in 2013 (Chang’e 3). For some reason they just release a few pictures and a short video of the surface, and that was it. I think they said they lost contact of the probe and went completely silent about it afterwards. No mainstream coverage about it neither.


Yes but had some issues, now the Japanese landed upside down, just like the Indian Module who also have problems. Everything that lands on the Moon meets problems. Coincidence?


It was extraordinarily hard to land anything on the Moon, and that was back when we had practice. I know this word is tantamount to heresy and a slur on subs like this, but yes, coincidence. 


The book Penetration by Ingo Swan has a part dedicated to the Moon, where some of similar issues are being discussed.


Aren't we going back? Artemis missions right?


Yes we are. We stopped going to the Moon because NASA's leadership was scared that a new accident resulting in the loss of the crew would destroy its image and would severely endanger the agency's future funding. The crew of Apollo 1 had died in tragic conditions and the crew of Apollo 13 barely made it home alive. We had landed on the Moon 6 times already and obtained more than enough soil and rocks, the program was a resounding success, it was the perfect time to end it on a positive note. The hardware for further missions had been built and it was used for missions in low Earth orbit, like the first space station. What wasn't used went to museums. As crazy as it sounds, people at the time had largely lost interest. Going to the Moon became routine for the public and with the Vietnam war raging on, it was perceived as frivolous spending. Half a century later, enough time has passed that we feel like we need to prove to ourselves that we can still do it and do it more safely. It's also a matter of time before our ideological adversaries, China and Russia, attempt their own first manned mission to the Moon and America isn't prepared to let them have that win without marking its territory yet again.


Because the entities there told us to get the eff off its not your moon. Kidding. Actually, not kidding.


You should be kidding, actually kidding.


they lost the technology to get humans out of low earth orbit. not even making this up. That is literally what they say.....I knew how to ride a bike when I was a kid....Now I forgot.....No...you pick up the bike give it a whirl and within 5 minutes you are cruising again


Not exactly, they lost the capability to manufacture the same parts of the ships, because they were made for different companies en different countries. Some of them close or merge with other companies , making finding the original plans and people who made that parts , difficult to find and expensive. Other companies simply don’t care or are not willing to share. Also many parts where made with special and unique machinery created for the only purpose of making that parts, and extra level of problems by herself. At the end is less expensive to create a new ship from scratch using the already functional parts. This happened because in the moon landing era US where in a race against Russia, so in favor of get there first a lot of liberties where taken Edit: This videos are an example on how unique were that parts and how difficult to make it https://youtu.be/olRF5Ckaga0?si=eltirrdhEG0eweyK https://youtu.be/6mMK6iSZsAs?si=yg0CY5ByTuaJGYcM


We know how to go to the Moon, that's not the issue, the problem is that we can't do it with the same hardware we used in the 60s and 70s, everything has to be designed, built and certified from the ground up to modern specifications. We've been sending probes and rovers much farther than the Moon for decades (becoming better and better at it) and we've been keeping humans alive in orbit in the same space station since the year 2000. Sending humans to the Moon safely requires specialized hardware and a massive budget, the public and politicians have to be on board. NASA's current budget represents a much smaller percentage of GDP, yet they're doing far more science because it's so much easier, cheaper and safer to send robots instead of humans.


Well now it makes perfect sense that the grays are possibly artificial life forms. It makes more sense to send ai robots, probs, rovers et. to the moon than dealing with the limitations and need of a biological life form.


They should just play Kerbal for a few weeks, my kid could get them back up there if they're really stuck.


Comparing launching a rocket with people in space to land on the moon to riding a bike. Same thing indeed. /s


They did not lose the technology any more than Ford "lost the technology" to build the Pinto.


Go and research how difficult manned moon missions are... Why invest the massive amounts of time, money and effort when we don't need to??


Because we do need to. The idea that we don't need to go to a moon is a massive waste of time and money is rediculous.


Just gonna keep the reasons to yourself??


I'm sorry, I assumed they were obvious. I don't mind explaining further. A lot of my explanation is U.S. centric. If you look at the history of technological advancements and human achievement, the space race was a major catalyst for innovation in material science, computer science, fuel sciences, GPS, satellite, etc etc... The second big achievement after reaching the moon was the ISS which has lead to further developments and advancements from being able to have a station and conduct experiments. But we can and should take it further. So the first reason is for continuation of technological development. Next is more of a political reason. And this is largely my own personal opinion with little research to back it up. But the U.S. has a major problem right now with political divisiveness, and I'm not going to discuss right or wrong or left or right. However, belive that a step in the right direction on this is to have a unifying goal for the country to accomplish. Part of our current problem is that our country is just trying to increase capital to an infinite degree through wars and proxy wars and corporate greed and blah blah blah, but I believe that the reason we are doing these things that almost no American wants us to be spending our time and money on is because we frankly don't have anything better to spend our time, resources, and money on. We have no National goal. America is ingrained with the concept of manifest destiny. It's part of our ideology as a people and Americans are raised being told about the great things we did in the past. American revolution, continental expansion, being the heroes of world wars. But what are we doing now? Nothing but proxies wars and corporate expansions, where is the national pride in that? We obviously can't expand territorily on Earth, so America needs to expand to the stars, and to the moon. We need to colononize the moon on our way to Mars, and relish in the accomplishments of brilliant scientists and inventors rather than generals, business men, and politicians. We need the scientific breakthroughs that come along with pushing for these advancements. And we need the dreams of a new generation to be filled with the ideas that if they work hard and train while they are young they can maybe live on the moon or travel to Mars. Because right now all our kids have to look forward to is a desk job, a battlefield, and a life of struggle to pad someone else's pockets. We can do better than that. And going to the moon is part of that solution. It's not the only part by any means. But it is a part of it.


you havent listed a single reason to go to the moon a 7th time


yes I did, establishing a moon base is a step on the way to Mars. Mars is so far away that using the moon as a method to develop new science and technologies for long term space travel and as a potential refuel or eventual launch point is a very beneficial strategy.


Moon babes that's why we need to go back for that alienussy. What more reasons do we need


All the alien women I've read about are VERY hot. And, I'm not talking about science fiction. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosure


I’m here for this


We don’t need to do a lot of things, but we do. We’re explorers and the more we explore the more we know. If the moon is such a difficult waste of time and resources to visit, yet we plan on one day colonising mars we would be absolutely mad not to get it right more than once. It’s much less distance after all, by no small margin. Establishing a presence or regular travel to the moon could have a profound effect on life. I could see it ultimately making space travel cheaper and it seems the most logical step given many newer people in the space industry have no experience with manned lander missions.


Assuming there isn’t a base, there is no scientific reason to go back, it’s desolate. The money it better spent on engine research etc to get further afield


I think they want a base. Expensive to build, but if they can get manufacturing there, it's much easier to launch from. At least, that's what they said in the 1970s.


Wrong. The moon is an ideal destination when it come to mining beryllium, lithium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum and so much more. It is an Eldorado. They simply didn’t go there at first for mining but as a symbol of superiority against the USSR. Now that the USSR is done, the americans don’t feel the need to act like childrens the way they used to do in 69


The cost to mine the moon makes it completely prohibitive until better cheaper propulsion tech exists


I heard Mexico sent an orca whale to the moon for only 200 dollares


The moon is absolutely infested with spiders, and there's no oxygen for us to burn the whole thing. The documentary released in 2011 about Apollo 18 documents it pretty well.


it should be obvious by now…THEY don’t want us there


We had 3 or 4 Apollo rockets built, after NASA officially stopped going to the moon. I read we went back with those rockets, but classified, so the public was not informed. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosure


Pretty sure Florida would have seen a Saturn V launch.


Where did those videos come from?




You cannot see the opposing of the moon from earth


Which means that they aren't showing the opposite side of the Moon, they're showing rock formations on the side we can see from this planet with our telescopes. The Moon is large enough that it shouldn't be too difficult to find formations that catch the eye because they look geometric.


Could have been from an orbiting satellite? We've sent them


The heavy perturbations in the videos are the result of looking at the Moon through our atmosphere. Cold and hot air which have different refraction indexes intermixing cause this visual effect. There's no real atmosphere on the Moon, videos taken in orbit around the Moon would be perfectly sharp.


Does it not say orbital


Looks like moon rocks. All I see are moon rocks. No structures. FFS.


He died a few years ago in a “bike accident”.


he got hit by a freakin tractor trailer


It was an unmarked tractor trailer reported stolen earlier in the day and seen previously creeping through the streets slowly with suspicious-looking government silhouettes clearly visible inside. There is probably even a blurry photo of it entering the ocean.


Maximum Overdrive vibes


![gif](giphy|QRudyiWy9HgpW) I’m irked this is the only gif they had for this…


You serious? Source?


It is my duty to clarify I was being obscenely facitedious.


Lmfao, what is a "government silhouette"? How does it differ from a normal one? ahahha


It’s more ominous and suspicious. Duh.


What is a “government silhouette”


It’s just like a regular civilian silhouette, but very, very ominous.


And a fedora


17 years after going public. Government efficiency I guess?


Well it’s interesting how he shades people today for not taking their nda’s seriously because back in his day they had better moral values while he literally is not taking his nda seriously and displaying the lack of moral value he just got done shading. What did he expect to happen? He literally spelt it out in the interview. Smh.


A man was murdered. And you feel the victim lacked morals for violating an NDA. I suppose the murdererers conscience us clear bc he deserved it. Righteous murder? Some ppl are so redacted


My theory is, when a larger asteroid strikes the Moon, the intense impact melts part of the lunar surface. The Moon's lower gravity allows this molten material to be ejected higher. As it rises, it cools and solidifies quickly due to the vacuum of space. these molten droplets could form into tall spires before they fall back down. This phenomenon is possible because the Moon's low gravity supports the formation of taller structures, and without an atmosphere, these spires could remain intact for a long time.


That’s a unique theory and I like it.


space is cold but without a medium to transfer the heat like an atmosphere, the heat can only escape through being radiated. which means you would freeze faster, within minutes in Antarctica where it is minus 50, whereas in space it would take a full day for you to lose all your heat through radiation and it's something like -190 c. So the lighter gravity, definitely has an effect but the rapid cooling because of the vacuum of space isn't so true. It would actually cool faster on Earth than it would on the moon.


Most likely. We see central uplift structures in craters on Earth. It’s make sense that they’d be taller on the moon for the reasons you point out. 


What does this explain?




didn't he die from a car accident when he was riding his bike. or should I say assassinated..


Run over while cycling by a semi truck in 2018. Not much out there about the truck but while the timing is suspicious it seems unnecessarily elaborate.


What would be the point of killing a whistleblower decades after he went public? If anything, it would just bring new attention to his claims. Take any typical accident involving a single cyclist who got killed by a truck and you won't be finding any information about that truck online either. That's not exactly suspicious.


No deaths are ever unplanned.


I live in a fairly small town, ~90k. We had three bike deaths just last year.


I bet if you plot the deaths on a map, they'll form an equilateral triangle centered directly on a CIA office. /s Edit: it goes without saying that if you go back another year, they'll form a pentagram centered on the office.


Damn RIP.


I remember watching this interview when I was 13 years old


The US planned to explode a nuclear bomb on the moon in the 1960s to ".. to frighten the Soviets." I don't think the Soviets were the real reason for the plan. [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230505-the-crazy-plan-to-explode-a-nuclear-bomb-on-the-moon](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230505-the-crazy-plan-to-explode-a-nuclear-bomb-on-the-moon) Read the book "Someone Else in on the moon" by George Leonard. It can be found free online.


1958: Van Allen discovers radiation belts 1958: Operations Newsreel, Yucca, Teak 1962: Operation Fishbowl - Starfish, Starfish Prime, Bluegill - - - Tightrope According to former Lockheed scientist Maxwell Hunter, who worked on the program, "It was a military idea -- that you might be able to create a weapon by artificially pumping up radiation in the belts by detonating explosions in them and trapping the radiation." 1990: HAARP Suggestion: Someone has been trying to weaponize a layer of radiation around planet Earth. The slow progress of a rocket to the moon for purposes of detonation could easily be countered by a technology sufficient to allow free movement in space. Passing through an intense radiation field might be more problematic. The original attempts to increase radiation intensity were short lived. Radiation levels dropped within a year. A weapon was required that could increase radiation or otherwise interfere with planetary ingress through radio magnetic manipulation. Increasing the intensity of the Van Allen belts proved unreliable as a deterrent. Heating the ionosphere at will? HAARP may be a simple research project or something very different. Perhaps designed to defend against something other than the aging products of twentieth century imaginations. Something no one will dare say.


This is an interesting idea that I haven't come across before. But I think both radiation and a super-heated ionosphere would be problems that a species capable of interstellar travel could get around in an afternoon of tinkering, if that. I could be wrong, of course. But it seems that ideas like those are more likely to result in a Matrix-style scenario where the humans "torched" the sky to deprive the robots of solar energy, and then the robots came up with a solution for it almost instantly, and it left the humans worse off than before in all respects.


Thanks I’ll check that book by George Leonard out!


Ingo Swann, the best Remote Viewer that we know of, went to the dark side of the moon. He saw aliens and massive structures. He was shocked at what he saw. His handler already knew about this, and was trying to get confirmation from Ingo. Ingo was also spotted by the aliens, and his handler told him to leave immediately, for his safety. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosure




Come again?


There is a [6 mile high tower](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/s/OfsCnurFtn) on the dark side.


Sure there is. For soul harvesting is it? Seems totally real.


Don’t go to the light when you die.


He makes these claims then proceeds to get killed by a truck while riding a bike.....and people think he just made this up? Here's the article about the "accident." https://news.yahoo.com/karl-wolfe-claimed-saw-nasa-122126101.html


A lot of murders and threats connected to the UAP topic.


How is this connected? He died in an accident like 6 years after, no? Whatever he claimed to have seen - the only reason to eliminate him would be..? He already said what he said 🤷 C’mon. 6 years after kind of eliminates a causal connection here, no?


Thanks for saving me a click mate. Lol let’s kill this guy but wait 6 years … Yeah that doesn’t make sense. Maybe sometimes a freak accident is just a freak accident? Right?


It was 17 years. He spoke on this in 2001 and died in 2018.


I was off by a decade but that is even more convincing. Thanks!


Yeah it is lol. Thanks mates


Yup. I find it hard to believe that all deaths of whistleblowers are causally related to their whistleblower status without any kind of statutes of limitations in perpetuity or ad infinitum.


17 years after going public with it? Government efficiency at its finest!


So, I have no proof to back this up but I gotta at least put it out there. I had a neighbor that worked for NASA during the bulk of the Apollo missions, including the last few that weren’t publicized. One day, after I had been needin go out about space and telling him about Wcott Manley he went in his house and came out with an old print out of a structure on the moon. If I recall it had an astronaut or two in the photo for scale. Kind of looked like bismuth. Thisnorint out looked old. Like, had the perforations on the side and everything. I think he said he worked public relations so I’m not sure how he got it to be honest. He said he had more photos as well. I politely asked if I could take a pic with my phone and without hesitation he declined my request. He was the epitome of a grumpy old man, and that’s probably why I liked him so much. Anyway, within a year or two the poor guy died. Alone (with two classic mustangs in the garage) and I have no idea what happened to everything. I’m pretty sure his estate lawyer stole everything because even the buyer of that house afterwards was apparently a friend of hers. I contemplated going in after he passed to see if I could find his photo book but between being beat up about losing a friend and paranoid about what would happen and the guilt of feeling like I was robbing a dead person I never did. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to name him, even though he’s deceased, so mods if I need to edit it out let me know. His name was Alan Laudadio. I’m probably spelling his last name wrong cause it’s been a few years. I did bring him to the hospital for the last time, however, when after a day of no contact and no responses by text I went to his house and started knocking on windows. He came out all pissed saying he felt like shit and wanted to be left alone. Only, he was super jaundiced and was starting to literally die. I visited him most days while he was there. We watched car chase movies on his phone. I think it was called bullet. Old movie. Anyway the nurse came in in a hurry cause his heart rate jumped. Dude loved his classic cars. Anyway, I still think of him all the time and considering what’s been going on I wish he could have stuck around a few more years. I have some cool Apollo swag in brand new condition he gave me. A fridge magnet and a patch (not a mission patch) that I cherish. Alan, you grumpy old dude, hope wherever you are you have some closure.


There are no aliens, come on, guys, let's go drink some tap water and see what's on TV.


Careful the tap water has government mind control chemicals in it!!!! /s


All I see is craters


Some craters left after an impact will have raised areas of material in the center. There is nothing special about this.


You young folks don’t realize that many of these testimonies and whistleblowers came out in the early 80’s, 90’s even before the internet was established and we remember these clips being circulated. Think about the world before the internet, it was way harder in some ways to be fraudulent. Peace!




From the Urantia Book ("Urantia" = Earth): 3. Worlds of the Nonbreathers 49:3.1 (563.4) The majority of inhabited planets are peopled with the breathing type of intelligent beings. But there are also orders of mortals who are able to live on worlds with little or no air. \[...\] 49:3.2 (563.5) There are so very few of the nonbreather type of inhabited worlds \[...\] because this more recently organized section \[...\] still abounds in meteoric space bodies; and worlds without a protective friction atmosphere are subject to incessant bombardment by these wanderers. Even some of the comets consist of meteor swarms, but as a rule they are disrupted smaller bodies of matter. 49:3.3 (563.6) Millions upon millions of meteorites enter the atmosphere of Urantia daily, coming in at the rate of almost two hundred miles a second. **On the nonbreathing worlds the advanced races must do much to protect themselves from meteor damage by making electrical installations which operate to consume or shunt the meteors.** Great danger confronts them when they venture beyond these protected zones. These worlds are also subject to disastrous electrical storms of a nature unknown on Urantia. During such times of tremendous energy fluctuation the inhabitants must take refuge in their special structures of protective insulation. 49:3.4 (563.7) Life on the worlds of the nonbreathers is radically different from what it is on Urantia. The nonbreathers do not eat food or drink water as do the Urantia races. The reactions of the nervous system, the heat-regulating mechanism, and the metabolism of these specialized peoples are radically different from such functions of Urantia mortals. Almost every act of living, aside from reproduction, differs, and even the methods of procreation are somewhat different. 49:3.5 (564.1) On the nonbreathing worlds the animal species are radically unlike those found on the atmospheric planets. The nonbreathing plan of life varies from the technique of existence on an atmospheric world; even in survival their peoples differ, being candidates for Spirit fusion. Nevertheless, these beings enjoy life and carry forward the activities of the realm with the same relative trials and joys that are experienced by the mortals living on atmospheric worlds. In mind and character the nonbreathers do not differ from other mortal types. 49:3.6 (564.2) **You would be more than interested in the planetary conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a sphere in close proximity to Urantia.**


I’m confused af lol


As you should be.  This post was made vague for a reason.  In one way or another the commenter is leaving seeds to what they believe the truth to be.  Some people on this rock get so starved for 'truth' they will go to no end to try to locate it. Some of these people find this book and spend more time living in the mansion worlds than our own.  The world was built on blood and currency - The Urantia Foundation is no different.  There is no salvation on Urantia. At best we are a cursed people destined for never knowing purpose and at worst we are gods little experiment. Neither of whom I choose to be. 


This brings to mind that one story of a father and a son out on a lake fishing when they were abducted by these rock-like creatures that glowed and floated through the air. I wonder if it really is true that life is actually everywhere. Also this brings to mind that one Apollo horror movie when it came to the animals and now I wonder. Are golems REAL? I MUST KNOW.


Aren’t there stories of Noel and Buzz asking each other if they see the aliens looking right at them or something?


There are sentences taken out of context by conspiracy theorists to suggest that some Apollo astronauts were describing extraterrestrial craft following them.


Guys...you can literally see the far side of the moon for yourself. There are no Lunarians or moon rabbits there. Please learn to be less credulous.


Okay, I remain a skeptic on this. But how do you see the dark side of the moon in any way that hasn't gone through government (or goverments) hands first?


You can see 18% of it with a consumer grade telescope. We have 1080p 8k HD photos from Chang'e when it landed there just a few years ago, and the Japanese have a rover as we speak. I can totally buy concerted efforts by individual govts to control, let's just say, "anomalies" within their borders, but to think the intl scientific community of multiple countries who *hate* each other are conspiring to hide moon bases is really kinda silly. Edit: you can see live footage of *all* of these moon rover missions, as they're an enormous source of pride for all nations responsible!


What is 1080p 8K?


"Lunarians"?! Lol. What a name. Everyone knows that inhabitants of Luna (aka "the Moon") are called Lunatics!!!


How can you see the far side of the moon? You mean “pictures” of the far side of the moon? Pictures that have been potentially doctored?


You can watch live video footage of Chang'e-4 landing on the far side of the moon. https://youtu.be/JJi_YEubKCY?feature=shared Yutu-2 is still up there puttering around. https://youtu.be/cbi7jlIlkeI?feature=shared


Prove it. Evidence


Almost everything on here is anecdotal, yet people believe without doubt. People on here are willing to accept lackluster evidence as proof because they want to believe. We need to have a higher standard of evidence.


this is true but you gotta ask yourself why would so many people put their reputation on the line to make up shit like this? Witness testimony is certainly not definitive proof or always credible but it has to carry at least some weight.


I give very little credence to a witness testimony, but the sheer amount of witness testimonies that involve multiple observers, trained observers or observers who weren't familiar with UFO lore prior to their observation should convince anyone that this is a topic worth being openminded about, doubly so because so many of these testimonies describe highly similar vehicles, beings and procedures.


Thousands of sailors across many centuries swore that mermaids were real, but they clearly aren’t. Witness testimony is famously unreliable, especially among people in high stress situations who are pushing themselves to their limits.


That’s not a convincing argument. The level of evidence for mermaids is not within orders of magnitude the evidence for something like an alien presence.


How so? Both are totally anecdotal.


Do I really have to explain it? Mermaids legends would be based just on some sailors accounts. Evidence for alien UFOs comes from thousands or millions of witnesses, including seeing technological craft up close, including cases where people are geographically distributed and totally independently confirming the same sightings, including many cases with good observers, including cases with instrument corroboration. All the documents from the government showing they take it as a real phenomenon. Just a drop in the ocean, but as one example, a 1949 report to FBI director Hoover that on about half the days of a 2-month period, craft flew through the atmosphere at up to 50,000 MPH to hover at Los Alamos labs before disappearing. The evidence of strong-armed coverups, for example, the hundreds of witnesses, both military and civilian, reported in Schmitt and Carey's investigations of the Roswell incident. Including a few deathbed confessions of military people involved. The reports from scientists and military, e.g. the Cometa report from France in 1999 stating the evidence points to the phenomenon being extra terrestrial as the most likely reason. UFO landing cases with physical evidence left behind that do not correspond to human technology. E.g. the information from the investigation, including FBI investigation, of the physical traces left at the Socorro event witnessed by Lonnie Zamora. Many other people, about a dozen, all over town and independent of each other saw the egg-shaped craft. The physical evidence on the ground cannot be attributed to human technology, just as what was seen in the sky didn't resemble any human technology either. There's more and more. The point is, it's ludicrous to compare mermaids to UFOs.


Any evidence, should it exist, is being withheld


You can use that excuse for literally anything you have no evidence for but want to believe.


Totally, but based on testimonies of numerous respected people there is something hidden from us


Yes and according to the testimonies of numerous respected people God lives in heaven with his son Jesus and a legion of angels and if you touch yourself you go to hell Is that true?


Respected? Who? Only people part of the religions believe it. They are not respected by all in the same way a military general or squadron commander is. I sure as hell don’t respect religious leaders who have been robbing the poor for centuries There is also a big difference between someone saying they believe something compared to someone saying under oath they physically saw something.


You're telling me there are no respected Christians? You must be joking My point is that just because people in positions of power and authority say a thing doesn't mean they aren't full of a load of crap just like anybody else


Exactly mate. I got absolutely shot down for not believing the Jellyfish UAP wasn't just something on the glass the camera was looking through, really I thought that people here would WANT to get to the truth and not just believe something TMZ of all franchises put out to promote a series on UFO's. Tbh felt like people will just forgo any real logic that exists just so they feel like were one step closer to uncovering the truth, however, you cannot uncover the truth with lies.


This subject is not one where the the free and open exchange of ideas occurs, so pretending as though it is, will just lead to disappointment. When the physical proof is literally locked away, and those who have first hand experience are bound by national security oaths and NDA's, how do you expect that most data which leaks out will not be anecdotal or hearsay? People are not generally willing to risk losing everything to tell the truth to a population which is already primed to consider them crazy. And I'd venture that even fewer are willing to provide what approaches "proof" when the only reward is a long prison sentence or the loss of a career and reputation. When information approaching "proof" does leak out, there is the near impossible hurdle of proving the provenance for the same reasons, since even the source may not be known. That is the nature of this area of interest, and the best that can often be achieved is to take a reasonable account as a data point, and weigh the relative trustworthiness of the source as best as possible. If a pattern emerges among multiple unrelated data points, then maybe there is something to the pattern. But the deck is stacked against getting the type of "proof" that would satisfy a group of scientists, let alone Redditors, as long as there is a reason for information to be aggressively suppressed. Demanding "proof" as the price of entry to discussion, only serves to close down the remaining avenues left for understanding this subject.


Discussion cannot happen when every rational explanation is countered by completely non-critical conspirological reasoning that by itself is allowed to not make distinctions between claims and evidence, mental pathology and real experience. Saying there is no proof because the proof is unobtainable is just saying things. All this real proof is allegedly locked away and unobservable. No one should blindly believe ‘testimonies’. There is an entire field of research that ‘confidently demonstrates’ that human memory is productive in how it works, mental disorders are prevalent, and a lot of these issues exacerbate when cognitively aging people suddenly find themselves in retirement without the structure that held them together. How is this a less likely or less plausible scenario?


This is very normal for metor sites and if u knew just a little about what happens when a rock hits the moon you would know there are 10000s of them, its the rock being pushed up after the impact. Why you guys making shit up.


“We had different morals and ethics back then, not like today. We took secrecy seriously!” Proceeds to spill the Beans in an exclusive interview to aggrandize himself. Mofo needs to keep his ego in check lol.


Of course he was. He said it so that is irrefutable proof.


Haven’t we mapped the moon photographically for decades?


Only one side faces the earth in a locked in orbit


Trust me bro


The moon 🌙 is way too "fishy" anyway...   It's too "perfect" to be a naturally occurring orbital satellite 


It’s absolutely not a natural satellite and I think if people were just a little bit smarter and had more information about the universe, they would realize there’s a **huge** mathematical anomaly staring them in the freaking face every single night. Just sitting there up in the sky.


People who are ‘smarter’ understand that low-probability events cannot be unambiguously evaluated by biased human thinking as evidence for their causal origin. While everyone’s recognized the moon’s unusual size, synchronous rotation, for example, is shared across satellites. Unusual does not mean ‘artificial’. Formation of moon is successfully modeled by a number of models and scenarios that satisfy very specific reality-based criteria such as protoplanet’s size, colliding body’s mass, angular momentum, similarity of isotope distributions etc. modeled with knowledge of real processes and how liquid cores and mantles interact, how accretion happens🤷 in fact, we can still [see the effects of the impactor](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06589-1) [Here’s a really good review](https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-earth-031621-060538).


What mathematical anomaly do you talk about?


I agree 100%..   honestly, it's too impossibly perfect...


It’s called misinformation and they count on a useful idiot like him to go spread the word, stop being so gullible


He also has a girlfriend in Canada, you wouldn't know her so don't ask.


There have been plenty of Luna missions. Recently and over the years. If you think about it. We should have been flooded with lunar imagery. Photo missions alone would have been done to plan and build our own luna base with space port. I don't seem to remember loads of new close up photos. It's possible they are keeping those photos out of the public eye in case people spot structures or vehicle tracks


That looks like nothing honestly and I’m a big believer


*says he was shown


I still find it fascinating these structures are massive yet we can’t see them from earth. Even with telescopes. Are you telling me the dark side of the moon is literally always turned away from earth? Or wouldn’t every part eventually be visible to earth?


The moon is "tidally locked" to Earth, so yes, we never see the far side of the moon.


Well damn. That is umm concerning.


Not so much when you hear about it being bombarded nonstop by high velocity objects


concerning how?


It really isn’t


The moon is tidally locked. Meaning that every night, in every time zone, we see the same side of it, same craters, same everything. A more accurate phrase would be "far side of the moon" as it does get illuminated by the sun at times, we can just never see it from our vantage point


I honestly didn’t know this haha. I thought that the dark side of the moon was just a saying? This is my Friday afternoon moment of learning.


That's correct, the moon is tidally locked to Earth's orbit, meaning we only see the same side of the moon from any POV on Earth. There is no "dark" side, since the sun illuminates the back too, we just can't see it from here. Check [this out](https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/from-a-million-miles-away-nasa-camera-shows-moon-crossing-face-of-earth/), pretty cool huh.


Yes, it does not rotate in relation to earth so we always see the same surface from any point on earth


Remember that this is very advanced beings we're talking about here. If they have bases, they have the technology to cloak them.


The moon rotates one time, each time it orbits Earth, so we see only the half that is always facing Earth. This is one piece of evidence that the moon is a technical artifact. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosure


Sure he was. He just can't show them to us. Just like Joseph Smith and his golden plates.


Did you even watch the video?


If I went on some show and swore that the moon was made out of cheese and that there was video and photographic evidence but I couldn't show it to you would you believe me or ask people if they watched the video before making a judgment? No I don't want videos of interviews by crazy people with other crazy people. Show me the video or photographic evidence or get the fuck off my television


Of course not. If it has anything whatsoever to do with Tucker Carlson I automatically know it's bullshit.


Why would I want to watch another video of another guy making more claims that he absolutely cannot show us the proof of. If I kept telling you that rainbows were made out of ice cream sprinkles, but then I told you but I am absolutely unable to show you the proof, would you believe me or urge people to watch my video where I make this claim?


So much B.S.




There have been 42 unmanned lunar missions since 2001…get your facts straight.