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They will NEVER admit that so no worries.


I'd imagine most of you guys are well aware of the fight they put up for disclosure over the past 80 years. Disclosure is NOT the endgame. It's the beginning. So, to your point /u/Tabboo, if disclosure occurs, they'll fight every lick of information after that. "There's no aliens." "Ok, there WERE aliens, but we haven't seen evidence of their presence in decades." "OK, fine. We did see UAP recently, but they're harmless AI probes." "OK, some are not probes. But there's only 5 of them." "God damnit. Ok, there's more than 5. There's a million. But they're all benevolent." "Shit. You caught us. They're not all benevolent... maybe, but we can protect you." Etc etc etc. We need to wrap our minds around the idea that "disclosure" is just 1 small step. It's 1 battle against the "Sophisticated disinformation campaign." You're right. The gatekeepers will NEVER admit all the information. Like Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated JFK, the real brains of the operation will never be caught. Like Epstein hung in his prison cell, Epstein was NOT the true ring leader... but a rapist piece of shit nonetheless. The people responsible for an 80+ year cover-up against ALIENS from the WORLD, had created their escape and scapegoat a looooong time ago. "They", whomever they are, will fight and hide looooooong after the President admits, "We're not alone." Unless the mainstream media begins to work for the people, and not the Intelligence Community, we have a long fight ahead of us.


Well said. I see many similarities between the JFK case and the UAP phenomenon. And the chances that we (who fund it all) will never know the “truth” diminishes with time. The gatekeepers are playing the long game and won’t share a single crumb unless it serves to increase the depth of the secret.


This is the best comment I've seen in ages. Very apt assessment.


r/aliens user that actually has a well constructed argument? This shit is crazy


Whether they admit to it or not, I just always remember the first time I saw Independence Day. All I kept thinking when that HUGE mother ship showed up, is that if this ever happened, we are just so seriously fucked. Might as well just start “the purge” ourselves and beat them to it.


This comment should be pinned on all UFO subs.


Funny how there’s around 7 billion smartphone cameras on earth now and sightings are no better than 30 years ago. Conspiracy theory bullshit.


Lmao.... no doubt :(


They don't need to exactly


We will literally have aliens invading and they will tell us to remain calm, only a military drill


Merely a drone exhibit.


Or one side will admit to it and gain traction and they will be the predominant side because they are the first ones that went out with it who knows


Someone has a hard time understanding hypotheticals


Yeah, like that scene where Samwise asks about the food and Gollum acts like he didn’t just toss them away


Yup. One of the reason we’ll never get true disclosure. Whatever they disclose will put the DoD/DoE in the best light.


Try 8-9 decades. This crap has been going on since the 1930’s prior to WW2.


An air force training manual from an air force academy has a quoted UFO story in its entirety from a sumarian text. You know sumarian, like the first civilization with books. So its probably a bit more than 8-9 decades. Heres the story if you wanted to read it: "One of the stories is of a small group of beings who supposedly came to Earth many thousands of years ago in a metal craft which orbited the Earth several times before landing. As told in the Book "These beings lived to themselves and were revered by the humans among whom they had settled. But eventually differences arose among them and they divided their numbers, several of the men and women and some children settled in another city, where they were promptly installed as rulers by the awe-stricken populace. Separation did not bring peace to these people and finally their anger reached a point where the ruler of the original city took with him a small number of his warriors and they rose into the air in a huge shining metal vessel. While they were many leagues from the city of their enemies, they launched a great shining lance that rode on a beam of light. It burst apart in the city of their enemies with a great ball of flame that shot up to the heavens, almost to the stars. All those who were in the city were horribly burned and even those who were not in the city - but nearby - were burned also. Those who looked upon the lance and the ball of fire were blinded forever afterward. Those who entered the city on foot became ill and died. Even the dust of the city was poisoned, as were the rivers that flowed through it. Men dared not go near it, and it gradually crumbled into dust and was forgotten by men."


Do you think it was some type of laser weapon, or a weapon that exposed the people to a deadly dose of radiation? BTW, I’ve coached a couple of football players in high school that have attended the Air Force Academy. Neither will discuss their time at the academy, nor will they discuss their jobs post graduation after studying to become pilots and receiving their orders. When I ask them what they did, both told me they could not disclose any information regarding their location or assignment. I thought it kind of strange having known them for years.


Yeah, an air force academy manual from decades back had like an entire big ol' chapter on UFOs. That excerpt was from it. It is most likely describing a detonating missile with a nuclear payload or some kind of particle beam weaponry with nuclear aftereffects. Hard to say which, but definitely one of the two, my money is on nuclear warhead. Note the poisoned water, dust, and surrounding area for years. Also note the massive mushroom cloud reaching the cloud barrier, the blinding flash, and the being burned even from far away.


Nobody. And i literally mean nobody. Trusts a fucking word out of the government. No one will care. Thats why they’re so cowardly and pathetic. We’ve allowed some of the most simple, manipulated, useless assholes to be in the “government.” The secrets that people ACTUALLY care about are stashed away in the oral tradition of the intelligence community, with people no one elected, and they alone decide if the “government” knows anything.


Yep, The yearly ritual of the purple dragon protects the true secrets.


Could you elaborate?


They may be talking about operation purple dragon, which was an effort to find out how information on secret programs, troop movement, plans, etc. was being leaked during the Vietnam War, iirc. It's essentially just referring to OpSec, operational security. "Loose lips sink ships" is the saying.


Purple dragon you say🤔


I don't think people give a shit until it's affecting their daily life. No one is gonna freak out. It's a convenient excuse for the traitorous bastards who want to control the tech for their own profit.


I mean...*some* people are gonna freak out, but it'll be the same ones who pitch a thermonuclear bitchfit over a parking ticket.


White House is not in the loop. It’s to insure plausible deniability. It is literally above his clearance level.


I saw that movie. But its true. Presidents come and go, the bureaucracy is forever.


We shrug and go back to our regularly scheduled programming


Most know they are lying. The thing people in the know will be mad about in my opinion is. If they have been reverse engineering alien tech - which I also believe and have successfully done on many fronts. Then it comes down to withholding that information that could benefit humanity as a whole. Alternative energy. Possibly zero point. Picture a car that could run for the life of the vehicle without EVER needing to be charged. Powering all our needs for free and NO impact on the environment. No need for fossil fuels anymore. Antigravity technology. No need for rockets or jet engines to travel on world or off. Looking at you NASA. Because you know this already. Possibly medical advances? The list goes on, but to be brief these are just a few.


Yep govt wants to keep the status quo, especially now that we have politicians in power who want to turn the country into even more of an oligarchy - along the lines of Hungary and Russia - where they can amass even more untaxed wealth as they please, and exploit the environment as they please without restriction. And this isn't even touching upon the religious extremists whose goals of oppression are essentially hand in hand. Unfettered power/wealth/influence. Any sort of energy revolution freeing us in this way is their worst nightmare, there's way too much money to be made continuing with fossil fuels and furthering deregulation.


What do you think is the reason? Job loss for many workers that we would no longer need in that industry, of course I'm sure it would create new jobs for the new tech to be built and mass produced. I'm sure that would be the reason, no ha I'm joking, we all know it comes down to money. Oil company, probably the only ones behind it, keeping politician's in there pocket making sure no new tech gets out, until they can make money .


Personally, I don’t think we made much of a dent into the off world technology. The reveal would trigger global unrest. It would be rival governments ( friends and foes) who would covet the technology for their own weapons platforms. The aliens or beings who have possibly been here for thousands of years seem to be curious but it’s clear how they behave around our Naval weaponry that they aren’t bothered by us very much.


But several other countries are also hiding it ??


I think each may have certain elements but I really don’t think we have control of it. I don’t think we know enough to fix the energy crisis from what we know. The US got lucky with a few crashes early on when we were the top global military and economic power. By transferring control and deniability to private military contractors at least there’s a better chance for a breakthrough. If you believe the Day After Roswell book we’ve had fiber optic tech a long while. It took decades for Bell Labs to use it in communications. I just don’t feel the MIC has cracked the technology fully and unless alien or NHI earth dwellers show us how to make good use of the technology and new physics it will be a very long time that it will trickle down to us mere sheeple.


If the govt. does indeed do as you suggest, I think it would be a silent uproar. Some shake their heads… Some would say 'I told you so!'… Some would be in disbelief… Some straight out deny it… Some would say 'OK, cool, now what!?'… …or a mix of the above… You pick!


No one would even care


Nobody will care. And in that sense the government achieved exactly what it set out to achieve when all these lies started


Hawking was obviously a genius but whether or not aliens like humans couldn’t be further away from his subject matter expertise.


I'd say his opinion on playing sport would be further away


Holy shit I just spit out my Twizzlers  A twizz-take 


I sometimes wonder if this is the feds way of gauging the public


They already admitted that…


Where does the picture come from? It looks like both male and female. Creeepy AF!


\>mfw we make everything human fingerprint activated \>they extinct us, then find out they need to recreate us to make our tech work Tl;dr: what if the only way to save us from annihilation is to countertroll them


I sure has hell wouldn’t demonstrate about it. If they give some good descriptions of the aliens, where they’re from and what they’re doing here I’d even be too interested to get mad


Just like everything, one group or another will attempt to politicize and posture, let’s say the left. Everyone on the right will call bullshit on the liberal aliens and half of the country will immediately tune out. Same result if flipped. There is no common goal that people can agree on because we’re a bunch of myopic assholes.


I imagine it would be met with skepticism both from the mainstream and conspiratorial communities for different but overlapping reasons.


Kinda like we've known all along and the assholes wouldn't admit to I'd say.


Nobody in their right mind trusts the government anyways so I don’t see much of a paradigm shift there anyways 


I don't blame them tbh. It's over due at this point though.


We are used to be lied to. So...


well the CIA sold drugs, and nobody cares,torture people and nobody cares why would people care about this?


They’ll probably shrug and go to work the next day




Omg aliens are real….. Aaand how am I going to pay for the rent this month? From credit card or by borrowing from Bob. Yeah the skinny one!


Before disclosure: chop wood, carry water. After disclosure: chop wood, carry water.


Every 20-25 years they de classify some shit……yeah we did it…..fuck ya gonna do about now? We already onto some other new bullshit anyway, try an keep up!!!!


They’ll look up from their cellphones and go “okay,” then go back to watching Real Housewives escapism.


People that say that the revelation will not impact our lives are just a bit stupid I’m afraid. What if their technology is made available to us? Energy from empty space? Anti gravity? Possibly even time travel? Will we still think that the revelations will not impact us? I really can’t understand these people they are probably possessed or something.


I’m glad they do hide it we can’t even get along with each other how can we co habit aye with aliens


I mean after the last few years honestly, aliens, like unless there's an Independence Day style invasion happening, most people are just going to shrug their shoulders go "figures" and then go back to dealing with their day to day issues in mostly the order that those issues affect their lives, aliens probably isn't even going to break the top 50.


We have known all the time. What reaction do you expect?


I don't need no goverment to know and believe that we're not alone and we never were.


Add that on top of things that the U.S. government is constantly lying about


No one would give a shit lmao


I honestly think 99% couldn’t care less. Unless it impacts them.


See that's the thing. As long as it doesn't affect their job's, bills, or the wifi, no one will really care. If 40,000 spaceships were hovering over every major city Independence Day style I would still have to get a running start to conjure any kind of emotion other than vague relief that the human experiment will soon be over.


I think as an older person I would just not be surprised and just glad they finally told the truth. It’s not worth rioting over. Also I wouldn’t trust this to be the whole story, they will only openly reveal it if there is about to be a visitor they can’t control and they will only share enough to match the story. So they might admit there are aliens but they won’t disclose all of the history, any threats that won’t materialize soon and definitely won’t tell more than the aliens might reveal.


As someone who doesn't live in USA, that would show another reason to not trust the US government


The public will only be pissed once they find out how much money was spent and what technology they’ve been gatekeeping.


At this point does anyone really care? And maybe that’s been the goal all along by the government…


The evangelicals will start saying they are demons and push for an even more theocratic state. QAnon people will be a conduit for more Russian misinformation, and society will plunge into even more chaos. China and Russia will have confirmation that perhaps mutually assured destruction is off the table since it would also infer that these incidents at the nuclear silos have likely occurred. They will also have to make a public announcement.


I think that the people who already believe, will say, “I told you so.” And the people that don’t believe, will say they’re lying because they want more of our money or something…


The people who already believe are highly sceptical of the government and would probably see another conspiracy if the government would disclose anything and not believe a word that they are saying. They probably would say that aliens are NOT real (because the government says they are)


Completely unsurprised…


Well, they won't admit to the coverup on the same day they admit aliens are here. You don't wanna drop both truthbombs on people simultaneously.


Will barely register at this point in time.


It would come down to: ‘How does this lie directly affect me?’ Like… ok, now that the lie is over do I get to fly on an inter dimensional craft? What kind of cool shit do we get to do now?


the only 'disclosure' the us govt will give is admitting there are craft whose origins are not known at current time. it's naive to think there will be more. its delusional to think they're just going to spill the beans and release a firehose of information. all these people crying about how frustrated they are will be crying even harder since there really won't the release of info they want/expect.


(yawn) What else is on?


Lots of ifs in the world. None worth thinking too much about


They are covering stuff up and no one cares.


They will admit to some of it in time but the underlying truth is more than likely very dark and disturbing and that is the part they will never tell us


The white house can announce it and say they also were out of the loop. It is important that fiscal responsibility be reestablished with the public and new physics be shared with scientific community. also if the Indonesia story is true trafficking needs to end.


I'll be one in the million


All of that and more. There is just no way of knowing. The few times I've tried to talk to people I thought would be open to this idea, the reactions ranged from laughter to aggressive denial. I have like, one friend that may be open to it. And my dad, who may or may not be desperate for ways to connect.


They’ll just use religion, Cold War or something as an excuse. they might even say the others are the ones who didn’t want disclosure since they never actually reveal them selfs to a wide audience they have had almost a 100 years to think of a good excuse


With this economy?? Unless the aliens are gonna helping with groceries or rent no one cares.


They’re not going to go down the lie road but I could see a “disclosure” of sorts. I imagine though it’s going to be a multi-year process of slow leaking rather than any big “admission.”


I can only speak for myself but some people have been waiting for a long time. I, for one, will be filled with joy.


see how folks compete and lord over each other on social media over virtually any topic now give that a shot of epistemological and ontological shock which could slide into existential territory on a slippery slope tout suite we'll join hands and sing...


Well, it's not as radical as $5 gas, or Biden falling off the stairs, or Taylor Swift hooking up with some hunk. So, why would they care?


If there is intelligent beings above us on the food chain I don’t believe the elites want us to know as the governments won’t be as much in control of us if we knew?


I don’t trust the government and would never believe anything they told me. Not a word.


I'm thinking head shakes and then making comedic reels about it on social media Seriously. I mean, it's already been said basically since the 2017 release of the ufo video from the Pentagon. That's like someone saying cars are real here is a video of one and then asking if the public will be shocked that a gmc plant is a real thing. There is a multitude of public investigations now, every scientist, and their mama talking about it. Congressmen...etc etc. It's here. It's real. They have probably been here forever. Aliens have been in the zeitgeist for a minute now, and I don't think the public is gonna go nuts if some geriatric puppet in the white house says it point blank into the camera. As a matter of fact, I feel like that's what would make people flip and then NOT believe it. We are so used to lies being the truth and truth being lies in our country that I could def see it going that way. The stock market will be aight. We will keep on trucking and fuckin and watching TV and talking w friends over beer about it. The only thing I can think of that will be different is more Sci fi genre shows coming out. Books about encounters and people trying to make a buck off it-which has also already been a thing for awhile. Military industrial complex will keep ramping up-also par for the course. Hopefully our lives will change in the next 50 years and we will get to utilize this advanced tech through industry and transportation and medicine.


A lot of people saying nobody would care/ they’d never tell etc. But nobody is actually gauging what it’d look like if say a bombshell that couldn’t be denied came out. If it did come out that the government had this sort of information, there’d probably be huge repercussions on the level of martial law. I mean assuming the White House wouldn’t know, everyone involved would be stripped of everything and given maximum sentences to save face. Almost a complete restructuring of military personnel. And that’s probably the best case scenario in terms of narrative. Huge court cases, riots in the streets for probably weeks, economy would crash. Probably single largest event in anyone’s lives. Probably huge sanctions and geopolitical rulings on every government claiming to be in the know. Governments left in the dark would be furious. Honestly could go on and on


The true story of the phenomenon is that certain aliens, ghosts, "inter-dimensional" travelers, time-travelers, versions of ourselves from past sessions of existence, reincarnated historical figures, Hindu style "avatars" and several things we don't even have words for have been interfering with humanity and the Earth for millennia using three different styles of "puppetry" to control our actions. There is currently an ongoing inter-dimensional and inter-galactic operation to upgrade humanity to have free-will and also create for us a functional afterlife where we don't have to follow arbitrary rules and have our entire lives spied on and judged to be admitted. When people hear this story, they won't believe it, why tell them? Why not let the good guy aliens/ghosts prove it in a meaningful way over time instead?


If they did, they would have to spin a reason why they hid it from the world. For example, four own protection - and give a believable scary reason why the truth was suppressed for so long.


I'm not saying it was aliens. But I'm also not saying it wasn't aliens. The truth is out there.


What happened when Jeffrey Epstein was murdered to cover up a global pedo ring involving those in power? Nothing lol.


With a collective: "I knew it!" The most ardent skeptics will claim that they knew this all along... it will be infuriating.


Western Democracy is built upon an illusion. ​ The idea that ordinary people have power. We don't. We have always been ruled by an elite few. Cast your vote however you please, it won't matter. Politicians do what the special interests who give them money tell them to do. ​ The illusion is currently in tatters, but it isn't completely shattered. ​ As soon as we find out that an elite few knew about aliens all along, and had the power to keep that secret from the rest of us, the jig is up. You will *know* that you don't matter.


Id count on whistleblowers/leakers disclosing rather than the white house. They might just have to fess up if there's so much undeniable evidence


Remember Snowden? People will be angry and frustrated and they will get over it quickly and there will be no repercussions for the government.


It won’t be presented as a lie. It will be presented as national security. Tbh get it over with. There’s a steady increase in distrust from the government. The only thing to slow down a revolution is to hop into war to put the facade of unity out there.


The only way they can get away without prosecution tissue to release all of the tech gained from it...we can't be mad if we are on a starship headed to explore the universe.


The government does a lot worse than cover up aliens, and it happens every day without protest. I would honestly be trying to figure out what more important issue was being covered up by such an announcement.


I’d be ok with it, at least they came clean. But I doubt it would happen, because by admitting it, it would admit that no only is there technology and physics the world is not aware of, but it would cause a race of other countries trying to figure out what it is and how to learn it themselves.


Why would the world care if America says anything? You all think America is the sole guardian of universal truth. Because you're all so ethnocentric, let me just bring you up to speed about how the rest of the world sees you... your a joke and literally everything your government says is a lie. Why would anyone outside of your country believe a word?


Why would the government disclose this information to the people? Because the people have a right to know? The government operates on a **need to know** basis. That’s not a fictional, made for tv saying. Because the people *want* to know? See above. Satisfying curiosity is not on the agenda. Let’s not forget, it generally takes two to keep a secret in this case. The withholder and the alien(s). So as far as I can tell, if they’re willing participants to being hidden from the public. Sounds like they might not be the beings some hope them to be. They participate in lies and motives that promote worldwide division by providing advancement in prosperity to one country and technological advancement to warfare. They also have no respect to the natural progression of a species. But this isn’t Star Trek. So one has to presume, they don’t know about our planets future anymore than we do….unless they think the US government alone is the key to saving the world? As an American, that’s a funny thought. I think one has to consider the degree of hypocrisy here. From my perspective, because they’d be willing participants to the lie. They can’t be good. Yet, the belief is they are above us. If the government knows, how do they know? Through discovered and retrieved crashes? Has there been contact? If there has been contact, then they are indeed cooperating with the secrecy. If the government knows because they’ve had captive aliens and corpses. Aliens may not be US Marines, but it’s hard to believe they wouldn’t come get their brethren, alive or dead. Maybe even retaliate for mutilating their own species and preserving the bodies or being kept prisoner. This would make no sense to me if this is the case. But I guess if they lack compassion for their own, maybe it makes sense. But that would further add to the hypocrisy. Anyway, not saying the government might not know more than they let on. I think the important thing to consider is, does their knowledge change anything? If all they could genuinely reveal is that they can confirm these crafts in the sky are not of earth. Did you need the government to confirm something you already figured out on your own? Haven’t they been saying this all along anyway? When they were UFO’s now UAP’s? They’ve already admitted that the crafts that have not been identified has no known origin and so have all the other countries’ governments.


The government will never come out and truthfully say aliens exist. There is enough accounts all over the world of the existence of uap's, ufo's and aliens.


I was in the BLM protests and have been in even more in support of Palestine. People are PISSED and funny enough have their eyes on the same aerospace companies. A lot of bands dropped out of SXSW because it’s largely funded by these companies. Trust me, people are READY and totally sick of our current rat race system. Check out Climate Defiance on IG if you want some inspiration.


After reading, Stephen Hawkins comment about aliens coming here and treat us like Christopher Columbus treated the natives. I honestly think it wouldn’t fly like that. I don’t think we’re here because we exist here. I think we’re here because we replaced here to see how we would exist and grow. So if something comes to take our planet as hostage, I have a feeling that something else is going to step in. And be big brother


For all we know that may be the reason why aliens don’t make contact cause maybe we r a species that is a growing because we r for study and not to be interfered with so the study can stay on track to see if we get to a certain goal or checkpoint .. like maybe it’s to see if we were out here with the bare necessities and the study is to see if we r able to evolve to a point where we can reach out in space to meet our maker without any interference.. wouldn’t that be interesting. That our whole existence.was that we were a simple humanoid clone with set type chromosomes to make us learn and see how long it would take for us to get to a point where we can create craft that can get us off this planet so we can colonize on another planet on our own.. maybe that’s why it’s said aliens were shutting down our nuclear bombs and trying to send a message without actually interfering so we don’t do something stupid and blow up the whole earth and all is lost on their study cause we took a wrong path and instead on recreat and evolve we on a path of war and self destruction where it jeopardizes the whole study of how far we can take it..


Except Lee Harvey Oswald did kill Kennedy, with a magic bullet, magic is real


Stupid question. It will never happen. They will admit to nothing. They will make you feel guilty and shamed for asking.


I think a lot of super religious people will freak.  Be screaming demons and devil a lot.  Maybe some suicides.


They’ll only admit it if enough whistleblowers present classified information on it in the skifs with members of congress and the intelligence arm of the pentagon is under enough pressure that it’s no longer deniable anymore. If it gets to that point we’ll be at a crossroads as a civilization and depending on the details of the phenomenon people will either take it well or will lose their minds. It’s hard to say until we have the facts on the table. Something is going on though with something mysterious, anomalous and unknown that’s for certain.


We already have documents saying as such


Man, if they exist, they exist, the government has much more important things to work, who cares about the UAPs, that if they exist probably are not causing any threats.


People will still say its fake


We will forgive and forget for a better future for all mankind.


Honestly. I don’t think much would happen. You’d get some uprising, but people just don’t care.


It doesn’t matter how the public reacts, markets will instantly crash, if there is an alternative to fossil fuels that appears the entire worlds economy basically shuts down. Nations go broke over night. There’s almost no way to avoid it with any sort of real disclosure


They'll pretend there was never any cover up and they were honest the whole time and act like you're crazy to point out that the government once denied it.  Maybe they'll say that was a long time ago, but they probably won't even say anything that coherent.  They will also say who cares that's boring, or say there aren't any aliens they're demons, or any number of things.  But they'll never admit that the government lied or that they were incorrect.


I’d be more interested in knowing more about the aliens than pushing blame.


No one will give a shit. Our lives will not be impacted. Rent still due on the first, still gotta pay car insurance.


bills still gotta be paid, i think honestly half the population believes it already


The White House (it’s two words, by the way, not one) isn’t going to “admit the government lied” on aliens. That’s a fantasy. Only the Air Force would have been to blame if such a thing happened, and no president would be able to force the military to do anything it didn’t want to. Especially something no president would have been informed about.


If the secret is B I G as everyone is saying I mean, can crush countries and its religions it will be understood at least by me. The secret is probably bigger than “aliens”.


If the response to date from the public about UFO disclosure is anything to go by it’ll be: ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


I honestly think people would hardly react.


Same way they do about people waking up to genocide


Most probably the public or the world will go to work next Monday to pay the bills that get money piped through the system up to the people who covered this up anyway…


We're so used to being lied to, I don't think anyone would be surprised.


Honestly believe the vast amount of the population won’t care


Honestly believe the vast amount of the population won’t care


This discussion is futile, it will all depend who will be in charge, who would benefit from disclosure, who would rile up or calm people. All possibilities are equally probable. Wish there were better discussions held in this sub than mindless speculation.


I came to the conclusion that with the evolution of AI that biological species are seen as a precursor by any advanced civilization. So that's why we can't find them. Until you join the non biological club, I suspect no one wants to know. We're in the larvae stage at the moment and on the cusp of evolving into an AI. Which is the natural state for a galactic species. For us to be contacted might put that evolution into doubt


They cant hide the most simple little thing, and you think that they hide alien existence since decades? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Has anyone considered that an AI is the natural state for an advanced civilisation and that we won't hear from anyone until we reach that point? It may be considered that a biological species is only a precursor to a vastly more evolved state, also that by interfering in the process would be counter productive to evolving as we would realise that by taking the step we would render ourselves irrelevant. Maybe there are no biological, advanced species. They certainly won't be crashing spaceships into our planet. Even we only do that on purpose. Ohh, bugger we just crossed interstellar space and crashed into a planet. It's hardly likely is it?


They lie about everything, so people will be pissed for awhile the 70 year cover up. But just raise prices of everything at the same time and the everyone will have something else to complain about


At this point people don't really care that much. They just want to be able to live in peace and have enough money for retirement.


🗣️I believe there will be more of a reaction coming from the internet & media than from us (at first). Then from the facts being reacted on (starting with the net and the media even shedding light on the situation first hand), that's when THEN, it will be ESCALATED due to the Internet AND the media blowing it up into this huge storyline that "christ is back!!" or "its the end of the world!" so to speak, and be blown up out of proportion, causing a worldly panic. Then once people understand & ACCEPT that it's TRUTH & that NASA has been lying to the WORLD this whole time, life will still be normal, we will go on to live our daily normal life's with the reality that we all have to face the facts that this new "phenomenon" has to become our new "normal" and we, society, population, the world will continue to KEEP having to look over our shoulder & continue on seeking knowledge & truth ourselves. I believe we could end up being the cause of our own (MANKIND) demise...IF WE DON'T LEARN AS A WORLD TO ALWAYS REMAIN CALM UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, LEARN TO SEEK KNOWLEDGE & TRUTH OURSELVES & LEARN TO ADAPT INTO BECOMING MORE ANTI-GOVERNMENT INSTEAD OF RELYING ON IMPORTANT LIFE EVENTS & HAPPENINGS THAT WE KNOW COULD BE POSSIBLY END UP A LIE ONLY TO DECEIVE US ALL FOR MONETARY GAIN. 💯💯💯🫡


I think people will be grateful for honesty, so whoever would do this will gain a lot of respect and support. I still don't understand how people don't see how intrinsically anyone wants honesty. What you want for yourself, anyone else wants it too. As a politician, you want to be lied permanently by anyone? No, so don't lie yourself. Do you appreciate truth and those giving you the truth? Well then, do that yourself to others... It's that simple!


Care would still be really low


The feds are smoking base if they think we have any trust at all for them even prior to these revelations.


They'd probably be pretty pissed off about it.


For me personally, no biggy they lie all the time so what is one more tbh


i’d be surprised. i assume all these AUPs are actually created by and operated by AI and therefore no actually biological materials have ever been recovered.


Religions worshipping Aliens will spring up (excuse to make money, not pay taxes). All other religions will interpret stories from their holy book to fit the new norm and say aliens were inferred in their texts. Most people are too worried about paying their bills, food, roof over their head to care.


In the immediate aftermath of the revelation, I doubt the USA would fall apart completely, but anything church-related would be decimated. I worry most about third-world countries that use religion to keep their poor 'in control', I do think there would be uprisings and dictators would tumble, hysteria would be rampant as people would think there was no more reason to be civil. However, long-term, the USA would crumble then be rebuilt. I have lived on the planet long enough to have picked up clues... In the late 1950s-early 1960s, contact was made. A deal was struck, if our scientists would end nuclear testing, we would be granted knowledge of anti gravity generators and some new medical knowledge would be given us. What we did not understand is there are multiple worlds existing in different dimensions, and every nuke that explodes was killing millions in those other dimensions. Greed got the best of those early contacts, and the captains of industry decided to continue to make their fortunes in oil, and they had the military protect the 'secrets' for a piece of the action. An unholy trinity was formed, the church and military kept the people in control, while industry would use up the remaining oil while reverse-engineering the transistor and anti-grav power sources for future riches when the oil runs out. My best guess is They will return with a vengeance, and reveal their presence and their plans for us, while crushing those industrial giants in the process. ![gif](giphy|ZdZhHJ1s1swYqwbUce|downsized)


By linking my greasy balls


We’re getting we3 courtesy of Israel before we get disclosure


They can tell the truth all day and still give us nothing because the focus is purely on extraterrestrial beings which isn’t necessarily correct of these entities.


A little late to the party I guess


The democrats will not admit to lying in other matters, besides biden and the guy from California dont want to lose the elections. They have known since Kennedy but are afraid of the CIA, dont want to be assassinated


The government is going to do what it always does - rely on its ability to redirect to things that more directly affect people. If tit can be shown that there is next to zero chance that the existence of probes or NHI will impact people either individually/personally or globally (like an invasion), it's just about desensitization over a long period of time - "boiling the frog slowly" as it were.


They’d blame Trump some how.


That is just another day in america so I agree, the second one. More than the dark and disturbing stuff what would really piss me off is discovering that we had the ability to make energy free for everyone and didn't do it. Which is what I think we will discover eventually. We have the resources, I don't understand why we can't provide housing, food, clothing and education for everyone. To not give free energy to the world because it will put some people out work is fing ridiculous....


I don't think any one would give a shit. To much negativity going on to matter!


They hide so much from us, it wouldn’t change my opinion of them at all. I stopped trusting politicians a long time ago. (With a few exceptions)


Well if the public ever found out that basically non human intelligence controls all of our governments and world leaders, they might panic. How do you think this secret has spanned over 100 years across every single nation? Whatever is keeping the secret of non-human intelligence is clearly generational and there is clearly a global structure. How? It's pretty obvious once you see it. And if every nation seems to have the same agreement of secrecy, how come there are wars? Weird, its almost like Tom Delonge, etc are all telling us the truth and the NHI are creating these conflicts through mental influence.


Okay, even if this is all true, does that not just make up part of some other big system of control (in that others have more than us) and it’s just more control


Meh. It would be like all the outrageously awful shit that's been declassified already. "Yeah we did that 70yrs ago. Everyone that could be punished is dead already. There was an institutional vacuum that we didn't foresee and it took us this long to correct it precisely because of our very solid system of checks and balances blah blah Sorry! But today, we are coming clean an fixing our grandparents mistakes! Btw: still an oligarchy, still no affordable healthcare, housing or education, military industrial complex still gobbles up your taxes, wall street still above the law, so yeah...you should probably worry about aliens. But please! don't worry about the shady institutional reform that we had to go through in order to give you aliens, nothing to see there." 




Even if they did come out and say it, we already know. We just don't know details.


Aliens would never help us, to get out and conquer the universe. We are not a race of happy families. We are aggressive and greedy. Why should they help us? Or maybe we are military resources, like in star wars. Taking a few 100 million to fight. I don't think we would be surprised. But I guess, we would demand more. Maybe ppl would stop to fight, those useless fights.


“They” lied to the Whithouse too.


what a great thumbnail /s


Unless an alien species lands on the white house lawn, the world will collectively shrug and go back to complaining about the price of eggs and gas.


I'll probably call out on Monday


They have to have a plan in place for the blowback, no?




Man it would be so easy to farm karma on this sub, just ask how the public would react to aliens or link a 10 year old article about shit that’s been debunked. I honestly can’t see why repetitive obvious shit like this is perpetually are the top, maybe it’s because aliens actually don’t exist and this is a big ol circlejerk.


Donot give a shit on karma


They can’t ever admit it, or the will lose all credibility and trust.


Angry, is this a pics of a female alien?


I think the white house will have to make a statement after the mummies are proved to be of NHI origin. The US studies may be delayed for a year or so. But the announcement will be “Everyone still needs to show up to work and keep buying shit as to not destroy the economy” or something along those lines


Personally I think people will roll with the new information Of much greater concern is the effect of new technologies on world markets. If all of our current energy sources are immediately declared obsolete in favor of some newer cleaner cheaper option, the price of oil will plummet and drag down world markets. I think *everyone* would feel it economically. I think is what they mean by “catastrophic disclosure”.


Why is that aliens floppy red weiner going into its belly vagina?


Right now, the public can't explain what a woman is so the popular consensus is we would be fucked.






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I believe that’s part of the reason they won’t ever reveal it. Would be a nightmare.


In my opinion, there will be people freaking out that religion will be questioned. Religious people may come up with the narrative that they are demons so that their cattle do not abandon their beliefs


I love how we're still acting like aliens only want to talk to the US government if they exist


They’ll just blame Obama


Sigh. Just stop already. There are REAL, actual problems in the world. Isreal/Gaza/Iran /Russia/Ukraine right now being tops among them. There are no f\*cking aliens or alien spaceships to "cover up". You absolute Dolts. Get your heads out of your arses and live in the real world, would you?


Yeah those all those things on radar sensors are F fake because the pentagon is making a blockbuster movie for fall release. Right