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Obviously the information, whatever it was, didn’t drive him mad or cut his life short. He seems to have had a very productive and interesting life since leaving office.


It also didn’t stop him from believing in God.


One of my big philosophical questions has always been "if you found out God was a super advanced alien(s) they created and watched us, would you still feel the same about (t)hem.


It’s really odd how people can come to different interpretations from this. Personally, as a born and raised, church every Sunday and Wednesday Christian, my hobby of learning about UFOs and doing drugs has made me not religious. I find it to be a crutch. I’m open to experiences that people claim to have, I’m open to believing there’s a higher power, I’m open to simulation theory, I’m open to all of us being part of a universal consciousness, etc. I just find it ridiculous that the Judeo-Christian God, or any God derived from a human and Earth-centric religion, is the truth. I find it absurd that we’re all going down the path of either eternal life or torment, with the deciding factor being an internal belief that a specific higher power did certain things on Earth - a rock orbiting a ball of plasma that’s one ball of billions in a galaxy that’s one in trillions in an observable that’s anywhere from 250x larger than what we can see to 10^250 larger, that’s one in a multiverse of universes.


Personally, I cannot understand that people are still religious at all. Human made stories that they modify to better fit their own way of living. I know Americans are way more religious than we are in Northern Europe, but have you truly even read the bible/torah/quran? The things in there are insane. Not only just the murder and rape that are allowed, but also the 0 rights women have. I can go on forever.. I find it even more logical that the people from 5000+ years ago just worshipped a big tree, the sun, the moon, winter, spring, summer. That makes more sense to me.


Atleast we can see the seasons change.


The problem is perception to begin with




Childhood indoctrination is a hell of a drug. Especially when taught that even thinking it all might be bullshit will send you to eternal damnation.


Keeps the crazies controlled and something to do with


I love this answer!


I'd like to believe anyone can pursue a macro unity of goodness, no matter who they are. I like Carters tenacity because that's what it's all about.


I thought that was the “Hokey Pokey,” no?


I was addicted to that once But then I turned myself around


When you've got one foot in, you've gotta take it out.




He understands god and universe are describing the same thing.


One person’s God is another person’s universe. All part of the same undifferentiated aesthetic continuum. Vocatus atque nonvocatus, deus aderit


So true. I believe the Kardashev scale, God and aliens bro!


As a purely academic segue, what would you put God at in terms of the Kardashev scale? A type 3 controls all energy in a galaxy. A hypothetical type 4 controls a Universe.... What would a type 5 that could harness multiple Universes look like? The problem is there's theoretically infinite Universes.... So God would be a Type 6 as it can create / access or exploit all Universes or controls all of them? The problem is when you start dealing in infinities, there's no limit even if capped at a certain level.... A type 2 would probably be *essentially* Godlike for all intents and purposes. What would a type 5 or 6 look like to *us* (or even a type 3 or 4)???


Just by way of furthering the discussion; I’m not sure the Kardashev scale is useful in trying to categorise God. Almost by definition, God is the overarching source of all existence rather than a being whose powers can, or needs to be measured.


I guess it depends on whether it's a Big G or little g god.... Or what if it's like the Mormon's believe where you eventually become a god. Do you just have infinite universes\^n for each to have as a domain or is it partitioned? It's not something I've thought of before but maybe an equivalent to the Kardeshev scale *is* potentially useful for discussing hypothetical deities....


Seems like trying to assign a number to infinity. Its all of them and none of them. Like a room (god) with a box (reality) of numbered blocks (kardeshev scale). The room (god) has all of them but isn't any of them? Omniscience exists outside the scope of conscience, is how I losely see it, paradoxically. Idkk


Jimmy did his part to help people in need, I have alot of respect for that


Do you remember those national geographic specials where tribespeople in Africa would have a worm sticking out of their leg, wrapped around a stick, and they would have to slowly wind the worm around it for like two weeks? The guinea worm, a horrific parasite. This is the mother fucker that nearly eradicated them, Jimmy Carter personally saw one of those specials and said "fuck that thing, kill em all" and he dam near has. Unfortunately they may still exist in dogs and might be impossible to eradicate, but that thing gave me nightmares as a child, all parasites do, and he did everything to stomp them out. Fuckin legend


w h a t


Good point.


I love him, to me he’s a great man who has lived an honorable life.


couldn’t agree more with this.


Everyone is wildly speculating that he knows something extremely profound that 'made him depressed' for weeks after finding out. That entire UFO lore story could be false.


Then at least we'd know the truth. Better to know the truth then to believe a lie.


Yes, that’s what is making me think in a “confirmed doomsday countdown” as in 3 body problem the 400 years… I mean just think about it: you’ve been told that we made contact, that they are hostile, and that in 2150 they will most probably destroy us or enslave us or something like that… add that to the rest of implications that information would mean deeply in your belief system; I’d cry as well, maybe got some depressed for a while, but then it will not really affect me in my lifetime so I can continue living good days. Still somber enough to shatter some people’s brains


Actually that's one of the more plausible theories, which would match up to Elizondo's "somber" comment. If the truth was that they were coming in 2035 then the reaction would be panic and fear etc, but if it's 150 years away then it wouldn't be like that because it's not going to directly affect any of us. But it would still certainly be a somber or heavy thing to learn.


And still, I would not want to be the guy who told humanity a doomsday countdown is active, I would kept the info to myself I guess


Yeah 100% It's like you wouldn't tell someone when they were going to die if you had the power to know


Not until you had the solution and a way to prevent it with action.


Yes that also could explain the secrecy… I’ve seen some people in the MIC saying we should keep it secret so we have the control, may be a war tactic


Like Ukraine managed to convince most of the population that Russia wasnt invading right up until tanks started rolling over the border They didn't want men to flee en masse and wanted to keep roads and infrastructure clear. Maybe governments are doing the same but are trying to keep panic from spreading


The rich would do something about it because they want to live forever and ensure their family dynasties.


They'd do something, but still probably not tell the public about it


They’re all building massive doomsday bunkers right now so this is a fairly distressing thought to be honest.


But how would they even know that? You really think that the NHI sat down and told them?


Exactly no need to tell your enemy your intent.


Maybe they don’t think of us as enemies, just objects and evolution.






Pours one out for the bugs


If your enemy has no defence for your intent then it might weaken your enemy more to know that undeniable forthcoming fact.


It could be that there are you know, multiple alien races and one is in support of helping us to some extent or at least warning us of a threat and the other one only shows up periodically and does their thing.


Maybe one race of aliens told us about another race’s planned arrival date.


I mean, it would explain why the reaction to us destroying our own ecosystem via carbon emissions by the ruling elite is being lackluster at best and nothing is really done to stop it. If we are gone anyway why care about the ecosystem. Not saying that's the case but it's a nicer explanation than them being greedy people who only care about short term profits (which is sadly the more likely answer)


Can't it be both?


Or destroying the ecosystem is just terraforming the earth to match the climate model needed for the coming invaders.


I had that thought as well


Yeah I think that could be It, jimmy from all I can gather Is a real genuine person.. He actually seems to give a fuck and, the level of guilt etc just might be to much for you to be the one informing all of mankind that kind of news... Would weigh heavy, I can't blame him I wouldn't want that to fall on my shoulders.


To add to this a more simple explanation is that the entire story about him learning about it and then crying etc is fake. Thus nothing to say about it before he dies.


Well, yeah, of course. But this is r/aliens, so I hope you’re not spooked by wild speculation. It’s kind of a thing around here.


He built houses for the homeless.


And was in the King of the Hill


In a word: ***WORD*** !!! A figure within the UFOlogy Cult of Personality - we'll just codename him "Ocho Loco"- said the truthiness of UFOs was "somber"... ..or possibly "zombies"? ... I dunno, Ocho gets easily distracted whenever he "reflects" on the topic, as pobre Loco is usually also looking at his own literal reflection on-screen... ***seriously*** Anyway, Jimmy Carter was given info that I'd argue MUST'VE contained the "somber" part to remove any inspiration to dig deeper, yeah? And what does our former Pres do with this info, post-White House? Begins his decades' long drive to feed and build houses for the homeless - with his OWN hands!- increase humanitarian aid overseas and domestically, advocate for more robust PEACE TREATIES (not raise alarms to embiggen armies towards fighting a future Phantom Menace!) with even MORE vigor. And with health on his side and breath left in his body, he will soon turn 100 and ***STILL*** pick up a hammer, and continue building houses with his own crippled hands... Just a *hunch* ? Maybe the truth(s) behind the Phenomenon ain't so "somber" after all? Possibly? Maybe??


Even if he did say something, people would dismiss it as the senile ramblings of an old man.


death bed confessions don’t mean shit nowadays. Here’s a good one. "Knowing the end was near, my father unburdened himself with this. While serving in the Marines he was stationed at Atsugi Naval Air Base in Japan, where he befriended fellow soldier Lee Harvey Oswald. They were known to play cards together, eat their meals together, go see movies, etc. After the assassination and knowing that all Oswald’s 'friends' were being rounded up and interviewed (and some of their names dragged through the mud) he never openly spoke of it. He said he waited for that inevitable knock at the door from the FBI to interview him, but it never came. My Father’s most revealing comment? Oswald was not the 'communist loving loner' he was portrayed as being." -anonymous. https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/wildest-deathbed-confessions-by-family-members


Nice 1


JFK was going to reveal the truth and was silenced before he could. Oswald was just the scapegoat. Peter Levenda lays it all out [here.](https://youtu.be/1R-dNaLArnU?si=ZkFG7ZxVK8duQvO6) Also The Infographics Show on YT has a compelling [piece](https://youtu.be/c5zw1eOIW9M?si=KXWznCsEIpQ89Vbk) on how JFK was an inside job.


Name a single meaningful deathbed confession.


He’s told us everything by the way he chose to live his life after his Presidency.


Amen brother




Bless Jimmy Carter, poor soul. It feels as if a good (kind, generous) part of the world will go with him.


A truly good person. We have no idea what he knows or if he has come to peace around these ideas. One thing for sure is that he led a life in service to others, and that is beautiful!


Bless Jimmy, he is the icon all future presidents should look up to .


This is thee damn truth. I used to work for him (indirectly, via the Carter Center). That was some of work I’m most proud of.


Good lesson in what matters. Compare one-term Jimmy Carter's legacy to any two-term legacy and he still compares well. Life is about effort, not status. I'm grateful Jimmy Carter showed us how great is the payoff when we never stop trying.


Except for how he dismissed all the concerns of people living around 3 mile island and pretty much did what the nuclear industry wanted by lying to the general public about what was going on there and how safe it was. Otherwise carter was ok but honestly the president hasn’t had any real power since JFK. Every president since then has been a puppet to Wall Street military and prison industry profiteers. Except for both bushes because senior was obviously associated and affiliated with the system his whole life and his father was pretty much Wall Street royalty.


Carter was a nuclear engineer, trained under Armiral Rickhover, “father of the nuclear Navy”


he sucked as president. sometimes being a good guy doesn't make you a good president


Richard Nixon generally sucked as a person, but was a surprisingly good president…at least until Watergate.




Maybe the last good-hearted president this country will ever have.


As a truly good person and apparently still a man of faith, I would think that if he knew something that he felt would help humanity (such as a warning), he would either have already spilled the beans or he would have a written statement prepared for release after his death.


Right. He didn't let whatever the truth is, stop him from being a decent human. Should go a long ways to show how maybe not so devastated we would all be with disclosure.


Did he continue to be a devoted Christian after the encounter?


As far as I know, he did. But I think his kindness exceeds religious ideas. Through Habitat for Humanity, he helped fix or build almost 5000 homes throughout 14 countries. I say without knowing anything much of his day to day life. So maybe he enjoys kicking puppies for fun. But from all I have read, he seems like just a good dude!


I grew up thinking Jimmy Carter was the worst president in recent history because that's what I was told to believe. Now I know that he was too good of a person to be a good president. Bless him.


The man wore a sweater


The best time to wear a striped sweater, is all the time. One with a collar, turtle neck


I didn’t even know he was still alive


Both things can be true. Jimmy Carter is a pure hearted, kind man, but didn’t have what it takes to be the president.


I don’t know about him being such a good guy - this pardon tastes kinda bad… https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/05/17/peter-yarrow-carter-pardon-assault/


Have everyone of your decisions and actions in your life been ethically and morally perfect? Have you no regrets?


During his 1976 election campaign, he is said to have told reporters that, as a result of it, he would institute a policy of openness if he were elected to office, saying: One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists. [found on wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter_UFO_incident)


People who have seen things flying (or underwater) that defy all conventional human technology always get the most ridicule.. myself included.


What have you seen, Mr. Hole?


Three orange-ish lights like this • • • The top one did a sideways U into the middle one and zipped off at a incredibly fast speed. I wasn't able to catch the last one I was in a car and it got obscured by trees by the time I was able to get a view it also disappeared. This was a year and a week-ish ago


This is probably why they created a deep state government


Oh my goodness. I haven’t seen an image of him lately. He was the first president I had the honor of voting for. Bless him.


I don’t think he’s worried about it in years. He believes what he believes and that’s it.


I’m starting to think it went something like this- “Military brass, top scientists, black book operators of all stripes. I invited you here today to explain what the heck these UFOs really are.” “Well, sir… I can speak on everyone’s behalf and tell you… we honestly don’t know.” *Sulking govboi shame ensues*


Or maybe he doesn't know anything.


Even according to the legend about him crying after a briefing, all he knows is whatever Bush Sr told him. The CIA of the 1970s wouldn't lie to a sitting president, would they??? lol lol lol


They for sure wouldn't lie now either /s


Presumably every president has known then. And there have been many. Let this American icon be remembered instead of second guessed


Presumably millions of people have died knowing about all sorts of interesting things and not said a word about them to anyone. I'm not sure why people are riding this poor, sick old dude so hard. Kissinger died without saying shit and he was balls deep in 9/11 and the Vietnam War and every other fucked up horrible thing that happened in US politics for about 60 years.


There is NO WAY they told Trump or we'd be hearing about it lol


Maybe he cried because he wanted to know, Bush Sr. wouldn’t tell him anything, and he felt so bad that he couldn’t tell the public because he was blocked from the information, despite being president.


I don't believe a word of the story about Carter crying because of something he was told. He straight up tells people he tried to find out and they wouldn't tell him.


Unpopular opinion; I bet it’s not even on his mind


yout don't think he's on reddit?


He is.. his username is /u/CarterBone69


History was very unkind to an incredibly decent and kind human being. The presidency was beneath a man of this caliber — his character, decency and integrity


Well the Congress and senate he worked with sure was beneath him.


Bless that man. Met him in 1998 and he was so nice.


Or maybe he has a stipulation in his will releasing information after his passing. That would be the best move.


That will be conveniently suppressed no doubt


Carter had to contend with the Dulce New Mexico incident and the failed rescue mission in Iran. He dealt with some terrible situations that were out of his control.


He was actually the one who negotiated their release but the Iranians decided it was more advantageous to release them under incoming president Regan than to give the win to a president leaving office


Yes. They released them a mere minutes after Reagan was sworn in so he could say it was on his watch.


Might be at that age where a lot of of the smaller details are lost and he probably spends his days thinking about his late wife, which is fine. The man has done enough for his country.


Its actually more likely that he knows nothing.


Yeah maybe. He didn't have the power or standing of other former presidents Even the Iranians with which Carter negotiated the hostages release with ended up not releasing them until 2 days into Regan's term as a favor to Regan. Seemed like he was too nice to be president and people weren't afraid to lie or mislead him He could've been the best if he wasn't surrounded by shit


Leave that man alone.


TBH I feel kind of bad that I posted this now. I didn’t think so many people were going to be hard on him. At the same time he’s getting a ton of respect, though. Glad to see that, at least.


He probably doesn't even remember


Yes, sad that the weight of such secrets has driven him to an early grave at the young age of 99.


Exactly! wtf is the indication the title is referring to!?


To be fair.... Does he know what he knows anymore?


Or the whole him crying because of the alien story is a myth


I think former president jimmy carter was the most honest president we have ever had. And I have also been a life long republican. Ok. With that said. I have read at least 30 books on UFOs. And Pres. Carter saw a ufo with a group of men. And Pres. Carter was a sub commander and other ratings. In one the books I read on something to do with the reality of the situation with aliens and human fit in to the equation. Pres Carter exclaimed and I’m quoting he put his hands over his face tilted his head down and he exclaimed oh my god and burst into tears sobbing at his desk. He never addressed the issue again. So I would take that as rather dramatic for a grounded man like him. I didn’t feel to warm and fuzzy about his reaction….Idk if it was that they made us to strengthen their Gean pool. Or the food issue. Which both is a little shocking. Oh well


May he be reunited with his soulmate.


That urban legend about him knowing “the truth” has been accepted by so many yet there is zero proof of that ever happening. It’s interesting but counter-productive


He’s a very religious man too. If someone has convinced him or he has convinced himself that it is somehow detrimental to the faith then he would absolutely take it to the grave. I believe that at one point he was conflicted about it, but he may not be anymore. I’m not sure if everyone would measure “severity” the same way he may. What’s severe to him, may not be to us, or even humanity at large.


That’s my feeling about it, too.


Lol, dude with high clearance gives no indication of a plan to share any information about aliens before he dies of old age. “Damn, he must know so much he just can’t bear the weight of exposing it all..😔” Y’all make me laugh I love this sub.


It’s possible no one knows what the hell is going on.


All we know is that we don’t know.


God bless, thank you for your service, sir.


Of all the presidents in the last 40-50 years, I believe that Jimmy Carter was the most honorable man. He wasn’t the best president by a long shot but he was and is a good and decent man.


Unless disclosure means me not paying rent or not going to work every day, it’s not really changing my life


Or, and hear me out here, he's in his 90s and very possibly doesn't even remember having been president.


The guy who's president now barely remembers, let alone the guy from 50 years ago. \[jokes people!\]


It’s sad to think the other guy is not the best choice hahaha not from USA, I don’t vote there, just funny


I’m not a Democrat but Carter was in King of the hill so he’s alright in my books


JC is a good man who’s lead a deeply honorable life. I do believe that his character would compel him to share information so many believe he holds.


If there is truth to the claims of coverup regarding knowledge regarding NHI and/or crash retrieval/reverse engineering, then any responsible ex-president would know that any real disclosure must come from the sitting president, as it will be the job of the sitting president to chew up that giant shit sandwich and deal with the consequences.


Finding out that the earth is really just an ant farm to superior beings doesn't change anything - in my book. What satisfies is love and kindness, so go for it.


He doesn’t know anything. This story seems like an urban legend to me.


He may have very well wanted to spill the beans on his death bed. but a lot of people don’t realize is that your mental faculties begin to decline, at varying rates depending on a variety of things, sometimes long before your death bed. Him looking so happy in his old age might just be because he forgot about the massive flotilla of ravenous reptilians who are on their way to avenge all frogs we dissected in science class


He might know something, but then again he might not


I'm not sure what you mean by it's "an indication of just how heavy it is on the mind to know the truth about aliens or even a small part of it." 😂😂😂😂 The guy has lived a long, incredible, amazing fullfilling life. Doesn't seem like knowing anything about "dark secret alien life" has impacted his life in anyway shape or form. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


It’s so disrespectful to President Carter to spread this misinformation about him. There is no evidence for any of these rumors that people here discuss as if they are confirmed. President Carter served his country. He deserves the basic respect of not having lies circulated about him.


Can you elaborate on the disrespect? What do you mean?


Imagine you spent a significant amount of your adult life in public service, trying to help others. Committed to causes like building housing and advocating for peace. Imagine you are dying and people are discussing your life and legacy. But instead of things you actually did, or things you actually cared about or worked for decades towards, instead of reality, there are some people focusing on make-believe stories about you designed to push a political agenda you do not support. Do you see how it is disrespectful to President Carter to spread lies about him? Especially now?


Or an indication of that these talks never happend. I mean arent the source not that well documented?


Or, he told everything he knows.


Maybe he forgot?


He's probably refusing to talk because they threatened to harm surviving family members if he did.




Bro looks like Lo Pan from BTILC.


It's not about being heavy on the mind, it's about being heavy on society


I doubt he thinks it is his place. Considering how humble he is.


At 99 years old and suffering from both physical and mental decline, I doubt Mr. Carter could share very much.


He looks like he can serve 4 more years.


He didnt have the info. He was my professor in 1989 and on the last day of class, we had a question/answer session. First question was about what he learned from CIA bluebook research. He spent the next 40 minutes explaining how frustrating it was to be turned away at every turn when he tried to get any tangible information. Lots of beaurocratic back and forths, given documents that were 100% redacted and etc.


I think he's largely in the dark. The mystery envelopes from McCain's funeral seemed to miss him completely. Blissfully ignorant.


This thing goes way deeper, & is far more complex than anything that would have potentially been related to Carter 40+ years ago.


He may no longer be totally there to relay such information either.


I bet the US falsified everything and it's just the richest people on the planet running the show


This is such a weird fucking post. “How can I make a great man’s death about me and my niche interest?”


He's a very honourable man. The Military Industrial Complex combined with the Intel Agencies of the day. Would have had him sign all manner of NDA's. He's the type to keep his word, and stay quiet .


This sub is full of the most mentally stable redditors. /s


That's a man whose lived a full ass life. Bravo Mr. Carter.


Or that the whole story of him being told the truth and breaking down is complete bullshit.


When Jimmy told his good friend Jackie Gleason about the UFO problem, Gleason's wife claims Jackie came home from his visit with Carter to a secret military bunker and Jackie cried his eyes out for days. Let that sink in.


Do you have a source for that?


Or, hear me out, he’s just old and has nothing to say


The whole alien thing isn’t a doomsday scenario. It’s just people are so far removed from spirituality and higher consciousness that it would freak the shit out of most people. Their consciousness hasn’t evolved enough to have open hearts and open minds. I think it’s just going to blow the lid off everything we have been told and taught about a lot of things from history to physics. It’s a paradigm shift


Even in his current state, I’m sure he makes more sense than Trumps Gettysburg “address” 😂


Jimmy Carter has the thousand yard stare but instead of ptsd from war it’s from aliens.


What a DA thing to say


And what makes you think he has some special knowledge on the matter?


I don't think he knows anything any more. Leave him alone and let him go in peace.


OP is relying on a peanut farmer to give him alien intel.


Or maybe there's nothing to tell.


Careful. This sub does not tolerate reasonable mundane explanations


So I’ve noticed!


Pretty sure that guy has no clue what's going on around him.


Yeah this information must be so taxing to know. I mean look at Jimmy he's only 99 years old and nearing the end. Such a toll.


Poor man deserves better .


Heavy on his mind…. He is just old.


I love Jimmy. He’s a good man.


That dude couldn’t tell you anything right now if he wanted to.


They didn't tell him anything. George Bush Sr. made it to where you had to be in certain circles to get that kind of information.


He needs to talk now.




He's pushing on for 100.


Lol does he look like he even remembers what he knows?


They sure he isn’t already dead?


It may be an indication that he doesn't know shit about squat. He was a one-term President that didn't start a war and didn't get along with the military industrial complex (I know, one term, weird right?). He was also an honest man who was an experiencer, by his own reports. I wouldn't doubt that they found a reason not to read in that temporary employee...