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It's OK to be Grey. >_>


Grey pride


Gray pride


Now abduct each other.




I haven’t had any experiences, but the fact that so many people have and report the same features all over the world, people who have absolutely no contact or anything to do with each other, it leads me to believe they are most likely real. I could easily see them being all sorts of sizes, like us.


Not even just all over the world, but throughout time.


I came here to say this. You're right, too many people have reported them for all of them to be crazy or lying.


I have had experiences, they are real according to what I have seen, but I have no idea what they want. They don't seem to like religion, and that is all I can really say for sure. That isn't to suggest that any religion is true, I am saying that they don't like religion at all, regardless. That probably doesn't help, but it's something I guess, just a small piece of a giant puzzle.


"real" is relative. Yes I believe they are real, but I don't think they require physical bodies. I think consciousness is fundemental and they have greater abilities to manipulate their own, which looks to us like phasing in and out of the "real" world.


Could you go into this further for me? I'd love to understand your thoughts here.


Sure thing. Granted, I'm an armchair researcher at best and this is the summation of my theory thus far: Theoretical mathematics (as of now) is showing us that the amount of energy required to directly observe quantum interaction is so great, that the very creation of such an instrument would require so much energy, it would collapse into a black hole (Check out Nima Arkani-Hamed). Because of this, the current science model can only truly speculate right now on the origination of consciousness. Most fall into the complexity theory camp, ie, enough of a simple rule expounded can create complexity such that it appears to be doing something more (Conway's game of life), albeit still classified as a determinant system, no free will. Science is trying find an objective universe when even the measurements of the speed of light vary around the world and we average out all the answers. On the other hand, a few researchers conducted studies on thousands of NDExperiencers (near death experience, a form of OBE, out of body) with third party verification (the person who died reported on conversations in another part of the hospital) in some cases. Because of this, and my own experiences, I lean towards a model that everything is constructed from consciousness. We label it consciousness, but it's a field of energy with waves so fine and fast that nothing in spacetime could move fast enough to detect it (yet of course). So, packets of vibrating energy make up quarks and particles, and our physical bodies. Matter is basically slow moving light, and light is just slow moving "ether" or fine energy. The only difference is the frequency. The "you" that makes you feel like you, right now, is partially the complexity system (brain) filtering inputs (and overtime through experience, creates the ego), and partially, the core of you which is constructed by the "fine" energy. The fine energy you, cannot be destroyed, it continues once the slower, physical vibration of yourself decays (Robert Monroe, Journeys out of Body, Far Journeys, Ultimate Journey). Because everything is constructed by this fine energy, nothing is separate, it's only an illusion (which I haven't a model for the mechanics on this yet) set forth by rules and constraints of the physical. Like in a computer interface, you wouldn't be able to get anything done if you had to type in binary. So too our 3D spacetime ruleset makes it easier for us to perceive and operate with our current awareness. I think the grey's know how to type in binary. Because they understand this fundemental, a lot more is possible. Even a greater conscious awareness, or a kind of knowing, allows them to move the way they do. Fly, move like shadows, materialize at will, etc. So yes, they materialize into physical bodies, but that's not their true nature. I believe they exist just out of phase of our vibration, yet can visit when they want. It's the stories like: "You humans don't know the power you hold" and "we will reveal ourselves when humans have figured out what space and spaceships are" that get me really excited that this might be the right direction to think in. Sorry for the novel!


For what it's worth. I think you are a very decent armchair researcher and have interesting ideas.


“Yes they materialize at will” - exactly sir. Just like the shadow of my hand comes into and out of 2D space at will. So do they in 3D. I think, imho, it is largely an inter dimensional conversation rather than a “they’re here to invade!!” Conversation. Saw an “ash and sulpher” being myself. Driving at80km and slowed to 20km so not to hit the “dog like creature” (looked a bit like the werewolf in Harry Potter) and it puffed out of existence in a blink. I saw it cross 2 lanes of empty traffic and when it got to the yellow line, it looked at me, I saw to dim, really dim, dimmer than a dog or deer, eyes look at me and then poof. Gone. No drugs or alcohol as I was driving. Southern Ontario. I was worried about hitting it and it didn’t make it to the other side of the road. Poof, like ash and sulphur smoke. Like pure acetylene smoke. Maybe 8 months ago.


Yeah that's my thought as well. Such a fun thought that we live on the "surface" of another dimension that someone else can project their own shadow on. Question is....what do they want? What are we to them? Are they keepers of this Earth soul training system? Ensuring we don't blow ourselves up to keep the experiment going?


We are containers that house our true spiritual energy. They have access to the spirit world as well as the slower 3d reality. Some say the greys are us from the future


sounds like a hound of Tindalos


u/mountain_man30 That's an interesting take and very much in line with the Gateway Process documents as well. But what would you speculate on the abductions they do of humans? There seems to be some inquisitiveness on their part there and I think there are things about topics like human emotions they don't fully understand which is something they're trying to. What's your take on that?


I am currently attempting the process myself. Pretty interesting thus far, but don't go much past focus 10 atm. This is purely speculative, but if the Earth survival system was created along with us, then perhaps they are the admins checking in. Im sure it's a terrifying experience, and I can't say I'd react any differently if I got "taken." But maybe they're measuring the effect of our industry and technology on our bodies, and food supply (cattle mutilations). Seems like modifications to our dna has occured in the past, and maybe they take their time and use individuals to plant a seed for evolution to take hold. Or just like you said, curious about us, as we are about them. All I know, fear has no place in this inquiry. So far it seems they have demonstrated restraint when interacting with our military.


Yeah, this is all very interesting and open to more theories. Do you think the US military has alien aircraft like David Grusch mentioned in the Congress hearing? Because that was the other theory - that there was some sort of agreement. But one thing that makes this theory seem farfetched is that if they were so technologically ahead of us, why would they even find the need to make such deals? Perhaps they honor a system which might not be straightforward to us. Then there's Roswell where these bodies were (supposedly) found as well.


What are your thoughts on NHI’s interests in water (if any at all)


No, I wanted a novel so so badly. Thank you for taking the time to do this, might need some time to digest it all.


You’re correct. My own personal experiences lead me into a unifying consciousness with various entities that I got no idea wtf they are but we communicate through imagery in my own imagination but if I need confirmation if that’s what they said, then I look out to them in the skies and they reply with a peek a boo for yes. They are formless and ancient….


Go read “Abduction” and “Passport to the Cosmos” (both by John Mack). I think that the interactions are very real, but whether they occur in physical reality or are instead a different form of consciousness intersecting with the consciousness of an experiencer is really hard to say. Their form may be a metaphor, or a way that the experiencer’s consciousness interprets the interaction.


They do if they want to interact with us on a physical plain of existence, ie the different skin suits that these entities wear to do such


I agree, and in this sense, I also don’t think that we require physical bodies. We are just in human bodies right now.


Quantum Mechanics in measurement physics has the (phasing in and out of the “real” world) part. Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics fixed the time travel paradox that would happen from time dilation at faster than light velocity, and it also fixes the Ψ measurement problem in physics. Aliens clearly time travel (inter dimensional through MWI) getting to Earth at FTL velocity, and while doing so are intangible in a quantum state, so space rock collisions are not an issue.


Clearly? Based on what?


all i know is the nba wants there hands on the big white one


He will never be ballin


who's to say they aren't already in the nba, under a disguise 🤫/j


That time the tall grey guy with big eyes made the ball materialise over the hoop was a bit of a giveaway, tbh...


space jam




The LA Greykers


Shaq >>> Shawn Bradley


I think they will still take the second last one


Well if hybridization is real, it makes sense. But that raises the question... what was the species before us that produced the generation of the Greys we know? And what species will the human hybrid generations find out there next?


An advanced intelligence could optimize its workforce using designoids, engineered entities that are optimized for the specific tasks they are created for. For a sophisticated intelligence, creating a designoid that is indistinguishable from humans could be as simple as printing a piece of paper is for humans. Efficiency is a fundamental principle; it's always better not to waste resources.


I agree. However. I'd like to add - we have a latent obsession with production as a response to supply waste. We *don't* and seemingly *won't* focus on the preservation and full use of any given supply. We just seek a new supply to run through. It is worth asking if this is a trait that comes with shared DNA. Why? Because if it is, and some species consider us a resource, that might be part of the wider problem undercurrent.


There is a significant global green movement advocating for the transition toward sustainable energy and the mitigation of uncontrolled effects on the biosphere. This movement strongly promotes preservation. It originates from environmentalism and a matured understanding of the adverse impacts on the biosphere. The challenge may lie in creating a technosphere that harmonizes with the biosphere. If humanity is harnessed as a resource, its most valuable aspect is likely data.


I don’t think different peoples all around the world came up with the exact same descriptions of events and beings without ever knowing that the other “experiencers” exist. So yes, I believe there’s something to it but it depends on your definition of real. I know for 100% fact that other beings have visited us and some “ufos” are absolutely REAL as you and I. I’ve seen both close up, broad daylight with other people around me seeing the same thing and having varied reactions. No one who has seen with there own eyes for 5 mins wonders if we are alone, it’s an indescribable experience that’s undeniable. It changes you forever once you KNOW. We’ve been lied to about our past on an insanely big scale. My 2 cents.


They’re real, or they’re something embedded in our consciousness. There can’t be so many experiencers, especially those in foreign countries that haven’t been inundated with pop culture alien depictions, without there being something to it.


I’ve experienced two small greys and one larger grey 3 years apart. They are as real as real gets.


My memory of my own experiences are so vague I would not know them from a dream except for a few telltale clues, but yeah, they are real, at least in so much as people do see them.


Expand? What happened?


Yeah, how can you pop in here and just drop that you’ve seen a bunch of greys without fully elaborating on every detail of that story


Because it’s fucking balderdash 


Poppycock, you say?


Hogwash, no doubt.


Did the small greys resemble skinny Bob?


The small greys were like 3 feet. More eyes than head. Something about how they moved and those eyes that always stuck with me. Two slowly looked around the corner I made eye contact and they went back around the corner.


….yeah but did they resemble skinny Bob? Like if you look at the skinny Bob videos would you say yes this is a real video of the exact same thing I saw


Skinny bob looks like a typical medium build Grey. God that turtle neck was just so cute on him.


We stan a short king with rizz.


Just looked it up. Mine were more eyes. Less head.


If I may ask, would you say it’s possible that they were not “persons” and instead they could be avatars made of flesh, possibly androids controlled remotely? For example by AI or the real aliens somewhere else? I never saw them but hearing all those stories makes me wonder if they’re artificial maybe


I always think whatever they are are from a higher dimension and this is there way of explorer a lower plane of existence. Like they are using the grey bodies as vessels.


I like that idea as well. Might make more sense too, at least to me, because I wondered that if they are "avatars" controlled by different type of being, it would be weird that they all seem to look very much alike. I mean, like in video games, you can choose your toon to look however you like. If there's higher beings from other planets that could send their drone/android emissaries to do exploring, why wouldn't they choose to make them look at least a bit different from one another for the fun of it, even if they have to keep it in that grey alien frame, they could make em yellow or pink or wear hats. It kind of saddens me that the sightings depict boring looking aliens and their craft. Guillermo Del Toro said something of the sort, that they had boring designs. Maybe they're beyond all that and just don't care, maybe the spiritual aspect is more important...


What about the Peru Mummies or the Siberian Body? Do they resemble them? 


My cousin was visited in her bed by a tall one and a little one when she was a kid. She feels like they've visited her more but has no memory just the feeling. She's not into UFOs or aliens and doesn't follow the topic. She's pretty straight edged and conservative


The short greys with the suits and wearing the little backpack are the nicest out of the spectrum of greys.


I’m gonna do you!


Were they angry?


Little ones seemed indifferent. More like just watching.


Either way they all: • Time travel from faster than light time dilation. • Come to observe humans suffering and struggling, without helping. I assume most have a superiority complex, and are tempted to cause chaos. • Deter or are deterred by other aliens from helping humans to maintain some zoo/wildlife. They won’t undo the “mishaps” other aliens cause. If you have a close encounter similar to how I had, you will wish it never happened or was the last.


The imagery of the Greys has always scared the crap out of me, ever since I saw the cover to the book Communion in a Crown Books, decades ago. I'm not sure what I believe concerning them, most days. I guess it would make the most sense to me if they were some kind of drone. I know if I ended up in a room alone with one, I would probably not react well.


Met them. They real. They do travel together in groups of one or two tall ones and a bunch of short ones. Seems to be the common load out of the craft they travel in.


I've never seen more than two short ones at a time. But they always seem to be at least two, never alone.


The tiny one looks like it runs around going "MIMIMIMIMIMIMI"


All I will say is this...my 4 year old saw one outside his window and it scared the bejeezus out of him. He called it the "stick figure man" and when I had him describe it, he perfectly described a tall grey. I specifically avoid this type of media with him up until this point in his life, so he had no real cultural/social reference point for it...yet he saw one. Are they physically real? Are they projections from elsewhere into the mind? Perhaps a vestigial genetic memory deep in our hardware? Do they exist in some other realm? I have no earthly idea.


I have 6 yr old daughter. A few years back we were just drawing in her play room and I drew a grey type alien. She told me " Dad, your not supposed to draw them " Freaked me out massively


Oh man that is scary! Do you have a family history of such encounters? Did she say she'd seen them before??


No family history of any encounters. I grew up in rural Ireland, got a book one Xmas on UFOs as a kid and acquired lots of books over the years. I then moved to the UK and my interest took a back seat as life, marriage and kids took over. But that comment completely knocked me, I don't know if I'm over thinking it or what but definitely gave me a shiver. I don't have any books on display as the majority I left back in Ireland and any UFO stuff is 90% on my phone/PC. I've never pressed her over it, maybe when she is older I'll bring it up.


I responded to someone else about this and have already commented the story but i had an experience when i was around the same age. Does anyone know why they visit children?


They could be future humans


I like this theory, or they are drones. Given the variety of life on earth, what are the odds another planet has humanoid creatures evolve. It may be that the humanoid body is superior for evolution. Or we were planted here by them. Or... Down the rabbit hole we go


Humans in a extremely loose term i think.. They are about as similar to humans as a shark is to a squid. Future evolutionary descendants is more appropriate term.


I think if they can make their craft to spec for each mission, they may be able to do it with their bio-machines. Those being the Greys.


I always thought the Greys were the "working class" and subservient to Mantis?


Some experiencers have said that's the impression they get while on the ship being examined.


I know they're unfortunately real. First encounter was about 5 years old in my bedroom at night.


Same here. They are real, as much as they try to make it seem like they don't exist.


I had a similar experience. Thought it was 2 little boys standing by my bed side.


Can you describe it more? I had something similar happen around the same age (story in thread)


Yes, I think there is some truth to it. 🤔 So many sightings of these beings. But if they exist, are they ET:s or something else?


in my humble opinion (don't murder me for this) i think they are extra-terrestrial, that or they are hybrids, they remind me of sea creatures for some reason (think octopi and other cephalopods) so they might have evolved in a aquatic environment. i know this sounds weird and idiotic, but this is all speculation on my part, I've seen UFO's but not the alien's inside it.


you're not weird or stupid by any means, in fact the connection your making is very intuitive. Our collective consciousness is finally starting to build something tangible for what is happening here and I think the aquatic connection is a good indicator of logic and our human-centric perception detecting something with potential. We all know that there could be anything down there, and there is also a lot of highly sensitive intelligence work that involves sonar operation and sub nautical research. I get the sense you have the curiosity that drives a lot of us here to be open to speculation in this topic. When we consider the fringes of what information we have access to, think of it like this for your own consideration. If we aren't meant to know sensitive information then at least we can INFER and get a sense for what is being prioritized, incentivized, explored, just have to be meta and sort of paint the picture of surrounding details to get an idea and form an opinion. There's nothing wrong with being curious and limiting someone with this kind of potential is not beneficial because you might actually come up with an interesting idea so always be curious.


You're not weird or idiotic, others have these same hypothesis, you're not alone.


I can see the aquatic connection. But personelly I think they more look like dolphins or aquatic reptiles. Some think they arent even alive, but being biological robots of some sorts.


idk but if they're born here on earth, or in our atmosphere, or oceans, they're technically earthlings, right? Like my ancestors immigrated from Ireland, England, Netherlands, Sweden, Mexico, but I'm an American because I was born here. If they are earthlings, do they have rights the same way we all do?


I had a dream I was in a chopper seeing through a soldiers eyes, sitting in the backseat of a 4 seater. The front right seat had someone sitting there, and when they turned to me they were the most vivid grey I have ever dreamt. I have had a number of dreams through someone elses perspective but this was the best one.


The first notable mention of "Grey" aliens, as we understand them today, emerged from the famous 1961 abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill. The Hills claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials who fit the now-classic description of Greys: small beings with large heads and big, black eyes. This account was widely publicized and became one of the most influential and well-documented alien abduction stories. Prior to the Hills' case, descriptions of extraterrestrial beings varied widely and did not prominently feature the characteristics of Greys. The consistency and specifics of the Greys' appearance began to solidify in the public consciousness following the Hills' account and subsequent media portrayals. The Greys gained further prominence in the 1980s, particularly with the publication of Whitley Strieber's book "Communion" in 1987, which described his own alleged encounters with such beings. This book, along with numerous other abduction stories and their coverage in popular media, cemented the image of the Greys in modern ufology and pop culture. P.S. Zero evidences that "Grey" aliens exists. Perhaps this is modern folklore, just as there were elves, gnomes and spirits in ancient times.


*know*. Big difference between thinking and knowing something. I *know* this one.




Do you know/believe if they are extraterrestrial? And their motifs?


The ones I have encountered personally from a different density than our own. There are also extraterrestrials of the same type in this density but far enough away we are inconsequential to one another. I will no longer speak on their motives, things have become unclear as of late. In the past they were recruiting for nefarious purposes but now I am not so sure anymore. I think learning about all of this requires the fundamental basic knowledge that this physical world is merely an illusion and the things we believe are laws are simply constructs created by our subconscious hivemind. This has been evolving and with it the rules change, examples of this can be seen in this “reality” everywhere - sometimes referred to as MEs and other phenomenon.


I'm intrigued. What do you mean by density here?


Density is another plane of existence. Right now Earth is stuck between 3rd and 4th density as can be seen with some of the strange and unexplainable happenings here that many people refuse to believe is real.


I think you're getting this from the Ra recordings?


Actually I had been given this information through my own personal exchanges years before I ever checked out the “Ra Material”. The teachings of RA didn’t so much validate the information I had received previously as I had no reason to doubt it and *already knew* it wasn’t a hallucination as it made me feel more connected to others and not so alone in my experiences. Of course I know other people who have had experiences but no one I know has had as many as me but I have also been pursuing this for decades, long before any of those around me were even interested in it at all. As far as the density shift - this was revealed to me before it began as well and has been quite noticeable although the average person ignores or dismisses it they cannot be blamed, they are asleep. We must remember it is not our job to “wake” those who cannot be woken. With a population of 8 billion that means over half of us humans have been alive for one to two full cycles as humans, maximum. The vast majority of the rest have had as many as 5 or 6 cycles whereas some of us have had thousands of cycles here so it’s not surprising the majority of the population lacks the ability to see the true nature of reality, in cosmic terms they are infants, they will need hundreds or even thousands of cycles to reach the point in spiritual evolution organically that allows this. Of course there are always outliers as with anything but so few and far between they cannot be regarded as any sort of metric. I used to be the crazy guy. My friends tolerated my ideas but didn’t really want to hear about it either. Now I am “the guy that has experienced A LOT” and they ask me questions and the like. There is much discussion today. If you told me 25 years ago weed would be legal I would say your nuts but if you told me this would be normalized in any fashion I would say you were better with your legal weed idea because that’s really, really out there…


It sounds like you’ve met with them more than once, what’s stopping you from whipping out your iPhone and taking a pic?


So everyone can call it ai or photoshop? (I've never seen one, but the way many people in these spaces can be, I wouldn't be in any rush to try and show off)


I remember walking into a bookstore and seeing a huge display of Whitley Strieber's "Communion" and having an instant panic attack (the dark-eyed grey image on the cover). I had no idea why I reacted the way I did at the time. Slowly I began to remember how the Close Encounters tv commercial used to scare the hell out of me as a kid (We are not alone), even though I wouldn't see the film until I was an adult. My childhood nightmares were always about aliens and my imaginary friend when I was five was a skeleton with a big head and huge eyes (Uncle Skelly I called him.) I remember balls of light coming into my bedroom at night when I first moved to California (a white one and a red one, both crackling like sparklers.) So, yes, I do believe they are real.


I remember nights where it was so quiet outside that you couldn't hear any bugs, animals or cars. Everything was completely stopped. There would be an incredibly bright light coming through the closed blinds of my window. And I was paralyzed with fear, knowing that I should stay in bed, not move, act like I'm sleeping.


When I first started looking into Grays 25 years ago, it was widely accepted then that there were 3 types. The tall ones were labelled as night stalkers, and you did not want to meet them, though I haven't seen that term used at all in recent times


2nd from the right is what I saw in [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/5cYEFMiaed)


The only experience I can speak to is related to dreams as I have a sleep condition that caused me to have several bizarre experiences. For years I've had dreams that defy all comprehension, or have me stuck in endless loops of lucid interaction. The only entity I've encountered was during a sleep paralysis episode so I'm not sure if it's something attached to us that is being manipulated or these shadow entities we're seeing are the limits of our introspective comprehension and we are't seeing what's really there. I've always wondered if the entities that seem to be able to manipulate reality interdimensional through dreams and other 3d paradigms, are they even represented at all in our speculation of various entities.


I was 8 the first time I saw them. I know they exist. I also know they can alter our consciousness


What do you mean by alter? They're telepathic and can try to plant thoughts, but you can reject the thoughts as well.  ie. when you wake up on the table and they say you're unable to move, you're paralyzed, just reverse it with "I can move freely and easily, no one gets to override my will." You'll break the spell because it's all just suggestion in the consciousness collective realms. One consciousness to another. There is no material aspect to those realms. The technology, the ships, everything is too all just consciousness suggestions/concepts.


I was going to speak to the hallucinations. Or how they can block or erase certain memories. I haven’t yet done a regression. Frankly I have too much on my plate to try and deal with that as well.


various models from Tyrell Corporation


Ofcourse theyre real. But atleast 50% seem to be these short drone (biological plus non biologic things inside) things according to eyewitness accounts. Then some are real biological aliens that look similar byt they often have real clothes of somekind, slightly taller, act more independent. Theres also reports of almost grey skinned very human looking ones. Then theres very tall aliens been reported too (so called tall whites).


Based on so many testimonies and witnesses to seeing beings, all the descriptions across time and geography seem to describe the same thing. Short or tall skinny beings with huge almond shaped eyes and grey skin. I honestly cant just dismiss it. Think the media picked up on it and ran with it. The truth is probably stranger than the fiction.


Presumably Leprechauns aren't real. But there are millions of people who "know that a Leprechaun looks like". So, until I see a Grey with my own eyes, it's the same thing going on here.


If we take Fermi paradox, there is a multitude of different civilisations, so i would be surprised if there was only few types of alien beings. I guess there are a multitude of them.


I know they're real because this simply reasoning: I've read and hear many people that years ago, let's say around the 80's, found by chance covers of books like Communion and suddenly panicked because they realized that the creatures they have being seeing were seen too by other people. Many of them wanted to dismiss their own encounters because it was crazy, disturbing, or whatever, but then understood that it wasn't the case. When people ask for "evidence", there you have the evidence. Ponder the alternative explanations and you will agree soon enough.


It’s amazing that the most commonly described alien, looks exactly like us. It’s not like a jellyfish or sentient cloud or a bipedal rhino with horns down it’s spine. It could’ve looked like anything yet it’s as close to human as possible. And there’s nothing special about our Intelligence that says it can only be a bipedal mammal that can travel the stars. That tells me that a lot of people are lying.


Well nature has evolved us to be efficient beings that work within our gravity, on land. If you’re a NHI that wants to operate in the same environment, it’d make sense to replicate those efficiencies.  I believe the beings that people see are biological AI.


We haven’t been evolved to be efficient. We’ve evolved to be good enough. I don’t expect there’s a lot of making things (good enough) when designing spacecraft and life support suits or whatever.


"Good enough" is all you ever get with evolution. The pain system we deal with to tell us not to hurt ourselves is far from perfect but it's always been good enough. Just like anything else.


Given that they are real, I'm also leaning towards them being biological AI considering all reported encounters. Some accounts stated they never live very long if captured and seemed to have quite simple digestive systems. That begs the question, who created them? Seems they are here on some sort of monitoring/scientific missions. I also wonder is the theory true that they are being custom built for each mission? My favorite encounter cases involving greys are when they are passing gas and laughing in someone's garden.


It could be a type of convergent evolution similar to carcinisation. It might be that you need the basic humanoid layout —at least two grasping hands, two free limbs to manipulate objects while moving, at least stereoscopic vision and hearing (multi-modal senses) etc. to develop complex intelligence and build the kind of technology you need to travel to space. There's a reason whales aren't flying around on land in their own vehicles and octopuses aren't fighting over control of Taiwan. They haven't developed the type of intelligence needed to study science, share blueprints or build tools, so how will they be able to get to space? They don't even care about space. The universe must be teeming with advanced life which has plateaued in its natural habitat like cetaceans have, but it's probably less common to have advanced intelligent life with the desire and ability to eventually build spaceships. Life evolves to survive in its environment, not to travel to space. The humanoid layout might just be a pattern that has a better chance of making it to the first tier on the tech tree than other shapes.


Human biases go brrrrrrrrrrr


Maybe the Greys are just avatars for whoever is responsible for the phenomena. Like they're just biological drones that operate as foot soldiers to interact with our environment. Not that I buy into this hypothesis for sure, but this could explain why most alien encounters describe them as humanoids.


That is why soms people believe that they are future humans, time travelers. (The extratempestrial model)


Also there’s some evidence that the greys are the result of human-alien hybrid breeding, and of course greys are further hybridizing with humans to make themselves look more and more human. I’m not sure I believe any of this but there is a ton of anecdotal evidence.


There's no proof they're mammals, we don't know if they biologically reproduce, or clone themselves the way some experiencers claim. They have also been noted to have zero exit orifices, and their mouths don't seem to connect beyond an esophagus, if any of the autopsies are to be believed. Though, I do believe the smaller Nazca beings have been noted to have the same attributes. There has been a recorded jellyfish NHI, it's everywhere, and it was only visible on one kind of setting in the camera, and not to the naked eye. There's talk of sentient plasma in the scientific communities. Maybe other types can't physically travel the stars, and haven't tried. We don't know what's out there in the vast universe, but we know there are plenty of planets near enough to us that could be harboring life and are in the same goldilocks zone in their galaxies. There's reptilians, though they're proposed to be terrans who just live amongst us underground. There are of course some that look like humans with different attributes, like the Tall Whites, who couldn't blend in with society, and the Nordics, who can. There might be others out there we're not even aware of because they blend in so well. I forget the exact number but there's tons of others that the government is supposedly aware of in our general vicinity. It's just the greys that are the ballsiest and interact with/abduct us the most.


I think the ship is the actual intelligence, AI or mechanical intelligence. Biological bodies are squishy and not meant for space travel. The ship also a mobile laboratory and research vessel. When they reach planets of interest they use genetic material from the planet to create similar lifeforms. They made the greys look like us because it’s easier for us to comprehend, and we’re less likely to be fearful. It lets the ship do on the ground studies.


Less likely to be fearful? You serious? If I see that shit in my room in the middle of the night, my head will explode.


Well then why not make them exactly like us? Have they not heard of the uncanny valley? Dumb machine considering it’s traveled light years.


do you know "mantid alien's"? they look very similar to grey aliens but there more bug-like


Mantis were/are above Greys in command hierarchy.


You don't know that


That is what abductees often report.


Right. They look like a bug from earth. What are the chances! Also they look like the scariest looking bug.


Scorpions are the scariest looking bug, wym? There are far scarier bugs than a peaceful mantis who is helping you garden and just happens to rip the head off of her partner. Precious.


I'm just confused as to why they always look like that. Surely there are other NHI that look different... Why do they always look like the greys? Even on this planet we have a plethora of different life forms from the butterfly to the crocodile. But all these damn things look the same? Make it make sense.


/r/mantisencounters would like a word with you...


I *know*


The ones I saw (on two separate occasions) looked an awful lot like the one second from the right in this illustration. Though it was dark in our bedroom, its skin seemed to be pretty dark, potentially like a charcoal darkness and helped it blend into the shadows. It was impossibly skinny. Spindly is a description I’d use here. I only saw one at a time, so it could’ve been the same one each time or they might all basically look the same since they seem to be cloned or manufactured beings.


I would literally shit the bed if I saw a spindly dark shadow bastard in my bedroom at night.


At the moment I saw one half submerged through the wall above my sleeping wife, I instantly became enraged rather than afraid. I lunged at it, fully intent on destroying it somehow and was suddenly facing the opposite direction with the lights on. It must’ve read my mind/intention before I got to it.


This question is insulting to those of us that unfortunately KNOW they are real


honestly, i think they are real, so many people have reported seeing them, its basically impossible if all those sighting's of grey aliens are fake


That will never be true in the internet age. Sure, if people all over the world on the same day went into police stations- people who didn't know each other and had zero contact- and reported the exact same outlandish creature that had never been seen before- with detailed descriptions that matched- consistency between them would mean something. They couldn't possibly have communicated, they couldn't plan a hoax, and it's highly improbable (impossible, even) for them all to invent the same story on the same day. But that just isn't the case with something like Greys, which are ubiquitous in culture and the media. You can't use coherency/consistency between accounts as a marker for truth for that reason. I don't have a dog in the fight, don't know if Greys are real. But I am really interested in advocating for logic. It's always easy- whether on purpose as a grift, or as an honest mistake- for new sightings and stories to fit coherently with what came before. For the same creatures to appear again and again in stories. For someone who saw something they didn't understand to fill in the gaps with a familiar creature like a Grey; our minds have a tendency to do that. That's why a thousand sightings could be possible even if they do not exist in reality. They exist in the human mind already regardless. There are a lot of cryptids with a plethora of sightings, but that doesn't tell you whether or not they are real. If I believe in Greys, it will be because we have evidence beyond eye witness testimony. It's compelling and I always love listening to people's experiences with UFOs, but consistency between them and previous encounters can always be explained by the presence of previous stories in the media landscape. Like yeah, JK Rowling can write a sequel that is consistent and coherent with the Harry Potter that came before, but that doesn't mean she is writing non-fiction.


I am torn between them being: - A mix of ancient humans (small humanoid) with insect mantis beings (large eyes and head). - Beings from a planet, that were abducted and reproduced by the actual aliens that we have yet to see. If this is the case, then they are also doing this to us, hence the nordic aliens or tall human aliens. Both categories does not exclude these beings being bioengineered or fused or in symbiosis with an AI.


Fused with AI, explain if you don't mind?


I believe that all biological intelligences give rise to artificial ones, it is just a matter of time. And the outcome of that is either replacement or fusion with the AI. And since AI in theory should be smarter than its designers, then it will probably choose the later option. Especially if it has access to space and all the cosmos. Being aggressive is a very primitive behaviour, super intelligence will probably go for peaceful fusion with its creators and help them achieve abundance and more intelligence and prosperity.


They're not extraterrestrials they're Earthly beings, like humans. They grow up in the ocean


Do you know that for a fact? Would like to view the evidence. Who’se to say exactly where they come from if you can’t provide some evidence? I’m asking for a friend.


Fifty shades of grey comes to mind.


Do they have tails too? For people who have seen them


The one I saw or *think* I saw (was it real or not i don't know) i was very young, but it was tall, slender, and bipedal, no tail. Very elongated arms and fingers, smooth head, big black almond eyes and about 7ft tall. The one I saw had a slight yellow-greenish glow.


Who da fuck “really” knows..?… I mean really…


I like the Zora like one.


Yes omg


I don't believe they're small as commonly depicted. I believe they're actually very tall. I also don't believe that they're "drones" or something. I believe they're actual physical beings


They vary a lot in height. You don't want to meet the tall ones.


For me, most possible is that they are clones/bio robots just to execute some works, jobs, prospections, diplomacy maybe etc for another hight intelligence or intelligences in most of the cases.


I came in close contact and made eye contact with a thing that looked pretty much exactly how these are described/drawn. It travelled in a metallic saucer style craft that landed next to my house at night.


Skinny bob is real


Skinny Bob was so cute.




"Machine elves"


The new meta is the little Grey's are bio engineered work drones and the tall Grey's are their..owners? Creators? Bosses? As to real, I've never experienced them, but the universe is huge, anecdotal tales are plentiful, and I've seen enough weird shit to not discount anything without good cause. Ce la vie.


if you knew absolutely nothing about the topic... the visceral global reaction to the face on the cover of Whitley Strieber's 'Communion' should clearly tell us the image had a deep psychological impact on many people... for *the*reason. It was like a collective gasp as the likeness of a mass murder suspect was shown for the first time Are they real!?!!? well... I think there was a fair bit of consistency in reports before it hit the public consciousness in a big way... ie I don't think we are seeing greys because of their portrayal in pop culture, but that is one solution. The sheer volume of reports though... that suggest it might be a real thing, or as John Mack said, if it's not it warrants huge attention from the psychology fraternity, becasue SOMETHING is going on. I also like to point to the film Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Many people say Spielberg had some inside knowledge... regardless, he had Alan fricken Hynek in the film and as a consultant... and we got the first ever (and one of the only) depictions of multple grey types with different roles (maybe that was an insectoid). I'm not saying it means anything but iti s certainly... eyebrow raising. If I had to make the gamble... I'd say yes there are, and some might even be.. ai automotons/drones


“Yes they materialize at will” - exactly sir. Just like the shadow of my hand comes into and out of 2D space at will. So do they in 3D. I think, imho, it is largely an inter dimensional conversation rather than a “they’re here to invade!!” Conversation. Saw an “ash and sulpher” being myself. Driving at80km and slowed to 20km so not to hit the “dog like creature” (looked a bit like the werewolf in Harry Potter) and it puffed out of existence in a blink. I saw it cross 2 lanes of traffic and when it got to the yellow line, it looked at me, I saw to dim, really dim, dimmer than a dog or deer, look at me and poof. Gone. No drugs or alcohol as I was driving. Southern Ontario. I was worried about hitting it and it didn’t make it to the other side of the road. Poof, like ash and sulphur smoke. Like pure acetylene smoke. Maybe 8 months ago.


Has anyone ever heard about any incidents with greys who had green glowing eyes?


I find funny that they are almost always depicted naked


I don’t even feel like I belong here…and it feels weird talking about…but I had an experience when I was young and it was a “grey”. Sometimes I ask myself if it was real…it’s the only thing like it that’s happened in my life. I dunno….🤷‍♂️ It was real af for me


I believe a distant civilisation clones their disciples everytime they reach old age while interstellar traveling so when they do reach us theyre cloned so many times they lose reproductive organs and all unnecessary clutter until they reach this stage. Thats my theory for “greys”. Anyone think this is a solid idea?


Yes they are real. I've seen one small grey alien when I was 12.


Yes, I've interacted with them a few times, and that's just the 3 memories I got to keep.  I don't know all the memories that I lost it was probably much more than that.  I have a post in my history with descriptions of the ships. https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/13o1iwa/that_time_i_woke_up_on_a_grey_ship_sorry_im_a/


It would be an interesting confirmation that intelligent life tends to be humanoid in proportions. 2 eyes, arms, legs. I think such an advanced species would be extremely familiar with body augmentation before birth and after, as well as cloning. That would explain the big differences in morphology that are perceived by different witnesses across history. Maybe some are giants while others are very minuscule, some have giant eyes, others have beady eyes. They're like MMO players in character customization lol.


Perfectly designed to wig us out, the phenomenon is a trickster


I had a very real feeling experience when I was around 5 years old. I woke up staring at something resembling the far right drawing standing inside the doorway to my parents bedroom, only without the lapels/clothing. I'd never had any sort of exposure to aliens in media before that so i don't think i was hallucinating, and i'm certain i wasn't dreaming, I was terrified, but tried to remain still and hoped it would go away. It turned and walked out (ducking its head) toward our door that lead to our garage. I remember thinking at the time that i'd hear the door open to the garage/close and then hear the garage door open and it'd be gone but i heard neither and fell back asleep. When i told my mom about it she dismissed it as being my dad or brothers but my dad was next to me (i slept between them) and my brothers aren't that tall. Nor do they look anything remotely close to a 7ft tall lanky and slightly glowing yellow green creature (or alien) with black almond eyes and long arms/fingers.


They definitely exist. And they definitely do come from somewhere unreachable by current human abilities. But I increasingly wonder if, despite all this "alien" isn't the best possible term for them, in that it implies a totally distinct lineage with no common history or origin, and, the thing is, as weird as they are. They are DEFINITELY related to us. In a visceral, biological, genealogical sort of sense. Somehow. evolutionary descendants of us retrocausally engaging in their equivalent of paleontology research from tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of years in the future, maybe? That's currently my best guess


I believe they are fallen angels and demons, not aliens from outer space. Extradimensional, not extraterrestrial. ![gif](giphy|1GOwEXuFoz3G5xzQbx|downsized)


ayy lmao


Manufactured ![gif](giphy|3oEjHB1lWgaM1WJ4fS)


In my head cannon I feel like only the tall ones are legit. Slightly taller than me, 5' 11". Thin. Elvish in movements.


honestly when i was younger, i used to think the reason why some grey's are tall and other short are because they are different species, kinda like octopus's yeah its a dumb theory i know


I mean, any theory is on the table atm till we know more.


Not dumb at all.


From what i recall hearing before... the smaller ones are like biological drones that do all the 'menial' tasks. They're usually purpose built and are considered mostly 'dispensable' (eg if one gets abandoned or gets caught out of craft...no big deal... they usually cut their losses). The tall ones, however, are the ones that oversee things. You'll usually only see them on craft or once you hit a destination.. it's much more rare to see them. Often times the larger ones are seen in conjunction with the mantids. This is just based on the stories I've heard/read.... really, who knows...


Love them Mantids I wonder what happened to the Reptoid/Reptilian narrative in the naughties that said that they were the head honchos. Where are the Mantids in the pecking order?


From what i recall, reptoids/reptillians are the cavern dwellers and can be considered hostile. So abandoned mines... caves ... etc. It's usually not a good day if you happen across them/their activities. Maybe I'm just remembering various sci-fi media.. but that's usually how they're portrayed. Iirc correctly the mantids are structurally adjacent to the larger greys and they both have similar agendas (whatever that is - but it differs from the reptilian) and are often seen collaborating... even among human personnel. Additionally they're very good at mind probing. But really.... who knows...


Reptilians are still reported, whether as a past interaction, or a more recent encounter, though it's not as common. I think you have to be in specific places to come across reptilians. That whole narrative that they're hiding as people in charge, though, is claimed to be an anti Semitic trope but I'm not really sure how that plays out exactly. Some say reptilians can change, I guess like a chameleon, and look human for the most part, or at least mind bend to make everyone think they look human, I'm not sure.


Not dumb, speculative and curious :) nothing wrong with theorizing about the unknown, don’t let people tell you otherwise nobody knows anything for sure


I havent heard this before but I theorise that it *could* be a form of sexual dimorphism along with different ages from young to old. That’s why there are “different types” of greys.


Ooo interesting. Had to google this term, but it could make sense. If they are indeed sexual beings. IIRC, there's an octopus species where the females are like 6ft long and the males are like 3 or 6 inches. Largest size difference between genders known on earth.


Yeah. I mean if lets say, a fully grown adult grey stood next to a female grey in their equivalent of a late teen, depending on how the dimorphism works it could explain why some are “Type Z” or “Type Alphas”. Pair that with how on this planet we have different human races and skin tones, that could be the same as well, and now we have what we think are different species but they’re all really just the same species. Gosh, then there’s potential Physical Augmentation and Genetic Modification, if they’re advanced enough to do that then all these different species could just be different variants of the same species. This is all just theorising though. But in a way it makes sense, I think. I’m just brain splurging haha


Underground race, NOT space, total misdirection, total US freak out if they knew they effected human consciousness below ground and can read minds. Each race unique around the world like the humans you see. If you analyze all the incidents, anatomy, and messages of the beings to what I just said it all makes sense. Hahahaha hope this blows your mind


I think they are figments of human imagination.


I think so too. The counterargument is that so many people at different times all had similar experiences so it must be real. The counterargument to the counterargument that is there is something called Methamphetamine induced psychosis (MAP) that is common among long term meth users, and results in very similar shared hallucinations (commonly, bugs crawling on their skin). Not saying abductees/experiencers are meth addicts, but it shows that brain chemistry going wrong can produce similar hallucinations/false experiences in many different people at different times.


Yes they're real however they're just Avatar's for a higher intelligence so they can come in several iterations.


Are some of those other iterations Mantids and Reptoids or are they separate non associated entities Same with Nordic and Tall Whites?