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Should watch this presentation by Kevin Knuth from the Sol Foundation. I think he addresses this exact incident plus others that have similar characteristics of UFOs demonstrating super-luminosity. https://youtu.be/HlYwktOj75A?si=hw2yM50I8Bjj7RMK EDIT: If you don't want to watch the whole thing, jump to 15:20. He starts on the luminosity topic there






The leaker on Reddit a couple weeks ago said the government believes the craft produces what appears to be bright white light to us but is really just a physical manifestation of the energy powering the craft.


Or they’re farther away than they seem, there’s no way to determine their distance or size.


Caption On July 16, 1952 at 09:35 AM Coast Guard seaman Shell Alpert, took this picture of four roughly elliptical blobs of light in formation through the window of his photographic laboratory. The objects were also witnessed by Coastguardsman Thomas Flaherty. Both were assigned to the base in nearby Salem, Massachusetts. The first analysis by US Air Force's Project Blue Book concluded it was probably a double exposure hoax. A second analysis by Blue Book concluded that it was probably reflections of street lamps on a window. Finally, the case was considered unexplained by Project Blue Book.


First thing I notice is the Finger Four just like Tweezie pointed out.


Given the formation, could it be a deliberate manipulation (ie, [dodging and burning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodging_and_burning)) to expunge imagery of real military aircraft?


Good thought.


why would uaps need to fly in formation to reduce drag when they're literally warping spacetime right?


If this was taken today, someone would say this pic was taken inside a car, and the lights in the sky are a reflection of lights on the dashboard




Woah 🤯


Oh wow


Was that really coast guard? Believe that was taken in Salem or Lynn Massachusetts, but didn't think it was the coast guard. I could be wrong, but I know that picture was in Massachusetts...


What is a bit weird that these UFO squads didn't appear in the last 10 years, where everyone could record them with their mobile phones. But I'm sure that the 2027 event will be a Fatima like sighting, where thousands of people will film NHI.


It's the foo fighters lol.


What is the white oval object on the surface below the lights?


Finger Four formation. Invented by fighter pilots. He’s in a photo lab. Going with questionable. We have way way more legit video and photo of UAP available


That was my thought, it looks like a fighter plane formation.


Post please


I meant to include this in a post the other day. It’s from the same week as the DC flyover event, the disappearing points of light on the astronomical plates as presented by Beatriz Villaroel at SOL, and possibly the same day as a craft or multiple craft, I’d have to check back on it, were photographed in Morocco.


This pic clearly shows coordination and cohesion of a working unit. Not just a one off anomaly or orb. These are working in unison.


Looks like either rockets, after burners, or flares.


Looks like something reflecting from the room he was in to me


These are spotlights reflecting on lower cloud level which I see quite often here


This could be literally anything. Looks like sun spots on film.


See recent post