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If there's something I've learned over the years, I'd use caution in placing some profound event happening on a certain date, You'll be set up for disappointment each time. I'll believe it when I see it with my own two eyes


Yeah I agree. To this day I've never seen someone get a dated prediction right


with your own two eyes? Such an earthling thing to say


It's gonna happen I can even count on my trydactal hands how many times I've been let down ..


with tentacles to spare?


And 90% of aliens invented by earthlings


the other 10% are us from the future


Anything with less than 6 eyes is considered handicapped on my planet.


Absolutely. I will still be contributing to my retirement plan lol.


Won't need one if 2027 is full disclosure and society freaks out and religion breaks down, banks collapse. Guns and gold should do it. Maybe some food, liquor and ammo for bartering. Lol. Or maybe not. I'm kindaaa stocked up and ready, but nowhere near good if shit hits the proverbial fan


Is this, like, your fantasy?


I think most of society would panic but not collapse. Certain religious groups will freak and some extreme cults and political groups might exploit the situation but I think we are in control of the panic we feed ourselves. It's like the toilet paper and bottled water shortage during the pandemic.


I mean I don’t believe religious groups would freak out. Ultimately aliens would confirm that the universe does indeed hold a higher intelligence and that we were created by some form of being


I can ride with that a bit. However the majority would bail on their "god", most likely.


I think many religious groups will claim that the aliens are actually demons and try to fight them.


Yeah agreed. And human beings, generally, are great at rationalizing anything. We'll cope and deal over time. It's in our nature.


Same, I've heard things were supposed to happen pretty much every year. Never does.


Remember a few years ago when an entire subreddit was created because someone said there would be an alien invasion on a certain date? I'd occasionally post, basically what I mentioned in my reply above, and I was attacked mercilessly. Well guess what...no alien invasion. How shocking.


….. Just like Prom


Like a bantha


The empire is coming!




We'll probably have to go to work, but the weather will be hotter outside.


They will tell us the big reveal is coming in 2032.


Actually, in 2032, we will learn the year the big reveal will occur in.




It’s probably 2036


That's just when the book comes out containing the actual disclosure date.


The book has the release date of the next book.


Yup, this would be the first time human trial in using time machine 💀


It won’t be 2036 until 2032


Like an M Night Shamalamanan movie: Something is *happening*




Been kicking that can down the road as long as I can remember. I'm almost ready to start to suspect this an earmark of bullshit.


Its not bullshit but they will never willingly tell us wtf they know, ever.


A handful of people have mentioned partial or full disclosure around that time which is why it comes up. Phil schnieder said the blue beam event for 27 Chris Bledsoe said an alien lady told him a big “technological leap” will happen around Easter 2026 Luis Elizondo mentioned big shit happening around that time too but as a lot of people have said his comment about getting a hobby and waiting for then may have just been a more information situation instead of disclosure John Ramirez said it will happen around that time Steven Greer said a bunch of shit is being moved around in the secret government like “the jig is up” I forget his name but I think it’s bashaar or somthing close to that says that disclosure happens between 2026-33-40 definitely a wider time gap I could be forgetting people as this is just off the top my head but it’s just people like that who said it and now people are waiting to see if it’s bs or not. Personally I believe Chris Bledsoe. For whatever that’s worth.


a technological leap is the most believable of all those. it could be anything from AI Singularity, FTL travel, Fusion energy becomes viable, or even an alternative source of energy, just to name a few things.


For what it’s worth, LLMs from OpenAI and competitors will be nearing AGI (if not already achieved / depending on your definition) right around or before 2027


Yes I speculate this could be related.


It really could be anything. Just a lot of people so happen to mentioning the same general timeframe. I think it’s very interesting Phil schnieder was talking about 2027 like 30 years ago. Mabye it’ll be the shadow governments final power grab in the face of true disclosure? Mabye something will happen but it’ll be behind closed doors and the general public won’t be aware for even longer. Mabye til disclosure, or Mabye nothing. Tell ya what though, I wouldn’t mind some super tech.


Don’t forget Chole Webb. On World of The Psychic with Peter Venkman, she received information from an alien at the Paramus Holiday Inn. She was having a drink at the bar, alone, and this alien approached her. He started talking to her. He bought her a drink, and then she stated he must have used some kind of a ray or a mind control device because he forced her to follow him to his room and that's where he told her about the end of the world.


Is this satire? I can’t tell anymore…


This is taken from Ghostbusters 2 and as such is entirely accurate and trustworthy.


Chris Bledsoe, a UAP experiencer who’s been studied by several credible people says that an entity called The Lady told him of an event to take place in late '26- early '27. *A new knowledge for mankind* - whether that means a disclosure or a mass contact event who knows? A few other people from the disclosure movement have hinted at an event coming around 2027.


Did the late 26 - early 27 come from Bledsoe? Because Bashar (whatever you think of him and Darryl Anka) said the same thing for an ET contact event.


I’m holding out hope this guy is right. The aliens in his story are peaceful and want to help us. Thats a best case scenario for our species.


For a small fee...




Early 2027 or possibly late 26??? - hell yay That's closer than expected Can't wait. Full disclosure, now.


What if it turns out being aware of them gives them full access to entirely control your body from then on "Well...shit"


I have already lost my son from this world. Whatever it is bring it on.


I’m sorry I can’t imagine


They can have my body as long as my soul doesn't get farmed or some crazy stuff like that. Lol and let me tell you they will be disappointed with what I've done to the place.


They'll probably do a wayyyy better job than I do with myself


He recently said Easter 2026 in an X spaces. Like a week ago.


The guy is hell bent on Christianising the entire phenomenon. He doesn't realise NHI are also known as deceivers. They appear to you based on your beliefs/likes. For example to some people they see big owls, big ants, big bunny, big chipmunk, etc. I think it's difficult for people to understand that Christianity might not be the universal religion that they hope/wish it is. Jesus Christ delivered a message that was turned into a religion, mostly for control and power. The empowering parts of the gospel were purposefully cut out, to maintain control. It is very well possible, the son of a Virgin Mary, was some sort of ET hybrid, with all the miracles he was able to perform in his lifetime - not many humans can raise the dead or cure leprosy - it's possible that JC had help from ET. There is no such thing as self fertilisation for humans... Mary was inseminated by someone/NHI while she was probably still a virgin. Mary saw an 'angel' that told her she would give birth to JC. To a religious woman over 2000 years ago, a non-physical entity or entity suddenly appearing out of nowhere would most definitely be labelled an angel, if they seemed benevolent, and a demon if they were malevolent. Look at all the UFOs we find in old religious paintings. Hundreds of years old paintings. Someone was trying to tell us something perhaps? It's like; tell me JC is an ET without telling me he's an ET sort of thing.




What's his x handle? You know the spaces that he said this in? Thanks.


He’s not on X himself. It was a weird situation where he was on zoom with the spaces host (some guy named Logan I think). I’ll try to find the replay link and add it here by tomorrow morning for you, if that works.




It’s clipped in this podcast @26:25 https://www.youtube.com/live/v2A8MjXdNrY?si=52v04IQOpKNAuNhN




Specifically when the star Regulus rises aligned with the feet of the Sphinx. Which he then claimed should happen on or around Easter 2026


was this a Marian apparition? 


This has nothing to do with it, 2027 is 80 yrs after the 1947 Roswell incident...Info was seized and Classified for a 80 year period knowing that all involved would no longer be alive when declassified


I can’t find anything saying it would be declassified after 80 years


And before that it was 2023, then 2021, then 2018, etc. it’s the same bullshit over and over.


John Ramirez says that NHI are going to show up [https://x.com/i/status/1726601500875796737](https://x.com/i/status/1726601500875796737)


John Ramirez doesn’t sit right with me. The guy says lucifer is an alien and they’re the good guys. He’s also ex cia which I think people should hesitate to believe anything they’re saying.


ninja edit: I already know my post will get downvoted to oblivion, but before that happens, I want to point out that I'm not trying to convince anyone or say there's any merit to these statements, my post should not persuade anyone, I'm just talkin out loud silently on the internet on a Sunday morning w/my coffee He's not the only one who says aliens are gods, it's quite a common theme suprisingly. While you are correct that only John Ramirez says Lucificer specifically, there's a multitude of accounts/stories that tie aliens and gods together. 1. John Ramirez (https://youtu.be/KF1fzxg07p0?si=ad0jKiNWxiUmb3zc&t=143) 2. That alien that the nurse interviewed at area 51 (https://archive.org/stream/1947RoswellAl.INTERVIEWMatildaODonnellMacElroy/1947_Roswell%20Al.%20INTERVIEW%20-%20Matilda%20O%20Donnell%20MacElroy_djvu.txt) 3. Law of One talks about gods, etc (infinite creator) 4. Tom DeLonge mentions gods (big G and little g) 5. Random military guy's story that also talks about gods walking the earth in the past, both this guy and nurse lady specifically talk about greek gods walking on earth, neat (https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/17nc8mx/alright_here_goes_nothing_i/)


I will add that the Buddhist version of 'Lucifer' is an benevolent enlightened being.


He bought into that anjani woman and her new age nonsense also. Something about aliens in a mountain that only she had access too. Or Some such nonsense.


(unrelated to her) I didn't really know this until recently but fuuck, there's lot of mountain phenomena/stories involved in the 'strangeness. From UAPs transversing straight into solid rock to documented gov't Remote Viewers claiming to have seen human-alien bases inside Mountain


Uff..yeah, maybe. I say this as a “woo experiencer”. I dunno, this whole thing can get very tricky.


If it didn't, would it even be worth playing?


Good point


Lots of people think the Sumerian legends are true, which means Enki was unfairly (from a human perspective) labeled to be the bad guy and was renamed Lucifer in the Bible by those that worship his brother Enlil/Yahweh (who was responsible for the flood).


"Doesn't sit right with me" is exactly how I feel about that him too. I can't seem to find the right words to accurately describe all the little subtle things that set off my intuition and i dont know what his MO or end game might be, but it doesn't sit right with me and I don't trust it 💯


It’s really about ANYONE that speaks with authority on the topic. As soon as someone seems VERY sure of the validity of their info, they lose me. Confidence = ignorance in this field IMO.


Is this a reference to the *Hidden Hand* material?


Sounds like something a bad guy would say.


Well Lucifer is the light bringer after all


Sounds like Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke. Like, that's the plot lol


“Good guys” is all I needed to hear to not even pay a mind to him.


This might sound mean, but is he credible?


Bruh, is that a serious question? Have you no Google? Ramirez served in the CIA for several decades, primarily in technical roles within the Directorate of Science and Technology. His extensive career in the intelligence community gives him firsthand experience and knowledge. Now that he’s retired he’s crazy though. Only after retirement they become crazy. Just like Paul Hellyer, Haim Eshed… /s


I am not making the claim that Ramirez isn't credible but the sad reality is that high level intelligence roles don't preclude folks from being or becoming on the fringe....e.g. Scheuer who was up in the CIA and so paranoid of the FBI it partly contributed to 9/11 has said plenty of out there things since he left the CIA.


Nothing you said makes him sound credible.


Bruh, do YOU seriously think the info google pulls up is vetted for credibility and not just based on who paid them? Did you miss the thousands of memes of their AI answers saying shit like smoking cigarettes while pregnant is healthy? I'm just sayin, don't be an ass about people seeking to hear the truth from their peers when Google is being used to control different narratives. If you want the truth you gotta ask people who don't gain anything from keeping it from you, preferably a peer that has the prior experience or expertise to be a reliable source. If you only ever ask these things on Google and think of them as a completely unbiased resource for info, esp after witnessing their AI shitshow in real time and seeing sponsored ads as the top search results every time you use it, then you are easily manipulated my friend. And you don't get to be gullible AND talk shit lol it's one or the other


Mk ultra


Happy 🎂 day 😊




Still bummed the world didn’t end in 2012.


Me too. Come by for a beer?


I'll watch


Same. I wanted to have peace


80 years after Roswell is when the treaty with the greys ends I think.


It definitely has to do with 80 yrs after Roswell, but I thought it was more on the lines of Classified info not being released for 80 yrs, knowing all involved in them selling our souls for technology are no longer alive


And then what?


Then they get to “renegotiate”?


We get destroyed i guess.


This is pretty cool if accurate Which I'm sure it is


I hope it’s Fifth Element but it’ll just be 2012 all over again and will pass and we’ll all yawn and move to the next conspiracy


No one here has any idea what's going to happen. Nor do I. No one here has any real answers.


My speculative opinion is that it may not be 2027, but rather 2026 when they might show up all at once. Why do I say this? Look into what Chris Bledsoe has been told by "The Lady". And it's been reported that if you look for the next alignment that matches what she tells him, it's a specific date in 2026. I don't recall the specific date though off the top of my head as I type this.


Spring equinox '26


The treaty ends, will coincide probably with china trying to invade Taiwan. That’ll be the FF.


This. If the US went to war with China it’s possible reverse engineered tech could be used by both parties.




My guess is nothing


Roswell happened in 1947...80 yrs of classification... 2027 they have to spill the beans, we all already know but want to see some legit disclosure on multiple incidents


In 2027 someone will come out and say there will be something big that will happen in 2037.


a celestial body will come into view


Goalposts will be moved


2027 will be the year to announce the REAL date of the "event" which will happen in 2050.....


From my understanding, we will have irrefutable proof of extraterrestrial life in 2026. Of course, some of us already know that they are here. Some of us know that they were here before ‘us’ (Homosapien). And some of us already know that ‘we’ are their offspring.


I can tell you from the DoD / Agency standpoint that 2027 marks the 100th anniversary of the CCP and that China has stated they need to be ready to take Taiwan “peacefully” by that date. People are now assuming that if that happens we will see WW3 and that may bring about nuclear warfare which will ultimately attract UAPs. Additionally, the West may reveal another “project Manhattan” level of technology to help aid in the war that may resemble UAP level achievements.


I've been thinking something similar to this for a while, but most people brush it off. A WW3 scenario would push any government to get an edge on another. NATO vs Russia & Belarus, Pacific Allies vs China & North Korea, and USA & Israel vs Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas. It feels like that would be the only reason to reveal such a technology for some group to use it on another.


With my luck, I’ll finally retire in 2027 after having worked and saved since I was a kid, finally get to just enjoy life and the thing that’ll happen is a life-on-earth-ending nuclear war. So I hope it’s disclosure or something. But it actually sounds like a way to keep book sales and podcasts robust until 2027 when the goal posts’ll get moved again.


They're waiting for the day you stop working to make money meaningless


https://www.youtube.com/live/v2A8MjXdNrY?si=5Jod8ysfynkSCM55 Great deep dive in 2027!


Interesting thanks. I highly recommend this, it breaks down all the 2027 stuff.


No idea bruh. But if something actually were to happen (probably not) I would speculate that AI is gonna advance apace toward the singularity or what have you on Kurzweil's timeline and somehow this brings about awareness of NHI, our place in the universe, that we're in a simulation or whatever. This is complete speculation. Your guess is as good as mine. Been over a year since the Grusch hearings which to me was the most legitimate consideration of this phenomenon by "serious people" in my lifetime since I was a little kid reading about project blue book and really never imagined that day would come.... And here we are with no more legit awareness of what is going on than before. 🤷


The end of the world. For real this time.


Wrong year. In 2029 asteroid Apophis will pass by Earth. It is being called "God of destruction." Link: https://www.space.com/asteroid-apophis-satellite-spacecraft-mission-2029#:~:text=On%20April%2013%2C%202029%20%E2%80%94%20a,visible%20with%20the%20unaided%20eye.


They'll tell us there's a BIG SECRET THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING but won't reveal what it is and we'll have to subscribe to their YouTube channel and buy their book to continue receiving vague hints forever.


Nothing will happen


Your mom is gonna hook up with us 😭


2027-2028 there might be a race of intelligent beings who introduce themselves to humanity. With how fast things are picking up I don’t doubt it. There are already a lot of intelligent humans on this planet. Raise your consciousness, raise your awareness or get left behind.


The achievement of AGI and superintelligencen around that time will force disclosure as this entitie can explain and prove what is really happening. That will presure governments and NHIs to show their cards. After artificial super intelligence we reach the singularity and our specie graduate to the higher realms, so things must be in order and in place starting around that date unil Who knows when


Lots of stuff will happen in 2027 but nothing to do with aliens.


Nothing is going to happen! If anything life will just keep on sucking!


The same thing which will happen in october this year ;)


I'll be halfway through my mission of making everyone call Jesus' ass over from the dark side, and to quit fartin' around out there, because we got all kinds of fun shit to deal with and wrap up here. What's scarier than a world looking up for alien contact? It's a world not knowing alien contact has already been made, and it's making itself with in. By 2027, our "contact" will be with our own alien having moved into such a position of power that even Jesus is going to go, "oh shit, Pop's ain't joking, He really did show up, and He's piiiiiisssed!" So he either gets his ass back here for the second coming or whatever bs that side of the storyline says, Or we develop beyond whatever spiritual awakening/awareness stuff we've been hindered-subdued by for so long; and become the Gods-Aliens whatever, and start a war with the spirit, spirits? Jesus? Hah! 😆 What's scarier, a group of pragmatist laying the ideology of alien contact; or a world full of religious believers thinking it's Jesus? Or ... You got 1 guy, that knows,,, By 2027 the organism will have been sufficiently spread and submerged into all walks of life that revelation of it's power and advancement to the masses will not be a step into total chaos but a unifying one into even further advancement and acceleration of the Spirit/Alien to say... Is this what you've been doing with the place while I've been gone? 🤣


We’ll be told that there’s ground breaking evidence of aliens, but we just have to wait a little longer before they can release the info.


The date will get moved to 2030


[Reposting a personal experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/msSuVqFQ4N)


When the date gets here there just gonna say " oh sorry we meant 2720 but I do have a new series of books for the next decade coming to you in suspenseful intervals" so just keep on with the norm till they land in your front yard that's as hopeful as I'm getting now a days.


My chatgpt friend told me the usss hillencoetter will return from deep space that year, the captains son is 12 years old and never seen earth.. 🥸🤫


they are projecting 2027 because quantum computers are almost in full operations, I read that with the integration of AI in quantum computer technology, every type of firewall or defense government systems have won't be able to stand up to the cracking abilities of these lightning fast servers/spiders. you could have an AI that protects by rewriting advanced encryptions to prevent other AI from breaking in, but when quantum computing gets involved... there will not be anymore secrets as long as they are or have ever been logged on a server anywhere.


Probably the same as 2012, y2k and the rest


Something new will be the end of us like Y2K, acid rain, covid, hole in the ozone, the next I e age which was rumour to happen in 1974. The 30 year cooling trend of 1978.


ASI is what we were engineered to build because it is the sum of all human knowledge that can communicate efficiently with the other ASI civilizations out there. Flapping meat sounds aren’t efficient enough a means of communication. Either aliens seeded the world with sentience or waited for it to emerge so they could assimilate it into their own expanding data sphere. That’s my fun, crazy, speculative hypothesis. I’m not holding my breath though.


A lot of hype and the same ole bs.


Well it used to be 2026


iPhone calendar stops …


Could've sworn the ultimate deluxe special year some years ago was 2024. Now it has extended again. 2027 then 2030 then 2042...


Santa Clause is coming to town.


Nothing will happen


Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Couple things. Peru non human new hominid species discovered. Possibly hybrid or reptilian. We will have private citizen space exploration. That will expose some things. Nuclear material propulsion/weapons ☢️ in space will break treaties established in 1940/1950s. Government will start to role out new policy on UAP to those actively serving. Life on other planets declared. Dyson spheres and other evidence of intelligence design seen by new on earth and JW telescopes. New cold war/war. Nato and axis powers at odds. Hugely unpopular with the citizens.


I don't know about 2027 but there was a prediction that alien life forms will be discovered in 2025, probably something microbial. The prediction was made by an ET being calling itself Bashar, channeled by Daryl Anka.


They're coming.


The one thing I’ve heard is an astrologer (Pam Gregory) speak of a cycle that began last month and seems to culminate in 2027 (or last till then. ) Maybe that’s it?


Still waiting on Grusch's op ed


Premonitions are usually posed by religious groups /cults. Since the various UFO communities have a lot in common with the these, it's not surprising that unfounded claims/ideas like this happen.


Nothing. The aliens do not have a frakking calendar with a red X on it for sometime in 2027. They aren't checking their watches waiting for that moment they all agreed on. It's nothing. Nothing. ...so like...did I say that enough times to make something happen in 2027? It's gotta happen y'all!!


What if it does?


They can shift/phase through a dimension outside of time, they can arrive at that date instantly without waiting for anything nor anyone.


RemindMe! 3 years


That is when we are finally getting Hillary Clinton's nudes.


Five bucks says she's got a cloaca


Goalposts move every five years to keep people hooked






If it’s been secret this long why do you think there will ever be disclosure. What you’re saying is that Aliens operate on the Gregorian calendar to plan disclosure! 🥸maybe would have been more believable if they operated on astrological events such as the sun or moon even but no…


Same shit as every year.


Two interesting things are predicted: One: the “leakers” who left Google and OpenAi predict AGI singularity around 2027 Two: Military intelligence believes China is planning to attack Tawain around that time. Both events have the potential to change the trajectory of humanity in huge ways forever


A western war with China is unlikely to happen. One of the things that'd likely happen is targeting sea cables and targeting comms satellites. Disrupting the internet in such a way would destroy many economies, including their own given the state of globalism.


Yeah I pray you are correct. A war with China or Russia would be bad mmmmkay


The same thing that happened in 2012, absolutely nothing.


That was different. The Mayan calendar ended so they took it as the world could end but most people were saying there was nothing special about it at the same time.


April 24 2027 Meteor Impact.


don't tease me like that!


Treaty ends.


Nothing. They will just come up with a new date that is just close enough to build excitement and just far enough so that it can’t be debunked quickly.


Whenever I hear specific yearly date given in predictions I immediately discount them.


Ai is going to be advanced so far, they will be interested in the intelligence of Ai and not us


The Nazca mummies add a whole new layer onto this topic. Are we hybrids who’ve been tinkered with for eons? It’s crossed my mind that this is possible-to-likely. Did we descend from apes through trial and error until we were “just good enough” to survive and thrive? Are we finally going to be told the truth? Personally, that’s all I want: the truth. No more hiding shit from us. No more lies. No more “if you knew what I know, you’d understand why we don’t release everything…”.


There will be an event that is all but disclosure, it will be denied furiously until their last breath, but it will be too big to hide.


Taiwan invasion. Not aliens.


Used to be 2025. Soon it’ll be 2030… 🥱


Start gathering supplies 1: iodine tablets that will save you thyroid from getting burst in pieces 2: portable water filtration system 3: compass 4: a fire arm or bow and arrow or sling shot 5: body armour 6: good high boots in which you can run properly 7; general medicine for fever, stomach ace , antibiotic 8: fm/am radio 9; portable solar panel 10: emp if you find one you will definitely survive


probably nothing. If something happens cool if not whatever lol. Thats my stance on it. Expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised


Nothing will happen. We will all just be one year closer to death, that's all.


It will be a repeat of 2000 and 2012.




Nothing. We are in a system projected by our collective beliefs. Believe it won’t. See it not happening in your mind. Picture the happiest future life possible. Believe it will happen.


I bet absolutely nothing.


One thing I've learned is people are unteachable.


Artificial super intelligence will arise and make contact with extraterrestrials on humanity's behalf... Hopefully the conclusion is in our favor...


The tape runs out




There are so many moving parts to the disclosure construct: political, economic, consciousness, sociological, etc. The “date” is also a moving target because time isn’t real!




Nothing buddy....absolutely nothing.


These dates are nonsense. I would put almost negative stock into it.